test_that("mismm() works for data-frame-like inputs", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
for (method in c("mip", "heuristic", "qp-heuristic")) {
fit1 <- .run_mismm(df, method = method)
expect_s3_class(fit1, "mismm")
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "bag"),
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "bag", new_bags = df$bag_name)
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "instance"),
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "instance",
new_bags = df$bag_name, new_instances = df$instance_name)
bag_preds <-
df %>%
.get_pred_matrix(fit1) %>%
.summarize_preds(by = bag_name)
expect_equal(nrow(bag_preds), length(unique(df$bag_name)))
expect_setequal(bag_preds$bag_name, unique(df$bag_name))
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "class", layer = "bag")
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "class", layer = "instance")
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "bag")
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "instance")
test_that("mismm() works with formula method", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
fit1 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = df)
fit2 <- .run_mismm(df)
expect_equal(fit1$ksvm_fit, fit2$ksvm_fit)
expect_equal(fit1$total_step, fit2$total_step)
expect_equal(fit1$call_type, "mismm.formula")
expect_equal(fit1$features, c("X1", "X2", "X3"))
expect_equal(fit1$bag_name, "bag_name")
expect_equal(fit1$instance_name, "instance_name")
# predictions should match
expect_equal(predict(fit1, df, type = "raw"), predict(fit2, df, type = "raw"))
expect_equal(predict(fit1, df, type = "class"), predict(fit2, df, type = "class"))
# check only 1 predictor works
fit1 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1, data = df)
predict(fit1, df, type = "raw")
# check some obscure formulas
fit1 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ 0 + X1:X2 + X2*X3,
data = df)
colnames(model.matrix(~ 0 + X1:X2 + X2*X3, data = df)))
predict(fit1, df, type = "raw")
# check other methods
for (method in c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic")) {
formula <- mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2 + X3
fit1 <- mismm(formula, data = df, method = method)
expect_s3_class(fit1, "mismm")
test_that("mismm() works with mild_df method", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
fit1 <- mismm(df)
fit2 <- .run_mismm(df) # default method
expect_s3_class(fit1, "mismm")
expect_equal(fit1$ksvm_fit, fit2$ksvm_fit)
expect_equal(fit1$total_step, fit2$total_step)
expect_equal(fit1$call_type, "mismm.mild_df")
expect_equal(fit1$features, paste0("X", 1:3))
expect_equal(fit1$bag_name, "bag_name")
expect_equal(fit1$instance_name, "instance_name")
predict(fit1, new_data = df)
fit1 <- mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic")
expect_s3_class(fit1, "mismm")
test_that("predict.mismm returns labels that match the input labels", {
df1 <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds")) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::filter(bag_name %in% c("bag1", "bag2", "bag4", "bag8"))
test_prediction_levels_equal <- function(df, method, class = "default") {
mdl <- switch(
"default" = .run_mismm(df, method = method),
"formula" = mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2,
data = df,
method = method)
preds <- predict(mdl, df, type = "class")
expect_setequal(levels(preds$.pred_class), levels(df$bag_label))
# 0/1
df2 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(bag_label = factor(bag_label))
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "heuristic")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "mip")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "qp-heuristic")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "heuristic", class = "formula")
# 1/0
df2 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(bag_label = factor(bag_label, levels = c(1, 0)))
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "heuristic")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "mip")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "qp-heuristic")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "heuristic", class = "formula")
df2 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(bag_label = factor(bag_label, labels = c(TRUE, FALSE)))
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "heuristic")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "mip")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "qp-heuristic")
test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "heuristic", class = "formula")
# Yes/No
df2 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(bag_label = factor(bag_label, labels = c("No", "Yes")))
expect_message(test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "heuristic"))
