
Defines functions get_time_elements getRDD getRDI getEGrowth getERepro getMort getFMort getFMortGear getResourceMort getPredMort getPredRate getEReproAndGrowth getCriticalFeedingLevel getFeedingLevel getEncounter getRates

Documented in getCriticalFeedingLevel getEGrowth getEncounter getERepro getEReproAndGrowth getFeedingLevel getFMort getFMortGear getMort getPredMort getPredRate getRates getRDD getRDI getResourceMort get_time_elements

# Copyright 2012 Finlay Scott and Julia Blanchard.
# Copyright 2018 Gustav Delius and Richard Southwell.
# Development has received funding from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 
# Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 634495 
# for the project MINOUW (http://minouw-project.eu/).
# Distributed under the GPL 3 or later 
# Maintainer: Gustav Delius, University of York, <gustav.delius@york.ac.uk>

# Note on calling signatures of rate functions
# Most rate functions have the arguments as getRates():
#    params, n, n_pp, n_other, t, ...
# This is the case for getEncounter, getResourceMort, getPredRate,
# getEGrowth, getERepro, getEReproAndGrowth, getRDI
# Some have these arguments and in addition the effort argument:
#   getRates, getMort
# Four functions are the odd ones out because they also accept a MizerSim:
# getFeedingLevel(object, n, n_pp,n_other, time_range, drop, ...)
# getPredMort(object, n, n_pp,n_other, time_range, drop, ...)
# getFMort(object, effort, time_range, drop)
# getFMortGear(object, effort, time_range)

#' Get all rates
#' @inherit mizerRates
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @export
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' rates <- getRates(NS_params)
#' names(rates)
#' identical(rates$encounter, getEncounter(NS_params))
getRates <- function(params, n = initialN(params), 
                     n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                     n_other = initialNOther(params),
                     effort, t = 0, ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    if (missing(effort)) {
        effort <- params@initial_effort
        params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other,
        t = t, effort = effort, 
        rates_fns = lapply(params@rates_funcs, get), ...)

#' Get encounter rate
#' Returns the rate at which a predator of species \eqn{i} and
#' weight \eqn{w} encounters food (grams/year).
#' @inherit mizerEncounter
#' @export
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' encounter <- getEncounter(NS_params)
#' str(encounter)
getEncounter <- function(params, n = initialN(params), 
                         n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                         n_other = initialNOther(params),
                         t = 0, ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
                identical(dim(n), dim(params@initial_n)),
                identical(length(n_pp), length(params@initial_n_pp)),
                identical(length(n_other), length(params@initial_n_other))
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$Encounter)
    encounter <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, t = t)
    dimnames(encounter) <- dimnames(params@metab)

#' Get feeding level
#' Returns the feeding level.
#' By default this function uses [mizerFeedingLevel()] to calculate
#' the feeding level, but this can be overruled via [setRateFunction()].
#' @inherit mizerFeedingLevel
#' @param object A `MizerParams` object or a `MizerSim` object
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @inheritParams get_time_elements
#' @param drop If `TRUE` then any dimension of length 1 will be removed
#'   from the returned array.
#' @return If a `MizerParams` object is passed in, the function returns a two
#'   dimensional array (predator species x predator size) based on the
#'   abundances also passed in.
#'   If a `MizerSim` object is passed in, the function returns a three
#'   dimensional array (time step x predator species x predator size) with the
#'   feeding level calculated at every time step in the simulation.
#'   If \code{drop = TRUE} then the dimension of length 1 will be removed from
#'   the returned array.
#' @export
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # Get initial feeding level
#' fl <- getFeedingLevel(params)
#' # Project with constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get the feeding level at all saved time steps
#' fl <- getFeedingLevel(sim)
#' # Get the feeding level for years 15 - 20
#' fl <- getFeedingLevel(sim, time_range = c(15, 20))
#' }
getFeedingLevel <- function(object, n, n_pp, n_other,
                            time_range, drop = FALSE, ...) {
    if (is(object, "MizerParams")) {
        params <- validParams(object)
        if (missing(time_range)) time_range <- 0
        t <- min(time_range)
        if (missing(n)) n <- params@initial_n
        if (missing(n_pp)) n_pp <- params@initial_n_pp
        if (missing(n_other)) n_other <- params@initial_n_other
        # calculate feeding level
        f <- get(params@rates_funcs$FeedingLevel)
        feeding_level <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other,
                           encounter = getEncounter(params, n, n_pp, n_other, 
                                                    t = t), 
                           t = t)
        dimnames(feeding_level) <- dimnames(params@metab)
    } else {
        sim <- object
        if (missing(time_range)) {
            time_range <- dimnames(sim@n)$time
        time_elements <- get_time_elements(sim, time_range)
        feed_time <- plyr::aaply(which(time_elements), 1, function(x) {
            # Necessary as we only want single time step but may only have 1
            # species which makes using drop impossible
            n <- array(sim@n[x, , ], dim = dim(sim@n)[2:3])
            dimnames(n) <- dimnames(sim@n)[2:3]
            n_other <- sim@n_other[x, ]
            names(n_other) <- dimnames(sim@n_other)$component
            t <- as.numeric(dimnames(sim@n)$time[[x]])
            feed <- getFeedingLevel(sim@params, n = n,
                                    n_pp = sim@n_pp[x, ],
                                    n_other = n_other,
                                    time_range = t)
            }, .drop = FALSE)
        # Before we drop dimensions we want to set the time dimname
        names(dimnames(feed_time))[[1]] <- "time"
        feed_time <- feed_time[, , , drop = drop]

