
predict.mexhaz <- function (object, time.pts, data.val = data.frame(.NotUsed = NA),
    cluster = NULL, marginal = FALSE, conf.int = c("delta", "simul", "none"), level = 0.95,
    delta.type.h = c("log", "plain"), delta.type.s = c("log-log",
        "log", "plain"), nb.sim = 10000, keep.sim = FALSE, include.gradient = FALSE,
    time0 <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3])
    conf.int <- match.arg(conf.int)
    delta.type.h <- match.arg(delta.type.h)
    delta.type.s <- match.arg(delta.type.s)
    call <- object$call
    formula <- object$formula
    Xlev <- object$xlevels
    base <- object$base
    degree <- object$degree
    knots <- object$knots
    n.gleg <- object$n.gleg
    BoI <- object$boundary.knots[1]
    BoS <- object$boundary.knots[2]
    max.time <- object$max.time
    coef <- object$coefficients
    vcov <- object$vcov
    n.par <- object$n.par
    if (!is.numeric(level) | (level > 1 | level < 0)) {
        level <- 0.95
        warning("The 'level' argument must be a numerical value in (0,1)...")
    if (!is.null(cluster)) {
        if (is.na(object$random)) {
            stop("The 'cluster' argument cannot be used with a fixed effects model...")
        if (length(cluster) != 1 & length(cluster) != dim(data.val)[1]) {
            stop("The 'cluster' argument must be either a single number or character string corresponding to the name of the cluster for which predictions are wanted, or a vector of length the number of rows in data.val...")
        if (marginal == TRUE) {
            stop("The 'cluster' argument cannot be used when marginal predictions are requested...")
        Idx.nmh <- which(!cluster%in%object$mu.hat$cluster)
        if (length(Idx.nmh) > 0) {
            stop("Some elements of the 'cluster' argument do not correspond to existing clusters...")
        if (length(cluster) == 1){
            Idx.mh <- which(object$mu.hat$cluster == cluster)
            mat.mu <- 1
            names.mat.mu <- paste0("cluster",cluster)
            le.mu <- 1
            names.tot <- c(names(coef[-n.par]),names.mat.mu)
            coef <- c(coef[-n.par], object$mu.hat[Idx.mh, ]$mu.hat)
            vcov1 <- cbind(vcov[-n.par, -n.par], t(object$vcov.fix.mu.hat[Idx.mh, , drop = FALSE]))
            vcov <- rbind(vcov1, c(object$vcov.fix.mu.hat[Idx.mh, ], object$var.mu.hat[Idx.mh, Idx.mh]))
            colnames(vcov) <- rownames(vcov) <- names.tot
        else {
            mat.mu <- as.matrix(t(sapply(cluster,function(x){1*(object$mu.hat$cluster==x)}))) ## model.matrix(~-1+as.factor(cluster))
            names.mat.mu <- paste0("cluster",object$mu.hat$cluster)
            le.mu <- dim(mat.mu)[2]
            names.tot <- c(names(coef[-n.par]),names.mat.mu)
            coef <- c(coef[-n.par], object$mu.hat$mu.hat)
            vcov1 <- cbind(vcov[-n.par, -n.par], t(object$vcov.fix.mu.hat))
            vcov <- rbind(vcov1, cbind(object$vcov.fix.mu.hat, object$var.mu.hat))
            colnames(vcov) <- rownames(vcov) <- names.tot
    if (marginal == TRUE & is.na(object$random)){
        marginal <- FALSE
    if (marginal == TRUE){
        include.grad <- TRUE
    else {
        include.grad <- include.gradient
    type.me <- ifelse(marginal, "marginal", "conditional")
    Idx.T.NA <- which(is.na(time.pts) | time.pts < 0)
    if (length(Idx.T.NA) > 0) {
        stop("The 'time.pts' argument contains NA or negative values...")
