
Defines functions dfbetas.rma.mv

Documented in dfbetas.rma.mv

dfbetas.rma.mv <- function(model, progbar=FALSE, cluster, reestimate=TRUE, parallel="no", ncpus=1, cl, ...) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   .chkclass(class(model), must="rma.mv", notav="robust.rma")

   na.act <- getOption("na.action")

   if (!is.element(na.act, c("na.omit", "na.exclude", "na.fail", "na.pass")))
      stop(mstyle$stop("Unknown 'na.action' specified under options()."))

   x <- model

   parallel <- match.arg(parallel, c("no", "snow", "multicore"))

   if (parallel == "no" && ncpus > 1)
      parallel <- "snow"

   if (missing(cl))
      cl <- NULL

   if (!is.null(cl) && inherits(cl, "SOCKcluster")) {
      parallel <- "snow"
      ncpus <- length(cl)

   if (parallel == "snow" && ncpus < 2)
      parallel <- "no"

   if (parallel == "snow" || parallel == "multicore") {

      if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly=TRUE))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Please install the 'parallel' package for parallel processing."))

      ncpus <- as.integer(ncpus)

      if (ncpus < 1L)
         stop(mstyle$stop("Argument 'ncpus' must be >= 1."))


   if (!progbar) {
      pbo <- pbapply::pboptions(type="none")
      on.exit(pbapply::pboptions(pbo), add=TRUE)

   misscluster <- ifelse(missing(cluster), TRUE, FALSE)

   if (misscluster) {
      cluster <- seq_len(x$k.all)
   } else {
      mf <- match.call()
      cluster <- .getx("cluster", mf=mf, data=x$data)

   ddd <- list(...)

   .chkdots(ddd, c("time", "LB"))

   if (.isTRUE(ddd$time))
      time.start <- proc.time()


   ### process cluster variable

   ### note: cluster variable must be of the same length as the original dataset
   ###       so we have to apply the same subsetting (if necessary) and removing
   ###       of NAs as was done during model fitting

   if (length(cluster) != x$k.all)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Length of variable specified via 'cluster' (", length(cluster), ") does not match length of data (", x$k.all, ").")))

   cluster <- .getsubset(cluster, x$subset)

   cluster.f <- cluster

   cluster <- cluster[x$not.na]

   ### checks on cluster variable

   if (anyNA(cluster.f))
      stop(mstyle$stop("No missing values allowed in 'cluster' variable."))

   if (length(cluster.f) == 0L)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Cannot find 'cluster' variable (or it has zero length).")))

   ### cluster ids and number of clusters

   ids <- unique(cluster)
   n <- length(ids)


   if (parallel == "no")
      res <- pbapply::pblapply(seq_len(n), .dfbetas.rma.mv, obj=x, parallel=parallel, cluster=cluster, ids=ids, reestimate=reestimate)

   if (parallel == "multicore")
      res <- pbapply::pblapply(seq_len(n), .dfbetas.rma.mv, obj=x, parallel=parallel, cluster=cluster, ids=ids, reestimate=reestimate, cl=ncpus)
      #res <- parallel::mclapply(seq_len(n), .dfbetas.rma.mv, obj=x, parallel=parallel, cluster=cluster, ids=ids, reestimate=reestimate, mc.cores=ncpus)

   if (parallel == "snow") {
      if (is.null(cl)) {
         cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(ncpus)
         on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add=TRUE)
      if (.isTRUE(ddd$LB)) {
         res <- parallel::parLapplyLB(cl, seq_len(n), .dfbetas.rma.mv, obj=x, parallel=parallel, cluster=cluster, ids=ids, reestimate=reestimate)
         #res <- parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl, seq_len(n), .dfbetas.rma.mv, obj=x, parallel=parallel, cluster=cluster, ids=ids, reestimate=reestimate)
      } else {
         res <- pbapply::pblapply(seq_len(n), .dfbetas.rma.mv, obj=x, parallel=parallel, cluster=cluster, ids=ids, reestimate=reestimate, cl=cl)
         #res <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(n), .dfbetas.rma.mv, obj=x, parallel=parallel, cluster=cluster, ids=ids, reestimate=reestimate)
         #res <- parallel::clusterApply(cl, seq_len(n), .dfbetas.rma.mv, obj=x, parallel=parallel, cluster=cluster, ids=ids, reestimate=reestimate)

   dfbs <- lapply(res, function(x) x$dfbs)
   dfbs <- do.call(rbind, dfbs)


   if (na.act == "na.omit") {
      out <- dfbs
      if (misscluster) {
         rownames(out) <- x$slab[x$not.na]
      } else {
         rownames(out) <- ids
         out <- out[order(ids),,drop=FALSE]

   if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {

      ids.f <- unique(cluster.f)

      out <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(ids.f), ncol=x$p)
      out[match(ids, ids.f),] <- dfbs

      if (misscluster) {
         rownames(out) <- x$slab
      } else {
         rownames(out) <- ids.f
         out <- out[order(ids.f),,drop=FALSE]


   if (na.act == "na.fail" && any(!x$not.na))
      stop(mstyle$stop("Missing values in results."))

   colnames(out) <- rownames(x$beta)

   out <- data.frame(out)

   if (.isTRUE(ddd$time)) {
      time.end <- proc.time()
      .print.time(unname(time.end - time.start)[3])



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