
Defines functions plotting_scope aggregate_over_ntiles prepare_scores_and_ntiles_keras prepare_scores_and_ntiles

Documented in aggregate_over_ntiles plotting_scope prepare_scores_and_ntiles prepare_scores_and_ntiles_keras

#### prepare_scores_and_ntiles()      ####

#' Build a dataframe containing Actuals, Probabilities and Ntiles
#' Build dataframe object that contains actuals and predictions on
#' the target variable for each dataset in \code{datasets} and each model in \code{models}
#' @param datasets List of Strings. A list of the names of the dataframe
#'   objects to include in model evaluation. All dataframes need to contain a
#'   target variable and feature variables.
#' @param dataset_labels List of Strings. A list of labels for the datasets, shown in plots.
#'   When dataset_labels is not specified, the names from \code{datasets} are used.
#' @param models List of Strings. List of the names of the model objects, containing parameters to
#'   apply models to datasets. To use this function, model objects need to be generated
#'   by the mlr package or the caret package or the h20 package or the keras package.
#'   Modelplotr automatically detects whether the model is built using mlr or caret or h2o or keras.
#' @param model_labels List of Strings. Labels for the models, shown in plots.
#'   When model_labels is not specified, the names from \code{moddels} are used.
#' @param target_column String. Name of the target variable in datasets. Target
#'   can be either binary or multinomial. Continuous targets are not supported.
#' @param ntiles Integer. Number of ntiles. The ntile parameter represents the specified number
#'   of equally sized buckets the observations in each dataset are grouped into.
#'   By default, observations are grouped in 10 equally sized buckets, often referred to as deciles.
#' @return Dataframe. A dataframe is built, based on the \code{datasets}
#'   and \code{models} specified. It contains the dataset name, actuals on the \code{target_column} ,
#'   the predicted probabilities for each target class (eg. unique target value) and attribution to
#'   ntiles in the dataset for each target class.
#' @section When you build scores_and_ntiles yourself:
#' To make plots with modelplotr, is not required to use this function to generate input for function \code{plotting_scope}
#' You can create your own dataframe containing actuals and predictions and ntiles,
#' See \code{\link{build_input_yourself}} for an example to build the required input for \code{\link{plotting_scope}}
#' or \code{\link{aggregate_over_ntiles}} yourself, within r or even outside of r.
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelplotr}} for generic info on the package \code{moddelplotr}
#' @seealso \code{vignette('modelplotr')}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotting_scope}} for details on the function \code{plotting_scope} that
#' transforms a dataframe created with  \code{prepare_scores_and_ntiles} or \code{aggregate_over_ntiles} to
#' a dataframe in the required format for all modelplotr plots.
#' @seealso \code{\link{aggregate_over_ntiles}} for details on the function \code{aggregate_over_ntiles} that
#' aggregates the output of \code{prepare_scores_and_ntiles} to create a dataframe with aggregated actuals and predictions.
#' In most cases, you do not need to use it since the \code{plotting_scope} function will call this function automatically.
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/modelplot/modelplotr} for details on the package
#' @seealso \url{https://modelplot.github.io/} for our blog on the value of the model plots
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load example data (Bank clients with/without a term deposit - see ?bank_td for details)
#' data("bank_td")
#' # prepare data for training model for binomial target has_td and train models
#' train_index =  sample(seq(1, nrow(bank_td)),size = 0.5*nrow(bank_td) ,replace = FALSE)
#' train = bank_td[train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#' test = bank_td[-train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#' #train models using mlr...
#' trainTask <- mlr::makeClassifTask(data = train, target = "has_td")
#' testTask <- mlr::makeClassifTask(data = test, target = "has_td")
#' mlr::configureMlr() # this line is needed when using mlr without loading it (mlr::)
#' task = mlr::makeClassifTask(data = train, target = "has_td")
#' lrn = mlr::makeLearner("classif.randomForest", predict.type = "prob")
#' rf = mlr::train(lrn, task)
#' lrn = mlr::makeLearner("classif.multinom", predict.type = "prob")
#' mnl = mlr::train(lrn, task)
#' #... or train models using caret...
#' # setting caret cross validation, here tuned for speed (not accuracy!)
#' fitControl <- caret::trainControl(method = "cv",number = 2,classProbs=TRUE)
#' # random forest using ranger package, here tuned for speed (not accuracy!)
#' rf = caret::train(has_td ~.,data = train, method = "ranger",trControl = fitControl,
#'                   tuneGrid = expand.grid(.mtry = 2,.splitrule = "gini",.min.node.size=10))
#' # mnl model using glmnet package
#' mnl = caret::train(has_td ~.,data = train, method = "glmnet",trControl = fitControl)
#' #... or train models using h2o...
#' h2o::h2o.init()
#' h2o::h2o.no_progress()
#' h2o_train = h2o::as.h2o(train)
#' h2o_test = h2o::as.h2o(test)
#' gbm <- h2o::h2o.gbm(y = "has_td",
#'                           x = setdiff(colnames(train), "has_td"),
#'                           training_frame = h2o_train,
#'                           nfolds = 5)
#' #... or train models using keras.
#' x_train <- as.matrix(train[,-1]); y=train[,1]; y_train <- keras::to_categorical(as.numeric(y)-1);
#' `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
#' nn <- keras::keras_model_sequential() %>%
#' keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform",activation = 'relu',
#'                    input_shape = NCOL(x_train))%>%
#'   keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform", activation='relu') %>%
#'   keras::layer_dense(units = length(levels(train[,1])),activation='softmax')
#' nn %>% keras::compile(optimizer='rmsprop',loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=c('accuracy'))
#' nn %>% keras::fit(x_train,y_train,epochs = 20,batch_size = 1028,verbose=0)
#' # preparation steps
#' scores_and_ntiles <- prepare_scores_and_ntiles(datasets=list("train","test"),
#'                       dataset_labels = list("train data","test data"),
#'                       models = list("rf","mnl", "gbm","nn"),
#'                       model_labels = list("random forest","multinomial logit",
#'                                           "gradient boosting machine","artificial neural network"),
#'                       target_column="has_td")
#' plot_input <- plotting_scope(prepared_input = scores_and_ntiles)
#' plot_cumgains(data = plot_input)
#' plot_cumlift(data = plot_input)
#' plot_response(data = plot_input)
#' plot_cumresponse(data = plot_input)
#' plot_multiplot(data = plot_input)
#' plot_costsrevs(data=plot_input,fixed_costs=1000,variable_costs_per_unit=10,profit_per_unit=50)
#' plot_profit(data=plot_input,fixed_costs=1000,variable_costs_per_unit=10,profit_per_unit=50)
#' plot_roi(data=plot_input,fixed_costs=1000,variable_costs_per_unit=10,profit_per_unit=50)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
prepare_scores_and_ntiles <- function(datasets,
                                  model_labels ,
  if((typeof(datasets)!='character'&typeof(datasets)!="list")|typeof(datasets[[1]])!='character') {
    stop('"datasets" should a be list with dataset names as strings! (e.g. "list("train","test")")')}
  if(missing(dataset_labels)) {
    dataset_labels = datasets
  } else if((typeof(dataset_labels)!='character'&typeof(dataset_labels)!="list")|typeof(dataset_labels[[1]])!='character') {
    stop('dataset_labels should be list with desctiption strings! (e.g. "list("train set","test set")")')}
  if((typeof(models)!='character'&typeof(models)!="list")|typeof(models[[1]])!='character') {
    stop('"models" should a be list with model object names as string!.
      \n model objects need to be generated with mlr package!')}
  if(!(ntiles%%1==0&ntiles>=4&ntiles<=100)) {
    stop('"ntiles should be an integer value between 4 and 100.')}
  if(missing(model_labels)) model_labels = models
  # create per dataset (train, test,...) a set with y, y_pred, p_y and ntl_y
  scores_and_ntiles = data.frame()
  if(typeof(target_column)!='character') {
    stop('"target_column" needs to a be a string with the name of the target variable in all datasets!')}

