
Defines functions turnAngle

Documented in turnAngle

#' Turning angle
#' Used in \code{\link{prepData}} and \code{\link{simData}}.
#' @param x First point
#' @param y Second point
#' @param z Third point
#' @param type \code{'UTM'} if easting/northing provided (the default), \code{'LL'} if longitude/latitude. If \code{type='LL'} then the \code{\link[geosphere]{geosphere}} package must be installed.
#' @param angleCov logical indicating to not return NA when x=y or y=z. Default: FALSE (i.e. NA is returned if x=y or y=z).
#' @return The angle between vectors (x,y) and (y,z).  
#' If \code{type='LL'} then turning angle is calculated based on initial bearings using \code{\link[geosphere]{bearing}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- c(0,0)
#' y <- c(4,6)
#' z <- c(10,7)
#' momentuHMM:::turnAngle(x,y,z)
#' }
# #' @importFrom geosphere bearing

turnAngle <- function(x,y,z,type='UTM',angleCov=FALSE)
  # NA angle if zero step length
  if(!angleCov & (all(x==y) | all(y==z)))

    v <- c(y[1]-x[1],y[2]-x[2])
    w <- c(z[1]-y[1],z[2]-y[2])
    angle <- atan2(w[2],w[1])-atan2(v[2],v[1])
  } else {
    #if (!requireNamespace("geosphere", quietly = TRUE)) {
    #  stop("Package \"geosphere\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
    #       call. = FALSE)
    angle <- (geosphere::bearing(x,y)-geosphere::bearing(y,z))*pi/180
  while(angle<=(-pi)) angle <- angle + 2*pi
  while(angle>pi) angle <- angle -2*pi

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momentuHMM documentation built on Oct. 19, 2022, 1:07 a.m.