
Defines functions optimum.by.inspection

Documented in optimum.by.inspection

#' @title Inspection calcultation of the optimum
#' @description
#' Function \code{optimum.by.inspection} perform an analysis of mem parameters
#' to find the one that fits better a panel of experts inspection criterium.
#' To be written
#' @name optimum.by.inspection
#' @param i.data Data frame of input data.
#' @param i.param.values values to use in the i.param value of \code{memtiming}.
#' @param i.graph create a graph with the outputs (T/F).
#' @param i.graph.file write the graph to a file.
#' @param i.graph.file.name name of the output file.
#' @param i.graph.title title of the graph.
#' @param i.graph.subtitle subtitle of the graph.
#' @param i.output output directory.
#' @return
#' \code{optimum.by.inspection} returns a list.
#' An object of class \code{mem} is a list containing at least the following components:
#'   \item{optimum}{optimum value.}
#'   \item{optimum.data}{Data related to the optimum value.}
#'   \item{summary.data}{Data for all values tested.}
#'   \item{inspection.data}{Detailed results of each iteration.}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Castilla y Leon Influenza Rates data
#' data(flucyl)
#' # Inspection. It runs interactively (uncomment to run)
#' # if (interactive()) {
#' #   opt.ins <- optimum.by.inspection(flucyl, i.param.values = seq(2.0, 3.0, 0.1))
#' #   opt.ins$optimum
#' # }
#' }
#' @author Jose E. Lozano \email{lozalojo@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Ortiz de Lejarazu R, Gutierrez Perez M. Modelling influenza epidemic - can we
#' detect the beginning and predict the intensity and duration? Int Congr Ser. 2004 Jun;1263:281-3.
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Meerhoff T, Snacken R, Mott J, Ortiz de Lejarazu R, et al. Influenza surveillance
#' in Europe: establishing epidemic thresholds by the moving epidemic method. Influenza Other Respir
#' Viruses. 2013 Jul;7(4):546-58. DOI:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2012.00422.x.
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Meerhoff T, Snacken R, Beaute J, Jorgensen P, et al. Influenza surveillance in
#' Europe: comparing intensity levels calculated using the moving epidemic method. Influenza Other
#' Respir Viruses. 2015 Sep;9(5):234-46. DOI:10.1111/irv.12330.
#' Lozano JE. lozalojo/mem: Second release of the MEM R library. Zenodo [Internet]. [cited 2017 Feb 1];
#' Available from: \url{https://zenodo.org/record/165983}. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.165983
#' @keywords influenza
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics identify
optimum.by.inspection <- function(i.data,
                                  i.param.values = seq(1.0, 5.0, 0.1),
                                  i.graph = F,
                                  i.graph.file = F,
                                  i.graph.file.name = "",
                                  i.graph.title = "",
                                  i.graph.subtitle = "",
                                  i.output = ".") {
  semanas <- dim(i.data)[1]
  anios <- dim(i.data)[2]
  nombre.semana <- rownames(i.data)
  nombre.anios <- colnames(i.data)
  numero.semana <- 1:semanas
  n.values <- length(i.param.values)

  i.timing.1 <- array(dim = c(anios, 2))
  resultados.i <- array(
    dim = c(anios, 15, n.values),
    dimnames = list(year = nombre.anios, indicator = LETTERS[1:15], parameter = i.param.values)

  col.points <- c("#FF0000", "#40FF40")
  col.points.alpha <- add.alpha(col.points, alpha = 0.4)

