
Defines functions .getMODIStileNames

#' @name .getMODIStileNames
#' @aliases .getMODIStileNames
#' @title Get MODIS tile(s) intersecting a given ROI
#' @description Get MODIS tile(s) intersecting a given ROI
#' @inheritParams mf_get_url
#' @return a character string vector with the MODIS tiles intersecting the ROI
#' @details
#' If the ROI is covering multiple MODIS tiles, consider splitting the ROI into multiple parts (1 for each MODIS tile) before executing the \code{mf_get_url} function.
#' Then loop \code{mf_get_url} over each part. Check out the example for some tips on how to proceed.
#' @note
#' The function uses the MODIS tile gridding system available at https://modis.ornl.gov/files/modis_sin.kmz . The same dataset is available in the package through modisfast::modis_tiles
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import sf dplyr
#' @noRd


  . <- Name <- NULL


  roi_id <- roi$id

  #modis_tile = sf::read_sf("https://modis.ornl.gov/files/modis_sin.kmz") %>%
    tiling_system <- modis_tiles
  } else if (type=="suomi"){
    tiling_system <- suomi_tiles

  sf::st_agr(tiling_system) = "constant"
  sf::st_agr(roi) = "constant"

   roi <- sf::st_transform(roi,4326) %>%
     sf::st_bbox() %>%

  modis_tile <- tiling_system %>%
    sf::st_intersection(roi) %>%
    dplyr::filter(sf::st_is(., "POLYGON")) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%

  modis_tile <- modis_tile$Name

    all_modis_tiles <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(modis_tile)){
    th_modis_tile<-modis_tile[i] %>%
      unique() %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all(c(" "="",":"=""))
    for (i in 1:9){

    roi_id <- rep(roi_id,length(all_modis_tiles))

  return(list(all_modis_tiles = all_modis_tiles, roi_id = roi_id))

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modisfast documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.