#' Prepared Nested Modeltime Data
#' @description
#' A set of functions to simplify preparation of nested data for
#' iterative (nested) forecasting with Nested Modeltime Tables.
#' @param .data A data frame or tibble containing time series data. The data should have:
#' - identifier (.id_var): Identifying one or more time series groups
#' - date variable (.date_var): A date or date time column
#' - target variable (.value): A column containing numeric values that is to be forecasted
#' @param .id_var An id column
#' @param .date_var A date or datetime column
#' @param .length_future Varies based on the function:
#' - `extend_timeseries()`: Defines how far into the future to extend the
#' time series by each time series group.
#' - `nest_timeseries()`: Defines which observations should be split into the `.future_data`.
#' @param .length_actual Can be used to slice the `.actual_data` to a most recent number of observations.
#' @param .length_test Defines the length of the test split for evaluation.
#' @param .length_train Defines the length of the training split for evaluation.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the helper function. See details.
#' @details
#' Preparation of nested time series follows a 3-Step Process:
#' ### Step 1: Extend the Time Series
#' `extend_timeseries()`: A wrapper for [timetk::future_frame()] that extends a time series
#' group-wise into the future.
#' - The group column is specified by `.id_var`.
#' - The date column is specified by `.date_var`.
#' - The length into the future is specified with `.length_future`.
#' - The `...` are additional parameters that can be passed to [timetk::future_frame()]
#' ### Step 2: Nest the Time Series
#' `nest_timeseries()`: A helper for nesting your data into `.actual_data` and `.future_data`.
#' - The group column is specified by `.id_var`
#' - The `.length_future` defines the length of the `.future_data`.
#' - The remaining data is converted to the `.actual_data`.
#' - The `.length_actual` can be used to slice the `.actual_data` to a most recent number of observations.
#' The result is a "nested data frame".
#' ### Step 3: Split the Actual Data into Train/Test Splits
#' `split_nested_timeseries()`: A wrapper for [timetk::time_series_split()] that generates
#' training/testing splits from the `.actual_data` column.
#' - The `.length_test` is the primary argument that identifies the size of the
#' testing sample. This is typically the same size as the `.future_data`.
#' - The `.length_train` is an optional size of the training data.
#' - The `...` (dots) are additional arguments that can be passed to [timetk::time_series_split()].
#' ### Helpers
#' [`extract_nested_train_split()`] and [`extract_nested_test_split()`] are used to simplify extracting
#' the training and testing data from the actual data. This can be helpful when making
#' preprocessing recipes using the `recipes` package.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(timetk)
#' nested_data_tbl <- walmart_sales_weekly %>%
#' select(id, date = Date, value = Weekly_Sales) %>%
#' # Step 1: Extends the time series by id
#' extend_timeseries(
#' .id_var = id,
#' .date_var = date,
#' .length_future = 52
#' ) %>%
#' # Step 2: Nests the time series into .actual_data and .future_data
#' nest_timeseries(
#' .id_var = id,
#' .length_future = 52
#' ) %>%
#' # Step 3: Adds a column .splits that contains training/testing indices
#' split_nested_timeseries(
#' .length_test = 52
#' )
#' nested_data_tbl
#' # Helpers: Getting the Train/Test Sets
#' extract_nested_train_split(nested_data_tbl, .row_id = 1)
#' @name prep_nested
#' @export
#' @rdname prep_nested
extend_timeseries <- function(.data, .id_var, .date_var, .length_future, ...) {
# val_expr <- rlang::enquo(.value)
id_expr <- rlang::enquo(.id_var)
date_expr <- rlang::enquo(.date_var)
# if (rlang::quo_is_missing(val_expr)) rlang::abort("`.value` is missing with no default. This should be a target variable.")
if (rlang::quo_is_missing(id_expr)) rlang::abort("`.id_var` is missing with no default. This should be a column that identifies time series groupings.")
if (rlang::quo_is_missing(date_expr)) rlang::abort("`.date_var` is missing with no default. This should be a column that identifies time series date or datetime column.")
