
Defines functions read.xlsx

Documented in read.xlsx

#' Read Excel File
#' This function calls the \code{read_xlsx()} function in the \pkg{readxl} package
#' by Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan (2019) to read an Excel file (.xlsx).
#' @param file          a character string indicating the name of the Excel data
#'                      file with or without file extension '.xlsx', e.g., \code{"My_Excel_Data.xlsx"}
#'                      or \code{"My_Excel_Data"}.
#' @param sheet         a character string indicating the name of a sheet or a numeric
#'                      value indicating the position of the sheet to read. By default
#'                      the first sheet will be read.
#' @param header        logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), the first row is used
#'                      as column names, if \code{FALSE} default names are used.
#'                      A character vector giving a name for each column can also
#'                      be used. If \code{coltypes} as a vector is provided,
#'                      \code{colnames} can have one entry per column, i.e. have
#'                      the same length as \code{coltypes}, or one entry per unskipped
#'                      column.
#' @param range         a character string indicating the cell range to read from,
#'                      e.g. typical Excel ranges like \code{"B3:D87"}, possibly
#'                      including the sheet name like \code{"Data!B2:G14"}. Interpreted
#'                      strictly, even if the range forces the inclusion of leading
#'                      or trailing empty rows or columns. Takes precedence over
#'                      \code{skip}, \code{nmax} and \code{sheet}.
#' @param coltypes      a character vector containing one entry per column from
#'                      these options \code{"skip"}, \code{"guess"}, \code{"logical"},
#'                      \code{"numeric"}, \code{"date"}, \code{"text"} or \code{"list"}.
#'                      If exactly one \code{coltype} is specified, it will be recycled.
#'                      By default (i.e., \code{coltypes = NULL}) coltypes will
#'                      be guessed. The content of a cell in a skipped column is
#'                      never read and that column will not appear in the data frame
#'                      output. A list cell loads a column as a list of length 1
#'                      vectors, which are typed using the type guessing logic from
#'                      \code{coltypes = NULL}, but on a cell-by-cell basis.
#' @param na            a character vector indicating strings to interpret as missing
#'                      values. By default, blank cells will be treated as missing data.
#' @param trim          logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), leading and trailing
#'                      whitespace will be trimmed.
#' @param skip          a numeric value indicating the minimum number of rows to
#'                      skip before reading anything, be it column names or data.
#'                      Leading empty rows are automatically skipped, so this is
#'                      a lower bound. Ignored if the argument \code{range} is specified.
#' @param nmax          a numeric value indicating the maximum number of data rows
#'                      to read. Trailing empty rows are automatically skipped, so
#'                      this is an upper bound on the number of rows in the returned
#'                      data frame. Ignored if the argument \code{range} is specified.
#' @param guessmax      a numeric value indicating the maximum number of data rows
#'                      to use for guessing column types.
#' @param progress      display a progress spinner? By default, the spinner appears
#'                      only in an interactive session, outside the context of knitting
#'                      a document, and when the call is likely to run for several
#'                      seconds or more.
#' @param name.repair   a character string indicating the handling of column names.
#'                      By default, the function ensures column names are not empty
#'                      and are unique.
#' @param as.data.frame logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), function returns a regular
#'                      data frame (default); if \code{FALSE} function returns a tibble.
#' @param check         logical: if \code{TRUE}, argument specification is checked.
#' @author
#' Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{write.xlsx}}, \code{\link{read.sav}}, \code{\link{read.mplus}}
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame or tibble.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Read Excel file (.xlsx)
#' read.xlsx("data.xlsx")
#' # Read Excel file (.xlsx), use default names as column names
#' read.xlsx("data.xlsx", header = FALSE)
#' # Read Excel file (.xlsx), interpret -99 as missing values
#' read.xlsx("data.xlsx", na = "-99")
#' # Read Excel file (.xlsx), use x1, x2, and x3 as column names
#' read.xlsx("data.xlsx", header = c("x1", "x2", "x3"))
#' # Read Excel file (.xlsx), read cells A1:B5
#' read.xlsx("data.xlsx", range = "A1:B5")
#' # Read Excel file (.xlsx), skip 2 rows before reading data
#' read.xlsx("data.xlsx", skip = 2)
#' # Read Excel file (.xlsx), return a tibble
#' read.xlsx("data.xlsx", as.data.frame = FALSE)
#' }
read.xlsx <- function(file, sheet = NULL, header = TRUE, range = NULL,
                      coltypes = c("skip", "guess", "logical", "numeric", "date", "text", "list"),
                      na = "", trim = TRUE, skip = 0, nmax = Inf, guessmax = min(1000, nmax),
                      progress = readxl::readxl_progress(), name.repair = "unique", as.data.frame = TRUE,
                      check = TRUE) {

  # Initial Check --------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check input 'file'
  if (isTRUE(missing(file))) { stop("Please specify a character string indicating the name of the SPSS data file for the argument 'file'", call. = FALSE) }

  # File extension .xlsx
  file <- ifelse(length(grep(".xlsx", file)) == 0, file <- paste0(file, ".xlsx"), file)

  # Check if file exists
  if (isTRUE(!file.exists(file))) { stop(paste0("Unable to open Excel data file: ", sQuote(file), " does not exist."), call. = FALSE) }

  # Check input 'check'
  if (isTRUE(!is.logical(check))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'check'.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Input Check ----------------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(check)) {

    # Check input 'trim'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(trim))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'trim'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'as.data.frame'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(as.data.frame))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'as.data.frame'.", call. = FALSE) }


  # Data and Arguments ---------------------------------------------------------

  ## Argument 'coltypes' ####

  if (isTRUE(all(c("skip", "guess", "logical", "numeric", "date", "text", "list") %in% coltypes))) {

    coltypes <- NULL


  # Main Function --------------------------------------------------------------

  ## Data frame ####

  if (isTRUE(as.data.frame)) {

    object <- as.data.frame(readxl::read_xlsx(path = file, sheet = sheet, range = range, col_names = header,
                                              col_types = coltypes, na = na, trim_ws = trim, skip = skip,
                                              n_max = nmax, guess_max = guessmax, progress = progress,
                                             .name_repair = name.repair), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## Tibble ####

  } else {

    object <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = file, sheet = sheet, range = range, col_names = header,
                                col_types = coltypes, na = na, trim_ws = trim, skip = skip,
                                n_max = nmax, guess_max = guessmax, progress = progress,
                                .name_repair = name.repair)


  # Output ---------------------------------------------------------------------



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