
Defines functions lt.correction.mortaar_life_table lt.correction.mortaar_life_table_list lt.correction.default lt.correction

Documented in lt.correction

#' Calculates a corrected life table from a mortAAR life table
#' It is generally assumed that most skeletal populations lack the
#' youngest age group. Life tables resulting from such populations
#' will necessarily be misleading as they lead to believe that the
#' mortality of younger children was lower than it actually was and
#' that life expectancy was higher. For correcting these missing
#' individuals, \emph{Bocquet-Appel and Masset} (1977; see also
#' \emph{Herrmann et al. 1990}, 307) conceived of several
#' calculations based on regression analyses of modern comparable
#' mortality data. However, the applicability of these indices
#' to archaeological data is highly debated and does not necessarily
#' lead to reliable results. Therefore, the correction needs to be
#' weighted carefully and ideally only after the representativity of the
#' base data has been checked with function lt.representativity.
#' For the parameters see the documentation of \code{\link{life.table}}.
#' @param life_table an object of class mortaar_life_table.
#' @param agecor logical, optional. Passed to \code{\link{life.table}}.
#' @param agecorfac numeric vector, optional. Passed to \code{\link{life.table}}.
#' @param option_spline integer, optional. Passed to \code{\link{life.table}}.
#' @return a list containing a data.frame with indices e0, 1q0 and 5q0 as
#' well as mortality rate m and growth rate r according to Bocquet-Appel
#' and Masset showing the computed exact value as well as ranges and an
#' object of class mortaar_life_table with the corrected values.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \bold{e0}:   Corrected life expectancy.
#'   \item \bold{1q0}:   Mortality of age group 0--1.
#'   \item \bold{5q0}:   Mortality of age group 0--5.
#' @references
#' \insertRef{masset_bocquet_1977}{mortAAR}
#' \insertRef{herrmann_prahistorische_1990}{mortAAR}
#' @examples
#' # Calculate a corrected life table from real life dataset.
#' schleswig <- life.table(schleswig_ma[c("a", "Dx")])
#' lt.correction(schleswig)
#' @rdname lt.correction
#' @export
lt.correction <- function(life_table, agecor = TRUE, agecorfac = c(), option_spline = NULL) {

#' @rdname lt.correction
#' @export
#' @noRd
lt.correction.default <- function(life_table, agecor = TRUE, agecorfac = c(), option_spline = NULL) {
  stop("x is not an object of class mortaar_life_table.")

#' @rdname lt.correction
#' @export
#' @noRd
lt.correction.mortaar_life_table_list <- function(life_table, agecor = TRUE, agecorfac = c(), option_spline = NULL) {
  lapply(life_table, lt.correction, agecor = agecor, agecorfac = agecorfac, option_spline = option_spline)

#' @rdname lt.correction
#' @export
#' @noRd
lt.correction.mortaar_life_table <- function(life_table, agecor = TRUE, agecorfac = c(), option_spline = NULL) {

  indx <- lt.indices(life_table)

  # corrected life expectancy at birth after Bocquet-Appel and Masset
  e0 <- 78.721 * log10(sqrt(1 / indx$juvenile_i)) - 3.384
  e0_range_start <- round(e0 - 1.503, 3)
  e0_range_end <- round(e0 + 1.503, 3)

  # corrected mortality for age group 1q0 after Bocquet-Appel and Masset
  q1_0 <- 0.568 * sqrt((log10(200 * indx$juvenile_i))) - 0.438
  q1_0_range_start <- round(q1_0 - 0.016,3)
  q1_0_range_end <- round(q1_0 + 0.016,3)

  # corrected mortality for age group 5q0 after Bocquet-Appel and Masset
  q5_0 <- 1.154 * sqrt((log10(200 * indx$juvenile_i))) - 1.014
  q5_0_range_start <- round(q5_0 - 0.041,3)
  q5_0_range_end <- round(q5_0 + 0.041,3)

  # calculation of life table correction
  Dx_sum_corrected <- (life_table$Dx %>% sum - life_table$Dx[1]) / (1 - q5_0)
  Dx5_0_corrected <- q5_0 * Dx_sum_corrected

  if (5 == life_table$a[1]) {
    life_table$Dx[[1]] <- Dx5_0_corrected
  } else if ((4 == life_table$a[2]) & (1 == life_table$a[1])) {
    Dx1_0_corrected <- q1_0 * Dx_sum_corrected
    life_table$Dx[[1]] <- Dx1_0_corrected
    life_table$Dx[[2]] <- Dx5_0_corrected - Dx1_0_corrected
  } else {
      "Life table correction works only with one 5-year-age class or 1- and 4-year classes",
      "for the first 5 years. Please take a look at ?life.table to determine how your",
      "input data should look like for accomplishing this."

  life_table_corr <- life.table(
    life_table[, c("a", "Dx")],
    agecor = agecor,
    agecorfac = agecorfac,
    option_spline = option_spline

  # putting together the indices data.frame
  e0_q5_0 <- data.frame(
    method = c("e0", "1q0", "5q0"),
    value = c(
      round(e0, 3),
      round(q1_0, 3),
      round(q5_0, 3)
    range_start = c(
    range_end = c(
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # returning the indices data.frame as well as the corrected life table
  return(list(indices = e0_q5_0, life_table_corr = life_table_corr))

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mortAAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:40 a.m.