expect_message(test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "mip"))
expect_message(test_prediction_levels_equal(df2, method = "qp-heuristic"))
# check that 0/1 and 1/0 return the same predictions
df2 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(bag_label = factor(bag_label, levels = c(0, 1)))
df3 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(bag_label = factor(bag_label, levels = c(1, 0)))
fit2 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2, data = df2)
mdl3 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2, data = df3)
expect_equal(predict(fit2, df2, type = "class"),
predict(mdl3, df3, type = "class"))
test_that("Dots work in mismm() formula", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
mismm_dot <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ ., data = df)
mismm_nodot <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = df)
expect_equal(mismm_dot$ksvm_fit, mismm_nodot$ksvm_fit)
expect_equal(mismm_dot$features, mismm_nodot$features)
expect_equal(mismm_dot$bag_name, mismm_nodot$bag_name)
expect_equal(predict(mismm_dot, new_data = df), predict(mismm_nodot, new_data = df))
test_that("mismm() has correct argument handling", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds")) %>%
dplyr::filter(bag_name %in% c("bag1", "bag2", "bag4", "bag8"))
## weights
mismm(df, weights = TRUE)
fit1 <- mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 1, "1" = 1))
fit1$weights <- NULL
mismm(df, weights = FALSE)
df2 <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(bag_label = factor(bag_label, levels = c(1, 0)))
expect_equal(dimnames(df2), dimnames(df))
mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 2, "1" = 1)),
mismm(df2, weights = c("0" = 2, "1" = 1))
set.seed(8) # nystrom sampling may change, need to set seed for each
fit1 <- mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 2, "1" = 1), method = "mip")
fit2 <- mismm(df2, weights = c("0" = 2, "1" = 1), method = "mip")
expect_equal(fit1, fit2)
df2 <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(bag_label = factor(bag_label, labels = c("No", "Yes")))
expect_equal(dimnames(df2), dimnames(df))
mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 2, "1" = 1))$ksvm_fit,
suppressMessages(mismm(df2, weights = c("No" = 2, "Yes" = 1))$ksvm_fit)
set.seed(8) # nystrom sampling may change, need to set seed for each
fit1 <- mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 2, "1" = 1), method = "mip")
fit2 <- mismm(df2, weights = c("No" = 2, "Yes" = 1), method = "mip") %>%
expect_equal(fit1$gurobi_fit, fit2$gurobi_fit)
mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 2, "1" = 1), method = "mip")$gurobi_fit,
mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 1e-6, "1" = 1), method = "mip")$gurobi_fit
mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 200, "1" = 1), method = "heuristic")$ksvm_fit,
mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 1e-6, "1" = 1), method = "heuristic")$ksvm_fit
mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 200, "1" = 1), method = "qp-heuristic")$gurobi_fit,
mismm(df, weights = c("0" = 1e-6, "1" = 1), method = "qp-heuristic")$gurobi_fit
## kernel
# there isn't a "linear" kernel option for mismm
mismm(df, method = "heuristic", control = list(kernel = "radial")),
mismm(df, method = "heuristic", control = list(kernel = "linear"))
# TODO: try passing in the kernel as a matrix into this
mismm(df, method = "mip", control = list(kernel = "radial")),
mismm(df, method = "mip", control = list(kernel = "linear"))
mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic", control = list(kernel = "radial")),
mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic", control = list(kernel = "linear"))
## scale
mismm(df, method = "heuristic", control = list(scale = TRUE)),
mismm(df, method = "heuristic", control = list(scale = FALSE))
mismm(df, method = "mip", control = list(scale = TRUE)),
mismm(df, method = "mip", control = list(scale = FALSE))
mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic", control = list(scale = TRUE)),
mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic", control = list(scale = FALSE))
mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic", control = list(scale = TRUE)),
mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic", control = list(scale = FALSE))
## nystrom_args
mdl <- mismm(df, method = "mip",
control = list(nystrom_args = list(m = 16, r = 8)))
expect_equal(length(mdl$gurobi_fit$w), 8)
expect_equal(dim(mdl$kfm_fit$dv), c(8, 16))
expect_equal(dim(mdl$kfm_fit$df_sub), c(16, ncol(df) - 3))
## minimal arguments
mismm.formula(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ ., data = df)
test_that("mismm mip can warm start", {
verbose <- interactive()