#' Get critical feeding level
#' The critical feeding level is the feeding level at which the food intake is
#' just high enough to cover the metabolic costs, with nothing left over for
#' growth or reproduction. 
#' @param params A MizerParams object
#' @return A matrix (species x size) with the critical feeding level
#' @export
getCriticalFeedingLevel <- function(params) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    params@metab / params@intake_max / params@species_params$alpha

#' Get energy rate available for reproduction and growth
#' Calculates the energy rate \eqn{E_{r.i}(w)} (grams/year) available for
#' reproduction and growth after metabolism and movement have been accounted
#' for. 
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @inherit mizerEReproAndGrowth
#' @export
#' @seealso The part of this energy rate that is invested into growth is
#'   calculated with [getEGrowth()] and the part that is invested into
#'   reproduction is calculated with [getERepro()].
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # Project with constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get the energy at a particular time step
#' getEReproAndGrowth(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], 
#'                    n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ], t = 15)
#' }
getEReproAndGrowth <- function(params, n = initialN(params), 
                               n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                               n_other = initialNOther(params),
                               t = 0, ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$EReproAndGrowth)
    e <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, t = t,
           encounter = getEncounter(params, n, n_pp, n_other, t = t), 
           feeding_level = getFeedingLevel(params, n, n_pp, n_other, 
                                           time_range = t))
    dimnames(e) <- dimnames(params@metab)

#' Get predation rate
#' Calculates the potential rate (in units 1/year) at which a prey individual of
#' a given size \eqn{w} is killed by predators from species \eqn{j}. In formulas
#' \deqn{{\tt pred\_rate}_j(w_p) = \int \phi_j(w,w_p) (1-f_j(w)) 
#'   \gamma_j(w) N_j(w) \, dw.}{pred_rate_j(w_p) = \int\phi_i(w,w_p) (1-f_i(w)) 
#'   \gamma_i(w) N_i(w) dw.}
#' This potential rate is used in [getPredMort()] to
#' calculate the realised predation mortality rate on the prey individual.
#' @inherit mizerPredRate
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @return A two dimensional array (predator species x prey size), 
#'   where the prey size runs over fish community plus resource spectrum.
#' @export
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # With constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get the feeding level at one time step
#' getPredRate(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ])
#' }
getPredRate <- function(params, n = initialN(params), 
                        n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                        n_other = initialNOther(params),
                        t = 0, ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$PredRate)
    pred_rate <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, t = t,
                   feeding_level = getFeedingLevel(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp,  
                                                   n_other = n_other, 
                                                   time_range = t))
    dimnames(pred_rate) <- list(sp = dimnames(params@initial_n)$sp,
                                w_prey = as.character(signif(params@w_full, 3)))

