
Defines functions memgoodness

Documented in memgoodness

#' @title Goodness of fit of the mem
#' @description
#' Function \code{memgoodness} calculates different indicators related to the goodness of the MEM
#' for detecting the epidemics, using data from the model and using all data in the original dataset.
#' @name memgoodness
#' @param i.data Data frame of input data.
#' @param i.seasons Maximum number of seasons to use.
#' @param i.type.threshold Type of confidence interval to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.level.threshold Level of confidence interval to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.tails.threshold Tails for the confidence interval to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.type.intensity Type of confidence interval to calculate the intensity thresholds.
#' @param i.level.intensity Levels of confidence interval to calculate the intensity thresholds.
#' @param i.tails.intensity Tails for the confidence interval to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.type.curve Type of confidence interval to calculate the modelled curve.
#' @param i.level.curve Level of confidence interval to calculate the modelled curve.
#' @param i.type.other Type of confidence interval to calculate length, start and percentages.
#' @param i.level.other Level of confidence interval to calculate length, start and percentages.
#' @param i.method Method to calculate the optimal timing of the epidemic.
#' @param i.param Parameter to calculate the optimal timing of the epidemic.
#' @param i.n.max Number of pre-epidemic values used to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.type.boot Type of bootstrap technique.
#' @param i.iter.boot Number of bootstrap iterations.
#' @param i.calculation.method method of determining true/false positives and true/false negatives.
#' @param i.goodness.method method to calculate goodness.
#' @param i.goodness.threshold pre/post epidemic thresholds for threshold goodness method.
#' @param i.goodness.intensity intensitie thresholds (medium, high, very high) for threshold goodness method.
#' @param i.detection.values values to use in the i.param value of \code{memtiming}.
#' @param i.weeks.above number of weeks over the threshold to give the alert.
#' @param i.output output directory for graphs.
#' @param i.graph whether the graphs must be written or not.
#' @param i.prefix prefix used for naming graphs.
#' @param i.min.seasons minimum number of seasons to perform goodness, default=6.
#' @return
#' \code{memgoodness} returns a list.
#' A list containing at least the following components:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{validity.data} {data for each value analysed.}
#'   \item{results} {Total weeks, non-missing weeks, true positives, false positives
#' true negatives, false negatives, sensitivity, specificity .}
#'   \item{peaks} {distribution of the levels of intensity of the peaks.}
#'   \item{peaks.data} {Peak value, week of the peak value, epidemic and intensity thresholds and intensity level of each season analysed.}
#' }
#' @details
#' The indicators calculated are sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative
#' predictive value, percent agreement and the Matthews correlation coefficient.
#' How goodness is calculated:
#' MEM calculates goodness indicators in an iterative process. In each iteration:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item For one particular season the timing is calculated to determine which weeks are inside
#' the pre, post and epidemic periods. This is used as the real data: a real positive outcome
#' (epidemic weeks) and a real negative outcome (pre and post-epidemic weeks).
#' \item With a set of seasons, pre-epidemic threshold is calculated. This threshold is compared
#' with values from the season selected in the first step and see if values are above or below the
#' threshold. This is used as the observed data: an observed positive outcome (week value above
#' the threshold), and observed negative outcome (week value below the threshold).
#' \item Each week has a real and an observed outcome, so it can be classified in:
#' \itemize{
#' \item True positives (TP): real positive, observed positive: values of the epidemic period above the threshold.
#' \item True negatives (TN): real negative, observed negative: values of the non-epidemic period below the threshold.
#' \item False positives (FP): real negative, observed positive: values of the non-epidemic period above the threshold.
#' \item False negatives (FN): real positive, observed negative: values of the epidemic period below the threshold.
#' }
#' \item The process is repeated for each season in the dataset (each iteration a different value
#' until all seasons have been processed).
#' \item All TP, TN, FP and FN are pooled together and sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value,
#' negative predictive value, percent agreement and the Matthews correlation coefficient are calculated.
#' }
#' There are two ways of deciding the set of seasons used to calculate the pre-epidemic threshold in each
#' iteration and it is determined by the \code{i.goodness.method}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item cross: For each value, the surrounding seasons (after or before the current value) are selected up
#' to the number of Max. seasons (parameter of the Model box). To calculate the thresholds for season 2010/2011,
#' data from 2005/2006 to 2009/2010 and from 2011/20012 to 2015/2016 will be taken.
