
Defines functions pos.list pos.character pos.NULL po.Selector po.Filter po.Learner po.character po.PipeOp po.NULL pos po

Documented in po pos

#' @title Shorthand PipeOp Constructor
#' @description
#' Create
#'  - a `PipeOp` from `mlr_pipeops` from given ID
#'  - a `PipeOpLearner` from a `Learner` object
#'  - a `PipeOpFilter` from a `Filter` object
#'  - a `PipeOpSelect` from a `Selector` object
#'  - a clone of a `PipeOp` from a given `PipeOp` (possibly with changed settings)
#' The object is initialized with given parameters and `param_vals`.
#' `po()` taks a single `obj` (`PipeOp` id, [`Learner`][mlr3::Learner], ...) and converts
#' it to a [`PipeOp`]. `pos()` (with plural-s) takes either a `character`-vector, or a
#' list of objects, and creates a `list` of [`PipeOp`]s.
#' @param .obj `[any]`\cr
#'   The object from which to construct a `PipeOp`. If this is a
#'   `character(1)`, it is looked up in the [`mlr_pipeops`] dictionary.
#'   Otherwise, it is converted to a [`PipeOp`].
#' @param .objs `character` | `list`\cr
#'   Either a `character` of [`PipeOp`]s to look up in [`mlr_pipeops`],
#'   or a list of other objects to be converted to a [`PipeOp`].
#'   If this is a named `list`, then the names are used as `$id` slot for the resulting
#'   [`PipeOp`]s.
#' @param ... `any`\cr
#'   Additional parameters to give to constructed object.
#'   This may be an argument of the constructor of the
#'   `PipeOp`, in which case it is given to this constructor;
#'   or it may be a parameter value, in which case it is
#'   given to the `param_vals` argument of the constructor.
#' @return A [`PipeOp`] (for `po()`), or a `list` of [`PipeOp`]s (for `pos()`).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ if (requireNamespace("rpart")) \{ }
#' library("mlr3")
#' po("learner", lrn("classif.rpart"), cp = 0.3)
#' po(lrn("classif.rpart"), cp = 0.3)
#' # is equivalent with:
#' mlr_pipeops$get("learner", lrn("classif.rpart"),
#'   param_vals = list(cp = 0.3))
#' pos(c("pca", original = "nop"))
#' \dontshow{ \} }
po = function(.obj, ...) {

#' @rdname po
#' @export
pos = function(.objs, ...) {

#' @export
po.NULL = function(.obj, ...) {
  # class is NULL if .obj is missing
  dictionary_sugar_get(dict = mlr_pipeops)

#' @export
po.PipeOp = function(.obj, ...) {
  .obj = .obj$clone(deep = TRUE)
  changing = list(...)
  if (length(changing)) assert_names(names(changing), type = "unique", .var.name = "additional arguments given to po() with PipeOp-type argument")
  params = .obj$param_set$ids()
  setting_params = names(changing) %in% params
  .obj$param_set$values = insert_named(.obj$param_set$values, changing[setting_params])
  changing = changing[!setting_params]
  fields = discard(names(.obj), function(n) bindingIsLocked(n, .obj) || bindingIsActive(n, .obj))

  for (n in names(changing)) {
    if (!exists(n, envir = .obj, inherits = FALSE)) {
      stopf("Cannot set argument '%s' for '%s' (not a parameter and not a field).%s",
        n, .obj$id, did_you_mean(n, c(params, fields)))
    .obj[[n]] = changing[[n]]

#' @export
po.character = function(.obj, ...) {
  dictionary_sugar_inc_get(dict = mlr_pipeops, .key = .obj, ...)

#' @export
po.Learner = function(.obj, ...) {
  # we use po() because that makes it possible to set hyperpars via `...`
  po(.obj = "learner", learner = .obj, ...)

#' @export
po.Filter = function(.obj, ...) {
  # we use po() because that makes it possible to set hyperpars via `...`
  po(.obj = "filter", filter = .obj, ...)

#' @export
po.Selector = function(.obj, ...) {
  po(.obj = "select", selector = .obj, ...)

#' @export
pos.NULL = function(.objs, ...) {
  # class is NULL if .obj is missing
  dictionary_sugar_mget(dict = mlr_pipeops)

#' @export
pos.character = function(.objs, ...) {
  dictionary_sugar_inc_mget(dict = mlr_pipeops, .keys = .objs, ...)

#' @export
pos.list = function(.objs, ...) {
  imap(.x = .objs, .f = function(x, n) if (is.character(n) && n != "") po(x, id = n, ...) else po(x, ...))

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mlr3pipelines documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:09 p.m.