gintervals.neighbors: Finds neighbors between two sets of intervals

View source: R/intervals.R

gintervals.neighborsR Documentation

Finds neighbors between two sets of intervals


Finds neighbors between two sets of intervals.


  intervals1 = NULL,
  intervals2 = NULL,
  maxneighbors = 1,
  mindist = -1e+09,
  maxdist = 1e+09,
  mindist1 = -1e+09,
  maxdist1 = 1e+09,
  mindist2 = -1e+09,
  maxdist2 = 1e+09,
  na.if.notfound = FALSE,
  intervals.set.out = NULL


intervals1, intervals2



maximal number of neighbors

mindist, maxdist

distance range for 1D intervals

mindist1, maxdist1, mindist2, maxdist2

distance range for 2D intervals


if 'TRUE' return 'NA' interval if no matching neighbors were found, otherwise omit the interval in the answer


intervals set name where the function result is optionally outputted


This function finds for each interval in 'intervals1' the closest 'maxneighbors' intervals from 'intervals2'.

For 1D intervals the distance must fall in the range of ['mindist', 'maxdist']. If 'intervals2' contains a 'strand' column the distance can be positive or negative depending on the 'strand' value and the position of interval2 relatively to interval1. If 'strand' column is missing the distance is always positive.

For 2D intervals two distances are calculated and returned for each axis. The distances must fall in the range of ['mindist1', 'maxdist1'] for axis 1 and ['mindist2', 'maxdist2'] for axis 2. For selecting the closest 'maxneighbors' intervals Manhattan distance is used (i.e. dist1+dist2).

The names of the returned columns are made unique using make.unique(colnames(df), sep = ""), assuming 'df' is the result.

If 'intervals.set.out' is not 'NULL' the result is saved as an intervals set. Use this parameter if the result size exceeds the limits of the physical memory.


If 'intervals.set.out' is 'NULL' a data frame containing the pairs of intervals from 'intervals1', intervals from 'intervals2' and an additional column named 'dist' ('dist1' and 'dist2' for 2D intervals) representing the distance between the corresponding intervals. The intervals from intervals2 would be changed to 'chrom1', 'start1', and 'end1' and for 2D intervals chrom11, start11, end11 and chrom22, start22, end22. If 'na.if.notfound' is 'TRUE', the data frame contains all the intervals from 'intervals1' including those for which no matching neighbor was found. For the latter intervals an 'NA' neighboring interval is stated. If 'na.if.notfound' is 'FALSE', the data frame contains only intervals from 'intervals1' for which matching neighbor(s) was found.

See Also



intervs1 <- giterator.intervals("dense_track",
    gintervals(1, 0, 4000),
    iterator = 233
intervs2 <- giterator.intervals(
    gintervals(1, 0, 2000)
gintervals.neighbors(intervs1, intervs2, 10,
    mindist = -300,
    maxdist = 500
intervs2$strand <- c(1, 1, -1, 1)
gintervals.neighbors(intervs1, intervs2, 10,
    mindist = -300,
    maxdist = 500

misha documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.