  for (dataset in datasets) {
    for (mdl in models) {

      # 1.0 check if specified model object exists

        # if(max(class(try((mlr::getTaskDesc(get(mdl))),TRUE)))== "try-error") {
        #   stop('model objects need to be generated with mlr package')}
        # 1.1. get target class prediction from model and prepare
        actuals = get(dataset) %>% dplyr::select_(y_true=target_column)
        # check if target is factor, otherwise make it a factor
        if(typeof(actuals$y_true)!='factor') actuals$y_true <- as.factor(actuals$y_true)

        # 1.2. get probabilities per target class from model and prepare

        # 1.2.1. mlr models
        if(ifelse(is.null(class(get(mdl))), "", class(get(mdl))) == "WrappedModel") {
          message(paste0('... scoring mlr model "',mdl,'" on dataset "',dataset,'".'))
          if (!requireNamespace("mlr", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("Package \"mlr\" needed for this function to work, but it's not installed. Please install it.",
              call. = FALSE)
          mlr::configureMlr() # this line is needed when using mlr without loading it (mlr::)
          # for binary targets
          if (!is.na(mlr::getTaskDesc(get(mdl))$positive)) {
              y_values <- c(mlr::getTaskDesc(get(mdl))$positive,mlr::getTaskDesc(get(mdl))$negative)
              prob_pos <- mlr::getPredictionProbabilities(stats::predict(get(mdl),newdata=get(dataset)))
              probabilities <- data.frame(pos=prob_pos,neg=1-prob_pos)
          # for multiclass targets
          else {
            probabilities <- as.data.frame(mlr::getPredictionProbabilities(stats::predict(get(mdl),newdata=get(dataset))))
            y_values <- colnames(probabilities)
        # 1.2.2. h2o models
        } else if (ifelse(is.null(attr(class(get(mdl)), "package")), "", attr(class(get(mdl)), "package")) == "h2o") {
          message(paste0('... scoring h2o model "',mdl,'" on dataset "',dataset,'".'))
          if (!requireNamespace("h2o", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("Package \"h2o\" needed for this function to work, but it's not installed. Please install it.",
                 call. = FALSE)
            # for binary and multiclass targets
            probabilities <- as.data.frame(h2o::h2o.predict(get(mdl),
                                           )[, -1]
            y_values <- colnames(probabilities)
        # 1.2.3. keras models
        else if (max(grepl('keras',class(get(mdl)))) == 1) {
        message(paste0('... scoring keras model "',mdl,'" on dataset "',dataset,'".'))
        if (!requireNamespace("keras", quietly = TRUE)) {
          stop("Package \"keras\" needed for this function to work, but it's not installed. Please install it.",
               call. = FALSE)
          # for binary targets
          if (length(levels(actuals$y_true)) == 2) {
              varnames = setdiff(colnames(get(dataset)), target_column)
              probabilities <- as.data.frame(stats::predict(get(mdl),as.matrix(get(dataset)[,varnames]),verbose=0))
              probabilities[,2] <- 1-probabilities[,1]
              y_values <- levels(actuals$y_true)
          # for multiclass targets
          else {
            varnames = setdiff(colnames(get(dataset)), target_column)
            probabilities <- as.data.frame(stats::predict(get(mdl),as.matrix(get(dataset)[,varnames]),verbose=0))
            y_values <- levels(actuals$y_true)
          # 1.2.4. caret models
        else {
          message(paste0('... scoring caret model "',mdl,'" on dataset "',dataset,'".'))
          if (!requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("Package \"caret\" needed for this function to work, but it's not installed. Please install it.",
              call. = FALSE)
            probabilities <- stats::predict(get(mdl),newdata=get(dataset),type='prob')
            y_values <- colnames(probabilities)

        #name probability per target class
        colnames(probabilities) = paste0('prob_',y_values)
        y_probvars = colnames(probabilities)

        probabilities = cbind(model_label=unlist(model_labels[match(mdl,models)]),

        # 1.3. calculate ntiles per target class
        for (i in 1:length(y_values)) {
          #! Added small proportion to prevent equal ntile bounds
          # and reset to 0-1 range (to prevent probs > 1.0)
          range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
          prob_plus_smallrandom = range01(probabilities[,y_probvars[i]]+
          # determine cutoffs based on prob_plus_smallrandom
          cutoffs = c(stats::quantile(prob_plus_smallrandom,probs = seq(0,1,1/ntiles),
                               na.rm = TRUE))
          # add ntile variable per y-class
          probabilities[,paste0('ntl_',y_values[i])] <- (ntiles+1)-as.numeric(
            cut(prob_plus_smallrandom,breaks=cutoffs,include.lowest = TRUE))
      } else {warning(paste0('Model object \'',mdl,'\' does not exist!'))}
    scores_and_ntiles = rbind(scores_and_ntiles,probabilities)
  message('Data preparation step 1 succeeded! Dataframe created.')

