
Defines functions smdMES smdMTS

Documented in smdMES smdMTS

## This function is directly copied from lavaan to avoid a warning from calling lavaan:::lavJacobianD
.lavJacobianD <- function (func, x, h = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...) 
    f0 <- func(x, ...)
    nres <- length(f0)
    nvar <- length(x)
    h <- pmax(h, abs(h * x))
    tmp <- x + h
    h <- (tmp - x)
    dx <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nres, nvar)
    for (p in seq_len(nvar)) {
        dx[, p] <- (func(x + h * (seq.int(nvar) == p), ...) - 
            func(x, ...))/h[p]

smdMTS <- function(m, v, n, homogeneity=c("variance", "none"), bias.adjust=TRUE, 
                   all.comparisons=FALSE, list.output=TRUE, lavaan.output=FALSE) {

    ## if (!requireNamespace("lavaan", quietly=TRUE))
    ##   stop("\"lavaan\" package is required for this function.")

    if ( var(c(length(m), length(v), length(n))) !=0 ) {
        stop("The lengths of m, v, and n are not the same.\n")

    ## ind: Complete data without NA
    ind <- m&n&v
    ## Only TRUE or FALSE, no NA
    ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
    k_tot <- length(ind)

    if (all.comparisons) {
        ind.y <- names.y <- rep(NA, k_tot*(k_tot-1)/2)
        p <- 1
        for (i in 1:(k_tot-1))
            for (j in (i+1):k_tot) {
                ind.y[p] <- ind[i]&ind[j]
                names.y[p] <- paste0("y",j,"_",i)
                p <- p+1
    } else {
        ind.y <- names.y <- rep(NA, k_tot-1)
        for (i in seq_len(k_tot-1)) {
            ind.y[i] <- ind[1]&ind[i+1]
            names.y[i] <- paste0("y",i+1,"_1")

    ## Remove NA
    m <- m[ind]
    v <- v[ind]
    n <- n[ind]

    ## No. of groups with complete data
    k <- length(m)

    homogeneity <- match.arg(homogeneity)
    if (k<2) stop("Number of groups must be at least 2.\n")
    if (k>2 & homogeneity=="none" & all.comparisons==TRUE) {
    ## The first group is the control group.
        warning("The standard deviation of the first group is used to calculate the effect sizes for all comparisons.\n")

    ## A list of variance matrices
    Var <- lapply(v, function(x) matrix(x, dimnames = list("x", "x")))
    ## A list of mean vectors
    Mean <- lapply(m, function(x) {names(x) <- "x"; x})

    ## Assuming homogeneity of variances by using the same label "s1" for standard deviation
    if (homogeneity=="variance") {
        model1 <- paste0("lat =~ c(", paste0(rep("s1", k), collapse=","), 
                         ")*x+start(",paste0(rep(sqrt(mean(v)), length(v)), collapse=","),")*x\n")
    } else {
        model1 <- paste0("lat =~ c(", paste0("s", seq_len(k), collapse=","),

    ## Means: m1, m2, m3
    model2 <- paste0("x ~ c(", paste0("m", seq_len(k), collapse=","), 
                     ")*1 + start(", paste0(m,collapse = ","), ")*1\n")

    ## Bias adjustment factor
    cm <- function(n1, n2) 1-3/(4*(n1+n2)-9)

    ## Functions of parameters
    model3 <- list()
    index <- 1
    if (all.comparisons) {
        for (i in 1:(k-1))
            for (j in (i+1):k) {
                if (bias.adjust==TRUE) {
                    model3[index] <- paste0("y",j,"_",i, " := ", cm(n[i],n[j]),"*(m",j,"-m",i,")/s1\n")
                } else {
                    model3[index] <- paste0("y",j,"_",i, " := (m",j,"-m",i,")/s1\n")
                index <- index+1
    } else {
        for (i in 1:(k-1))
            if (bias.adjust==TRUE) {
                model3[i] <- paste0("y",i+1,"_1 := ", cm(n[1],n[i+1]), "*(m", i+1, "-m1)/s1\n")
            } else {
                model3[i] <- paste0("y",i+1,"_1 := (m", i+1, "-m1)/s1\n")

    model <- paste0(model1, model2, do.call(paste0, model3))

    fit <- lavaan::sem(model, sample.cov=Var, sample.mean=Mean, std.lv=TRUE,
                       sample.nobs=n, sample.cov.rescale=FALSE)

    if (lavaan.output) {
        out <- fit
    } else {
        ## Obtain the free parameters in the model
        x <- fit@Fit@x
        ## Compute the multiple effect sizes
        y.complete <- fit@Model@def.function(.x.=x)
        ## Compute the jacobian for the 'defined parameters'
        JAC <- .lavJacobianD(func=fit@Model@def.function, x=x)
        ## Compute the sampling covariance matrix using delta method
        V.complete <- JAC %*% lavaan::inspect(fit, what="vcov") %*% t(JAC)

        ## Add the NA
        y <- rep(NA, length(ind.y))
        V <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(ind.y), nrow=length(ind.y))
        y[ind.y] <- y.complete
        V[ind.y, ind.y] <- V.complete

