
Defines functions mt_plot_riverbed

Documented in mt_plot_riverbed

#' Plot density of mouse positions across time steps.
#' \code{mt_plot_riverbed} creates a plot showing the distribution of one
#' trajectory variable (e.g., the x-positions or velocity) per time step.
#' This function plots the relative frequency of the values of a trajectory 
#' variable separately for each of a series of time steps. This type of plot has
#' been used in previous research to visualize the distribution of x-positions
#' per time step (e.g., Scherbaum et al., 2010).
#' \code{mt_plot_riverbed} usually is applied to time-normalized trajectory data
#' as all trajectories must contain the same number of values (if
#' \code{na.rm=FALSE}, the default).
#' @param data mousetrap data object containing the data to be plotted.
#' @param use character string specifying the set of trajectories to use in the
#'   plot. The steps of this set will constitute the x axis. Defaults to
#'   'tn_trajectories', which results in time steps being plotted on the x axis.
#' @param y variable in the mousetrap data object to be plotted on the 
#'   output's y dimension. Defaults to 'xpos', the cursor's x coordinate.
#' @param y_range numerical vector containing two values that represent the 
#'   upper and lower ends of the y axis. By default, the range is calculated 
#'   from the data provided.
#' @param y_bins number of bins to distribute along the y axis (defaults to
#'   250).
#' @param facet_row an optional character string specifying a variable in 
#'   \code{data[[facet_data]]} that should be used for (row-wise) faceting. If 
#'   specified, separate riverbed plots for each level of the variable will be 
#'   created.
#' @param facet_col an optional character string specifying a variable in 
#'   \code{data[[facet_data]]} that should be used for (column-wise) faceting.
#'   If specified, separate riverbed plots for each level of the variable will
#'   be created.
#' @param facet_data a character string specifying where the (optional) data
#'   containing the faceting variables can be found.
#' @param grid_colors a character string or vector of length 2 specifying the
#'   grid color(s). If a single value is provided, this will be used as the grid
#'   color. If a vector of length 2 is provided, the first value will be used as
#'   the color for the major grid lines, the second value for the minor grid
#'   lines. If set to \code{NA}, no grid lines are plotted.
#' @param na.rm logical specifying whether missing values should be removed.
#'   This is not done by default, because generally riverbed plots are generated
#'   from preprocess trajectories (e.g., time-normalized trajectories) that all
#'   have the same length (i.e., the same number of steps).
#' @references Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Fischer, R., & Goschke, T.
#'   (2010). How decisions evolve: The temporal dynamics of action selection.
#'   \emph{Cognition, 115}(3), 407-416.
#'   Scherbaum, S., & Kieslich, P. J. (2018). Stuck at the starting line: How
#'   the starting procedure influences mouse-tracking data. \emph{Behavior
#'   Research Methods, 50}(5), 2097–2110.
#' @seealso \link{mt_plot} for plotting trajectory data.
#'   \link{mt_time_normalize} for time-normalizing trajectories.
#' @examples
#' # Time-normalize trajectories
#' KH2017 <- mt_time_normalize(KH2017)
#' # Create riverbed plot for all trials
#' mt_plot_riverbed(KH2017)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create separate plots for typical and atypical trials
#' mt_plot_riverbed(mt_example, facet_col="Condition")
#' # Create riverbed plot for all trials with custom x and y axis labels
#' mt_plot_riverbed(mt_example) +
#'   ggplot2::xlab("Time step") + ggplot2::ylab("X coordinate")
#' # Note that it is also possible to replace the
#' # default scale for fill with a custom scale
#' mt_plot_riverbed(mt_example, facet_col="Condition") +
#'   ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(colours=grDevices::heat.colors(9),
#'     name="Frequency", trans="log", labels=scales::percent)
#' }
#' @author
#' Felix Henninger
#' Pascal J. Kieslich