#' Get total predation mortality rate
#' Calculates the total predation mortality rate \eqn{\mu_{p,i}(w_p)} (in units
#' of 1/year) on each prey species by prey size:
#' \deqn{\mu_{p.i}(w_p) = \sum_j {\tt pred\_rate}_j(w_p)\, \theta_{ji}.}{
#'   \mu_{p.i}(w_p) = \sum_j pred_rate_j(w_p) \theta_{ji}.}
#' The predation rate `pred_rate` is returned by [getPredRate()].
#' @inherit mizerPredMort
#' @inheritParams getFeedingLevel
#' @return
#'   If a `MizerParams` object is passed in, the function returns a two
#'   dimensional array (prey species x prey size) based on the abundances also
#'   passed in. If a `MizerSim` object is passed in, the function returns a
#'   three dimensional array (time step x prey species x prey size) with the
#'   predation mortality calculated at every time step in the simulation.
#'   Dimensions may be dropped if they have length 1 unless `drop = FALSE`.
#' @family rate functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # With constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get predation mortality at one time step
#' getPredMort(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ])
#' # Get predation mortality at all saved time steps
#' getPredMort(sim)
#' # Get predation mortality over the years 15 - 20
#' getPredMort(sim, time_range = c(15, 20))
#' }
getPredMort <- function(object, n, n_pp, n_other,
                        time_range, drop = TRUE, ...) {
    if (is(object, "MizerParams")) {
        params <- validParams(object)
        if (missing(n)) n <- params@initial_n
        if (missing(n_pp)) n_pp <- params@initial_n_pp
        if (missing(n_other)) n_other <- params@initial_n_other
        if (missing(time_range)) time_range <- 0
        t <- min(time_range)
        f <- get(params@rates_funcs$PredMort)
        pred_mort <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, t = t,
                       pred_rate = getPredRate(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                               n_other = n_other, t = t))
        dimnames(pred_mort) <- list(prey = dimnames(params@initial_n)$sp,
                                    w_prey = dimnames(params@initial_n)$w)
    } else {
        sim <- object
        if (missing(time_range)) {
            time_range <- dimnames(sim@n)$time
        time_elements <- get_time_elements(sim, time_range)
        pred_mort_time <- plyr::aaply(which(time_elements), 1, function(x) {
            n <- array(sim@n[x, , ], dim = dim(sim@n)[2:3])
            dimnames(n) <- dimnames(sim@n)[2:3]
            n_other <- sim@n_other[x, ]
            names(n_other) <- dimnames(sim@n_other)$component
            t <- as.numeric(dimnames(sim@n)$time[[x]])
            n_pp <- sim@n_pp[x, ]
            return(getPredMort(sim@params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                               n_other = n_other, time_range = t))
        }, .drop = FALSE)
        # Before we drop dimensions we want to set the time dimname
        names(dimnames(pred_mort_time))[[1]] <- "time"
        pred_mort_time <- pred_mort_time[, , , drop = drop]

#' Alias for `getPredMort()`
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' An alias provided for backward compatibility with mizer version <= 1.0
#' @inherit getPredMort
#' @export
#' @concept deprecated
getM2 <- getPredMort

#' Get predation mortality rate for resource
#' Calculates the predation mortality rate \eqn{\mu_p(w)} on the resource
#' spectrum by resource size (in units 1/year).
#' @inherit mizerResourceMort
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @return A vector of mortality rate by resource size.
#' @family rate functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # With constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get resource mortality at one time step
#' getResourceMort(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ])
#' }
getResourceMort <- 
    function(params, n = initialN(params), 
             n_pp = initialNResource(params),
             n_other = initialNOther(params),
             t = 0, ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$ResourceMort)
    mort <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, 
              t = t, pred_rate = getPredRate(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                             n_other = n_other, t = t))
    names(mort) <- names(params@initial_n_pp)

#' Alias for `getResourceMort()`
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' An alias provided for backward compatibility with mizer version <= 1.0
#' @inherit getResourceMort
#' @export
#' @concept deprecated
getM2Background <- getResourceMort

