
Defines functions plot.mlVAR plot.mlVARsim getNet makeSym summary.mlVAR print.mlVAR

Documented in getNet plot.mlVAR plot.mlVARsim print.mlVAR summary.mlVAR

print.mlVAR <- function(x,...){
  name <- deparse(substitute(x))[[1]]
  if (nchar(name) > 10) name <- "object"
  if (name=="x") name <- "object"
  est <- x$input$estimator
  cat("\nmlVAR estimation completed. Input was:\n",
      "\t- Variables:",x$input$vars,"\n",
      "\t- Lags:",x$input$lags,"\n",
      "\t- Estimator:",est,"\n")
  if (!all(x$input$lags==0)){
    cat("\t- Temporal:",x$input$temporal)
  ### Tips
      paste0("Use summary(",name,") to inspect fit and parameter estimates (see ?summary.mlVAR)"),
      paste0("Use plot(",name,") to plot estimated networks (see ?plot.mlVAR)"),
      paste0("Use mlVARcompare(object1, object2) to compare mlVAR models (see ?mlVARcompare)")

### summary method:
summary.mlVAR <- function(
  show  = c("fit","temporal","contemporaneous","between"),
  round = 3,
  x <- object
  est <- x$input$estimator
  cat("\nmlVAR estimation completed. Input was:\n",
      "\t- Variables:",x$input$vars,"\n",
      "\t- Lags:",x$input$lags,"\n",
      "\t- Estimator:",est,"\n",
      "\t- Temporal:",x$input$temporal)
  nVar <- length(object$input$vars)
  nLag <- length(object$input$lags)
  Lags <- object$input$lags
  vars <- object$input$vars
  if ("fit" %in% show){
    cat("\n\nInformation indices:\n")
    print(object$fit, row.names=FALSE)
  # Temporal parameters
  if ("temporal" %in% show){
    TemporalDF <- data.frame(
      from  = rep(rep(vars,each=nVar),nLag),
      to =  rep(rep(vars,times=nVar),nLag),
      lag = rep(Lags,each=nVar^2),
      fixed = round(c(object$results$Beta$mean),round),  
      SE = round(c(object$results$Beta$SE),round),
      P = round(c(object$results$Beta$P),round),
      ran_SD = round(c(object$results$Beta$SD),round)
    rownames(TemporalDF) <- NULL
    cat("\n\nTemporal effects:\n")
  } else {
    TemporalDF <- NULL
  if ("contemporaneous" %in% show){
    cor <- object$results$Theta$cor$mean
    corSD <- object$results$Theta$cor$SD
    pcor <- object$results$Theta$pcor$mean
    pcorSD <- object$results$Theta$pcor$SD
    UT <- upper.tri(cor)
    P <- object$results$Gamma_Theta$P
    if (is.null(P)){
      P <- matrix(NA,nrow(UT),ncol(UT))

    cat("\n\nContemporaneous effects (posthoc estimated):\n")
    ContDF <- data.frame(
      node1 = vars[col(cor)][UT],
      node2 = vars[row(cor)][UT],
      "P 1->2" = round(P[UT],round),
      "P 2->1" = round(t(P)[UT],round),
      pcor = round(pcor[UT],round),
      ran_SD_pcor = round(pcorSD[UT],round),
      cor = round(cor[UT],round),
      ran_SD_cor = round(corSD[UT],round)
    names(ContDF) <- c("v1","v2","P 1->2","P 1<-2","pcor","ran_SD_pcor","cor","ran_SD_cor")
  } else {
    ContDF <- NULL
  if ("between" %in% show){
    P <- object$results$Gamma_Omega_mu$P
    cor <- object$results$Omega_mu$cor$mean
    pcor <- object$results$Omega_mu$pcor$mean
    UT <- upper.tri(cor)
    if (is.null(P)){
      P <- matrix(NA,nrow(cor),ncol(cor))
    cat("\n\nBetween-subject effects:\n")
    BetDF <- data.frame(
      node1 = vars[col(cor)][UT],
      node2 = vars[row(cor)][UT],
      "P 1->2" = round(P[UT],round),
      "P 2->1" = round(t(P)[UT],round),
      pcor = round(pcor[UT],round),
      cor = round(cor[UT],round)
    names(BetDF) <- c("v1","v2","P 1->2","P 1<-2","pcor","cor")
  } else {
    BetDF <- NULL
  invisible(list(temporal = TemporalDF,contemporaneous = ContDF,between = BetDF ))