    Idx.T.Max <- which(time.pts > max.time)
    if (length(Idx.T.Max) > 0) {
        warning(paste("The model cannot be used to predict survival for times greater than ",
            max.time, " (maximum follow-up time on which the model estimation was based). Consequently, these time values were removed from the 'time.pts' vector.",
            sep = ""))
        time.pts <- time.pts[-Idx.T.Max]
    time.pts <- time.pts[time.pts != 0]
    if (length(time.pts) == 0) {
        stop("The 'time.pts' argument contains no values for which predictions can be made...")
    time.pts <- time.pts[order(time.pts)]
    nb.time.pts <- length(time.pts)
    if (nb.time.pts > 1 & dim(data.val)[1] > 1) {
        stop("Predictions can be made for n individuals at 1 time point or for 1 individual at m time points but not for several individuals at several time points...")
    if (nb.time.pts > 1) {
        typepred <- "multitime"
    else {
        typepred <- "multiobs"
    if (conf.int == "simul" & (nb.sim <= 0 | (round(nb.sim, 0) !=
        nb.sim))) {
        warning("The 'nb.sim' argument must be a strictly positive integer. Consequently, the default value of 50000 simulations has been used...")
        nb.sim <- 50000
    tot.formula <- terms(formula, data = data.val, specials = "nph")
    indNph <- attr(tot.formula, "specials")$nph
    if (length(indNph) > 0) {
        nTerm <- NULL
        nTerm2 <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(indNph)) {
            nphterm <- attr(tot.formula, "variables")[[1 + indNph[i]]]
            nTerm <- c(nTerm, deparse(nphterm[[2L]], width.cutoff = 500L,
                backtick = TRUE))
            nTerm2 <- c(nTerm2, deparse(nphterm, width.cutoff = 500L,
                backtick = TRUE))
        nTerm <- paste(nTerm, collapse = "+")
        nTerm2 <- paste(nTerm2, collapse = "-")
        FormulaN <- as.formula(paste("~", nTerm))
    else {
        nTerm2 <- 0
        FormulaN <- as.formula("~1")
    data.new.temp <- cbind(time.pts, data.val, row.names = NULL)
    FormulaF <- update(tot.formula, paste("NULL~.", nTerm2, sep = "-"))
    Test <- model.frame(FormulaF, data = data.new.temp, xlev = Xlev,
        na.action = NULL)
    if (dim(Test)[1] == 0) {
        stop("The formula is incompatible with the data provided. If bs() was used to model the effect of some of the variables included in the formula, make sure that the spline boundaries were specified...")
    Idx.Dv.NA <- which(apply(Test, 1, function(x) {
    }) > 0)
    if (length(Idx.Dv.NA) > 0) {
        warning("Some rows in the 'data.val' data.frame had NA values. Consequently, these rows were deleted.")
        Test <- Test[-Idx.Dv.NA, , drop = FALSE]
    if (dim(Test)[1] == 0) {
        stop("The 'data.val' dataframe contains no valid row on which predictions can be based.")
    data.new <- cbind(time.pts, Test, row.names = NULL)
    time.pts <- data.new[, 1]
    nb.time.pts <- length(time.pts)
    FALCenv <- environment()
    if (base == "pw.cst") {
        HazardInt <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
            paramf, deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2) {
            .Call(C_HazardBs0R, x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
                paramf, as.double(matk))
        DeltaFct <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
            deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2, varcov,
            grad) {
            .Call(C_DeltaBs0R, x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
                as.double(matk), as.double(varcov), grad)
    else if (base == "exp.bs" & degree == 1) {
        HazardInt <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
            paramf, deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2) {