# missing_data_tbl <- .data %>%
# dplyr::filter(!! val_expr))
# if (nrow(missing_data_tbl) > 0) {
# col_name <- rlang::quo_name(val_expr)
# cli::cli_h2("Missing Target Value Report:")
# cli::cli_alert_danger(stringr::str_glue("The following data has missing values in the `{col_name}` column."))
# print(missing_data_tbl)
# rlang::warn(
# stringr::str_glue("Missing data detected in `{col_name}` .value column. Please fix by filling missing values.")
# )
# }
.data %>%
dplyr::group_by(!! enquo(.id_var)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(!! date_expr) %>%
.date_var = !! date_expr,
.length_out = .length_future,
.bind_data = TRUE,
) %>%
#' @export
#' @rdname prep_nested
nest_timeseries <- function(.data, .id_var, .length_future, .length_actual = NULL) {
id_var_expr <- rlang::enquo(.id_var)
.data <- .data %>%
tibble::rowid_to_column(var = "..rowid")
future_data_tbl <- .data %>%
panel_tail(id = !!id_var_expr, n = .length_future)
actual_data_tbl <- .data %>%
dplyr::anti_join(future_data_tbl, by = "..rowid")
future_data_tbl <- future_data_tbl %>% dplyr::select(-..rowid)
actual_data_tbl <- actual_data_tbl %>% dplyr::select(-..rowid)
# groups <- future_data_tbl$id %>% unique() %>% length()
# n_group <- .data %>%
# dplyr::group_by(!!id_var_expr) %>%
# dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n() - (dim(future_data_tbl)[1] / groups) )
# actual_data_tbl <- .data %>%
# dplyr::inner_join(n_group, by = rlang::quo_name(id_var_expr)) %>%
# dplyr::group_by(!!id_var_expr) %>%
# dplyr::slice(seq(dplyr::first(n))) %>%
# dplyr::ungroup() %>%
# dplyr::select(-n)
if (!is.null(.length_actual)) {
actual_data_tbl <- actual_data_tbl %>%
dplyr::group_by(!! id_var_expr) %>%
dplyr::slice_tail(n = .length_actual) %>%
if (nrow(future_data_tbl) == 0) {
rlang::warn("Future Data is `NULL`. Try using `extend_timeseries()` to add future data.")
ret_1 <- actual_data_tbl %>%
tidyr::nest(.actual_data = - (!! id_var_expr))
ret_2 <- future_data_tbl %>%
tidyr::nest(.future_data = - (!! id_var_expr))
id_col_text <- names(ret_1)[[1]]
ret <- dplyr::left_join(ret_1, ret_2, by = id_col_text)
#' @export
#' @rdname prep_nested
split_nested_timeseries <- function(.data, .length_test, .length_train = NULL, ...) {
if (rlang::is_missing(.length_test)) rlang::abort("`.length_test` is missing. Provide a value for the time series length of the test split. ")
if (!".actual_data" %in% names(.data)) rlang::abort("`.actual_data` column is not found. Try using `nest_timeseries()` to create a nested data frame with columns `.actual_data` and `.future_data`.")
id_text <- names(.data)[1]
# cum <- FALSE
# if (is.null(.length_train)) {
# cum <- TRUE
# .length_train <- 5
# }
.data %>%
dplyr::mutate(.splits = purrr::map2(.actual_data, !!rlang::ensym(id_text), .f = function(x, i) {
# print(i)
make_ts_splits(x, .length_test = .length_test, .length_train = .length_train)
}, error = function(e) {
# rlang::warn("Problem with: {as.character(i)}")
error_msg = stringr::str_c(as.character(e), collapse = '. ')
rlang::warn(stringr::str_glue("Problem Splitting ID: {i} | Returing <NULL> split | {error_msg}"))
# Helpers ----
#' Generate a Time Series Train/Test Split Indicies
#' Makes fast train/test split indicies for time series.
#' @param .data A data frame containing ordered time seried data (ascending)
#' @param .length_test The number of rows to include in the test set
#' @param .length_train Optional. The number of rows to include in the training set.
#' If NULL, returns all remaining row indicies.
#' @return A list containing train_idx and test_idx
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
make_ts_splits <- function(.data, .length_test, .length_train = NULL) {
idx <- seq(1, nrow(.data))
# print("idx")
# print(idx)
idx_test <- utils::tail(idx, n = .length_test)
# print("idx_test")
# print(idx_test)
idx_train <- seq_len(idx_test[1]-1)
# print("idx_train")
# print(idx_train)
if (!is.null(.length_train)) {
idx_train <- utils::tail(idx_train, n = .length_train)
ret <- list(
idx_train = idx_train,
idx_test = idx_test
class(ret) <- c("ts_split_indicies")
#' @export
print.ts_split_indicies <- function(x, ...) {
print(stringr::str_glue("split [{length(x$idx_train)}|{length(x$idx_test)}|{length(x$idx_test)+length(x$idx_train)}]"))
# Extract Train / Test Splits from Nested Modeltime Data
# These function simplify extracting training and testing data, which is
# useful when developing preprocessing recipes for models using the `recipes` package.
# @param .data Data that has been nested and split with [nest_timeseries()] and [split_nested_timeseries()].
# @param .row_id The row number to extract from the nested data.
# @name extract_split
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