
Defines functions formGroups

Documented in formGroups

#' Form linkage groups
#' Group markers into linkage groups using hierarchical clustering. 
#' @export
#' @param mpcrossRF An object of class \code{mpcrossRF}.
#' @param groups The number of groups to form
#' @param clusterBy The matrix to use for clustering. The three choices are theta (recombination fractions), lod (log-odds ratio) or combined (a combination of both). 
#' @param method The method to use for hierarchical cluster. Choices are average, complete and single.
#' @param preCluster Before clustering is performed, should we form groups of markers which are completely linked?
#' @return An object of class \code{mpcrossLG}, containing all the information in the input object and also information about linkage groups. 
#' @details
#' This function groups markers into the specified number of linkage groups, using hierarchical clustering. This can be done using three different dissimilarity matrices, specified by the \code{clusterBy} argument. If \code{"theta"} is specified, then the matrix of recombination fractions is used. If \code{"lod"} is specified, then a matrix of likelihood ratio test statistics is used. The hypothesis being tested is whether the recombination fraction is 0.5 (no linkage). If \code{"combined"} is specified, then a combination of both previous approaches is used. We recommend the default value of \code{"theta"}. 
#' The linkage method for hierachical clustering is specified by the \code{method} argument; acceptable values are \code{"average"}, \code{"complete"} and \code{"single"}. 
#' Argument \code{preCluster} determines whether the code combines markers that are completely linked, before performing hierarchical clustering. This can lead to speed-ups in clustering truly huge datasets. 
formGroups <- function(mpcrossRF, groups, clusterBy="theta", method="average", preCluster = FALSE)
	if(!(clusterBy %in% c("combined", "theta", "lod")))
		stop("Input clusterBy must be one of 'combined', 'theta' or 'lod'")
	if(!(method %in% c("average", "complete", "single")))
		stop("Input method must be one of 'average', 'complete' or 'single'")
	mpcrossRF <- as(mpcrossRF, "mpcrossRF")

	if((clusterBy %in% c("combined", "lod")) && is.null(mpcrossRF@rf@lod))
		stop("Input mpcrossRF object must have a @rf@lod entry (likelihood ratio) in order to use combined or lod grouping")
	if(groups == 1)
		groups <- rep(1L, nMarkers(mpcrossRF))
		names(groups) <- markers(mpcrossRF)
		lg <- new("lg", allGroups=1L, groups=groups)
		output <- new("mpcrossLG", mpcrossRF, lg = lg, rf = mpcrossRF@rf)
		nMarkers <- length(mpcrossRF@rf@theta@markers)
		theta <- mpcrossRF@rf@theta[1:nMarkers, 1:nMarkers]
		theta[is.na(theta)] <- 0.5
		if(clusterBy %in% c("combined", "lod"))
				stop("Lod must be calculated if clusterBy is \"combined\" or \"lod\"")
			lod <- as(mpcrossRF@rf@lod, "matrix")
			#Reverse lod so that small values indicate similarity
			lod[is.na(lod)] <- 0
			lod <- max(lod) - lod
			diag(lod) <- 0
		if(method == "average")
			linkFunction <- function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
		else if(method == "complete")
			linkFunction <- function(x) max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
			linkFunction <- function(x) min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
		if(clusterBy == "combined")
			#Cluster by theta first, and then by lod to break any ties
			distMat <- as(lod / max(lod) * min(abs(diff(mpcrossRF@rf@theta@levels))), "matrix") + theta
		else if(clusterBy == "theta")
			distMat <- theta
			distMat <- lod
		clustered <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(distMat), method=method)
		cut <- cutree(clustered, k=groups)
		names(cut) <- markers(mpcrossRF)
	#If we have a huge number of markers, it might be necessary to do a pre-clustering step, where we join together all the markers that have zero recombination fractions. 
		preClusterResults <- .Call("preClusterStep", mpcrossRF, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		if(clusterBy == "combined")
			distMat <- .Call("hclustCombinedMatrix", mpcrossRF, preClusterResults, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		else if(clusterBy == "theta")
			distMat <- .Call("hclustThetaMatrix", mpcrossRF, preClusterResults, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
			distMat <- .Call("hclustLodMatrix", mpcrossRF, preClusterResults, PACKAGE="mpMap2")
		attr(distMat, "Size") <- length(preClusterResults)
		clustered <- fastcluster::hclust(distMat, method = method)
		#This cut is for the grouped markers, we want a similar object for the ungrouped markers
		cut <- cutree(clustered, k=groups)

		originalCut <- vector(mode = "integer", length = nMarkers(mpcrossRF))
		names(originalCut) <- markers(mpcrossRF)
		for(i in 1:groups)
			originalCut[unlist(preClusterResults[which(cut == i)])] <- i
		cut <- originalCut
	lg <- new("lg", allGroups=1:groups, groups=cut)
	output <- new("mpcrossLG", mpcrossRF, lg = lg, rf = mpcrossRF@rf)
	return(subset(output, markers = order(cut)))

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mpMap2 documentation built on Sept. 13, 2020, 5:17 p.m.