#' \item sequential: Only preceding seasons are used (before the current value) up to the number of Max. seasons.
#' To calculate the thresholds for season 2010/2011, data from 2000/2001 to 2009/2010 are taken.
#' \item threshold: The pre/post epidemic and intensity thresholds are fixed values for all the seasons and
#' are compared with the epidemic as determined by MEM algorithm.
#' }
#' The \code{i.calculation.method} is used to determine when the alert based on the epidemic threshold.
#' The "default" method sets all values above the threshold as epidemic, and all the values below as non-epidemic.
#' Pre-epidemic threshold is used for values before the peak, and post-epidemic threshold for values after
#' the peak.
#' The "alternative" method sets an epidemic start and epidemic end, all the values in between are epidemic values.
#' The epidemic start is when \code{i.weeks.above} (default=1) consecutive weeks are above the pre-epidemic threshold.
#' The epidemic end is the first week below the post-epidemic threshold after the epidemic start.
#' Note that if no post-epidemic threshold is provided, the pre-epidemic value is used instead.
#' @examples
#' # Castilla y Leon Influenza Rates data
#' data(flucyl)
#' # Goodness of fit
#' epi.good <- memgoodness(flucyl, i.detection.values = seq(2.6, 2.8, 0.1))
#' epi.good$results
#' epi.good$peaks
#' @author Jose E. Lozano \email{lozalojo@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Ortiz de Lejarazu R, Gutierrez Perez M. Modelling influenza epidemic - can we
#' detect the beginning and predict the intensity and duration? Int Congr Ser. 2004 Jun;1263:281-3.
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Meerhoff T, Snacken R, Mott J, Ortiz de Lejarazu R, et al. Influenza surveillance
#' in Europe: establishing epidemic thresholds by the moving epidemic method. Influenza Other Respir
#' Viruses. 2013 Jul;7(4):546-58. DOI:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2012.00422.x.
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Meerhoff T, Snacken R, Beaute J, Jorgensen P, et al. Influenza surveillance in
#' Europe: comparing intensity levels calculated using the moving epidemic method. Influenza Other
#' Respir Viruses. 2015 Sep;9(5):234-46. DOI:10.1111/irv.12330.
#' Lozano JE. lozalojo/mem: Second release of the MEM R library. Zenodo [Internet]. [cited 2017 Feb 1];
#' Available from: \url{https://zenodo.org/record/165983}. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.165983
#' @keywords influenza
#' @export
memgoodness <- function(i.data,
                        i.seasons = 10,
                        i.type.threshold = 5,
                        i.level.threshold = 0.95,
                        i.tails.threshold = 1,
                        i.type.intensity = 6,
                        i.level.intensity = c(0.40, 0.90, 0.975),
                        i.tails.intensity = 1,
                        i.type.curve = 2,
                        i.level.curve = 0.95,
                        i.type.other = 2,
                        i.level.other = 0.95,
                        i.method = 2,
                        i.param = 2.8,
                        i.n.max = -1,
                        i.type.boot = "norm",
                        i.iter.boot = 10000,
                        i.calculation.method = "default",
                        i.goodness.method = "cross",
                        i.goodness.threshold = NA,
                        i.goodness.intensity = NA,
                        i.detection.values = seq(1.0, 5.0, 0.1),
                        i.weeks.above = 1,
                        i.output = ".",
                        i.graph = F,
                        i.prefix = "",
                        i.min.seasons = 6) {
  if (is.null(dim(i.data))) {
    memgoodness.output <- NULL
    cat("Incorrect number of dimensions, input must be a data.frame.\n")
  } else {
    if (is.matrix(i.data)) i.data <- as.data.frame(i.data)
    datos <- i.data[apply(i.data, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = T) > 0)]
    anios <- NCOL(datos)