            .Call(C_HazardBs1R, x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
                paramf, as.double(matk), as.double(totk))
        DeltaFct <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
            deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2, varcov,
            grad) {
            .Call(C_DeltaBs1R, x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
                as.double(matk), as.double(totk), as.double(varcov),
    else if (base == "exp.bs" & degree %in% c(2, 3)) {
        HazardInt <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
            paramf, deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2) {
            .Call(C_HazardBs23R, x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
                paramf, deg, n, lw, as.double(matk), as.double(totk))
        DeltaFct <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
            deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2, varcov,
            grad) {
            .Call(C_DeltaBs23R, x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
                deg, n, lw, as.double(matk), as.double(totk),
                as.double(varcov), grad)
    else if (base == "exp.ns") {
        HazardInt <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
            paramf, deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2) {
            .Call(C_HazardNsR, x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
                paramf, deg, n, lw, as.double(matk), as.double(totk),
                as.double(intk), as.double(nsadj1), as.double(nsadj2))
        DeltaFct <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
            deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2, varcov,
            grad) {
            .Call(C_DeltaNsR, x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
                deg, n, lw, as.double(matk), as.double(totk),
                as.double(intk), as.double(nsadj1), as.double(nsadj2),
                as.double(varcov), grad)
    else if (base == "weibull") {
        HazardInt <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, param,
            paramf, deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2) {
            .Call(C_HazardWeibR, x, nph, fixobs, param, paramf)
        DeltaFct <- function(x, nph, timecat, fixobs, paramt,
            deg, n, lw, matk, totk, intk, nsadj1, nsadj2, varcov,
            grad) {
            .Call(C_DeltaWeibR, x, nph, fixobs, paramt, varcov,
    HazardMarg <- function(loghaz,cumhaz,sigma2){
        margSurv <- marginSurvhaz(lA=0,B=0,C=cumhaz,s2=sigma2)[[1]] ## Marginal survival
        margDSurv <- marginSurvhaz(lA=loghaz,B=1,C=cumhaz,s2=sigma2)[[1]] ## Minus marginal time-derivative of survival
        margHaz <- margDSurv/margSurv
    DeltaMarg <- function(loghaz,cumhaz,grad.loghaz,grad.logcum,sigma2,vcov){
        Temp1 <- marginSurvhaz(0,0,cumhaz,0,grad.logcum*cumhaz,sigma2,grad=TRUE) ## Marginal survival
        margSurv <- Temp1[[1]]
        Temp2 <- marginSurvhaz(loghaz,1,cumhaz,grad.loghaz,grad.logcum*cumhaz,sigma2,grad=TRUE) ## Minus marginal time-derivative of survival
        margDSurv <- Temp2[[1]]
        margHaz <- margDSurv/margSurv
        gradLC <- (1/(margSurv*log(margSurv)))*Temp1[[2]]
        gradLH <- Temp2[[2]]/margDSurv-Temp1[[2]]/margSurv
        VarLogCum <- diag(gradLC%*%vcov%*%t(gradLC))
        VarLogHaz <- diag(gradLH%*%vcov%*%t(gradLH))
    Surv <- NA
    lambda <- NA
    varcov <- NA
    BInf1 <- NA
    BInf2 <- NA
    BSup1 <- NA
    BSup2 <- NA
    Var.Log.Haz <- NA
    Var.Log.Cum <- NA
    Grad.LH <- NA
    Grad.LC <- NA
    Sim.Haz <- NA
    Sim.Surv <- NA
    TransfDeg <- function(vec.knots, deg) {
        if (deg == 1) {
            Le <- length(vec.knots)
            Res <- vec.knots[2:Le] - vec.knots[1:(Le - 1)]
        else {
