
Defines functions fit_glm_cmp_const_nu

Documented in fit_glm_cmp_const_nu

#' Fit a Mean Parametrized Conway-Maxwell Poisson Generalized Linear 
#' Model with constant dispersion. 
#' @description  
#' This is a workhorse function in which glm.cmp to call upon to fit a 
#' mean-parametrized Conway-Maxwell Poisson generalized linear model with 
#' constant dispersion. 
#' @param y the response y vector.
#' @param X the design matrix for regressing the mean
#' @param offset, this can be used to specify an *a priori* known component to be included 
#' in the linear predictor for mean during fitting. This should be \code{NULL} or a numeric vector 
#' @param betastart starting values for the parameters in the linear predictor for mu.
#' @param lambdalb,lambdaub numeric: the lower and upper end points for the interval to be
#' searched for lambda(s). The default value for lambdaub should be sufficient for small to
#' moderate size nu. If nu is large and required a larger \code{lambdaub}, the algorithm
#' will scale up \code{lambdaub} accordingly.  
#' @param maxlambdaiter numeric: the maximum number of iterations allowed to solve 
#' for lambda(s).
#' @param tol numeric: the convergence threshold. A lambda is said to satisfy the 
#' mean constraint if the absolute difference between the calculated mean and a fitted
#' values is less than tol.
#' @return 
#' A fitted model object of class \code{cmp} similar to one obtained from \code{glm} or \code{glm.nb}.
#' @examples
#' ## For examples see example(glm.cmp)
fit_glm_cmp_const_nu <- function(y = y, X = X, offset = offset, 
                                 betastart = betastart, 
                                 lambdalb = lambdalb, lambdaub = lambdaub, 
                                 maxlambdaiter = maxlambdaiter, tol = tol){
  M0 <- stats::glm(y~-1+X+offset(offset), 
                   start = betastart, family=stats::poisson())
  offset <- M0$offset
  n <- length(y) # sample size
  q <- ncol(X)  # number of covariates for mu
  #starting values for optimization
  beta0 <- stats::coef(M0)
  lambda0 <- mu0 <- M0$fitted.values
  nu_lb <- 1e-10
  summax <- ceiling(max(c(max(y)+20*sqrt(var(y)),100)))
  nu0 <- exp(optimize(f= comp_mu_neg_loglik_log_nu_only, 
                      interval = c(max(-log(1+2*mu0)), 5), mu=mu0, y=y, 
                      summax = summax)$minimum)
  lambda0 <- (mu0+(nu0-1)/(2*nu0))^(nu0)
  summax <- ceiling(max(c(mu0+20*sqrt(mu0/nu0),100)))
  lambda.ok <- comp_lambdas(mu0, nu0, lambdalb = lambdalb, 
                            lambdaub = min(lambdaub,2*max(lambda0)), 
                            maxlambdaiter = maxlambdaiter, tol = tol, summax = summax, 
                            lambdaint = lambda0)
  lambda0 <- lambda.ok$lambda
  lambdaub <- lambda.ok$lambdaub
  param <- c(beta0,lambda0,nu0) 
  ll_old <- as.numeric(logLik(M0))
  ll_new <- comp_mu_loglik(param = param, y=y, xx= X, offset=offset, summax = summax)
  iter <- 1
  while (abs((ll_new-ll_old)/ll_new) > tol && iter <= 100){
    iter <- iter +1
    ll_old <- ll_new
    paramold <- param
    betaold <- param[1:q]
    etaold <- t(X%*%betaold)[1,]
    muold <-  exp(etaold+offset)
    lambdaold <- param[(q+1):(q+n)]
    nuold <- param[q+n+1]
    log.Z <- logZ(log(lambdaold), nuold, summax = summax)
    ylogfactorialy <- comp_mean_ylogfactorialy(lambdaold, nuold, log.Z, summax)
    logfactorialy <- comp_mean_logfactorialy(lambdaold, nuold, log.Z, summax)
    variances <- comp_variances(lambdaold, nuold, log.Z, summax)
    variances_logfactorialy <- 
      comp_variances_logfactorialy(lambdaold, nuold, log.Z, summax)
    W <- diag(muold^2/variances)
    z <- etaold + (y-muold)/muold
    beta <- solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%W%*%z
    eta <- t(X%*%beta)[1,]
    mu <- exp(eta+offset)
    Aterm <- (ylogfactorialy- mu*logfactorialy)
    update_score <- sum(Aterm*(y-mu)/variances -(lgamma(y+1)-logfactorialy))
    update_info_matrix <- sum(-Aterm^2/variances+ variances_logfactorialy)
    if (update_info_matrix < 0){
      update_info_matrix <- sum(variances_logfactorialy)
    nu <- nuold + update_score/update_info_matrix
    while (nu < nu_lb){