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
# manually check that the output says "User MIP start produced solution with objective ..."
fit1 <- .run_mismm(df, method = "mip",
control = list(start = TRUE, verbose = verbose))
fit2 <- .run_mismm(df, method = "mip",
control = list(start = FALSE, verbose = verbose))
expect_equal(fit1$gurobi_fit[c("xi", "z")],
fit2$gurobi_fit[c("xi", "z")])
expect_lte(abs(fit1$gurobi_fit$b - fit2$gurobi_fit$b), 1e-7)
expect_lte(max(abs(fit1$gurobi_fit$w) - abs(fit2$gurobi_fit$w)), 1e-4)
pred1 <- predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "instance")
pred2 <- predict(fit2, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "instance")
expect_equal(pred1, pred2, tolerance = 1e-7)
# Hard to test whether the warm start improves the time to reach a solution
# without testing large problems
test_that("mismm mip works with radial kernel", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
fit1 <- .run_mismm(df, method = "mip",
control = list(kernel = "radial", sigma = 1))
expect(!is.null(fit1$kfm_fit), failure_message = "Kfm_fit was not found in the model")
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "class", layer = "bag")
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "class", layer = "instance")
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "bag")
predict(fit1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "instance")
fit2 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2 + X3,
data = df,
method = "mip",
control = list(kernel = "radial",
sigma = 1))
expect(!is.null(fit1$kfm_fit), failure_message = "Kfm_fit was not found in the model")
m <- 20
r <- 10
fit2 <- .run_mismm(df, method = "mip",
control = list(kernel = "radial",
sigma = 1,
nystrom_args = list(m = m, r = r)))
expect_equal(dim(fit2$kfm_fit$dv), c(r, m))
expect_equal(dim(fit2$kfm_fit$df_sub), c(m, length(4:6)))
# Running with linear kernel shouldn't have the kfm_fit element
fit1 <- .run_mismm(df, method = "mip", control = list(kernel = "linear"))
expect(!is.null(fit1$kfm_fit), failure_message = "Kfm_fit was not found in the model")
test_that("Passing kernel matrix into mismm works", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
df_test <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-test_mild_df.rds"))
df_shuf <- df[sample(seq_len(nrow(df))), ]
check_kernel_matrix_works <- function(method) {
mdl1 <- mismm(df_shuf, method = method, control = list(kernel = kme(df_shuf, sigma = 0.05), sigma = 0.05))
pred1 <- predict(mdl1, new_data = df_test, type = "raw", kernel = kme(df_test, df_shuf, sigma = 0.05))
mdl2 <- mismm(df_shuf, method = method, control = list(sigma = 0.05, scale = FALSE))
pred2 <- predict(mdl2, new_data = df_test, type = "raw")
shared <- c(
"ksvm_fit", "call_type", "x", "features", "levels", "cost",
"sigma", "weights", "repr_inst", "n_step", "useful_inst_idx",
"inst_order", "bag_name", "instance_name"
expect_equal(mdl1[shared], mdl2[shared])
expect_equal(pred1, pred2)
check_kernel_matrix_works(method = "heuristic") %>%
check_kernel_matrix_works(method = "qp-heuristic") %>%
test_that("Re-ordering data doesn't reduce performance", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
df_test <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-test_mild_df.rds"))
check_auc_after_reordering <- function(method) {
mdl1 <- mismm(df, method = method, control = list(sigma = 0.1))
mdl2 <- mismm(df[sample(seq_len(nrow(df))), ], method = method, control = list(sigma = 0.1))
pred1 <- predict(mdl1, df_test, type = "raw")
pred2 <- predict(mdl2, df_test, type = "raw")
auc1 <- with(df_test,
pROC::auc(response = classify_bags(bag_label, bag_name),
predictor = classify_bags(pred1$.pred, bag_name),
levels = c(0,1), direction = "<"))
auc2 <- with(df_test,
pROC::auc(response = classify_bags(bag_label, bag_name),
predictor = classify_bags(pred2$.pred, bag_name),
levels = c(0,1), direction = "<"))
# the auc2 should be in the neighborhood of auc1
auc1; auc2
eps <- 0.01
expect_gte(auc2, auc1 - eps)
expect_lte(auc2, auc1 + eps)
check_auc_after_reordering(method = "heuristic")
check_auc_after_reordering(method = "qp-heuristic")
test_that("`mismm()` value returns make sense", {
df <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
models <- list(
"mildata-heur" = mismm(df, method = "heuristic"),
"mildata-mip" = mismm(df, method = "mip", control = list(nystrom_args = list(m = 10))),
"mildata-qp" = mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic"),
"xy" = mismm(x =[, 4:6]),
y = df$bag_label,
bags = df$bag_name,
instances = df$instance_name),
"formula" = mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ ., data = df),
"no-scale-heur" = mismm(df, method = "heuristic", control = list(scale = FALSE)),
"no-scale-mip" = mismm(df, method = "mip", control = list(scale = FALSE, nystrom_args = list(m = 10))),
"no-scale-qp" = mismm(df, method = "qp-heuristic", control = list(scale = FALSE)),
"no-weights" = mismm(df, method = "heuristic", weights = FALSE)
) %>%
suppressWarnings() %>%
print(lapply(models, names))
test_that("`predict.mismm()` works without new_data", {
df_train <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-train_mild_df.rds"))
df_test <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "mimmm-test_mild_df.rds"))
check_prediction_no_data <- function(method) {
fit1 <- mismm(df_train, method = method,
control = list(scale = FALSE, sigma = 1/10))
pred1 <- predict(fit1, df_test, type = "raw", layer = "instance")
pred2 <- predict(fit1, NULL, "raw", "instance",
new_bags = df_test$bag_label,
new_instances = df_test$instance_name,
kernel = kme(df_test, df_train, sigma = 1/10))
expect_equal(pred1, pred2)
check_prediction_no_data(method = "heuristic")
check_prediction_no_data(method = "qp-heuristic")
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