#' Get the fishing mortality by time, gear, species and size
#' Calculates the fishing mortality rate \eqn{F_{g,i,w}} by gear, species and
#' size and possibly time (in units 1/year).
#' @param object A `MizerParams` object or a `MizerSim` object.
#' @param effort The effort for each fishing gear. See notes below.
#' @param time_range Subset the returned fishing mortalities by time. The time
#'   range is either a vector of values, a vector of min and max time, or a
#'   single value. Default is the whole time range. Only used if the
#'   `object` argument is of type `MizerSim`.
#' @return An array. If the effort argument has a time dimension, or a
#'   `MizerSim` is passed in, the output array has four dimensions (time x
#'   gear x species x size). If the effort argument does not have a time
#'   dimension (i.e. it is a vector or a single numeric), the output array has
#'   three dimensions (gear x species x size).
#' @note Here: fishing mortality = catchability x selectivity x effort.
#' The `effort` argument is only used if a `MizerParams` object is
#' passed in. The `effort` argument can be a two dimensional array (time x
#' gear), a vector of length equal to the number of gears (each gear has a
#' different effort that is constant in time), or a single numeric value (each
#' gear has the same effort that is constant in time). The order of gears in the
#' `effort` argument must be the same the same as in the `MizerParams`
#' object. If the `effort` argument is not supplied, its value is taken
#' from the `@initial_effort` slot in the params object.
#' If the object argument is of class `MizerSim` then the effort slot of
#' the `MizerSim` object is used and the `effort` argument is not
#' used.
#' @export
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <-NS_params
#' # Get the fishing mortality when effort is constant
#' # for all gears and time:
#' getFMortGear(params, effort = 1)
#' # Get the fishing mortality when effort is different
#' # between the four gears but constant in time:
#' getFMortGear(params, effort = c(0.5, 1, 1.5, 0.75))
#' # Get the fishing mortality when effort is different
#' # between the four gears and changes with time:
#' effort <- array(NA, dim = c(20, 4))
#' effort[, 1] <- seq(from=0, to = 1, length = 20)
#' effort[, 2] <- seq(from=1, to = 0.5, length = 20)
#' effort[, 3] <- seq(from=1, to = 2, length = 20)
#' effort[, 4] <- seq(from=2, to = 1, length = 20)
#' getFMortGear(params, effort = effort)
#' # Get the fishing mortality using the effort already held in a MizerSim object.
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' getFMortGear(sim)
#' getFMortGear(sim, time_range = c(10, 20))
#' }
getFMortGear <- function(object, effort, time_range) {
    if (is(object, "MizerSim")) {
        sim <- object
        if (missing(time_range)) {
            time_range <- dimnames(sim@effort)$time
        time_elements <- get_time_elements(sim, time_range)
        f_mort_gear <- getFMortGear(sim@params, sim@effort)
        return(f_mort_gear[time_elements, , , , drop = FALSE])
    } else {
        params <- validParams(object)
        if (missing(effort)) {
            effort <- params@initial_effort
        if (is(effort, "numeric")) {
            no_gear <- dim(params@catchability)[1]
            # If a single value, just repeat it for all gears
            if (length(effort) == 1) {
                effort <- rep(effort, no_gear)
            if (length(effort) != no_gear) {
                stop("Effort must be a single value or a vector as long as the number of gears\n")
            f <- mizerFMortGear(params, effort = effort)
            dimnames(f) <- dimnames(params@selectivity)
        } else {
            # assuming effort is a matrix, and object is of MizerParams class
            no_gear <- dim(params@catchability)[1]
            if (dim(effort)[2] != no_gear)
                stop("Effort array must have a single value or a vector as long as the number of gears for each time step\n")
            # Make the output array - note that we put time as last dimension
            # and then aperm before returning. This is because of the order of
            # the values when we call the other getFMortGear function.
            # Fill it up by calling the other function and passing in each line
            # of the effort matrix
            out <- array(NA, dim = c(dim(params@selectivity), dim(effort)[1]),
                         dimnames = c(dimnames(params@selectivity),
                                      list(time = dimnames(effort)[[1]])))
            out[] <- apply(effort, 1, function(x) mizerFMortGear(params, x))
            out <- aperm(out, c(4, 1, 2, 3))

