
context("Testing mls")
accuracy <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)

test_that("Embedding to low frequency works as expected",{
    x <- 1:24
    x1 <- matrix(2*(1:12),ncol=1)
    x2 <- cbind(2*(1:12),2*(1:12)-1)
    x3 <- rbind(c(NA,NA,NA),cbind(2*(2:12),2*(2:12)-1,2*(2:12)-2))
    x4 <- rbind(c(NA,NA),embed(x,2))

test_that("mls and fmls give the same results",{
    e <- rnorm(100)
    a <- mls(e, 0:10, 10)
    b <- fmls(e, 10, 10)
    expect_lt(sum(abs(a - b), na.rm = TRUE), accuracy)

test_that("fmls and dmls give the same results",{
    e <- rnorm(100)
    a <- fmls(c(NA, diff(e)), 10, 10)
    b <- dmls(e, 10, 10)
    expect_lt(sum(abs(a - b), na.rm = TRUE), accuracy)

test_that("mlsd works the same as mls", {
    x <- c(1:144)
    y <- c(1:12)
    datex <- x
    datey <- (y - 1)*12 + 1
    m1 <- mlsd(x, 0:5, datey)
    m2 <- mls(x, 0:5, 12)
    expect_true(sum(abs(m1-m2)) < accuracy)

test_that("mlsd works for the ts objects", {
    x <- ts(c(1:144), freq = 12)
    y <- ts(c(1:48), freq = 4)
    m1 <- mlsd(x, 0:7, y)
    m2 <- mls(x, 0:7, 3)
    expect_true(sum(abs(m1-m2), na.rm = TRUE) < accuracy)

yy <- diff(log(USrealgdp)) 
xx <- diff(USunempr) 

test_that("mlsd returns the matrix of apropriate dimensions",{
    zz <- mlsd(xx, 0:24, yy)
    expect_true( nrow(zz) == length(yy))

test_that("Windowing works with mlsd from the right",{
    yy1 <- window(yy, end = 1980)
    zz <- mlsd(xx, 0:24, yy1)
    xx1 <- window(xx, end = c(1980,12))
    expect_true( zz[nrow(zz),1] == xx1[length(xx1)])

test_that("Windowing works with mlsd from the left",{
    yy1 <- window(yy, start=1955, end = 1980)
    zz <- mlsd(xx, 0:24, yy1)
    xx1 <- window(xx, end = c(1980,12))
    expect_true( zz[nrow(zz),1] == xx1[length(xx1)])

# test_that("mlsd works for the xts objects", {
#      data(sample_matrix, package = "xts")
#      x <- xts::as.xts(sample_matrix, descr = 'my new xts object')
#      y <- xts::xts(1:6, order.by = unique(lubridate::floor_date(zoo::index(x), unit = "month")))
#      m1 <- mlsd(x[,1], 0:42, y)
#      expect_true((abs(x[1, 1] - m1[1, 30]) < 1e-10) && (abs(x[30, 1] - m1[1,1]) < 1e-10))
#  })

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midasr documentation built on Feb. 23, 2021, 5:11 p.m.