#### prepare_scores_and_ntiles_keras()      ####

#' Build a dataframe containing Actuals, Probabilities and Ntiles for keras models
#' Build dataframe object that contains actuals and predictions on the target variable
#' for each input list in \code{inputlists} and each (sequential/functional API) keras model in \code{models}
#' @param inputlists List of Strings. A list of list names, referring to the input list
#'   objects to include in model evaluation.
#' @param inputlist_labels List of Strings. A list of labels for the inputlists, shown in plots.
#'   When inputlist_labels is not specified, the names from \code{inputlists} are used.
#' @param outputlists List of Strings. A list of list names, referring to the output list
#'   objects to include in model evaluation.
#' @param select_output_index Integer. The index of the output of \code{outputlists} to evaluate and show
#' in plots. Only relevant for multi-output models, default index value for multi-output models: 1.
#' @param models List of Strings. List of the names of the keras model objects, containing parameters to
#'   apply models to datasets. To use this function, model objects need to be generated
#'   by the keras package. Both models created with \code{keras_model_sequential()} as well as models
#'   created with the keras functional API are supported by modelplotr.
#' @param model_labels List of Strings. Labels for the models, shown in plots.
#'   When model_labels is not specified, the names from \code{moddels} are used.
#' @param targetclass_labels List of Strings. A list of names to use in plots for the target class values
#' for the selected output. If not specified, the model output column indices are used.
#' Specify the labels in the same order as the model output columns.
#' @param ntiles Integer. Number of ntiles. The ntile parameter represents the specified number
#'   of equally sized buckets the observations in each dataset are grouped into.
#'   By default, observations are grouped in 10 equally sized buckets, often referred to as deciles.
#' @return Dataframe. A dataframe is built, based on the \code{datasets}
#'   and \code{models} specified. It contains the dataset name, actuals on the \code{target_column} ,
#'   the predicted probabilities for each target class (eg. unique target value) and attribution to
#'   ntiles in the dataset for each target class.
#' @section When you build scores_and_ntiles yourself:
#' To make plots with modelplotr, is not required to use this function to generate input for function \code{plotting_scope}
#' You can create your own dataframe containing actuals and predictions and ntiles,
#' See \code{\link{build_input_yourself}} for an example to build the required input for \code{\link{plotting_scope}}
#' or \code{\link{aggregate_over_ntiles}} yourself, within r or even outside of r.
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelplotr}} for generic info on the package \code{moddelplotr}
#' @seealso \code{vignette('modelplotr')}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotting_scope}} for details on the function \code{plotting_scope} that
#' transforms a dataframe created with  \code{prepare_scores_and_ntiles} or \code{aggregate_over_ntiles} to
#' a dataframe in the required format for all modelplotr plots.
#' @seealso \code{\link{aggregate_over_ntiles}} for details on the function \code{aggregate_over_ntiles} that
#' aggregates the output of \code{prepare_scores_and_ntiles} to create a dataframe with aggregated actuals and predictions.
#' In most cases, you do not need to use it since the \code{plotting_scope} function will call this function automatically.
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/modelplot/modelplotr} for details on the package
#' @seealso \url{https://modelplot.github.io/} for our blog on the value of the model plots
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load example data (Bank clients with/without a term deposit - see ?bank_td for details)
#'# prepare data for training model for binomial target has_td and train models
#'train_index =  sample(seq(1, nrow(bank_td)),size = 0.5*nrow(bank_td) ,replace = FALSE)
#'train = bank_td[train_index,]
#'test = bank_td[-train_index,]
#'train_seq = bank_td[train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#'test_seq = bank_td[-train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#'#train keras models using keras_model_sequential() .
#'x_train <- as.matrix(train[,-c(1:2)]); y_train <- 2-as.numeric(train[,1]);
#'input_train = list(x_train); output_train = list(y_train)
#'x_test  <- as.matrix(test[,-c(1:2)]);  y_test <- 2-as.numeric(test[,1]);
#'input_test = list(x_test); output_test = list(y_test)
#'`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
#'nn_seq <- keras::keras_model_sequential() %>%
#'  keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform",activation = 'relu',
#'                     input_shape = NCOL(x_train))%>%
#'  keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform", activation='relu') %>%
#'  keras::layer_dense(units = 1,activation='sigmoid')
#'nn_seq %>% keras::compile(optimizer='rmsprop',loss='binary_crossentropy',metrics=c('accuracy'))
#'nn_seq %>% keras::fit(input_train,output_train,epochs = 20,batch_size = 1028,verbose=0)
#'scores_and_ntiles <- prepare_scores_and_ntiles_keras(inputlists = list("input_train","input_test"),
#'                           inputlist_labels = list("train data","test data"),
#'                           models = list("nn_seq"),
#'                           model_labels = list("keras sequential model"),
#'                           outputlists = list("output_train","output_test"),
#'                           select_output_index = 1,
#'                           targetclass_labels = list("no.term.deposit","term.deposit"),
#'                           ntiles = 10)
#'plot_input <- plotting_scope(prepared_input = scores_and_ntiles,scope = "compare_datasets")
#'plot_cumgains(data = plot_input)
#'plot_cumlift(data = plot_input)
#'plot_response(data = plot_input)
#'plot_cumresponse(data = plot_input)
#'plot_multiplot(data = plot_input)
#'#... or train keras models using keras functional api (multi-input / multi-output is supported).
#'x1_train <- as.matrix(train[,c(3:4)]); y1_train <- as.numeric(train[,1])-1;
#'x2_train <- as.matrix(train[,c(5:7)]); y2_train <- keras::to_categorical(as.numeric(train[,2])-1,
#'                                                                          num_classes = 4);
#'input_train = list(x1_train,x2_train); output_train = list(y1_train,y2_train)
#'x1_test <- as.matrix(test[,c(3:4)]); y1_test <- as.numeric(test[,1])-1;
#'x2_test <- as.matrix(test[,c(5:7)]); y2_test <- keras::to_categorical(as.numeric(test[,2])-1,
#'                                                                          num_classes = 4);
#'input_test = list(x1_test,x2_test); output_test = list(y1_test,y2_test)
#'x1_input <- keras::layer_input(shape = NCOL(x1_train))
#'x2_input <- keras::layer_input(shape = NCOL(x2_train))
#'concatenated <- keras::layer_concatenate(list(x1_input, x2_input)) %>%
#'  keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform", activation='relu') %>%
#'  keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform", activation='relu')
#'y1_output <- concatenated %>% keras::layer_dense(1, activation = "sigmoid", name = "has_td")
#'y2_output <- concatenated %>% keras::layer_dense(4, activation = "softmax", name = "td_type")
#'nn_api <- keras::keras_model(list(x1_input,x2_input), list(y1_output,y2_output))
#'nn_api %>% keras::compile(optimizer = "rmsprop",
#'                          loss = c("binary_crossentropy","categorical_crossentropy"))
#'nn_api %>% keras::fit(list(x1_train, x2_train),list(y1_train, y2_train),20,batch_size = 1028)
#'scores_and_ntiles <- prepare_scores_and_ntiles_keras(inputlists = list("input_train","input_test"),
#'                           inputlist_labels = list("train data","test data"),
#'                           models = list("nn_api"),
#'                           model_labels = list("keras api model"),
#'                           outputlists = list("output_train","output_test"),
#'                           select_output_index = 2,
#'                           targetclass_labels = list('no.td','td.type.A','td.type.B','td.type.C'),
#'                           ntiles = 100)
#'plot_input <- plotting_scope(prepared_input=scores_and_ntiles,scope="compare_targetclasses")
#'plot_cumgains(data = plot_input)
#'plot_cumlift(data = plot_input)
#'plot_response(data = plot_input)
#'plot_cumresponse(data = plot_input)
#'plot_multiplot(data = plot_input)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
prepare_scores_and_ntiles_keras <- function(inputlists,
                                            model_labels ,
  if((typeof(inputlists)!='character'&typeof(inputlists)!="list")|typeof(inputlists[[1]])!='character') {
    stop('"inputlists" should a be string (or list of strings) referring to a (list of) matrix object(s)! (e.g. "x_train" or list("inputs_train","inputs_test"))')}
  if(missing(inputlist_labels)) {
    inputlist_labels = inputlists
  } else if((typeof(inputlist_labels)!='character'&typeof(inputlist_labels)!="list")|typeof(inputlist_labels[[1]])!='character') {
    stop('input_labels should be list with desctiption strings! (e.g. "list("train set","test set")")')}
  if((typeof(models)!='character'&typeof(models)!="list")|typeof(models[[1]])!='character') {
    stop('"models" should a be list with model object names as string!.
      \n model objects need to be generated with mlr package!')}
  if(!(ntiles%%1==0&ntiles>=4&ntiles<=100)) {
    stop('"ntiles should be an integer value between 4 and 100.')}
  if(missing(model_labels)) model_labels = models
  if((typeof(outputlists)!='character'&typeof(outputlists)!="list")|typeof(outputlists[[1]])!='character') {
    stop('"outputs" should a be string referring to a list object with output matrices! (e.g. "output_list")')}