            Dim <- (length(vec.knots) - (2 * deg - 1))
            Res <- matrix(NA, 2 * (deg - 1), Dim)
            if (deg == 2) {
                for (i in 1:Dim) {
                  TempK <- vec.knots[i:(i + 3)]
                  Res[1, i] <- 1/((TempK[4] - TempK[2]) * (TempK[3] -
                  Res[2, i] <- 1/((TempK[3] - TempK[1]) * (TempK[3] -
            else if (deg == 3) {
                for (i in 1:Dim) {
                  TempK <- vec.knots[i:(i + 5)]
                  Res[1, i] <- 1/((TempK[6] - TempK[3]) * (TempK[5] -
                    TempK[3]) * (TempK[4] - TempK[3]))
                  Res[2, i] <- 1/((TempK[5] - TempK[2]) * (TempK[4] -
                    TempK[2]) * (TempK[4] - TempK[3]))
                  Res[3, i] <- 1/((TempK[5] - TempK[2]) * (TempK[5] -
                    TempK[3]) * (TempK[4] - TempK[3]))
                  Res[4, i] <- 1/((TempK[4] - TempK[1]) * (TempK[4] -
                    TempK[2]) * (TempK[4] - TempK[3]))
    if (base == "exp.bs") {
        NsAdjust <- function(vec.knots, BoI, BoS) {
        dbase <- degree
    else if (base == "exp.ns") {
        NsAdjust <- function(vec.knots, BoI, BoS) {
            Dim <- (length(vec.knots) - 5)
            Diag <- diag(Dim)
            QR <- qr(t(splineDesign(vec.knots, c(BoI, BoS), 4,
                c(2, 2))[, -1, drop = FALSE]))
            Res1 <- t(apply(Diag, 1, function(x) {
                qr.qty(QR, x)
            })[-c(1:2), , drop = FALSE])
            SpI <- c(BoI, splineDesign(vec.knots, rep(BoI, 2L),
                4, c(0, 1))[2, 1:2])
            SpS <- c(BoS, splineDesign(vec.knots, rep(BoS, 2L),
                4, c(0, 1))[2, (Dim:(Dim + 1))])
            Res2 <- cbind(SpI, SpS)
            return(list(Res1, Res2))
        degree <- 3
        dbase <- 1
    gl <- gauss.quad(n = n.gleg, kind = "legendre")
    gln <- gl$nodes
    lglw <- log(gl$weights)
    fix.new <- model.matrix(FormulaF, data = Test)
    names.fix <- colnames(fix.new)[-1]
    nph.new <- model.matrix(FormulaN, data = Test)
    nbtd <- dim(nph.new)[2]
    names.nph <- colnames(nph.new)[-1]
    if (base == "weibull") {
        time.cat <- NULL
        vec.knots <- NULL
        int.knots <- NULL
        MatK <- NULL
        NsAdj <- list(NULL, NULL)
        time.new <- time.pts
        n.td.base <- 1
        n.ntd <- dim(fix.new)[2]
        if (n.ntd > 1) {
            which.ntd <- c(1, 2 + 1:(n.ntd - 1))
        else {
            which.ntd <- 1
        n.td.nph <- length(names.nph)
        if (n.td.nph > 0) {
            which.td <- c(2, (2 + (n.ntd - 1)) + 1:n.td.nph)
        else {
            which.td <- 2
        fix.new <- fix.new[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        nph.new <- nph.new[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    else if (base %in% c("exp.bs", "exp.ns", "pw.cst")) {
        cuts <- c(0, knots, max.time)
        time.cat.lab <- cut(time.pts, breaks = cuts, include.lowest = TRUE)
        time.cat <- as.numeric(time.cat.lab) - 1
        if (base == "pw.cst") {
            time.new <- time.pts - cuts[time.cat + 1]
            vec.knots <- NULL
            int.knots <- NULL
            MatK <- c(knots, BoS) - c(0, knots)
            NsAdj <- list(NULL, NULL)
            n.td.base <- length(knots) + 1
            fix.new <- fix.new[, -which(colnames(fix.new) %in%
                colnames(nph.new)), drop = FALSE]
            names.fix <- colnames(fix.new)
            if (!is.null(names.fix)) {
                n.ntd <- dim(fix.new)[2]
            else {
                n.ntd <- 0
                fix.new <- 0
            if (n.ntd > 0) {
                which.ntd <- c(n.td.base + 1:n.ntd)
            else {
                which.ntd <- NULL
            n.inter <- 0
        else if (base %in% c("exp.bs", "exp.ns")) {
            time.new <- time.pts