  for (i in 1:anios) {
    cur <- i.data[i]
    itsnotok <- T
    while (itsnotok) {
      memsur <- memsurveillance(cur, NA, NA,
        i.graph.file = F, i.graph.title = nombre.anios[i],
        i.range.x = as.numeric(rownames(cur))[c(1, semanas)]
      cat("Click on the FIRST epidemic week of this season\nDepending on the device used to plot the graph, you might need to click on FINISH (top-right corner)\n")
      i.timing.1.1 <- identify(x = 1:semanas, y = as.numeric(as.matrix(cur)), labels = nombre.semana, n = 1, plot = F)
      if (is.numeric(i.timing.1.1)) points(x = i.timing.1.1, y = cur[i.timing.1.1, ], pch = 1, col = col.points.alpha[1], lwd = 7)
      cat("Click on the LAST epidemic week of this season\nDepending on the device used to plot the graph, you might need to click on FINISH (top-right corner)\n\n")
      i.timing.1.2 <- identify(x = 1:semanas, y = as.numeric(as.matrix(cur)), labels = nombre.semana, n = 1, plot = F)
      if (is.numeric(i.timing.1.2)) points(x = i.timing.1.2, y = cur[i.timing.1.2, ], pch = 1, col = col.points.alpha[2], lwd = 7)
      cat("Epidemic week range selected is: [", nombre.semana[i.timing.1.1], ",", nombre.semana[i.timing.1.2], "]\n\n")
      i.timing.1.3 <- readline("Is that correct? (type Y or N)\t")
      if (tolower(i.timing.1.3) %in% c("y", "ye", "yes")) itsnotok <- F
    i.timing.1.i <- c(i.timing.1.1, i.timing.1.2)
    i.timing.1[i, ] <- i.timing.1.i
    curva.map <- calcular.map(as.vector(as.matrix(cur)))
    for (j in 1:n.values) {
      i.param.deteccion <- i.param.values[j]
      i.param.deteccion.label <- format(round(i.param.deteccion, 1), digits = 3, nsmall = 1)
      i.timing.2 <- calcular.optimo(curva.map, 2, i.param.deteccion)$resultados[4:5]
      resultado.j <- calcular.indicadores.2.timings(cur, i.timing.1.i, i.timing.2,
        i.timing.labels = c("inspection", i.param.deteccion.label),
        i.graph.title = "Comparing", i.graph.file = F
      resultados.i[i, , j] <- as.numeric(resultado.j)

  resultado <- data.frame(apply(resultados.i, c(3, 2), sum, na.rm = T))
  # sensibilidad
  resultado[7] <- resultado[3] / (resultado[3] + resultado[6])
  # especificidad
  resultado[8] <- resultado[5] / (resultado[5] + resultado[4])
  # vpp
  resultado[9] <- resultado[3] / (resultado[3] + resultado[4])
  # vpn
  resultado[10] <- resultado[5] / (resultado[5] + resultado[6])
  # positive likehood ratio
  resultado[11] <- resultado[7] / (1 - resultado[8])
  # negative likehood ratio
  resultado[12] <- (1 - resultado[7]) / resultado[8]
  # percentage agreement/accuracy
  resultado[13] <- (resultado[3] + resultado[5]) / (resultado[3] + resultado[4] + resultado[5] + resultado[6])
  # Matthews correlation coefficient
  resultado[14] <- (resultado[3] * resultado[5] - resultado[4] * resultado[6]) / sqrt((resultado[3] + resultado[4]) * (resultado[3] + resultado[6]) * (resultado[5] + resultado[4]) * (resultado[5] + resultado[6]))
  # Youden's index
  resultado[15] <- resultado[7] + resultado[8] - 1

  resultado[resultado == "NaN"] <- NA

  resultados <- data.frame(value = i.param.values, resultado)
  names(resultados) <- c("value", tolower(colnames(resultado.j)))