    semanas <- dim(datos)[1]
    if (!(anios > 2)) {
      memgoodness.output <- NULL
      cat("Incorrect number of dimensions, at least thress seasons of data required.\n")
    } else if (anios < i.min.seasons) {
      memgoodness.output <- NULL
      cat("Not enough valid columns, minimum: ", i.min.seasons, "; valid: ", anios, ".\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      if (is.null(i.seasons)) i.seasons <- NA
      validacion <- array(NA, dim = c(15, anios))
      colnames(validacion) <- names(datos)
      maximos <- numeric()
      maximos.seasons <- character()
      if (is.na(i.seasons)) i.seasons <- anios
      if (is.null(i.seasons)) i.seasons <- anios
      i.goodness.threshold <- i.goodness.threshold[!is.na(i.goodness.threshold)]
      i.goodness.intensity <- i.goodness.intensity[!is.na(i.goodness.intensity)]
      if (length(i.goodness.threshold) == 2) {
        i.goodness.threshold.pre <- i.goodness.threshold[1]
        i.goodness.threshold.pos <- i.goodness.threshold[2]
      } else if (length(i.goodness.threshold) == 1) {
        i.goodness.threshold.pre <- i.goodness.threshold
        i.goodness.threshold.pos <- i.goodness.threshold
      } else {
        i.goodness.threshold.pre <- NA
        i.goodness.threshold.pos <- NA
        if (i.goodness.method == "threshold") i.goodness.method <- "cross"
      if (length(i.goodness.intensity) != 3) i.goodness.intensity <- i.goodness.threshold * c(3, 6, 10)
      if (i.goodness.method == "sequential") {
        # Metodo 1: secuencial
        for (i in i.min.seasons:anios) {
          indices.modelo <- max(1, i - i.seasons):(i - 1)
          indices.actual <- i
          datos.actual <- datos[indices.actual]
          datos.modelo <- memmodel(datos[indices.modelo],
            i.seasons = i.seasons,
            i.type.threshold = i.type.threshold,
            i.level.threshold = i.level.threshold,
            i.tails.threshold = i.tails.threshold,
            i.type.intensity = i.type.intensity,
            i.level.intensity = i.level.intensity,
            i.tails.intensity = i.tails.intensity,
            i.type.curve = i.type.curve,
            i.level.curve = i.level.curve,
            i.type.other = i.type.other,
            i.level.other = i.level.other,
            i.method = i.method,
            i.param = i.param,
            i.n.max = i.n.max,
            i.type.boot = i.type.boot,
            i.iter.boot = i.iter.boot
          validacion.i <- calcular.indicadores(
            i.current = datos.actual,
            i.umbral.pre = datos.modelo$pre.post.intervals[1, 3],
            i.umbral.pos = datos.modelo$pre.post.intervals[2, 3],
            i.intensidades = datos.modelo$epi.intervals[, 4],
            i.duracion.intensidad = datos.modelo$mean.length,
            i.metodo.calculo = i.calculation.method,
            i.semanas.por.encima = i.weeks.above,
            i.valores.parametro.deteccion = i.detection.values,
            i.output = i.output,
            i.graph = i.graph,
            i.graph.name = paste(i.prefix, " Goodness ", i, sep = "")
          validacion[, i] <- validacion.i$indicadores.t
          rownames(validacion) <- rownames(validacion.i$indicadores.t)
          peak.i <- maxFixNA(datos.actual)
          peak.week.i <- as.numeric(row.names(datos.actual)[min((1:semanas)[peak.i == datos.actual])])
          umbrales.i <- memintensity(datos.modelo)$intensity.thresholds
          if (is.na(umbrales.i[1])) umbrales.i[1] <- 0
          if (umbrales.i[1] > umbrales.i[2]) umbrales.i[2] <- umbrales.i[1] * 1.0000001
          level.i <- as.numeric(cut(peak.i, c(-Inf, umbrales.i, Inf)))
          maximos <- cbind(maximos, c(peak.i, peak.week.i, umbrales.i, level.i))
          maximos.seasons <- c(maximos.seasons, names(datos)[indices.actual])
          rm("indices.modelo", "indices.actual", "datos.actual", "datos.modelo", "validacion.i", "peak.i", "peak.week.i", "umbrales.i", "level.i")
      } else if (i.goodness.method == "threshold") {
        # Metodo 2: fixed threshold and intensities
        for (i in 1:anios) {