makeSym <- function(x) (x + t(x))/2

getNet <- function(x,...){

plot.mlVARsim <- function(x,...){
  x$results <- x$model
  x$input <- list(vars = x$vars)
  class(x) <- "mlVAR"

plot.mlVAR <- 
  function(x, # mlVAR object
           type = c("temporal","contemporaneous","between"), # # also allows for partial matching. e.g., temp or t.
           lag = 1, # lag of temporal network
           partial = TRUE, # Show partial correlations?
           SD = FALSE, # Plots SD instead of normal parameters
           subject, # If assigned, show the network of a particulair subject instead
           order, # If assigned, re-order nodes
           nonsig = c("default","show","hide","dashed"), # How to handle nonsignificant edges? In Bayesian estimation, checks if 0 is inside interval.
           rule = c("or", "and"), # GGM sig rule
           alpha = 0.05, # alpha value for significance test
           onlySig = FALSE, # Backward competability argument.
           layout = "spring",
           verbose = TRUE,
           ...  #Arguments sent to qgraph
    rule <- match.arg(rule)
    # First some backward competability:
    if (type[[1]] == "fixed"){
      warning("type = 'fixed' is deprecated. type = 'temporal' instead.")
      type <- "temporal"
    if (type[[1]] == "SD"){
      warning("type = 'SD' is deprecated. type = 'temporal' and SD = TRUE instead.")
      type <- "temporal"
      SD <- TRUE
    if (type[[1]] == "subject"){
      warning("type = 'subject' is deprecated. type = 'temporal' and subject = ... instead")
      type <- "temporal"
      if (missing(subject)) stop("'subject' must be assigned")
    if (onlySig){
      warning("'onlySig' is deprecated. Setting nonsig = 'hide'.")
      nonsig <- "hide"
    # Now check for arguments:
    type <- match.arg(type)
    nonsig <- match.arg(nonsig)
    if (nonsig == "default"){
      if (!SD){
        nonsig <- "hide"
        if (!partial){
          nonsig <- "show"
        if (!missing(subject)){
          nonsig <- "show"
      } else {
        nonsig <- 'show'

      if (verbose){
        message(paste0("'nonsig' argument set to: '",nonsig,"'"))
    if (missing(order)){
      order <- x$input$vars
    if (!missing(subject) && SD){
      stop("'SD' not available for subject.")
    # If order is character, find ord as number. Else just set ord to order:
    if (is.character(order)){
      ord <- match(order,x$input$vars)
    } else {
      ord <- order
    # Temporal:
    if (type == "temporal"){
      if (SD){
        SIG <- matrix(TRUE,length(ord),length(ord))
        NET <- t(x$results$Beta$SD[,,lag])
      } else {
        if (missing(subject)){
          # Obtain fixed effects network:
#           if (SD){
#           } else {
            NET <- t(x$results$Beta$mean[,,lag])  
          # }
          # Attempt to obtain significance:
          # Via P:
          if (any(is.na(x$results$Beta$P))){