  # Ranking 1: Rank(sensitivity) + Rank(specificity)
  if (!any(!is.na(resultados$sensitivity)) | !any(!is.na(resultados$specificity))) {
    rankings.1 <- NA
    optimo.1 <- NA
  } else {
    rankings.1 <- rank(-resultados$sensitivity, na.last = T) + rank(-resultados$specificity, na.last = T)
    optimo.1 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.1)]
  # Ranking 2: Rank(sensitivity x Rank specificity)
  if (!any(!is.na(resultados$sensitivity)) | !any(!is.na(resultados$specificity))) {
    rankings.2 <- NA
    optimo.2 <- NA
  } else {
    rankings.2 <- rank(-resultados$sensitivity * resultados$specificity, na.last = T)
    optimo.2 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.2)]
  # Ranking 3: Rank(positive.likehood.ratio)
  if (!any(!is.na(resultados$positive.likehood.ratio))) {
    rankings.3 <- NA
    optimo.3 <- NA
  } else {
    rankings.3 <- rank(-resultados$positive.likehood.ratio, na.last = T)
    optimo.3 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.3)]
  # Ranking 4: Rank(negative.likehood.ratio)
  if (!any(!is.na(resultados$negative.likehood.ratio))) {
    rankings.4 <- NA
    optimo.4 <- NA
  } else {
    rankings.4 <- rank(-resultados$negative.likehood.ratio, na.last = T)
    optimo.4 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.4)]
  # Ranking 5: Rank(sensitivity-specificity) + Rank(sensitivity+specificity) + Rank(sensitivity^2+specificity^2)
  if (!any(!is.na(resultados$sensitivity)) | !any(!is.na(resultados$specificity))) {
    rankings.5 <- NA
    optimo.5 <- NA
  } else {
    qf <- abs(resultados$sensitivity - resultados$specificity)
    qe <- 2 - resultados$sensitivity - resultados$specificity
    qs <- (1 - resultados$sensitivity)^2 + (1 - resultados$specificity)^2
    rankings.5 <- rank(qf) + rank(qe) + rank(qs)
    optimo.5 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.5)]
  # Ranking 6: Rank(percent.agreement)
  if (!any(!is.na(resultados$percent.agreement))) {
    rankings.6 <- NA
    optimo.6 <- NA
  } else {
    rankings.6 <- rank(-resultados$percent.agreement, na.last = T)
    optimo.6 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.6)]
  # Ranking 7: Rank(matthews.correlation.coefficient)
  if (!any(!is.na(resultados$matthews.correlation.coefficient))) {
    rankings.7 <- NA
    optimo.7 <- NA
  } else {
    rankings.7 <- rank(-resultados$matthews.correlation.coefficient, na.last = T)
    optimo.7 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.7)]
  # Ranking 8: Rank(Youden's J statistic=Youden's index)
  if (!any(!is.na(resultados$youdens.index))) {
    rankings.8 <- NA
    optimo.8 <- NA
  } else {
    rankings.8 <- rank(-resultados$youdens.index, na.last = T)
    optimo.8 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.8)]

  optimum <- data.frame(
    pos.likehood = optimo.3, neg.likehood = optimo.4, aditive = optimo.1, multiplicative = optimo.2,
    mixed = optimo.5, percent = optimo.6, matthews = optimo.7, youden = optimo.8

  rankings <- data.frame(
    pos.likehood = rankings.3, neg.likehood = rankings.4, aditive = rankings.1, multiplicative = rankings.2,
    mixed = rankings.5, percent = rankings.6, matthews = rankings.7, youden = rankings.8

  optimum.by.inspection.output <- list(
    optimum = optimum,
    rankings = rankings,
    insp.data = resultados,
    param.data = i.data,
    param.param.values = i.param.values,
    param.graph = i.graph,
    param.graph.file = i.graph.file,
    param.graph.file.name = i.graph.file.name,
    param.graph.title = i.graph.title,
    param.graph.subtitle = i.graph.subtitle,
    param.output = i.output
  optimum.by.inspection.output$call <- match.call()

  # Graph all data
  if (i.graph) {
    if (i.graph.file.name == "") graph.name <- "inspection analysis" else graph.name <- i.graph.file.name

    if (i.graph.subtitle != "") graph.title <- paste(i.graph.subtitle, " - ", graph.title, sep = "")
    if (i.graph.title != "") graph.title <- paste(i.graph.title, "\n", graph.title, sep = "")

    for (i in 1:anios) {
      graph.title <- nombre.anios[i]
      cur <- i.data[i]
      i.timing.1.i <- i.timing.1[i, ]
      curva.map <- calcular.map(as.vector(as.matrix(cur)))
      i.param.deteccion <- optimum$matthews
      i.param.deteccion.label <- format(round(i.param.deteccion, 1), digits = 3, nsmall = 1)
      i.timing.2 <- calcular.optimo(curva.map, 2, i.param.deteccion)$resultados[4:5]
      dummmmyyyy <- calcular.indicadores.2.timings(cur, i.timing.1.i, i.timing.2,
        i.timing.labels = c("inspection", i.param.deteccion.label),
        i.graph.title = graph.title,
        i.graph.file = i.graph.file,
        i.graph.file.name = paste(graph.name, " - ", i, sep = ""),
        i.output = i.output
      if (!i.graph.file) dummmmyyyy <- readline("Press any key to continue\n")


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mem documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:34 p.m.