mice.impute.2l.contextual.pmm: Imputation by Predictive Mean Matching or Normal Linear...

mice.impute.2l.contextual.pmmR Documentation

Imputation by Predictive Mean Matching or Normal Linear Regression with Contextual Variables


This imputation method imputes a variable using linear regression with predictive mean matching as the imputation method. Including a contextual effects means that an aggregated variable at a cluster level is included as a further covariate.


mice.impute.2l.contextual.pmm(y, ry, x, type, imputationWeights=NULL,
     interactions=NULL, quadratics=NULL, pls.facs=NULL, ...)

mice.impute.2l.contextual.norm(y, ry, x, type, ridge=10^(-5),
   imputationWeights=NULL, interactions=NULL, quadratics=NULL, pls.facs=NULL, ...)



Incomplete data vector of length n


Vector of missing data pattern (FALSE – missing, TRUE – observed)


Matrix (n x p) of complete covariates.


Type of predictor variables. type=-2 refers to the cluster variable, type=2 denotes a variable for which also a contextual effect is included and type=1 denotes all other variables which are included as 'ordinary' predictors.


Optional vector of sample weights


Vector of variable names used for creating interactions


Vector of variable names used for creating quadratic terms


Number of factors used in partial least dimension reduction (if requested)


Further arguments to be passed


Ridge parameter in the diagonal of \bold{X}'\bold{X}


A vector of length nmis=sum(!ry) with imputed values.

See Also

For imputations at level 2 variables see mice::mice.impute.2lonly.norm and mice::mice.impute.2lonly.pmm.


## Not run: 
# EXAMPLE 1: Sequential hierarchical imputation for data.ma05 dataset

dat <- data.ma05

# define predictor matrix
predM <- mice::make.predictorMatrix(data=dat)
# exclude student IDs
predM[, "idstud"] <- 0
# define idclass as the cluster variable (type=-2)
predM[, "idclass" ] <- -2

# initialize with norm method
impMethod <- mice::make.method(data=dat)
names(impMethod) <- names( imp0$method )
impMethod[ c("idstud","idclass")] <- ""


# Use a random slope model for Dscore and Mscore as the imputation method.
# Here, variance homogeneity of residuals is assumed (contrary to
# the 2l.norm imputation method in the mice package).
impMethod[ c("Dscore", "Mscore") ] <- "2l.pan"
predM[ c("Dscore","Mscore"), "misei" ] <- 2    # random slopes on 'misei'
predM[, "idclass" ] <- -2

# For imputing 'manote' and 'denote' use contextual effects (i.e. cluszer means)
# of variables 'misei' and 'migrant'
impMethod[ c("denote", "manote") ] <- "2l.contextual.pmm"
predM[ c("denote", "manote"), c("misei","migrant")] <- 2

# Use no cluster variable 'idclass' for imputation of 'misei'
impMethod[ "misei"] <- "norm"
predM[ "misei", "idclass"] <- 0 # use no multilevel imputation model

# Variable migrant: contextual effects of Dscore and misei
impMethod[ "migrant"] <- "2l.contextual.pmm"
predM[ "migrant", c("Dscore",  "misei" ) ] <- 2
predM[ "migrant", "idclass" ] <- -2

# CLASS LEVEL (Level 2)
# impute 'sprengel' and 'groesse' at the level of classes
impMethod[ "sprengel"] <- "2lonly.pmm"
impMethod[ "groesse"] <- "2lonly.norm"
predM[ c("sprengel","groesse"), "idclass" ] <- -2

# do imputation
imp <- mice::mice( dat, predictorMatrix=predM, m=3,  maxit=4,
           method=impMethod, paniter=100)

#**** imputation model 2 with PLS dimension reduction

# define some interaction effects
interactions <- list( manote=c("migrant", "misei") )
# number of PLS factors (5 factors)
pls.facs <- list( manote=5 )

# do imputation
imp2 <- mice::mice( dat, predictorMatrix=predM, interactions=interactions,
            pls.facs=pls.facs, method=impMethod, paniter=100)

## End(Not run)

miceadds documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:05 a.m.