            vec.knots <- c(rep(BoI, degree), knots, rep(BoS,
            ltk <- length(vec.knots)
            MatK <- TransfDeg(vec.knots, degree)
            NsAdj <- NsAdjust(c(BoI, vec.knots, BoS), BoI, BoS)
            if (base == "exp.bs")
                int.knots <- cuts
            else {
                BOI <- NULL
                BOS <- NULL
                firstK <- 1
                if (BoI > 0) {
                  BOI <- BoI
                  MatK <- cbind(0, MatK)
                  vec.knots <- c(BoI, vec.knots)
                  firstK <- 0
                if (BoS < max.time) {
                  BOS <- BoS
                  MatK <- cbind(MatK, 0)
                  vec.knots <- c(vec.knots, BoS)
                int.knots <- c(0, BOI, knots, BOS, max.time)
                time.cat.lab <- cut(time.pts, breaks = int.knots,
                  include.lowest = TRUE)
                time.cat <- as.numeric(time.cat.lab) - 1
                degree <- c(degree, ltk, firstK)
            n.td.base <- dbase + length(knots)
            n.ntd <- dim(fix.new)[2]
            if (n.ntd > 1) {
                which.ntd <- c(1, (n.td.base + 1) + 1:(n.ntd -
            else {
                which.ntd <- 1
            n.inter <- 1
        n.td.nph <- length(names.nph) * n.td.base
        if (n.td.nph > 0) {
            which.td <- c(n.inter + 1:n.td.base, (n.td.base +
                n.ntd) + 1:n.td.nph)
        else {
            which.td <- c(n.inter + 1:n.td.base)
    if (!is.null(cluster)){
        fix.new <- cbind(fix.new,mat.mu)
        which.ntd <- c(which.ntd, n.par:(n.par+le.mu-1))
        names.test <- names(Test)
        Test <- cbind(Test,mat.mu)
        names(Test) <- c(names.test,names.mat.mu)
    fix.new <- t(fix.new)
    nph.new <- t(nph.new)
    nb.par <- length(c(which.ntd, which.td))
    temp.H <- HazardInt(x = time.new, nph = nph.new, timecat = time.cat,
        fixobs = fix.new, param = coef[which.td], paramf = coef[which.ntd],
        deg = degree, n = gln, lw = lglw, matk = MatK, totk = vec.knots,
        intk = int.knots, nsadj1 = NsAdj[[1]], nsadj2 = NsAdj[[2]])
    if (marginal == TRUE){
        temp.M <- HazardMarg(temp.H$LogHaz,temp.H$HazCum,exp(2*coef[n.par]))
        LogHaz <- temp.M$LogHaz
        HazCum <- temp.M$HazCum
    else {
        LogHaz <- temp.H$LogHaz
        HazCum <- temp.H$HazCum
    lambda <- exp(LogHaz)
    Surv <- exp(-HazCum)
    if (conf.int == "delta") {
        varcov <- vcov[c(which.ntd, which.td), c(which.ntd, which.td),
            drop = FALSE]
        temp.V <- DeltaFct(x = time.new, nph = nph.new, timecat = time.cat,
            fixobs = fix.new, paramt = c(coef[which.ntd], coef[which.td]),
            deg = degree, n = gln, lw = lglw, matk = MatK, totk = vec.knots,
            intk = int.knots, nsadj1 = NsAdj[[1]], nsadj2 = NsAdj[[2]],
            varcov = varcov, as.numeric(include.grad))
        Var.Log.Haz <- temp.V$VarLogHaz
        Var.Log.Cum <- temp.V$VarLogCum
        varcov <- varcov[order(c(which.ntd, which.td)), order(c(which.ntd,
            which.td)), drop = FALSE]
        if (include.grad == TRUE) {
            Grad.LH <- matrix(temp.V$GradLogHaz, nb.time.pts,
                nb.par)[, order(c(which.ntd, which.td)), drop = FALSE]
            Grad.LC <- matrix(temp.V$GradLogCum, nb.time.pts,
                nb.par)[, order(c(which.ntd, which.td)), drop = FALSE]
            colnames(Grad.LH) <- colnames(varcov)
            colnames(Grad.LC) <- colnames(varcov)
        if (marginal == TRUE){
            varcov <- vcov
            temp.VM <- DeltaMarg(temp.H$LogHaz,temp.H$HazCum,Grad.LH,Grad.LC,exp(2*coef[n.par]),vcov)
            Var.Log.Haz <- temp.VM$VarLogHaz
            Var.Log.Cum <- temp.VM$VarLogCum
            if (include.gradient == TRUE){
                Grad.LH <- temp.VM$GradLogHaz