  # create per dataset (train, test,...) a set with y, y_pred, p_y and ntl_y
  scores_and_ntiles = data.frame()
    stop('inputlist length unequal to outputlist length! Specify matching input lists and output lists.\n
 In case of multi input models or multi output models, provide the names of named input list(s) and named output lists\n
 E.g. inputlist_train <- list(x1_input,x2_input) and as parameter: inputlists=list("inputlist_train") ')
  for (inputlist_id in seq(length(inputlists))) {
    inplst = inputlists[[inputlist_id]]
    outlst = outputlists[[inputlist_id]]
    n_outputs = ifelse(is.list(get(outlst)),length(get(outlst)),0)

    for (mdl in models) {
      # 1.0 check if specified model object exists
        if (max(grepl('keras',class(get(mdl)))) == 1) {
          if (!requireNamespace("keras", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("Package \"keras\" needed for this function to work, but it's not installed. Please install it.",
                 call. = FALSE)
          } else {
              output = get(outlst)[[select_output_index]]
            } else {
              output = get(outlst)
            message(paste0('... scoring keras model "',mdl,'" on input list "',inplst,'" for output ',outlst,' (output index ',select_output_index,').'))

              # 1.1. get actual values en predictions per output
              probs = stats::predict(get(mdl),get(inplst))
              if(select_output_index>1 & (!is.list(probs)|length(probs)<select_output_index)){
                stop(paste0('model "',mdl,'" does not have output with index ',select_output_index,'!'))
              # for binary targets
                actuals = as.factor(output)
                if(is.list(probs)) {
                  probabilities = as.data.frame(1-probs[[select_output_index]])
                } else {
                  probabilities = as.data.frame(1-probs)
                probabilities[,2] = 1-probabilities[,1]
              } # for multiclass targets
              else {
                actuals = as.factor(apply(output, 1, function(x) which(x == 1)))
                if(is.list(probs)) {
                  probabilities = as.data.frame(probs[[select_output_index]])
                } else {
                  probabilities = as.data.frame(probs)
                  y_values = unlist(targetclass_labels)
                  levels(actuals) = unlist(targetclass_labels)
              } else {
                y_values = levels(actuals)
              colnames(probabilities) = paste0('prob_',y_values)
              y_probvars = colnames(probabilities)
              #name probability per target class
              probabilities = cbind(model_label=unlist(model_labels[match(mdl,models)]),
                                    y_true = actuals,
              # 1.3. calculate ntiles per target class
              for (i in 1:length(y_values)) {
                #! Added small proportion to prevent equal ntile bounds
                # and reset to 0-1 range (to prevent probs > 1.0)
                range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
                prob_plus_smallrandom = range01(probabilities[,y_probvars[i]]+
                # determine cutoffs based on prob_plus_smallrandom
                cutoffs = c(stats::quantile(prob_plus_smallrandom,probs = seq(0,1,1/ntiles),
                                            na.rm = TRUE))
                # add ntile variable per y-class
                probabilities[,paste0('ntl_',y_values[i])] <- (ntiles+1)-as.numeric(
                  cut(prob_plus_smallrandom,breaks=cutoffs,include.lowest = TRUE))
              scores_and_ntiles = scores_and_ntiles %>% dplyr::bind_rows(probabilities)



      } else {warning(paste0('Model object \'',mdl,'\' does not exist!'))}
  message('Data preparation step 1 succeeded! Dataframe created.')