#' Get the total fishing mortality rate from all fishing gears by time, species
#' and size.
#' Calculates the total fishing mortality  (in units 1/year) from all gears by
#' species and size and possibly time. See `setFishing()` for details of
#' how fishing gears are set up.
#' The total fishing mortality is just the sum of the fishing mortalities
#' imposed by each gear, \eqn{\mu_{f.i}(w)=\sum_g F_{g,i,w}}.
#' The fishing mortality for each gear is obtained as catchability x 
#' selectivity x effort.
#' @param object A `MizerParams` object or a `MizerSim` object
#' @param effort The effort of each fishing gear. Only used if the object
#'   argument is of class `MizerParams`. See notes below.
#' @param time_range Subset the returned fishing mortalities by time. The time
#'   range is either a vector of values, a vector of min and max time, or a
#'   single value. Default is the whole time range. Only used if the
#'   `object` argument is of type `MizerSim`.
#' @param drop Only used when object is of type `MizerSim`. Should
#'   dimensions of length 1 be dropped, e.g. if your community only has one
#'   species it might make presentation of results easier. Default is TRUE.
#' @return An array. If the effort argument has a time dimension, or object is
#'   of class `MizerSim`, the output array has three dimensions (time x
#'   species x size). If the effort argument does not have a time dimension, the
#'   output array has two dimensions (species x size).
#' The `effort` argument is only used if a `MizerParams` object is
#' passed in. The `effort` argument can be a two dimensional array (time x
#' gear), a vector of length equal to the number of gears (each gear has a
#' different effort that is constant in time), or a single numeric value (each
#' gear has the same effort that is constant in time). The order of gears in the
#' `effort` argument must be the same as in the `MizerParams`
#' object.
#' If the object argument is of class `MizerSim` then the effort slot of
#' the `MizerSim` object is used and the `effort` argument is not
#' used.
#' @inheritSection mizerFMort Your own fishing mortality function
#' @export
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # Get the total fishing mortality when effort is constant for all 
#' # gears and time:
#' getFMort(params, effort = 1)
#' # Get the total fishing mortality when effort is different
#' # between the four gears but constant in time:
#' getFMort(params, effort = c(0.5,1,1.5,0.75))
#' # Get the total fishing mortality when effort is different
#' # between the four gears and changes with time:
#' effort <- array(NA, dim = c(20,4))
#' effort[, 1] <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 20)
#' effort[, 2] <- seq(from = 1, to = 0.5, length = 20)
#' effort[, 3] <- seq(from = 1, to = 2, length = 20)
#' effort[, 4] <- seq(from = 2, to = 1, length = 20)
#' getFMort(params, effort = effort)
#' # Get the total fishing mortality using the effort already held in a 
#' # MizerSim object.
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' getFMort(sim)
#' getFMort(sim, time_range = c(10, 20))
#' }
getFMort <- function(object, effort, time_range, drop = TRUE) {
    if (is(object, "MizerParams")) {
        params <- validParams(object)
        if (missing(effort)) {
          effort <- params@initial_effort
        if (missing(time_range)) time_range <- 0
        t <- min(time_range)
        n <- params@initial_n
        n_pp <- params@initial_n_pp
        n_other <- params@initial_n_other
        no_gears <- dim(params@catchability)[[1]]
        f <- get(params@rates_funcs$FMort)
        if (length(dim(effort)) == 2) {
            times <- dimnames(effort)$time
            f_mort <- array(0,
                            dim = c(dim(effort)[[1]], dim(params@initial_n)),
                            dimnames = c(list(time = times),
            times <- as.numeric(times)
            for (i in seq_len(dim(effort)[1])) {
                f_mort[i, , ] <- 
                    f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other,
                      effort = effort[i, ], t = times[i],
                      e_growth = getEGrowth(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                            n_other = n_other, t = times[i]), 
                      pred_mort = getPredMort(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                              n_other = n_other,
                                              time_range = times[i]))
        } else if (length(effort) <= 1) {
            fmort <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, 
                       effort = rep(effort, no_gears), t = t,
                       e_growth = getEGrowth(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                             n_other = n_other, t = t), 
                       pred_mort = getPredMort(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                               n_other = n_other, 
                                               time_range = t))
            dimnames(fmort) <- dimnames(params@metab)
        } else if (length(effort) == no_gears) {
            fmort <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, 
                       effort = effort, t = t,
                       e_growth = getEGrowth(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                             n_other = n_other, t = t), 
                       pred_mort = getPredMort(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                               n_other = n_other, 
                                               time_range = t))
            dimnames(fmort) <- dimnames(params@metab)
        } else {
            stop("Invalid effort argument")
    } else if (is(object, "MizerSim")) {
        #case where object is MizerSim, and we use effort from there
        sim <- object
        params <- sim@params
        f <- get(params@rates_funcs$FMort)
        if (missing(time_range)) {
            time_range <- dimnames(sim@effort)$time
        time_elements <- get_time_elements(sim, time_range)
        effort <- sim@effort[time_elements, , drop = FALSE]
        n <- sim@n[time_elements, , , drop = FALSE]
        n_pp <- sim@n_pp[time_elements, , drop = FALSE]
        n_other <- sim@n_other[time_elements, , drop = FALSE]
        times <- dimnames(effort)$time
        f_mort <- array(0,
                        dim = c(dim(effort)[[1]], dim(params@initial_n)),
                        dimnames = c(list(time = times),
        times <- as.numeric(times)
        for (i in seq_len(dim(effort)[1])) {
            f_mort[i, , ] <- 
                f(params, n = n[i, , ], n_pp = n_pp[i, ], 
                  n_other = n_other[i, ], effort = effort[i, ], t = times[i],
                  e_growth = getEGrowth(params, n = n[i, , ], n_pp = n_pp[i, ],
                                        n_other = n_other[i, ], t = times[i]), 
                  pred_mort = getPredMort(params, n = n[i, , ], 
                                          n_pp = n_pp[i, ], 
                                          n_other = n_other[i, ],
                                          time_range = times[i]))
        return(f_mort[, , , drop = drop])
    } else {
      stop("The first argument needs to be a MizerParams or MizerSim object.")

