
Defines functions steadySingleSpecies

Documented in steadySingleSpecies

#' Set initial abundances to single-species steady state abundances
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' This first calculates growth and death rates that arise from the current
#' initial abundances. Then it uses these growth and death rates to 
#' determine the steady-state abundances of the selected species. 
#' The result of applying this function is of course not a multi-species steady
#' state, because after changing the abundances of the selected species the
#' growth and death rates will have changed.
#' @param params A MizerParams object
#' @param species The species to be selected. Optional. By default all target
#'   species are selected. A vector of species names, or a numeric vector with
#'   the species indices, or a logical vector indicating for each species
#'   whether it is to be selected (TRUE) or not.
#' @param keep A string determining which quantity is to be kept constant. The
#'   choices are "egg" which keeps the egg density constant, "biomass" which 
#'   keeps the total biomass of the species constant and "number" which keeps
#'   the total number of individuals constant.
#' @return A MizerParams object in which the initial abundances of the selected
#'   species are changed to their single-species steady state abundances.
#' @export
steadySingleSpecies <- function(params, species = NULL,
                                keep = c("egg", "biomass", "number")) {
    species <- valid_species_arg(params, species)
    keep <- match.arg(keep)
    biomass <- getBiomass(params)
    number <- getN(params)
    # Use growth and mortality from current abundances
    growth_all <- getEGrowth(params)
    mort_all <- getMort(params)
    # Loop through all species and calculate their steady state abundances
    # using the current growth and mortality rates
    for (sp in species) {
        growth <- growth_all[sp, ]
        mort <- mort_all[sp, ]
        w_min_idx <- params@w_min_idx[sp]
        w_max_idx <- sum(params@w <= params@species_params[sp, "w_max"])
        idx <- w_min_idx:(w_max_idx - 1)
        if (any(growth[idx] == 0)) {
            stop("With these parameter values the ", sp,
                 " does not have enough food to cover its metabolic cost")
        # Keep egg density constant
        n0 <- params@initial_n[sp, w_min_idx]
        # Steady state solution of the upwind-difference scheme used in project
        params@initial_n[sp, ] <- 0
        params@initial_n[sp, w_min_idx:w_max_idx] <- 
            n0 * c(1, cumprod(growth[idx] / 
                                  ((growth + mort * params@dw)[idx + 1])))
    if (any(is.infinite(params@initial_n))) {
        stop("Candidate steady state holds infinities")
    if (any(is.na(params@initial_n) | is.nan(params@initial_n))) {
        stop("Candidate steady state holds non-numeric values")
    if (keep == "biomass") {
        factor <- biomass / getBiomass(params)
        params@initial_n <- params@initial_n * factor
    if (keep == "number") {
        factor <- number / getN(params)
        params@initial_n <- params@initial_n * factor

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mizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.