
#' @title R-Squared
#' @name mlr_measures_regr.rsq
#' @include Measure.R
#' @description
#' Measure to compare true observed response with predicted response in regression tasks.
#' @details
#' R Squared is defined as \deqn{
#'   1 - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \left( t_i - r_i \right)^2}{\sum_{i=1}^n \left( t_i - \bar{t} \right)^2},
#' }{
#'   1 - sum((t - r)^2) / sum((t - mean(t))^2),
#' }
#' where \eqn{\bar{t} = \sum_{i=1}^n t_i}.
#' Also known as coefficient of determination or explained variation.
#' Subtracts the [mlr3measures::rse()] from 1, hence it compares the squared error of the predictions relative to a naive model predicting the mean.
#' This measure is undefined for constant \eqn{t}.
#' @param pred_set_mean `logical(1)`\cr
#' If `TRUE`, the mean of the true values is calculated on the prediction set.
#' If `FALSE`, the mean of the true values is calculated on the training set.
#' @templateVar id regr.rsq
#' @template measure
#' @template seealso_measure
#' @export
MeasureRegrRSQ = R6Class("MeasureRSQ",
  inherit = MeasureRegr,
  public = list(
    #' @description
    #' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
    initialize = function(pred_set_mean = TRUE) {
      # this is not included in the paramset as this flag influences properties of the learner
      # so this flag should not be "dynamic state"
      private$.pred_set_mean = assert_flag(pred_set_mean)

        id = "rsq",
        properties = if (!private$.pred_set_mean) c("requires_task", "requires_train_set") else character(0),
        predict_type = "response",
        minimize = FALSE,
        range = c(-Inf, 1),
        man = "mlr3::mlr_measures_regr.rsq"

  private = list(
    .pred_set_mean = NULL,

    .score = function(prediction, task = NULL, train_set = NULL, ...) {
      mu = if (private$.pred_set_mean) mean(prediction$truth) else mean(task$truth(train_set))
      1 - sum((prediction$truth - prediction$response)^2) / sum((prediction$truth - mu)^2)

#' @include mlr_measures.R
mlr_measures$add("regr.rsq", MeasureRegrRSQ)

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