        ## Add the variable names for ease of reference
        names(y) <- names.y
        dimnames(V) <- list(names.y, names.y)
        if (list.output) {
            out <- list(y=y, V=V)
        } else {
            v <- vech(V)
            names.v <- paste("C(", outer(names.y, names.y, paste, sep = " "), ")", sep="")
            names(v) <- vech(matrix(names.v, ncol=length(names.y), nrow=length(names.y)))
            out <- c(y,v)

smdMES <- function(m1, m2, V1, V2, n1, n2, homogeneity=c("covariance", "correlation", "none"), 
                   bias.adjust=TRUE, list.output=TRUE, lavaan.output=FALSE) {

    ## if (!requireNamespace("lavaan", quietly=TRUE))
    ##   stop("\"lavaan\" package is required for this function.")

    if ( var(c(length(m1), length(m2), nrow(V1), ncol(V1), nrow(V2), ncol(V2))) !=0 ) {
        stop("Dimensions of the inputs are not the same.\n")

    ## ind: Complete data without NA (only check m1 and m2)
    ind <- m1&m2
    ## Only TRUE or FALSE, no NA
    ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
    names.y <- paste0("y", seq_along(ind))

    ## Remove NA
    m1 <- m1[ind]
    m2 <- m2[ind]
    V1 <- V1[ind, ind]
    V2 <- V2[ind, ind]

    ## No. of variables
    p <- length(m1)

    var.names <- paste0("x", seq_len(p))
    Var <-list(V1, V2)
    Var <- lapply(Var, function(x) {dimnames(x) <- list(var.names, var.names); x})
    Mean <- list(m1, m2)
    Mean <- lapply(Mean, function(x) {names(x) <- var.names; x})

    homogeneity <- match.arg(homogeneity)

    ## Bias adjustment factor
    cm <- function(n1, n2) 1-3/(4*(n1+n2)-9)

    model4 <- model3 <- model2 <- model1 <- list()

    for (i in seq_len(p)) {
        if ( homogeneity == "covariance" ) {
            ## Assuming homogeneity of variances by using the same label "s1"
            ## starting value for the average standard deviations
            ## equality on covariance is added in next block
            V <- (V1+V2)/2
            model1[i] <- paste0("lat",i," =~ c(s",i,"_1, s",i,"_1)*x",i,
                                "+start(",sqrt(V[i,i]), ",",sqrt(V[i,i]), ")*x",i,"\n")
        } else {
            model1[i] <- paste0("lat",i," =~ c(s",i,"_1, s",i,"_2)*x",i,

        ## Means
        model2[i] <- paste0("x",i," ~ c(m",i,"_1, m",i,"_2)*1+start(", m1[i],",",m2[i],")*1\n")
        ## Error variances fixed at 0
        model3[i] <- paste0("x",i," ~~ 0*x",i,"\n")

        ## Effect sizes
        if (bias.adjust==TRUE) {
            model4[i] <- paste0("y",i," := ", cm(n1,n2), "*(m",i,"_2-m",i,"_1)/s",i,"_1\n")
        } else {
            model4[i] <- paste0("y",i," := (m",i,"_2-m",i,"_1)/s",i,"_1\n")

    model <- paste0(do.call(paste0, list(model1, model2, model3, model4)), collapse = "")

    ## Homogeneity of correlation or covariance matrices
    if ( homogeneity != "none" ) {
        fit <- lavaan::sem(model, sample.cov=Var, sample.mean=Mean, group.equal="lv.covariances",
                           std.lv=TRUE, sample.nobs=c(n1,n2), sample.cov.rescale=FALSE)
    } else {
        fit <- lavaan::sem(model, sample.cov=Var, sample.mean=Mean, 
                   std.lv=TRUE, sample.nobs=c(n1,n2), sample.cov.rescale=FALSE)

    if (lavaan.output) {
        out <- fit
    } else {

        ## Obtain the free parameters in the model
        x <- fit@Fit@x
        ## Compute the multiple effect sizes
        y.complete <- fit@Model@def.function(.x.=x)
        ## Compute the jacobian for the 'defined parameters'
        JAC <- .lavJacobianD(func=fit@Model@def.function, x=x)
        ## Compute the sampling covariance matrix using delta method
        V.complete <- JAC %*% lavaan::inspect(fit, what="vcov") %*% t(JAC)

        ## Add the NA
        y <- rep(NA, length(ind))
        V <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(ind), nrow=length(ind))
        y[ind] <- y.complete
        V[ind, ind] <- V.complete

        ## Add the variable names for ease of reference
        names(y) <- names.y
        dimnames(V) <- list(names.y, names.y)

        if (list.output) {
            out <- list(y=y, V=V)
        } else {
            v <- vech(V)
            names.v <- paste("C(", outer(names.y, names.y, paste, sep = " "), ")", sep="")
            names(v) <- vech(matrix(names.v, ncol=length(names.y), nrow=length(names.y)))
            out <- c(y,v)

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