#' @export
mt_plot_riverbed <- function(data, use='tn_trajectories', 
                             y='xpos', y_range=NULL, y_bins=250,
                             facet_row=NULL, facet_col=NULL, facet_data='data',
                             grid_colors=c("gray30","gray10"), na.rm=FALSE) {
  # Extract data from mousetrap data object
  trajectories <- extract_data(data=data, use=use)
  # Set grid colors
    grid_colors <- c(grid_colors,grid_colors)
  # Calculate range of values on y axis,
  # if not specified explicitly
  if (is.null(y_range)) {
    y_range <- range(trajectories[,,y],na.rm=na.rm)
  # Compute breaks based on the number of bins required
  y_breaks <- seq(y_range[1], y_range[2], length.out=y_bins)
  # Compute the center value of each of the resulting bins
  y_bins <- y_breaks[1:(length(y_breaks) - 1)] + diff(y_breaks) / 2
  # Extract number of steps on x axis
  steps <- dim(trajectories)[2]
  # Prepare optional facet variables
  if (!is.null(facet_row)){
    facet_row_values <- data[[facet_data]][,facet_row]
    names(facet_row_values) <- rownames(data[[facet_data]])
    facet_row_values <- facet_row_values[dimnames(trajectories)[[1]]]
  } else {
    facet_row_values <- rep('constant',each=dim(trajectories)[1])
    names(facet_row_values) <- dimnames(trajectories)[[1]]
  if (!is.null(facet_col)){
    facet_col_values <- data[[facet_data]][,facet_col]
    names(facet_col_values) <- rownames(data[[facet_data]])
    facet_col_values <- facet_col_values[dimnames(trajectories)[[1]]]
  } else {
    facet_col_values <- rep('constant',each=dim(trajectories)[1])
    names(facet_col_values) <- dimnames(trajectories)[[1]]
  # Create empty data.frame for plot data
  riverbed <- data.frame()
  # Iterate across facet_row levels
  for (facet_row_value in unique(facet_row_values)) {
    # Iterate across facet_col levels
    for (facet_col_value in unique(facet_col_values)) {
      # Iterate across x-axis steps
      for (step in 1:steps) {
        # Extract data for current step
        step_data <- trajectories[facet_row_value==facet_row_values & facet_col_values==facet_col_value,step,]
        # Calculate histogram based on this data
        step_hist <- graphics::hist(
        # Append densities and corresponding indices to plot data
        riverbed <- rbind(
            frequency=step_hist$density * diff(y_breaks),
            alpha=step_hist$density > 0,
  # Preserve factor levels if facet variables are factors
      riverbed[,'facet_row'] <- factor(riverbed[,'facet_row'],levels=levels(data[[facet_data]][,facet_row]))
      riverbed[,'facet_col'] <- factor(riverbed[,'facet_col'],levels=levels(data[[facet_data]][,facet_col]))
  # Remove NAs
  riverbed <- riverbed[is.na(riverbed[,"alpha"])==FALSE,]
  # Remove zero frequencies (coded in alpha)
  riverbed <- riverbed[riverbed[,"alpha"]==TRUE,]
  # Create plot output
  output <- ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes_string(x='value_x', y='value_y', 
      fill='frequency'), data=riverbed) +
    ggplot2::geom_tile() +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(colours=rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd")),
      name='Frequency', trans='log', labels=scales::percent) +
    ggplot2::scale_alpha_manual(values=c(0, 1), guide='none') +
    ggplot2::xlab('Steps') + ggplot2::ylab(y) +
      panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill='black'),
      panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(colour=grid_colors[1]),
      panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_line(colour=grid_colors[2])
  # Return output with / without facets depending on the specified variables
  if(is.null(facet_row) & is.null(facet_col)) {
  } else {
    facet_row <- ifelse(is.null(facet_row),'.','facet_row')
    facet_col <- ifelse(is.null(facet_col),'.','facet_col')
    facet_formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(facet_row,facet_col,sep='~'))
    return(output + ggplot2::facet_grid(facet_formula))

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mousetrap documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:39 a.m.