#### aggregate_over_ntiles()         ####

#' Build a dataframe with aggregated evaluation measures
#' Build a dataframe with aggregated actuals and predictions.
#' Records in this dataframe represent the unique combinations of models [m], datasets [d], targetvalues [t] and ntiles [n].
#' The size of this dataframe therefore is (m*d*t*n) rows and 23 columns. \cr\cr \bold{\emph{In most cases, you do not need to use function
#'   since the \code{\link{plotting_scope}} function will call this function automatically.}}
#' @param prepared_input Dataframe resulting from function \code{\link{prepare_scores_and_ntiles}} or a data frame that meets
#' requirements as specified in the section below: \bold{When you build input for aggregate_over_ntiles() yourself} .
#' @return Dataframe object is returned, containing:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   \bold{column} \tab \bold{type} \tab \bold{definition} \cr
#'   model_label \tab String \tab Name of the model object \cr
#'   dataset_label \tab Factor \tab Datasets to include in the plot as factor levels\cr
#'   target_class\tab String or Integer\tab Target classes to include in the plot\cr
#'   ntile\tab Integer\tab Ntile groups based on model probability for target class\cr
#'   neg\tab Integer\tab Number of cases not belonging to target class in dataset in ntile\cr
#'   pos\tab Integer\tab Number of cases belonging to target class in dataset in ntile\cr
#'   tot\tab Integer\tab Total number of cases in dataset in ntile\cr
#'   pct\tab Decimal \tab Percentage of cases in dataset in ntile that belongs to
#'     target class (pos/tot)\cr
#'   negtot\tab Integer\tab Total number of cases not belonging to target class in dataset\cr
#'   postot\tab Integer\tab Total number of cases belonging to target class in dataset\cr
#'   tottot\tab Integer\tab Total number of cases in dataset\cr
#'   pcttot\tab Decimal\tab Percentage of cases in dataset that belongs to
#'     target class (postot / tottot)\cr
#'   cumneg\tab Integer\tab Cumulative number of cases not belonging to target class in
#'     dataset from ntile 1 up until ntile\cr
#'   cumpos\tab Integer\tab Cumulative number of cases belonging to target class in
#'     dataset from ntile 1 up until ntile\cr
#'   cumtot\tab Integer\tab Cumulative number of cases in dataset from ntile 1
#'     up until ntile\cr
#'   cumpct\tab Integer\tab Cumulative percentage of cases belonging to target class in
#'     dataset from ntile 1 up until ntile (cumpos/cumtot)\cr
#'   gain\tab Decimal\tab Gains value for dataset for ntile (pos/postot)\cr
#'   cumgain\tab Decimal\tab Cumulative gains value for dataset for ntile
#'     (cumpos/postot)\cr
#'   gain_ref\tab Decimal\tab Lower reference for gains value for dataset for ntile
#'     (ntile/#ntiles)\cr
#'   gain_opt\tab Decimal\tab Upper reference for gains value for dataset for ntile\cr
#'   lift\tab Decimal\tab Lift value for dataset for ntile (pct/pcttot)\cr
#'   cumlift\tab Decimal\tab Cumulative lift value for dataset for ntile
#'     ((cumpos/cumtot)/pcttot)\cr
#'   cumlift_ref\tab Decimal\tab Reference value for Cumulative lift value (constant: 1)
#'  }
#' @section When you build input for aggregate_over_ntiles() yourself:
#' To make plots with modelplotr, is not required to use the function prepare_scores_and_ntiles to generate the required input data.
#' You can create your own dataframe containing actuals and probabilities and ntiles (1st ntile = (1/#ntiles) percent
#' with highest model probability, last ntile = (1/#ntiles) percent with lowest probability according to model) ,
#' In that case, make sure the input dataframe contains the folowing columns & formats:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   \bold{column} \tab \bold{type} \tab \bold{definition} \cr
#'   model_label \tab Factor \tab Name of the model object \cr
#'   dataset_label \tab Factor \tab Datasets to include in the plot as factor levels\cr
#'   y_true \tab Factor \tab Target with actual values \cr
#'   prob_[tv1] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value 1 \cr
#'   prob_[tv2] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value 2 \cr
#'   ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#'   prob_[tvn] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value n \cr
#'   ntl_[tv1] \tab Integer \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value 1 \cr
#'   ntl_[tv2] \tab Integerl \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value 2 \cr
#'   ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#'   ntl_[tvn] \tab Integer \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value n
#'  }
#' See \code{\link{build_input_yourself}} for an example to build the required input yourself.
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelplotr}} for generic info on the package \code{moddelplotr}
#' @seealso \code{vignette('modelplotr')}
#' @seealso \code{\link{prepare_scores_and_ntiles}} for details on the function \code{prepare_scores_and_ntiles}
#' that generates the required input.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotting_scope}} for details on the function \code{plotting_scope} that
#' filters the output of \code{aggregate_over_ntiles} to prepare it for the required evaluation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{build_input_yourself}} for an example to build the required input yourself.
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/modelplot/modelplotr} for details on the package
#' @seealso \url{https://modelplot.github.io/} for our blog on the value of the model plots
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load example data (Bank clients with/without a term deposit - see ?bank_td for details)
#' data("bank_td")
#' # prepare data for training model for binomial target has_td and train models
#' train_index =  sample(seq(1, nrow(bank_td)),size = 0.5*nrow(bank_td) ,replace = FALSE)
#' train = bank_td[train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#' test = bank_td[-train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#' #train models using mlr...
#' trainTask <- mlr::makeClassifTask(data = train, target = "has_td")
#' testTask <- mlr::makeClassifTask(data = test, target = "has_td")
#' mlr::configureMlr() # this line is needed when using mlr without loading it (mlr::)
#' task = mlr::makeClassifTask(data = train, target = "has_td")
#' lrn = mlr::makeLearner("classif.randomForest", predict.type = "prob")
#' rf = mlr::train(lrn, task)
#' lrn = mlr::makeLearner("classif.multinom", predict.type = "prob")
#' mnl = mlr::train(lrn, task)
#' #... or train models using caret...
#' # setting caret cross validation, here tuned for speed (not accuracy!)
#' fitControl <- caret::trainControl(method = "cv",number = 2,classProbs=TRUE)
#' # random forest using ranger package, here tuned for speed (not accuracy!)
#' rf = caret::train(has_td ~.,data = train, method = "ranger",trControl = fitControl,
#'                   tuneGrid = expand.grid(.mtry = 2,.splitrule = "gini",.min.node.size=10))
#' # mnl model using glmnet package
#' mnl = caret::train(has_td ~.,data = train, method = "glmnet",trControl = fitControl)
#' #... or train models using h2o...
#' h2o::h2o.init()
#' h2o::h2o.no_progress()
#' h2o_train = h2o::as.h2o(train)
#' h2o_test = h2o::as.h2o(test)
#' gbm <- h2o::h2o.gbm(y = "has_td",
#'                           x = setdiff(colnames(train), "has_td"),
#'                           training_frame = h2o_train,
#'                           nfolds = 5)
#' #... or train models using keras.
#' x_train <- as.matrix(train[,-1]); y=train[,1]; y_train <- keras::to_categorical(as.numeric(y)-1);
#' `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
#' nn <- keras::keras_model_sequential() %>%
#' keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform",activation = 'relu',
#'                    input_shape = NCOL(x_train))%>%
#'   keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform", activation='relu') %>%
#'   keras::layer_dense(units = length(levels(train[,1])),activation='softmax')
#' nn %>% keras::compile(optimizer='rmsprop',loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=c('accuracy'))
#' nn %>% keras::fit(x_train,y_train,epochs = 20,batch_size = 1028,verbose=0)
#' # preparation steps
#' scores_and_ntiles <- prepare_scores_and_ntiles(datasets=list("train","test"),
#'                       dataset_labels = list("train data","test data"),
#'                       models = list("rf","mnl", "gbm","nn"),
#'                       model_labels = list("random forest","multinomial logit",
#'                                           "gradient boosting machine","artificial neural network"),
#'                       target_column="has_td")
#' aggregated <- aggregate_over_ntiles(prepared_input=scores_and_ntiles)
#' head(aggregated)
#' plot_input <- plotting_scope(prepared_input = aggregated)
#' head(plot_input)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
aggregate_over_ntiles <- function(prepared_input){

  # check if input is dataframe
  if(!is.data.frame(prepared_input)) {
    stop('"prepared_input" should a be a dataframe!')}

  # check if input dataframe has required input columns
  needed_colnames <- c('model_label','dataset_label','y_true')
  check_colnames <- all(needed_colnames %in% colnames(prepared_input))
  check_probcols <- sum(stringr::str_count(colnames(prepared_input),'prob_'))>=1
  check_ntlcols <- sum(stringr::str_count(colnames(prepared_input),'ntl_'))>=1
  if(!all(check_colnames,check_probcols,check_ntlcols)) {
    stop('"prepared_input" dataframe does not contain all needed columns.
Use prepare_scores_and_deciles() or see ?aggregate_over_ntiles for details how to build required input yourself.')

  modelgroups = levels(prepared_input$dataset_label)
  yvals = levels(prepared_input$y_true)
  ntiles = max(prepared_input[,ncol(prepared_input)])

  ntiles_aggregate <- data.frame()

  for (val in yvals) {

    eval_t_zero = prepared_input %>%
      dplyr::mutate("target_class"=val,"ntile"=0) %>%
      dplyr::group_by_("model_label","dataset_label","target_class","ntile") %>%
                cumlift_ref = 1) %>%
    eval_t_add = prepared_input %>%
      dplyr::mutate("target_class"=val,"ntile"=get(paste0("ntl_",val))) %>%
      dplyr::group_by_("model_label","dataset_label","target_class","ntile") %>%
                pct=1.0*sum(.data$y_true==.data$target_class)/dplyr::n()) %>%
      dplyr::group_by_("model_label","dataset_label","target_class") %>%
             pcttot=1.0*sum(.data$pos)/sum(.data$tot)) %>%
      dplyr::group_by_("model_label","dataset_label","target_class","negtot","postot","tottot","pcttot") %>%
             cumlift_ref = 1) %>%

    ntiles_aggregate = rbind(ntiles_aggregate,eval_t_zero,eval_t_add)
    ntiles_aggregate = ntiles_aggregate[with(ntiles_aggregate,order(target_class,dataset_label,ntile)),]
  message('Data preparation step 2 succeeded! Dataframe created.')