                Grad.LC <- temp.VM$GradLogCum
                colnames(Grad.LH) <- colnames(vcov)
                colnames(Grad.LC) <- colnames(vcov)
            else {
                Grad.LH <- NA
                Grad.LC <- NA
        alpha <- (1 - level)/2
        if (delta.type.h == "log") {
            BInf1 <- exp(LogHaz + qnorm(alpha) * sqrt(Var.Log.Haz))
            BSup1 <- exp(LogHaz + qnorm(1 - alpha) * sqrt(Var.Log.Haz))
        if (delta.type.h == "plain") {
            Var.Haz <- exp(2 * LogHaz) * Var.Log.Haz
            BInf1 <- exp(LogHaz) + qnorm(alpha) * sqrt(Var.Haz)
            BSup1 <- exp(LogHaz) + qnorm(1 - alpha) *
        if (delta.type.s == "log-log") {
            BSup2 <- exp(-exp(log(HazCum) + qnorm(alpha) *
            BInf2 <- exp(-exp(log(HazCum) + qnorm(1 -
                alpha) * sqrt(Var.Log.Cum)))
        if (delta.type.s == "log") {
            Var.Cum <- exp(2 * log(HazCum)) * Var.Log.Cum
            BInf2 <- exp(-HazCum + qnorm(alpha) * sqrt(Var.Cum))
            BSup2 <- exp(-HazCum + qnorm(1 - alpha) *
        if (delta.type.s == "plain") {
            Var.Surv <- exp(2 * (log(HazCum) - HazCum)) *
            BInf2 <- exp(-HazCum) + qnorm(alpha) * sqrt(Var.Surv)
            BSup2 <- exp(-HazCum) + qnorm(1 - alpha) *
    else if (conf.int == "simul") {
        varcov <- vcov
        lRes1 <- Res1 <- matrix(0, nb.time.pts, nb.sim)
        lRes2 <- Res2 <- matrix(0, nb.time.pts, nb.sim)
        Coef <- mvrnorm(nb.sim, mu = coef, Sigma = varcov)
        for (i in 1:nb.sim) {
            p.td <- Coef[i, which.td]
            p.ntd <- Coef[i, which.ntd]
            temp.H <- HazardInt(x = time.new, nph = nph.new,
                timecat = time.cat, fixobs = fix.new, param = p.td,
                paramf = p.ntd, deg = degree, n = gln, lw = lglw,
                matk = MatK, totk = vec.knots, intk = int.knots,
                nsadj1 = NsAdj[[1]], nsadj2 = NsAdj[[2]])
            LogHaz <- temp.H$LogHaz
            HazCum <- temp.H$HazCum
            if (marginal == TRUE){
                temp.M <- HazardMarg(LogHaz,HazCum,exp(2*Coef[i,n.par]))
                LogHaz <- temp.M$LogHaz
                HazCum <- temp.M$HazCum
            lRes1[, i] <- LogHaz
            lRes2[, i] <- log(HazCum)
            Res1[, i] <- exp(LogHaz)
            Res2[, i] <- exp(-HazCum)
        Var.Log.Haz <- apply(lRes1, 1, FUN = var)
        Var.Log.Cum <- apply(lRes2, 1, FUN = var)
        BInf1 <- apply(Res1, 1, quantile, prob = 0.025)
        BSup1 <- apply(Res1, 1, quantile, prob = 0.975)
        BInf2 <- apply(Res2, 1, quantile, prob = 0.025)
        BSup2 <- apply(Res2, 1, quantile, prob = 0.975)
        if (keep.sim == TRUE){
            Sim.Haz <- Res1
            Sim.Surv <- Res2
    variances <- NA
    df.ct <- NA
    if (conf.int != "none") {
        res1 <- data.frame(hazard = lambda, hazard.inf = BInf1,
            hazard.sup = BSup1, surv = Surv, surv.inf = BInf2,
            surv.sup = BSup2)
        variances <- data.frame(var.log.haz = Var.Log.Haz, var.log.cum = Var.Log.Cum)
        if (conf.int == "delta") {
            df.ct <- data.frame(hazard = delta.type.h, surv = delta.type.s)
    else {
        res1 <- data.frame(hazard = lambda, surv = Surv)
    res.PS <- list(call = call, results = cbind(time.pts, Test,
        res1), variances = variances, grad.loghaz = Grad.LH,
        grad.logcum = Grad.LC, vcov = varcov, type = typepred,
        type.me = type.me, ci.method = conf.int, level = level,
        delta.type = df.ct, nb.sim = ifelse(conf.int == "simul", nb.sim, NA),
        sim.haz = Sim.Haz, sim.surv = Sim.Surv)
    res.PS <- res.PS[!is.na(res.PS)]
    class(res.PS) <- "predMexhaz"

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mexhaz documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 5:08 p.m.