#' Get total mortality rate
#' Calculates the total mortality rate \eqn{\mu_i(w)}  (in units 1/year) on each
#' species by size from predation mortality, background mortality and fishing
#' mortality for a single time step.
#' @inherit mizerMort
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @param effort A numeric vector of the effort by gear or a single numeric
#'   effort value which is used for all gears.
#' @return A two dimensional array (prey species x prey size). 
#' @export
#' @seealso [getPredMort()], [getFMort()]
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # Project with constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get the total mortality at a particular time step
#' getMort(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ], 
#'         t = 15, effort = 0.5)
#' }
getMort <- function(params, 
                    n = initialN(params), 
                    n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                    n_other = initialNOther(params),
                    effort = getInitialEffort(params),
                    t = 0, ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$Mort)
    z <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, t = t,
           f_mort = getFMort(params, effort), 
           pred_mort = getPredMort(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                   n_other = n_other, time_range = t))
    dimnames(z) <- list(prey = dimnames(params@initial_n)$sp,
                        w_prey = dimnames(params@initial_n)$w)

#' Alias for `getMort()`
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' An alias provided for backward compatibility with mizer version <= 1.0
#' @inherit getMort
#' @export
#' @concept deprecated
getZ <- getMort

#' Get energy rate available for reproduction
#' Calculates the energy rate (grams/year) available for reproduction after
#' growth and metabolism have been accounted for.
#' @inherit mizerERepro
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @return A two dimensional array (prey species x prey size) holding
#' \deqn{\psi_i(w)E_{r.i}(w)}
#' where \eqn{E_{r.i}(w)} is the rate at which energy becomes available for
#' growth and reproduction, calculated with [getEReproAndGrowth()],
#' and \eqn{\psi_i(w)} is the proportion of this energy that is used for
#' reproduction. This proportion is taken from the `params` object and is
#' set with [setReproduction()].
#' @export
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # Project with constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get the energy at a particular time step
#' getERepro(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ], t = 15)
#' }
getERepro <- function(params, n = initialN(params), 
                      n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                      n_other = initialNOther(params),
                      t = 0, ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$ERepro)
    erepro <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, t = t, 
                e = getEReproAndGrowth(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp,
                                       n_other = n_other, t = t))
    dimnames(erepro) <- dimnames(params@metab)

#' Alias for `getERepro()`
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` 
#' An alias provided for backward compatibility with mizer version <= 1.0
#' @inherit getERepro
#' @export
#' @concept deprecated
getESpawning <- getERepro