          indices.2 <- (1:anios) - i
          indices.1 <- abs(indices.2)
          indices.modelo <- order(indices.1, indices.2)[2:(i.seasons + 1)]
          indices.modelo <- sort(indices.modelo[!is.na(indices.modelo)])
          indices.actual <- i
          # cat(indices.actual,"\n")
          datos.actual <- datos[indices.actual]
          validacion.i <- calcular.indicadores(
            i.current = datos.actual,
            i.umbral.pre = i.goodness.threshold.pre,
            i.umbral.pos = i.goodness.threshold.pos,
            i.intensidades = i.goodness.intensity,
            i.duracion.intensidad = 10,
            i.metodo.calculo = i.calculation.method,
            i.semanas.por.encima = i.weeks.above,
            i.valores.parametro.deteccion = i.detection.values,
            i.output = i.output,
            i.graph = i.graph,
            i.graph.name = paste(i.prefix, " Goodness ", i, sep = "")
          validacion[, i] <- validacion.i$indicadores.t
          rownames(validacion) <- rownames(validacion.i$indicadores.t)
          peak.i <- maxFixNA(datos.actual)
          peak.week.i <- as.numeric(row.names(datos.actual)[min((1:semanas)[peak.i == datos.actual], na.rm = T)])
          umbrales.i <- c(i.goodness.threshold.pre, i.goodness.intensity)
          if (is.na(umbrales.i[1])) umbrales.i[1] <- 0
          if (umbrales.i[1] > umbrales.i[2]) umbrales.i[2] <- umbrales.i[1] * 1.0000001
          level.i <- as.numeric(cut(peak.i, c(-Inf, umbrales.i, Inf)))
          maximos <- cbind(maximos, c(peak.i, peak.week.i, umbrales.i, level.i))
          maximos.seasons <- c(maximos.seasons, names(datos)[indices.actual])
          rm("indices.modelo", "indices.actual", "datos.actual", "validacion.i", "peak.i", "peak.week.i", "umbrales.i", "level.i")
      } else {
        # Metodo 2: cruzada
        for (i in 1:anios) {
          indices.2 <- (1:anios) - i
          indices.1 <- abs(indices.2)
          indices.modelo <- order(indices.1, indices.2)[2:(i.seasons + 1)]
          indices.modelo <- sort(indices.modelo[!is.na(indices.modelo)])
          indices.actual <- i
          # cat(indices.actual,"\n")
          datos.actual <- datos[indices.actual]
          datos.modelo <- memmodel(datos[indices.modelo],
            i.seasons = i.seasons,
            i.type.threshold = i.type.threshold,
            i.level.threshold = i.level.threshold,
            i.tails.threshold = i.tails.threshold,
            i.type.intensity = i.type.intensity,
            i.level.intensity = i.level.intensity,
            i.tails.intensity = i.tails.intensity,
            i.type.curve = i.type.curve,
            i.level.curve = i.level.curve,
            i.type.other = i.type.other,
            i.level.other = i.level.other,
            i.method = i.method,
            i.param = i.param,
            i.n.max = i.n.max,
            i.type.boot = i.type.boot,
            i.iter.boot = i.iter.boot
          validacion.i <- calcular.indicadores(
            i.current = datos.actual,
            i.umbral.pre = datos.modelo$pre.post.intervals[1, 3],
            i.umbral.pos = datos.modelo$pre.post.intervals[2, 3],
            i.intensidades = datos.modelo$epi.intervals[, 4],
            i.duracion.intensidad = datos.modelo$mean.length,
            i.metodo.calculo = i.calculation.method,
            i.semanas.por.encima = i.weeks.above,
            i.valores.parametro.deteccion = i.detection.values,
            i.output = i.output,
            i.graph = i.graph,
            i.graph.name = paste(i.prefix, " Goodness ", i, sep = "")
          validacion[, i] <- validacion.i$indicadores.t
          rownames(validacion) <- rownames(validacion.i$indicadores.t)
          peak.i <- maxFixNA(datos.actual)
          peak.week.i <- as.numeric(row.names(datos.actual)[min((1:semanas)[peak.i == datos.actual], na.rm = T)])
          umbrales.i <- memintensity(datos.modelo)$intensity.thresholds
          if (is.na(umbrales.i[1])) umbrales.i[1] <- 0
          if (umbrales.i[1] > umbrales.i[2]) umbrales.i[2] <- umbrales.i[1] * 1.0000001