#### plotting_scope()         ####

#' Build dataframe with formatted input for all plots.
#' Build a dataframe in the required format for all modelplotr plots, relevant to the selected scope of evaluation.
#' Each record in this dataframe represents a unique combination of datasets, models, target classes and ntiles.
#' As an input, plotting_scope can handle both a dataframe created with \code{aggregate_over_ntiles} as well as a dataframe
#' created with \code{prepare_scores_and_ntiles} (or created otherwise with similar layout).
#' There are four perspectives:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{"no_comparison" (default)}{In this perspective, you're interested in the performance of one model on one dataset
#'     for one target class. Therefore, only one line is plotted in the plots.
#'     The parameters \code{select_model_label}, \code{select_dataset_label} and \code{select_targetclass} determine which group is
#'     plotted. When not specified, the first alphabetic model, the first alphabetic dataset and
#'     the smallest (when \code{select_smallest_targetclass=TRUE}) or first alphabetic target value are selected }
#'   \item{"compare_models"}{In this perspective, you're interested in how well different models perform in comparison to
#'     each other on the same dataset and for the same target value. This results in a comparison between models available
#'     in ntiles_aggregate$model_label for a selected dataset (default: first alphabetic dataset) and for a selected target value
#'     (default: smallest (when \code{select_smallest_targetclass=TRUE}) or first alphabetic target value).}
#'   \item{"compare_datasets"}{In this perspective, you're interested in how well a model performs in different datasets
#'   for a specific model on the same target value. This results in a comparison between datasets available in
#'   ntiles_aggregate$dataset_label for a selected model (default: first alphabetic model) and for a selected target value (default:
#'   smallest (when \code{select_smallest_targetclass=TRUE}) or first alphabetic target value).}
#'   \item{"compare_targetclasses"}{In this perspective, you're interested in how well a model performs for different target
#'    values on a specific dataset.This resuls in a comparison between target classes available in ntiles_aggregate$target_class for
#'    a selected model (default: first alphabetic model) and for a selected dataset (default: first alphabetic dataset).}}
#' @param prepared_input Dataframe. Dataframe created with \code{\link{prepare_scores_and_ntiles}} or dataframe created with
#' \code{\link{aggregate_over_ntiles}} or a dataframe that is created otherwise with similar layout as the output of these functions
#' (see ?prepare_scores_and_ntiles and ?aggregate_over_ntiles for layout details).
#' @param scope String. Evaluation type of interest. Possible values:
#' "compare_models","compare_datasets", "compare_targetclasses","no_comparison".
#' Default is NA, equivalent to "no_comparison".
#' @param select_model_label String. Selected model when scope is "compare_datasets" or "compare_targetclasses" or "no_comparison".
#' Needs to be identical to model descriptions as specified in model_labels (or models when model_labels is not specified).
#' When scope is "compare_models", select_model_label can be used to take a subset of available models.
#' @param select_dataset_label String. Selected dataset when scope is compare_models or compare_targetclasses or no_comparison.
#' Needs to be identical to dataset descriptions as specified in dataset_labels (or datasets when dataset_labels is not
#' specified). When scope is "compare_datasets", select_dataset_label can be used to take a subset of available datasets.
#' @param select_targetclass String. Selected target value when scope is compare_models or compare_datasets or no_comparison.
#' Default is smallest value when select_smallest_targetclass=TRUE, otherwise first alphabetical value.
#' When scope is "compare_targetclasses", select_targetclass can be used to take a subset of available target classes.
#' @param select_smallest_targetclass Boolean. Select the target value with the smallest number of cases in dataset as group of
#' interest. Default is True, hence the target value with the least observations is selected.
#' @section When you build input for plotting_scope() yourself:
#' To make plots with modelplotr, is not required to use the function prepare_scores_and_ntiles to generate the required input data.
#' You can create your own dataframe containing actuals and probabilities and ntiles (1st ntile = (1/#ntiles) percent
#' with highest model probability, last ntile = (1/#ntiles) percent with lowest probability according to model) ,
#' In that case, make sure the input dataframe contains the folowing columns & formats:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   \bold{column} \tab \bold{type} \tab \bold{definition} \cr
#'   model_label \tab Factor \tab Name of the model object \cr
#'   dataset_label \tab Factor \tab Datasets to include in the plot as factor levels\cr
#'   y_true \tab Factor \tab Target with actual values \cr
#'   prob_[tv1] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value 1 \cr
#'   prob_[tv2] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value 2 \cr
#'   ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#'   prob_[tvn] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value n \cr
#'   ntl_[tv1] \tab Integer \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value 1 \cr
#'   ntl_[tv2] \tab Integerl \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value 2 \cr
#'   ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#'   ntl_[tvn] \tab Integer \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value n
#'  }
#' See \link{build_input_yourself} for an example to build the required input yourself.
#' @return Dataframe \code{plot_input} is a subset of \code{ntiles_aggregate}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelplotr}} for generic info on the package \code{moddelplotr}
#' @seealso \code{vignette('modelplotr')}
#' @seealso \code{\link{aggregate_over_ntiles}} for details on the function \code{aggregate_over_ntiles} that
#' generates the required input.
#' @seealso \code{\link{prepare_scores_and_ntiles}} for details on the function \code{prepare_scores_and_ntiles}
#' that generates the required input.
#' @seealso \code{\link{build_input_yourself}} for an example to build the required input yourself.
#' filters the output of \code{aggregate_over_ntiles} to prepare it for the required evaluation.
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/modelplot/modelplotr} for details on the package
#' @seealso \url{https://modelplot.github.io/} for our blog on the value of the model plots
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load example data (Bank clients with/without a term deposit - see ?bank_td for details)
#' data("bank_td")
#' # prepare data for training model for binomial target has_td and train models
#' train_index =  sample(seq(1, nrow(bank_td)),size = 0.5*nrow(bank_td) ,replace = FALSE)
#' train = bank_td[train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#' test = bank_td[-train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#' #train models using mlr...
#' trainTask <- mlr::makeClassifTask(data = train, target = "has_td")
#' testTask <- mlr::makeClassifTask(data = test, target = "has_td")
#' mlr::configureMlr() # this line is needed when using mlr without loading it (mlr::)
#' task = mlr::makeClassifTask(data = train, target = "has_td")
#' lrn = mlr::makeLearner("classif.randomForest", predict.type = "prob")
#' rf = mlr::train(lrn, task)
#' lrn = mlr::makeLearner("classif.multinom", predict.type = "prob")
#' mnl = mlr::train(lrn, task)
#' #... or train models using caret...
#' # setting caret cross validation, here tuned for speed (not accuracy!)
#' fitControl <- caret::trainControl(method = "cv",number = 2,classProbs=TRUE)
#' # random forest using ranger package, here tuned for speed (not accuracy!)
#' rf = caret::train(has_td ~.,data = train, method = "ranger",trControl = fitControl,
#'                   tuneGrid = expand.grid(.mtry = 2,.splitrule = "gini",.min.node.size=10))
#' # mnl model using glmnet package
#' mnl = caret::train(has_td ~.,data = train, method = "glmnet",trControl = fitControl)
#' #... or train models using h2o...
#' h2o::h2o.init()
#' h2o::h2o.no_progress()
#' h2o_train = h2o::as.h2o(train)
#' h2o_test = h2o::as.h2o(test)
#' gbm <- h2o::h2o.gbm(y = "has_td",
#'                           x = setdiff(colnames(train), "has_td"),
#'                           training_frame = h2o_train,
#'                           nfolds = 5)
#' #... or train models using keras.
#' x_train <- as.matrix(train[,-1]); y=train[,1]; y_train <- keras::to_categorical(as.numeric(y)-1)
#' `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
#' nn <- keras::keras_model_sequential() %>%
#' keras::layer_dense(units = 16,kernel_initializer = "uniform",activation = 'relu',
#'                    input_shape = NCOL(x_train))%>%
#'   keras::layer_dense(units=16,kernel_initializer="uniform",activation='relu') %>%
#'   keras::layer_dense(units=length(levels(train[,1])),activation='softmax')
#' nn %>% keras::compile(optimizer='rmsprop',loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=c('accuracy'))
#' nn %>% keras::fit(x_train,y_train,epochs = 20,batch_size = 1028,verbose=0)
#' # preparation steps
#' scores_and_ntiles <- prepare_scores_and_ntiles(datasets=list("train","test"),
#'                       dataset_labels = list("train data","test data"),
#'                       models = list("rf","mnl", "gbm","nn"),
#'                       model_labels = list("random forest","multinomial logit",
#'                                           "gradient boosting machine","artificial neural network"),
#'                       target_column="has_td")
#' plot_input <- plotting_scope(prepared_input = scores_and_ntiles)
#' plot_cumgains(data = plot_input)
#' plot_cumlift(data = plot_input)
#' plot_response(data = plot_input)
#' plot_cumresponse(data = plot_input)
#' plot_multiplot(data = plot_input)
#' plot_costsrevs(data=plot_input,fixed_costs=1000,variable_costs_per_unit=10,profit_per_unit=50)
#' plot_profit(data=plot_input,fixed_costs=1000,variable_costs_per_unit=10,profit_per_unit=50)
#' plot_roi(data=plot_input,fixed_costs=1000,variable_costs_per_unit=10,profit_per_unit=50)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
plotting_scope <- function(prepared_input,