            # Via CI:
            if (!any(is.na(x$results$Beta$lower)) && !any(is.na(x$results$Beta$upper))){
              SIG <- t(x$results$Beta$lower[,,lag]) > 0 |  t(x$results$Beta$upper[,,lag]) < 0
            } else {
              # No P or CI:
              SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
              if (nonsig != "show"){
                warning("No p-values or CI computed. Can not hide non-significant edges.")
          } else {
            SIG <-  t(x$results$Beta$P[,,lag]) < alpha
        } else {
          # Obtain subject network:
          NET <- t(x$results$Beta$subject[[subject]][,,lag])
          SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
          if (nonsig != "show"){
            warning("Can not hide non-significant edges for subject network.")
    # Contemporaneous:
    if (type == "contemporaneous"){
      sub <- ifelse(partial,"pcor","cor")
      if (missing(subject)){
        if (SD){
          NET <- x$results$Theta[[sub]]$SD
        } else {
          # Obtain fixed effects network:
          NET <- x$results$Theta[[sub]]$mean
        # Attempt to obtain significance:
        # Via P:
        # If nonsig is not show:
        if (nonsig != "show"){
          # Stop if SD:
          if (SD){
            stop("No significance for SD")
          # Not partial:
          if (!any(is.na(x$results$Theta[[sub]]$lower)) && !any(is.na(x$results$Theta[[sub]]$upper))){
            SIG <- x$results$Theta[[sub]]$lower > 0 |  x$results$Theta[[sub]]$upper < 0
          } else if (!any(is.na(x$results$Theta[[sub]]$P))){
            SIG <-  x$results$Theta[[sub]]$P < alpha
          } else {
            # If partial, try via gamma:
            if (partial && !is.null(x$results$Gamma_Theta) && !all(is.nan(x$results$Gamma_Theta$P))){
              diag(x$results$Gamma_Theta$P) <- 0
              if (rule == "or"){
                SIG <- x$results$Gamma_Theta$P < alpha | t(x$results$Gamma_Theta$P ) < alpha
              } else {
                SIG <- x$results$Gamma_Theta$P < alpha & t(x$results$Gamma_Theta$P ) < alpha
            } else {
              # No P or CI:
              SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
              if (nonsig != "show"){
                stop("No p-values or CI computed. Can not hide non-significant edges.")
        } else {
          SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
        #         if (!SD && any(is.na(x$results$Theta[[sub]]$P))){
        #           # Via CI:
        #           if (!any(is.na(x$results$Theta[[sub]]$lower)) && !any(is.na(x$results$Theta[[sub]]$upper))){
        #             SIG <- x$results$Theta[[sub]]$lower > 0 |  x$results$Theta[[sub]]$upper < 0
        #           } else {
        #             # No P or CI:
        #             SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
        #             if (nonsig != "show"){
        #               warning("No p-values or CI computed. Can not hide non-significant edges.")
        #             }
        #           }
        #         } else {
        #           SIG <-  x$results$Theta[[sub]]$P < alpha
        #         }
      } else {
        # Obtain subject network:
        NET <- x$results$Theta[[sub]]$subject[[subject]]
        SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
        if (nonsig != "show"){
          warning("Can not hide non-significant edges for subject network.")
      NET <- makeSym(NET)
    # Between-subjects:
    if (type == "between"){
      sub <- ifelse(partial,"pcor","cor")
      if (!missing(subject)){
        stop("No subject-specific between network possible")
      if (SD){
        stop("No SD for between-subjects network.")
      # Obtain fixed effects network:
      NET <- x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$mean
      #       # Attempt to obtain significance:
      #       # Via P:
      #       if (any(is.na(x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$P))){
      #         # Via CI:
      #         if (!any(is.na(x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$lower)) && !any(is.na(x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$upper))){
      #           SIG <- x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$lower > 0 |  x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$upper < 0
      #         } else {
      #           # No P or CI:
      #           SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
      #           if (nonsig != "show"){
      #             warning("No p-values or CI computed. Can not hide non-significant edges.")
      #           }
      #         }
      #       } else {
      #         SIG <-  x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$P < alpha
      #       }
      # If nonsig is not show:
      if (nonsig != "show"){
        # Stop if SD:
        if (SD){
          stop("No significance for SD")
        # Not partial:
        if (!any(is.na(x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$lower)) && !any(is.na(x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$upper))){
          SIG <- x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$lower > 0 |  x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$upper < 0
        } else if (!any(is.na(x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$P))){
          SIG <-  x$results$Omega_mu[[sub]]$P < alpha
        } else {
          # If partial, try via gamma:
          if (partial && !is.null(x$results$Gamma_Omega_mu) && !all(is.nan(x$results$Gamma_Omega_mu$P))){
            diag(x$results$Gamma_Omega_mu$P) <- 0
            if (rule == "or"){
              SIG <- x$results$Gamma_Omega_mu$P < alpha | t(x$results$Gamma_Omega_mu$P ) < alpha
            } else {
              SIG <- x$results$Gamma_Omega_mu$P < alpha & t(x$results$Gamma_Omega_mu$P ) < alpha
          } else {
            # No P or CI:
            SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
            if (nonsig != "show"){
              stop("No p-values or CI computed. Can not hide non-significant edges.")
      } else {
        SIG <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(NET), ncol(NET))
      NET <- makeSym(NET)
    ### PLOT NETWORK ###
    if (nonsig == "dashed"){
      lty <- ifelse(!SIG,2,1)
    } else {
      lty <- 1
    if (nonsig == "hide"){
      NET <- NET * SIG
    if (any(is.na(NET[ord,ord][upper.tri(NET[ord,ord])])) || any(is.na(NET[ord,ord][lower.tri(NET[ord,ord])]))){
      stop("Network not estimated correctly.")
    qgraph::qgraph(NET[ord,ord],lty = lty,labels = x$input$vars[ord],layout=layout,
                   ..., directed = type == "temporal")

