
Defines functions impute.Lubin

Documented in impute.Lubin

#' Lubin et al. 2004: Bootstrapping Imputation for One Chemical
#' @family imputation
#' @keywords imputation
#' @description
#'  Softly DEPRECATED. Use  impute.boot instead.
#'  For one chemical, this function creates an imputed dataset using a bootstrap procedure as
#' described in Lubin et al. 2004.
#' @param chemcol    A numeric vector, the chemical concentration levels of length C. Censored values are indicated by  NA. On original scale.
#' @param dlcol      The detection limit of the chemical. A value or a numeric vector of length C. Must be complete; a missing detection limit is ignored.
#' @inheritParams impute.multivariate.bayesian
#' @return A list of: \describe{
#' \item{X.imputed}{A matrix with n subjects and K imputed datasets is returned.}
#' \item{bootstrap_index}{A n x K matrix of bootstrap indices selected for the imputation. Each column is saved as a factor.}
#' \item{indicator.miss}{A check; the sum of imputed  missing values above detection limit,
#'          which should be 0.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' #   ###Example 2: Simulation
#' # Apply to an example simulated dataset.
#' # A seed of 202 is executed before each run for reproducibility.
#' data(simdata87)
#' # No Covariates
#' set.seed(202)
#' results_Lubin <- impute.Lubin(chemcol = simdata87$X.bdl[, 1], dlcol = simdata87$DL[1],
#'   K = 5, verbose = TRUE)
#' str(results_Lubin)
#' summary(results_Lubin$imputed_values)
#' # 1 Covariate
#' set.seed(202)
#' sim.z1 <- impute.Lubin(simdata87$X.bdl[, 1], simdata87$DL[1],
#'   K = 5, Z = simdata87$Z.sim[, 1], verbose = TRUE)
#' summary(sim.z1$imputed_values)
#' # 2 Covariates
#' set.seed(202)
#' sim.z2 <- impute.Lubin(simdata87$X.bdl[, 1], simdata87$DL[1],
#'   K = 5, Z = simdata87$Z.sim[, -2])
#' summary(sim.z2$imputed_values)
#' summary(sim.z2$bootstrap_index)
#' @import survival
#' @import utils
#' @import stats
#' @export impute.Lubin

impute.Lubin <- function(chemcol, dlcol,  Z = NULL, K = 5L, verbose = FALSE) {

  ## Checks and Verifications --> Any modifications are returned: pmh, added
  l <- check_function.Lub(chemcol, dlcol, Z, K, verbose)
  dlcol <- l$dlcol
  Z <- l$Z
  K <- l$K

  ## Creating dataset to be used in survival model.
  n <- length(chemcol)  # pmh, added since I removed it as parameter.
  # chemcol2: The observed concentration or the lower bound of the interval (i.e. 0.0001. The "time"; see survival::Surv.
  chemcol2 <- ifelse(is.na(chemcol), 0.00001, chemcol)
  # event:  Status indicator; 1=event at time, 3=interval censored. See Survival::surv.
  event <-  ifelse(is.na(chemcol), 3, 1)      # equivalent to ifelse(chemcol2 == 0.0001, )
  fullchem_data <-
        id = seq(1:n),
        chemcol2 = chemcol2,
        event = event,
        LB = rep(0, n),
        UB = rep(dlcol, n),
  n <- nrow(fullchem_data)  # redefine after removing missing values.
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Dataset Used in Survival Model \n")

  ## For loop to obtain bootstrap samples, weights vector, parameter estimates, and imputed values:
  ## (A) Obtain parameter estimates for beta and sigma squared based on bootstrap sample using survreg.
  ## (B) Impute analyte values based on sampling from lognormal(Beta, sigmasq)

  # Creating the empty matrices and vectors to be used in the for loop.
  bootstrap_data <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = K, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("Imp.", 1:K)))
  # data_sample<-matrix(0,nrow = n, ncol = K); freqs<-matrix(0,nrow = n, ncol = 10)
  beta_not <- NA
  std <- rep(0, K)
  unif_lower <- rep(0, K)
  unif_upper <- rep(0, K)
  imputed_values <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = K, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("Imp.", 1:K)))

  for (a in 1:K) {
    ## Step 0: Bootstrap
    bootstrap_data[, a] <- as.vector(sample(1:n, replace = TRUE))    # generate bootstrap samples by sampling row ID with replacement (indices )
    data_sample <- fullchem_data[bootstrap_data[, a], ]              # select the data values to the bootstrap sample

    ## obtain weights
    freqs <- as.data.frame(table(bootstrap_data[, a]))   # Number of times each observation selected
    freqs_ids <- as.numeric(as.character(freqs[, 1]))   # A vector of unique row IDs that are included in the sample
    my.weights <- freqs[, 2]                            # create weights vector

    ## Step 1: Conduct survival analysis for each bootstrap.
    final <-  fullchem_data[freqs_ids, ]                               # Create dataset with observed rows and their weights
    my.surv.object <-
      survival::Surv(time = final$chemcol2, time2 = final$UB,   # Creates response variable for the survreg function,
      event = final$event, type = "interval")   # includes z-values that are observed and intervals of BDLs
    model <- survival::survreg(my.surv.object ~ .,
      data = final[, -(1:5), drop = FALSE],
      weights = my.weights, dist = "lognormal",
      x = TRUE)
    beta_not  <- rbind(beta_not, model$coefficients)    # store the betas of each bootstrap sample
    std[a] <- model$scale                               # store the std devs of each bootstrap sample
    Z <- model$x                                        # rename Z to be the model matrix

    ## Step 2 -- Impute the analyte values.  (pmh edited)
    mu <- Z %*% beta_not[a + 1, ]
    unif_lower <-  plnorm(0.00001, mu, std[a])      # n x 1 vector
    unif_upper <-  plnorm(dlcol,      mu, std[a])   # n x 1 vector
    u <- runif(n,  unif_lower, unif_upper)
    imputed <-  qlnorm(u, mu, std[a])               # impute
    # Fully observed data: Replace the missing values with imputed; observed values should be same.
    imputed_values[, a] <-
      ifelse(fullchem_data$chemcol2 == 0.00001,  # if missing
      imputed,        # replace BDLs with imputed values
      chemcol         # observed values

  ## Check: Sum of values imputed that are above detection limit (upper limit; should be 0)
  x.miss.index <- ifelse(chemcol == 0 | is.na(chemcol), TRUE, FALSE)
  indicator.miss <- sum(imputed_values[x.miss.index, ] > dlcol)

  ## Validate if needed.
  if (verbose) {
    # Check: print(model)
    beta_not <- beta_not[-1, , drop = FALSE]  # remove missing row
    cat("\n ## MLE Estimates \n")
    A <- round(cbind(beta_not, std), digits = 4)
    colnames(A) <- c(names(model$coefficients), "stdev")
    cat("## Uniform Imputation Range \n")
    B <- rbind(format(range(unif_lower),  digits = 3, scientific = TRUE),
      format(range(unif_upper), digits = 3, nsmall = 3)
    rownames(B) <- c("unif_lower", "unif_upper")
    cat("## Detection Limit:", unique(dlcol), "\n")

  bootstrap_data <- apply(bootstrap_data, 2, as.factor)

    imputed_values = imputed_values,  # ** the imputed values.
    bootstrap_index = bootstrap_data, # matrix of bootstrap indices
    indicator.miss = indicator.miss   # Check: Sum of imputed  missing values above detection limit (should be 0).

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