#' Get energy rate available for growth
#' Calculates the energy rate \eqn{g_i(w)} (grams/year) available by species and
#' size for growth after metabolism, movement and reproduction have been
#' accounted for.
#' @inherit mizerEGrowth
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @return A two dimensional array (prey species x prey size) 
#' @export
#' @seealso [getERepro()], [getEReproAndGrowth()]
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # Project with constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get the energy at a particular time step
#' getEGrowth(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ], t = 15)
#' }
getEGrowth <- function(params, n = initialN(params), 
                       n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                       n_other = initialNOther(params),
                       t = 0, ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$EGrowth)
    g <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, t = t, 
           e_repro = getERepro(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                               n_other = n_other, t = t), 
           e = getEReproAndGrowth(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                  n_other = n_other, t = t))
    dimnames(g) <- dimnames(params@metab)

#' Get density independent rate of egg production
#' Calculates the density-independent rate of total egg production 
#' \eqn{R_{di}}{R_di} (units 1/year) before density dependence, by species. 
#' @inherit mizerRDI
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @return A numeric vector the length of the number of species.
#' @export
#' @seealso [getRDD()]
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # Project with constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get the density-independent reproduction rate at a particular time step
#' getRDI(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ], t = 15)
#' }
getRDI <- function(params, n = initialN(params), 
                   n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                   n_other = initialNOther(params),
                   t = 0, ...) {
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$RDI)
    rdi <- f(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other = n_other, t = t, 
             e_repro = getERepro(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                 n_other = n_other, t = t), 
             e_growth = getEGrowth(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                   n_other = n_other, t = t), 
             mort = getMort(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                            n_other = n_other, t = t))
    names(rdi) <- as.character(params@species_params$species)

#' Get density dependent reproduction rate
#' Calculates the density dependent rate of egg production \eqn{R_i} (units
#' 1/year) for each species. This is the flux entering the smallest size class
#' of each species. The density dependent rate is the density independent
#' rate obtained with [getRDI()] after it has been put through the 
#' density dependence function. This is the Beverton-Holt function
#' [BevertonHoltRDD()] by default, but this can be changed. See
#' [setReproduction()] for more details.
#' @inheritParams mizerRates
#' @param rdi A vector of density-independent reproduction rates for each
#'   species. If not specified, rdi is calculated internally using
#'   [getRDI()].
#' @return A numeric vector the length of the number of species. 
#' @export
#' @seealso [getRDI()]
#' @family rate functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' params <- NS_params
#' # Project with constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps
#' sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
#' # Get the rate at a particular time step
#' getRDD(params, n = N(sim)[15, , ], n_pp = NResource(sim)[15, ], t = 15)
#' }
getRDD <- function(params, n = initialN(params), 
                   n_pp = initialNResource(params),
                   n_other = initialNOther(params),
                   t = 0,
                   rdi = getRDI(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, 
                                n_other = n_other, t = t), ...) {
    params <- validParams(params)
    # Avoid getting into infinite loops
    if (params@rates_funcs$RDD == "getRDD") {
        stop('"getRDD" is not a valid name for the function giving the density',
             'dependent reproductive rate.')
    f <- get(params@rates_funcs$RDD)
    rdd <- f(rdi = rdi, species_params = params@species_params, 
             params = params, t = t)
    names(rdd) <- as.character(params@species_params$species)

#' Get_time_elements
#' Internal function to get the array element references of the time dimension
#' for the time based slots of a MizerSim object.
#' @param sim A MizerSim object
#' @param time_range A vector of times. Only the range of times is relevant,
#'   i.e., all times between the smallest and largest will be selected.
#'   The time_range can be character or numeric.
#' @param slot_name Obsolete. Was only needed in early versions of mizer where
#'   the effort slot could have different time dimension from the other slots.
#' @return Named boolean vector indicating for each time whether it is included
#'   in the range or not.
#' @export
#' @concept helper
get_time_elements <- function(sim, time_range, slot_name = "n") {
    assert_that(is(sim, "MizerSim"))
    time_range <- range(as.numeric(time_range))
    # Check that time range is even in object
    sim_times <- as.numeric(dimnames(slot(sim, slot_name))$time)
    sim_time_range <- range(sim_times)
    if ((time_range[1] < sim_time_range[1]) ||
        (time_range[2] > sim_time_range[2])) {
        stop("Time range is outside the time range of the model.")
    time_elements <- (sim_times >= time_range[1]) & (sim_times <= time_range[2])
    if (!any(time_elements)) {
        stop("The time range does not contain any simulation results.")
    names(time_elements) <- dimnames(sim@effort)$time

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