          level.i <- as.numeric(cut(peak.i, c(-Inf, umbrales.i, Inf)))
          maximos <- cbind(maximos, c(peak.i, peak.week.i, umbrales.i, level.i))
          maximos.seasons <- c(maximos.seasons, names(datos)[indices.actual])
          rm("indices.modelo", "indices.actual", "datos.actual", "datos.modelo", "validacion.i", "peak.i", "peak.week.i", "umbrales.i", "level.i")
      resultado <- apply(validacion, 1, sum, na.rm = T)
      # sensibilidad
      resultado[7] <- resultado[3] / (resultado[3] + resultado[6])
      # especificidad
      resultado[8] <- resultado[5] / (resultado[5] + resultado[4])
      # vpp
      resultado[9] <- resultado[3] / (resultado[3] + resultado[4])
      # vpn
      resultado[10] <- resultado[5] / (resultado[5] + resultado[6])
      # positive likehood ratio
      resultado[11] <- resultado[7] / (1 - resultado[8])
      # negative likehood ratio
      resultado[12] <- (1 - resultado[7]) / resultado[8]
      # percentage agreement/accuracy
      resultado[13] <- (resultado[3] + resultado[5]) / (resultado[3] + resultado[4] + resultado[5] + resultado[6])
      # Matthews correlation coefficient
      resultado[14] <- (resultado[3] * resultado[5] - resultado[4] * resultado[6]) / sqrt((resultado[3] + resultado[4]) * (resultado[3] + resultado[6]) * (resultado[5] + resultado[4]) * (resultado[5] + resultado[6]))
      # Youden's index
      resultado[15] <- resultado[7] + resultado[8] - 1

      resultado[is.nan(resultado)] <- NA

      temp1 <- data.frame(Description = c("Baseline", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very high"), Level = 1:5, stringsAsFactors = F)
      maximos <- data.frame(t(maximos), stringsAsFactors = F)
      names(maximos) <- c("Peak", "Peak week", "Epidemic threshold", "Medium threshold", "High threshold", "Very high threshold", "Level")
      maximos$id <- 1:NROW(maximos)
      maximos <- merge(maximos, temp1, by = "Level", all.x = T)
      maximos <- maximos[order(maximos$id), ]
      rownames(maximos) <- maximos.seasons
      maximos$id <- NULL
      maximos <- maximos[c(2:7, 1, 8)]

      temp2 <- data.frame(table(as.numeric(maximos[, 7]), exclude = c(NA, NaN)), stringsAsFactors = F)
      names(temp2) <- c("Level", "Count")
      temp3 <- merge(temp1, temp2, all.x = T)
      temp3$Count[is.na(temp3$Count)] <- 0
      temp3$Percentage <- temp3$Count / sum(temp3$Count)
      temp4 <- data.frame(Level = c(0, -1), Description = c("No data seasons", "Total seasons"), Count = c(NROW(maximos) - sum(temp3$Count), NROW(maximos)), Percentage = c((NROW(maximos) - sum(temp3$Count)) / NROW(maximos), 1), stringsAsFactors = F)
      maximos.resultados <- rbind(temp3, temp4)

      memgoodness.output <- list(
        validity.data = validacion,
        results = resultado,
        peaks = maximos.resultados,
        peaks.data = maximos,
        data = datos,
        param.data = i.data,
        param.seasons = i.seasons,
        param.type.threshold = i.type.threshold,
        param.level.threshold = i.level.threshold,
        param.tails.threshold = i.tails.threshold,
        param.type.intensity = i.type.intensity,
        param.level.intensity = i.level.intensity,
        param.tails.intensity = i.tails.intensity,
        param.type.curve = i.type.curve,
        param.level.curve = i.level.curve,
        param.type.other = i.type.other,
        param.level.other = i.level.other,
        param.method = i.method,
        param.param = i.param,
        param.n.max = i.n.max,
        param.type.boot = i.type.boot,
        param.iter.boot = i.iter.boot,
        param.calculation.method = i.calculation.method,
        param.goodness.method = i.goodness.method,
        param.goodness.threshold = i.goodness.threshold,
        param.goodness.intensity = i.goodness.intensity,
        param.detection.values = i.detection.values,
        param.weeks.above = i.weeks.above,
        param.output = i.output,
        param.graph = i.graph,
        param.prefix = i.prefix,
        param.min.seasons = i.min.seasons
      memgoodness.output$call <- match.call()

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