
Defines functions summary.momentuHierHMMData summary.momentuHMMData

Documented in summary.momentuHierHMMData summary.momentuHMMData

#' Summary \code{momentuHMMData}
#' @method summary momentuHMMData
#' @param object A \code{\link{momentuHMMData}} or \code{\link{momentuHierHMMData}} object.
#' @param dataNames Names of the variables to summarize. Default is \code{dataNames=c("step","angle")}.
#' @param animals Vector of indices or IDs of animals for which data will be summarized.
#' Default: \code{NULL} ; data for all animals are summarized.
#' @param ... Currently unused. For compatibility with generic method.
#' @examples
#' # data is a momentuHMMData object (as returned by prepData), automatically loaded with the package
#' data <- example$m$data
#' summary(data,dataNames=c("step","angle","cov1","cov2"))
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats quantile

summary.momentuHMMData <- function(object,dataNames=c("step","angle"),animals=NULL,...)
    data <- object

    nbAnimals <- length(unique(data$ID))
    ## Define animals to be summarized ##
    if(is.null(animals)) # all animals are summarized
        animalsInd <- 1:nbAnimals
    else {
        if(is.character(animals)) { # animals' IDs provided
          animalsInd <- NULL
          for(zoo in 1:length(animals)) {
            if(length(which(unique(data$ID)==animals[zoo]))==0) # ID not found
              stop("Check animals argument.")

            animalsInd <- c(animalsInd,which(unique(data$ID)==animals[zoo]))

        if(is.numeric(animals)) { # animals' indices provided
          if(length(which(animals<1))>0 | length(which(animals>nbAnimals))>0) # index out of bounds
            stop("Check animals argument.")

          animalsInd <- animals

    # print individuals' IDs and numbers of observations
    nbAnimals <- length(animalsInd)
    header <- ifelse(!inherits(data,"hierarchical"),"HMM","Hierarchical HMM")
        cat(header," data for 1 individual:\n\n",sep="")
        cat(header," data for ",nbAnimals," individuals:\n\n",sep="")
    for(zoo in animalsInd)
        cat(as.character(unique(data$ID)[zoo])," -- ",
            length(which(data$ID==unique(data$ID)[zoo]))," observations\n",sep="")

    # identify columns to summarize
    if(any(dataNames %in% names(data))){
        dataNames <- dataNames[which(dataNames %in% names(data))]
    } else stop('dataNames not found in data')
    covsCol <- dataNames

    # print data summaries
    cat("\n\nData summaries:\n\n",sep="")
    print(summary(as.data.frame(data[which(data$ID %in% unique(data$ID)[animalsInd]),covsCol,drop=FALSE]),digits=2))

#' @rdname summary.momentuHMMData
#' @method summary momentuHierHMMData
#' @export
summary.momentuHierHMMData <- function(object,dataNames=c("step","angle","level"),animals=NULL,...)

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momentuHMM documentation built on Oct. 19, 2022, 1:07 a.m.