
### R code from vignette source 'MlmSoftRev.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: preliminaries
options(width=80, show.signif.stars = FALSE,
        lattice.theme = function() canonical.theme("pdf", color = FALSE))

### code chunk number 2: Examprep
lmer(normexam ~ standLRT + sex + schgend + (1|school), Exam)

### code chunk number 3: ExamData

### code chunk number 4: ExamFit
(Em1 <- lmer(normexam ~ standLRT + sex + schgend + (1|school), Exam))

### code chunk number 5: Examtime
system.time(lmer(normexam ~ standLRT + sex + schgend + (1|school), Exam))

### code chunk number 6: ExamRelevel
Exam$sex     <- relevel(Exam$sex, "M")
Exam$schgend <- relevel(Exam$schgend, "girls")
(Em2 <- lmer(normexam ~ standLRT + sex + schgend + (1|school), Exam))

### code chunk number 7: ExamIds
Exam <- within(Exam, ids <- factor(school:student))

### code chunk number 8: dupExamIds

### code chunk number 9: OnlyBoy
subset(Exam, ids == '43:86')
xtabs(~ sex + school, Exam, subset = school %in% c(43, 50, 52), drop = TRUE)

### code chunk number 10: ExamXtabs
xtabs(~ sex + school, Exam, subset = type == "Mxd", drop = TRUE)

### code chunk number 11: ExamMosaicshow (eval = FALSE)
## ExamMxd <- within(subset(Exam, type == "Mxd"), school <- factor(school))
## mosaicplot(~ school + sex, ExamMxd)

### code chunk number 12: ExamMosaic
ExamMxd <- within(subset(Exam, type == "Mxd"), school <- factor(school))
mosaicplot(~ school + sex, ExamMxd)

### code chunk number 13: Examplot1
print(xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | sex * type, Exam,
             type = c("g", "p", "smooth"), layout = c(2,2),
             xlab = "Standardized London Reading Test score",
             ylab = "Normalized exam score", aspect = 1.2))

### code chunk number 14: Examplot1show (eval = FALSE)
## xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | sex * type, Exam, type = c("g", "p", "smooth"))

### code chunk number 15: Examplot2
print(xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT, Exam, groups = sex:type,
             type = c("g", "smooth"), xlim = c(-3,3), ylim = c(-2,2),
             xlab = "Standardized London Reading Test score",
             ylab = "Normalized exam score",
             auto.key = list(space = 'right', points = FALSE, lines = TRUE),
             aspect = 1))

### code chunk number 16: Examplot2show (eval = FALSE)
## xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT, Exam, groups = sex:type, type = c("g", "smooth"))

### code chunk number 17: Examplot3
print(xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam,
             type = c("g", "p", "r"),
             xlab = "Standardized London Reading Test score",
             ylab = "Normalized exam score",
             subset = sex == "F" & type == "Sngl"))

### code chunk number 18: Examplot3show
xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam,
             type = c("g", "p", "r"),
             subset = sex == "F" & type == "Sngl")

### code chunk number 19: Examplot4show (eval = FALSE)
## xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam, type = c("g", "p", "r"),
##              subset = sex == "F" & type == "Sngl" & school != 48,
##              index.cond = function(x, y) coef(lm(y ~ x))[1])

### code chunk number 20: Examplot4
print(xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam,
             type = c("g", "p", "r"),
             xlab = "Standardized London Reading Test score",
             ylab = "Normalized exam score",
             subset = sex == "F" & type == "Sngl" & school != 48,
             index.cond = function(x, y) coef(lm(y ~ x))[1]))

### code chunk number 21: Examplot4a
print(xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam,
             type = c("g", "p", "r"),
             xlab = "Standardized London Reading Test score",
             ylab = "Normalized exam score",
             subset = sex == "F" & type == "Sngl" & school != 48,
             index.cond = function(x, y) coef(lm(y ~ x))[2]))

### code chunk number 22: ExamLmListFS
show(ExamFS <- lmList(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam,
                      subset = sex == "F" & type == "Sngl" & school != 48))

### code chunk number 23: Examplot4cshow
plot(confint(ExamFS, pool = TRUE), order = 1)

### code chunk number 24: Examplot4c
print(plot(confint(ExamFS, pool = TRUE), order = 1))

### code chunk number 25: Examplot5
print(xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam,
             type = c("g", "p", "r"),
             xlab = "Standardized London Reading Test score",
             ylab = "Normalized exam score",
             subset = sex == "M" & type == "Sngl", layout = c(5,2),
             index.cond = function(x, y) coef(lm(y ~ x))[1]))

### code chunk number 26: ExamLmListMS
show(ExamMS <- lmList(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam,
                      subset = sex == "M" & type == "Sngl"))

### code chunk number 27: Examplot5b
print(plot(confint(ExamMS, pool = TRUE), order = 1))

### code chunk number 28: Examplot6
print(xyplot(normexam ~ standLRT | school, Exam, groups = sex,
             type = c("g", "p", "r"),
             xlab = "Standardized London Reading Test score",
             ylab = "Normalized exam score",
             subset = !school %in% c(43, 47) & type == "Mxd",
             index.cond = function(x, y) coef(lm(y ~ x))[1],
             auto.key = list(space = 'top', lines = TRUE,
             columns = 2), layout = c(7,5),
             aspect = 1.2))

### code chunk number 29: ExamLmListM
show(ExamM <- lmList(normexam ~ standLRT + sex| school, Exam,
                     subset = type == "Mxd" & !school %in% c(43,47,54)))

### code chunk number 30: Examplot6b
print(plot(confint(ExamM, pool = TRUE), order = 1))

### code chunk number 31: Em3
(Em3 <- lmer(normexam ~ standLRT + sex + type + (1|school), Exam))

### code chunk number 32: Em4
(Em4 <- lmer(normexam ~ standLRT + sex + type + (standLRT|school), Exam))

### code chunk number 33: EmAnova
anova(Em3, Em4)

### code chunk number 34: Em5
(Em5 <- lmer(normexam ~ standLRT + sex + type + (standLRT + sex|school), Exam))

### code chunk number 35: Oxboys
system.time(mX1 <- lmer(height ~ age + I(age^2) + I(age^3) + I(age^4) + (age + I(age^2)|Subject),
system.time(mX2 <- lmer(height ~ poly(age,4) + (age + I(age^2)|Subject), Oxboys))

### code chunk number 36: ScotsSec
system.time(mS1 <- lmer(attain ~ sex + (1|primary) + (1|second), ScotsSec))

### code chunk number 37: sessionInfo

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mlmRev documentation built on April 5, 2020, 9:07 a.m.