      nu <- (nu+nuold)/2
    lambda.ok <- comp_lambdas(mu,nu, lambdalb = lambdalb,
                              lambdaub = min(lambdaub,2*max(lambdaold)), 
                              maxlambdaiter = maxlambdaiter, tol = tol,
                              lambdaint = lambdaold, summax = summax)
    lambda <- lambda.ok$lambda
    lambdaub <- lambda.ok$lambdaub
    param <- c(beta, lambda, nu)
    ll_new <- comp_mu_loglik(param = param, y=y, xx= X, offset= offset, summax = summax)
    halfstep <- 0
    while (ll_new < ll_old && halfstep <= 20 && abs((ll_new-ll_old)/ll_new)>tol){
      halfstep <- halfstep + 1
      beta <- (beta+betaold)/2
      nu <- (nu+nuold)/2
      eta <- t(X%*%beta)[1,]
      mu <- exp(eta+offset)
      lambdaold <- lambda
      lambda.ok <- comp_lambdas(mu,nu, lambdalb = lambdalb,
                                lambdaub = min(lambdaub,2*max(lambdaold)), 
                                maxlambdaiter = maxlambdaiter, tol = tol,
                                lambdaint = lambda, summax = summax)
      lambda <- lambda.ok$lambda
      lambdaub <- lambda.ok$lambdaub
      param <- c(beta, lambda, nu)
      ll_new <- comp_mu_loglik(param = param, y=y, xx= X, offset= offset, summax)
  maxl <-  ll_new # maximum loglikelihood achieved
  beta <-  param[1:q]  # estimated regression coefficients beta
  lambda <-  param[(q+1):(q+n)]  # estimated rates (not generally useful)
  nu <-  param[q+n+1] # estimate dispersion
  precision_beta <-  0
  eta <- t(X%*%beta)[1,]
  if (is.null(offset)){
    fitted <- exp(eta)
  } else {
    fitted <- exp(eta+offset)
  log.Z <- logZ(log(lambda), nu, summax = summax)
  variances <- comp_variances(lambda, nu, log.Z = log.Z, summax = summax)
  for (i in 1:n){
    precision_beta = precision_beta + fitted[i]^2*X[i,]%*%t(X[i,])/variances[i]
  variance_beta <- solve(precision_beta)
  se_beta <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(variance_beta)))
  Xtilde <- diag(fitted/sqrt(variances))%*%as.matrix(X)
  h <- diag(Xtilde%*%solve(t(Xtilde)%*%Xtilde)%*%t(Xtilde))
  df_residuals <- length(y)-length(beta)
  if (df_residuals > 0){
    indsat_deviance <-  dcomp(y, mu = y, nu = nu, log.p=TRUE, lambdalb = min(lambdalb),
                              lambdaub = lambdaub, maxlambdaiter = maxlambdaiter, 
                              tol = tol, summax =summax)
    indred_deviance <-  2*(indsat_deviance - dcomp(y, nu=nu, lambda= lambda,
                                                   log.p=TRUE, summax=summax))
    d_res <-  sign(y-fitted)*sqrt(abs(indred_deviance))
  } else { d_res = rep(0,length(y))
  out <- list()
  out$const_nu <- TRUE
  out$y <- y
  out$x <- X
  out$family <- 
    structure(list(family = 
                     paste0("CMP(mu, ", 
                                   max(3, getOption("digits") - 4)),
                            ")"), link = 'log'), class = "family")
  out$nobs <- n
  out$iter <- iter
  out$coefficients <- beta
  out$rank <- length(beta)
  out$lambda <- lambda
  out$log_Z <- log.Z
  out$summax <- summax 
  out$offset <- offset
  out$nu <- nu
  out$lambdaub <- lambdaub
  out$linear_predictors <- eta
  out$maxl <- maxl
  out$fitted_values <- fitted
  out$residuals <- y - fitted
  out$leverage <- h
  names(out$leverage) <- 1:n
  out$d_res <- d_res
  out$variance_beta <- variance_beta
  colnames(out$variance_beta) <- row.names(variance_beta)
  out$se_beta <- se_beta
  out$df_residuals <- df_residuals
  out$df_null <- n-1
  out$s <- NA
  out$formula_nu <- NA
  out$gamma <- NA
  out$variance_gamma <- NA
  out$se_gamma <- NA
  out$null_deviance <- 2*(sum(indsat_deviance) -
                            sum(dcomp(y, mu = mean(y), nu = nu, log.p = TRUE, 
                                      summax=summax, lambdalb = min(lambdalb),
                                      lambdaub = max(lambdaub))))
  out$deviance <- out$residual_deviance <- 
    2*(sum(indsat_deviance) -
         sum(dcomp(y, lambda = lambda, nu = nu, 
                   log.p = TRUE, summax=summax)))
  names(out$coefficients) <-  labels(X)[[2]]
  class(out) <- "cmp"

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mpcmp documentation built on Oct. 26, 2020, 9:07 a.m.