# # # logLik function:
# # logLik.mlVAR <- function(object){
# #   res <- object$pseudologlik
# #   class(res) <- "logLik"
# #   attr(res, "df") <- object$df
# #   return(res)
# # } 
# # Plot function:
# # plot.mlVAR_MW <- function(x, lag = 1, ...){
# #   fixef <- fixedEffects(x)
# #   
# #   # Extract only lagged variables:
# #   sub <- fixef %>% filter(grepl(paste0("^L",lag,"_"), Predictor))
# #   
# #   # make matrix:
# #   Nodes <- as.character(unique(sub$Response))
# #   nNode <- length(Nodes)
# #   Network <- matrix(0, nNode, nNode)
# #   for (i in seq_along(Nodes)){
# #     Network[,i] <- sub$effect[sub$Response==Nodes[i]][match(gsub("^L\\d+_","",sub$Predictor)[sub$Response==Nodes[i]], Nodes)]
# #   }
# #   
# #   Graph <- qgraph(Network, labels=Nodes, ...)
# #   invisible(Graph)
# # }
# ### 
# tab2net <- function(x,lag=1){
#   Nodes <- x$dep
#   x <- x[,grepl(paste0("^L",lag,"_"), names(x))]
#   x[is.na(x)] <- 0
#   x <- t(x)
#   colnames(x) <- rownames(x) <- Nodes
#   x
# }
# #### These functions probably should be the other way around... but this works...
# getNet <- function(x, ...){
#   qgraph:::getWmat(plot(x,...,DoNotPlot=TRUE))
# }
# plot.mlVAR <- function(x, type = c("fixed","SD","subject"), lag = 1,subject,order,onlySig = FALSE,
#                 alpha, # alpha value. if missing, do bonferonni on 0.05.
#                 ...){
#   type <- match.arg(type)
#   if (type[[1]]=="subject" & missing(subject)){
#     stop("'subject' is needed to plot individual network")
#   }
#   # Nodes <- rownames(x$fixedEffects)
#   if (type[[1]]=="fixed"){
#     fixef <- fixedEffects(x)
#     Nodes <- as.character(unique(fixef$Response))
#     # Extract only lagged variables:
#     sub <- fixef %>% filter(grepl(paste0("^L",lag,"_"), Predictor))
#     # make matrix:
#     ### Simple trick to remove nonsigs, edit fixed effects to be 0 if not sig:
#     if (onlySig){
#       if (missing(alpha)){
#         alpha <- 0.05 / nrow(sub)
#       }
#       sub <- sub %>% ungroup %>% mutate(effect = ifelse(p < alpha, effect, 0))
#     }
#     if (!missing(order)){
#       if (!all(sort(Nodes)==sort(order)))stop("'order' must contain exact node labels")
#       Nodes <- Nodes[match(order,Nodes)]
#     }
#     nNode <- length(Nodes)
#     Network <- matrix(0, nNode, nNode)
#     for (i in seq_along(Nodes)){
#       # Network[,i] <- sub$effect[sub$Response==Nodes[i]][match(gsub("^L\\d+_","",sub$Predictor)[sub$Response==Nodes[i]], Nodes)]
#       Network[ match(gsub("^L\\d+_","",sub$Predictor)[sub$Response==Nodes[i]], Nodes),i] <- sub$effect[sub$Response==Nodes[i]]
#     }
#     Graph <- qgraph(Network, labels=Nodes, ...)
# #   } else if (type[[1]]=="se"){
# #     fixef <- fixedEffects(x)
# #     Nodes <- as.character(unique(fixef$Response))
# #     
# #     # Extract only lagged variables:
# #     sub <- fixef %>% filter(grepl(paste0("^L",lag,"_"), Predictor))
# #     
# #     # make matrix:
# # 
# #     if (!missing(order)){
# #       if (!all(sort(Nodes)==sort(order)))stop("'order' must contain exact node labels")
# #       Nodes <- Nodes[match(order,Nodes)]
# #     }
# #     nNode <- length(Nodes)
# #     Network <- matrix(0, nNode, nNode)
# #     for (i in seq_along(Nodes)){
# #       # Network[,i] <- sub$effect[sub$Response==Nodes[i]][match(gsub("^L\\d+_","",sub$Predictor)[sub$Response==Nodes[i]], Nodes)]
# #       Network[ match(gsub("^L\\d+_","",sub$Predictor)[sub$Response==Nodes[i]], Nodes),i] <- sub$se[sub$Response==Nodes[i]]
# #     }
# # 
# #     
# #     Graph <- qgraph(Network, labels=Nodes, ...)