  # check if input has required input columns
  needed_colnames <- c('model_label','dataset_label','target_class','ntile','neg','pos','tot','pct',
  if(!all(needed_colnames %in% colnames(prepared_input))) {
    # if not, check if input data has format for aggregate_over_deciles
    # check if input dataframe has required input columns
    needed_colnames <- c('model_label','dataset_label','y_true')
    check_colnames <- all(needed_colnames %in% colnames(prepared_input))
    check_probcols <- sum(stringr::str_count(colnames(prepared_input),'prob_'))>=1
    check_ntlcols <- sum(stringr::str_count(colnames(prepared_input),'ntl_'))>=1
    if(!all(check_colnames,check_probcols,check_ntlcols)) {
      stop('"prepared_input" dataframe does not contain all needed columns.
Use prepare_scores_and_deciles() or see ?aggregate_over_ntiles for details how to build required input yourself.')
    } else{
      prepared_input <- aggregate_over_ntiles(prepared_input)
      message('"prepared_input" aggregated...\n')

  # check if scope has a valid value
  if (!scope %in% c(NA,"compare_models","compare_datasets", "compare_targetclasses","no_comparison")) {
    stop('invalid value for scope.
      Select "compare_models","compare_datasets", "compare_targetclasses","no_comparison" or NA')

  # check if select_model_label has a valid value
  for (selmod in select_model_label) {
    if (!selmod %in% c(NA,as.character(unique(prepared_input$model_label)))) {
    stop(paste0('invalid value for select_model_label
      Select ',paste(as.character(unique(prepared_input$model_label)), collapse = ', '),' or NA'))

  # check if select_dataset_label has a valid value
  for (selds in select_dataset_label) {
    if (!selds %in% c(NA,as.character(unique(prepared_input$dataset_label)))) {
    stop(paste0('invalid value for select_dataset_label
      Select ',paste(as.character(unique(prepared_input$dataset_label)), collapse = ', '),' or NA'))

  # check if select_targetclass has a valid value
  for (seltv in select_targetclass) {
    if (!seltv %in% c(NA,as.character(unique(prepared_input$target_class)))) {
    stop(paste0('invalid value for select_targetclass
      Select ',paste(as.character(unique(prepared_input$target_class)), collapse = ', '),' or NA'))

  #check scope to decide: max 1 value of select_... required?
  #then check if needed selections of model / dataset / targetvalues are set, else set to defaults
  # no model specified? take first model based on alphabetic name.
  models <- as.character(unique(prepared_input$model_label))
  no_model_selected <- is.na(as.list(select_model_label)[1])
  if (scope=="compare_models") {
    if (no_model_selected) select_model_label <- as.list(models) else select_model_label = select_model_label
  } else {
    if (no_model_selected) select_model_label <- sort(models)[1] else select_model_label <- select_model_label[1]

  # no dataset specified? take first model based on alphabetic name.
  datasets <- as.character(unique(prepared_input$dataset_label))
  no_dataset_selected <- is.na(as.list(select_dataset_label)[1])
  if (scope=="compare_datasets") {
    if (no_dataset_selected) select_dataset_label <- as.list(datasets) else select_dataset_label = select_dataset_label
  } else {
    if (no_dataset_selected) select_dataset_label <- sort(datasets)[1] else select_dataset_label <- select_dataset_label[1]

  # no target value specified? take smallest targetvalue
  targetvalues <- as.character(unique(prepared_input$target_class))
  no_targetvalue_selected <- is.na(as.list(select_targetclass)[1])
  #`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
  smallest <- prepared_input%>%dplyr::select(target_class,postot)%>%
      dplyr::group_by(target_class)%>%dplyr::summarize(n=min(postot,na.rm = TRUE))%>%
      dplyr::arrange(n)%>%dplyr::top_n(n=1, -n)%>%dplyr::slice(1)%>%dplyr::select(target_class)%>%as.character()
  if (scope=="compare_targetclasses") {
    if (no_targetvalue_selected) select_targetclass <- as.list(targetvalues) else select_targetclass = select_targetclass
  } else {
    if (no_targetvalue_selected) {
      if (select_smallest_targetclass==TRUE) select_targetclass <- smallest else select_targetclass <- sort(targetvalues)[1]
      } else select_targetclass <- select_targetclass[1]

