
#' @title Factor Encoding
#' @usage NULL
#' @name mlr_pipeops_encode
#' @format [`R6Class`][R6::R6Class] object inheriting from [`PipeOpTaskPreprocSimple`]/[`PipeOpTaskPreproc`]/[`PipeOp`].
#' @description
#' Encodes columns of type `factor` and `ordered`.
#' Possible encodings are `"one-hot"` encoding, as well as encoding according to `stats::contr.helmert()`, `stats::contr.poly()`,
#' `stats::contr.sum()` and `stats::contr.treatment()`.
#' Newly created columns are named via pattern `[column-name].[x]` where `x` is the respective factor level for `"one-hot"` and
#' `"treatment"` encoding, and an integer sequence otherwise.
#' Use the [`PipeOpTaskPreproc`] `$affect_columns` functionality to only encode a subset of columns, or only encode columns of a certain type.
#' `character`-type features can be encoded by converting them `factor` features first, using [`ppl("convert_types", "character", "factor")`][mlr_graphs_convert_types].
#' @section Construction:
#' ```
#' PipeOpEncode$new(id = "encode", param_vals = list())
#' ```
#' * `id` :: `character(1)`\cr
#'   Identifier of resulting object, default `"encode"`.
#' * `param_vals` :: named `list`\cr
#'   List of hyperparameter settings, overwriting the hyperparameter settings that would otherwise be set during construction. Default `list()`.
#' @section Input and Output Channels:
#' Input and output channels are inherited from [`PipeOpTaskPreproc`].
#' The output is the input [`Task`][mlr3::Task] with all affected `factor` and `ordered` parameters encoded according to the `method`
#' parameter.
#' @section State:
#' The `$state` is a named `list` with the `$state` elements inherited from [`PipeOpTaskPreproc`], as well as:
#' * `constrasts` :: named `list` of `matrix`\cr
#'   List of contrast matrices, one for each affected discrete feature. The rows of each matrix correspond to (training task) levels, the the
#'   columns to the new columns that replace the old discrete feature. See [`stats::contrasts`].
#' @section Parameters:
#' The parameters are the parameters inherited from [`PipeOpTaskPreproc`], as well as:
#' * `method`  :: `character(1)` \cr
#'   Initialized to `"one-hot"`. One of:
#'   * `"one-hot"`: create a new column for each factor level.
#'   * `"treatment"`: create \eqn{n-1} columns leaving out the first factor level of each factor variable (see `stats::contr.treatment()`).
#'   * `"helmert"`: create columns according to Helmert contrasts (see `stats::contr.helmert()`).
#'   * `"poly"`: create columns with contrasts based on orthogonal polynomials (see `stats::contr.poly()`).
#'   * `"sum"`: create columns with contrasts summing to zero, (see `stats::contr.sum()`).
#' @section Internals:
#' Uses the [`stats::contrasts`] functions. This is relatively inefficient for features with a large number of levels.
#' @section Methods:
#' Only methods inherited from [`PipeOpTaskPreprocSimple`]/[`PipeOpTaskPreproc`]/[`PipeOp`].
#' @family PipeOps
#' @template seealso_pipeopslist
#' @include PipeOpTaskPreproc.R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("mlr3")
#' data = data.table::data.table(x = factor(letters[1:3]), y = factor(letters[1:3]))
#' task = TaskClassif$new("task", data, "x")
#' poe = po("encode")
#' # poe is initialized with encoding: "one-hot"
#' poe$train(list(task))[[1]]$data()
#' # other kinds of encoding:
#' poe$param_set$values$method = "treatment"
#' poe$train(list(task))[[1]]$data()
#' poe$param_set$values$method = "helmert"
#' poe$train(list(task))[[1]]$data()
#' poe$param_set$values$method = "poly"
#' poe$train(list(task))[[1]]$data()
#' poe$param_set$values$method = "sum"
#' poe$train(list(task))[[1]]$data()
#' # converting character-columns
#' data_chr = data.table::data.table(x = factor(letters[1:3]), y = letters[1:3])
#' task_chr = TaskClassif$new("task_chr", data_chr, "x")
#' goe = ppl("convert_types", "character", "factor") %>>% po("encode")
#' goe$train(task_chr)[[1]]$data()
PipeOpEncode = R6Class("PipeOpEncode",
  inherit = PipeOpTaskPreprocSimple,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(id = "encode", param_vals = list()) {
      ps = ps(
        method = p_fct(levels = c("one-hot", "treatment", "helmert", "poly", "sum"), tags = c("train", "predict"))
      ps$values = list(method = "one-hot")
      super$initialize(id, param_set = ps, param_vals = param_vals, packages = "stats", tags = "encode", feature_types = c("factor", "ordered"))
  private = list(

    .get_state_dt = function(dt, levels, target) {
      contrasts = switch(self$param_set$values$method,
        "one-hot" = function(x) stats::contr.treatment(x, contrasts = FALSE),
        treatment = stats::contr.treatment,
        helmert = stats::contr.helmert,
        poly = function(x) {
          cont = stats::contr.poly(x)
          rownames(cont) = x
          colnames(cont) = NULL
        sum = stats::contr.sum,
        stop("Unknown 'method' parameter value.")
      list(contrasts = lapply(levels, function(x) {
        con = contrasts(x)
        if (is.null(colnames(con))) {
          colnames(con) = as.character(seq_len(ncol(con)))

    .transform_dt = function(dt, levels) {
      cols = imap(self$state$contrasts, function(contrasts, id) {
        x = as.character(dt[[id]])
        contrasts[match(x, rownames(contrasts)), , drop = FALSE]
      cols = as.data.table(cols)
      setnames(cols, names(cols), make.names(names(cols), unique = TRUE))

mlr_pipeops$add("encode", PipeOpEncode)

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mlr3pipelines documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:09 p.m.