# #     
#   } else if (type[[1]]=="SD"){
#   if (onlySig){
#     warning("'onlySig' argument can only be used with type = 'fixed'")
#   }
#     ranef <- randomEffects(x)
#     Nodes <- as.character(unique(ranef$Response))
#     # Extract only lagged variables:
#     sub <- ranef %>% filter(grepl(paste0("^L",lag,"_"), Predictor))
#     # make matrix:
#     nNode <- length(Nodes)
#     Network <- matrix(0, nNode, nNode)
#     for (i in seq_along(Nodes)){
#     Network[ match(gsub("^L\\d+_","",sub$Predictor)[sub$Response==Nodes[i]], Nodes),i] <- sub$variance[sub$Response==Nodes[i]]
#     }
#     Graph <- qgraph(sqrt(Network), labels=Nodes, ...)
#   }  else if (type[[1]]=="subject"){
#     if (onlySig){
#       warning("'onlySig' argument can only be used with type = 'fixed'")
#     }
#     Net <- tab2net(x$randomEffects[[subject]])
#     fixed <- getNet(x,"fixed",onlySig=FALSE)
#     Graph <- qgraph(fixed+Net, labels=rownames(Net), ...)
#   } else stop("'type' is not supported")
#   invisible(Graph)
# }
# # Print and summary:
# summary.mlVAR <- function(object,...){
#   input <- object$input
#   inputstr <- paste(sapply(seq_along(input),function(i)paste0(names(input)[i],":\t\t",paste(input[[i]],collapse=", "))), collapse = "\n")
#   cat(paste0("==== mlVAR results ====\n",inputstr,"\n\nNumber of random effects:\t\t",length(object$randomEffects),"\n",
#              "pseudo log-likeligood:\t\t",round(object$pseudologlik,2),"\n",
#              "Degrees of Freedom:\t\t",round(object$df,2),"\n",
#              "BIC:\t\t",round(object$BIC,2)             
#              ))
# }
# print.mlVAR <- function(x,...) summary.mlVAR(x,...)
# ### Model plot method:
# plot.mlVARsim0 <- function(x, type = c("fixed","SD","subject"), lag = 1,subject,order,...){
#   if (type[[1]]=="subject" & missing(subject)){
#     stop("'subject' is needed to plot individual network")
#   }
#   # Nodes <- rownames(x$fixedEffects)
#   if (type[[1]]=="fixed"){
#     fixef <- x$fixedEffects
#     Nodes <- x$vars
#     Graph <- qgraph(t(fixef), labels=Nodes, ...)
#   } else if (type[[1]]=="se"){
#     stop("No standard errors in true model")
#   } else if (type[[1]]=="SD"){
#     ranef <- x$randomEffectsSD
#     Nodes <- x$vars
#     Graph <- qgraph(t(ranef), labels=Nodes, ...)
#   }  else if (type[[1]]=="subject"){
#     fixef <- x$fixedEffects
#     Nodes <- x$vars
#     Net <- fixef + x$randomEffects[[subject]]
#     Graph <- qgraph(t(Net), labels=Nodes, ...)
#   } else stop("'type' is not supported")
#   invisible(Graph)
# }

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mlVAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:15 a.m.