  #check evaluation type and print relevant processing output
    if (scope=="compare_datasets") {
      plot_input <- prepared_input %>%
        dplyr::filter(., model_label %in% select_model_label & dataset_label %in% select_dataset_label & target_class %in% select_targetclass) %>%
        datasets_print <- paste('"', select_dataset_label, '"', sep = "", collapse = ", ")
        type_print <- (paste0('Datasets ',datasets_print,' compared for model "',
          select_model_label,'" and target value "',select_targetclass,'".'))
    } else if (scope=="compare_models") {
      plot_input <- prepared_input %>%
        dplyr::filter(., model_label %in% select_model_label & dataset_label %in% select_dataset_label & target_class %in% select_targetclass) %>%
        models_print <- paste('"', select_model_label, '"', sep = "", collapse = ", ")
        type_print <- (paste0('Models ',models_print,' compared for dataset "',
          select_dataset_label,'" and target value "',select_targetclass,'".'))
    } else if (scope=="compare_targetclasses") {
      plot_input <- prepared_input %>%
        dplyr::filter(., model_label %in% select_model_label & dataset_label %in% select_dataset_label & target_class %in% select_targetclass)%>%
        targetvalues_print <- paste('"', select_targetclass, '"', sep = "", collapse = ", ")
        type_print <- (paste0('Target classes ',targetvalues_print,' compared for dataset "',
          select_dataset_label,'" and model "',select_model_label,'".'))
    } else {
      plot_input <- prepared_input %>%
        dplyr::filter(., model_label == select_model_label & dataset_label == select_dataset_label & target_class == select_targetclass)%>%
      type_print <- (paste0('No comparison specified, default values are used. \n
Single evaluation line will be plotted: Target value "',
        select_targetclass,'" plotted for dataset "',
        select_dataset_label,'" and model "',select_model_label,'.\n"
-> To compare models, specify: scope = "compare_models"
-> To compare datasets, specify: scope = "compare_datasets"
-> To compare target classes, specify: scope = "compare_targetclasses"
-> To plot one line, do not specify scope or specify scope = "no_comparison".'))
  plot_input <- cbind(scope=scope,plot_input)
  message(paste0('Data preparation step 3 succeeded! Dataframe created.\n\n',type_print,'\n\n'))

#' Example: build required input from a custom model
#' It's very easy to apply modelplotr
#' to predictive models that are developed in caret, mlr, h2o or keras. However, also for models that are developed differently,
#' even those built outside of R, it only takes a bit more work to use modelplotr on top of these models.
#' In this section we introduce the required format and an example.
#' @section When you build input for plotting_scope() yourself:
#' To make plots with modelplotr, is not required to use the function prepare_scores_and_ntiles to generate the required input data.
#' You can create your own dataframe containing actuals and probabilities and ntiles (1st ntile = (1/#ntiles) percent
#' with highest model probability, last ntile = (1/#ntiles) percent with lowest probability according to model) ,
#' In that case, make sure the input dataframe contains the folowing columns & formats:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   \bold{column} \tab \bold{type} \tab \bold{definition} \cr
#'   model_label \tab Factor \tab Name of the model object \cr
#'   dataset_label \tab Factor \tab Datasets to include in the plot as factor levels\cr
#'   y_true \tab Factor \tab Target with actual values \cr
#'   prob_[tv1] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value 1 \cr
#'   prob_[tv2] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value 2 \cr
#'   ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#'   prob_[tvn] \tab Decimal \tab Probability according to model for target value n \cr
#'   ntl_[tv1] \tab Integer \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value 1 \cr
#'   ntl_[tv2] \tab Integerl \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value 2 \cr
#'   ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#'   ntl_[tvn] \tab Integer \tab Ntile based on probability according to model for target value n
#'  }
#' @examples
#' # load example data (Bank clients with/without a term deposit - see ?bank_td for details)
#' data("bank_td")
#' library(dplyr)
#' # prepare data for training model for binomial target has_td and train models
#' train_index =  sample(seq(1, nrow(bank_td)),size = 0.5*nrow(bank_td) ,replace = FALSE)
#' train = bank_td[train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#' test = bank_td[-train_index,c('has_td','duration','campaign','pdays','previous','euribor3m')]
#' #train logistic regression model with stats package
#' glm.model <- glm(has_td ~.,family=binomial(link='logit'),data=train)
#' #score model
#' prob_no.term.deposit <- stats::predict(glm.model,newdata=train,type='response')
#' prob_term.deposit <- 1-prob_no.term.deposit
#' #set number of ntiles
#' ntiles = 10
#' # determine cutoffs
#' cutoffs = c(stats::quantile(prob_term.deposit,probs = seq(0,1,1/ntiles),na.rm = TRUE))
#' #calculate ntile values
#' ntl_term.deposit <- (ntiles+1)-as.numeric(cut(prob_term.deposit,breaks=cutoffs,include.lowest=TRUE))
#' ntl_no.term.deposit <- (ntiles+1)-ntl_term.deposit
#' # create scored data frame
#' scores_and_ntiles <- train %>%
#'     select(has_td) %>%
#'     mutate(model_label=factor('logistic regression'),
#'            dataset_label=factor('train data'),
#'            y_true=factor(has_td),
#'            prob_term.deposit = prob_term.deposit,
#'            prob_no.term.deposit = prob_no.term.deposit,
#'            ntl_term.deposit = ntl_term.deposit,
#'            ntl_no.term.deposit = ntl_no.term.deposit) %>%
#'     select(-has_td)
#' # add test data
#' #score model on test data
#' prob_no.term.deposit <- stats::predict(glm.model,newdata=test,type='response')
#' prob_term.deposit <- 1-prob_no.term.deposit
#' #set number of ntiles
#' ntiles = 10
#' # determine cutoffs
#' cutoffs = c(stats::quantile(prob_term.deposit,probs = seq(0,1,1/ntiles),na.rm = TRUE))
#' #calculate ntile values
#' ntl_term.deposit <- (ntiles+1)-as.numeric(cut(prob_term.deposit,breaks=cutoffs,include.lowest=TRUE))
#' ntl_no.term.deposit <- (ntiles+1)-ntl_term.deposit
#' scores_and_ntiles <- scores_and_ntiles %>%
#'   rbind(
#'    test %>%
#'     select(has_td) %>%
#'     mutate(model_label=factor('logistic regression'),
#'            dataset_label=factor('test data'),
#'            y_true=factor(has_td),
#'            prob_term.deposit = prob_term.deposit,
#'            prob_no.term.deposit = prob_no.term.deposit,
#'            ntl_term.deposit = ntl_term.deposit,
#'            ntl_no.term.deposit = ntl_no.term.deposit) %>%
#'     select(-has_td)
#'     )
#' plot_input <- plotting_scope(prepared_input = scores_and_ntiles,scope='compare_datasets')
#' plot_cumgains()
#' @name build_input_yourself

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modelplotr documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:20 p.m.