
Defines functions summary.mpm

Documented in summary.mpm

#' Summary Statistics for Spectral Map Analysis
#' Summary method for object of class \code{mpm}.
#' The function \code{summary.mpm} computes and returns a list of summary
#' statistics of the spectral map analysis given in \code{x}.
#' @aliases summary.mpm
#' @param object an object of class \code{mpm} resulting from a call to
#'   \code{mpm}
#' @param maxdim maximum number of principal factors to be reported. Defaults
#'   to \code{4}
#' @param ... further arguments; currently none are used
#' @return An object of class \code{summary.mpm} with the following components:
#'   \item{call}{the call to \code{mpm}} \item{Vxy}{sum of eigenvalues}
#'   \item{VPF}{a matrix with on the first line the eigenvalues and on the
#'   second line the cumulative eigenvalues of each of the principal factors
#'   (\code{PRF1} to \code{PRFmaxdim}) followed by the residual % to ?
#'   eigenvalues and the total eigenvalue.} \item{Rows}{a data frame with
#'   summary statistics for the row-items, as described below.}
#'   \item{Columns}{a data frame with with summary statistics for the
#'   column-items, as described below.\cr\cr The \code{Rows} and \code{Columns}
#'   data frames contain the following columns:\cr\cr} \item{Posit}{binary
#'   indication of whether the row or column was positioned (\code{1}) or not
#'   (\code{0}).} \item{Weight}{weight applied to the row or column in the
#'   function \code{mpm}.} \item{PRF1-PRFmaxdim}{factor scores or loadings for
#'   the first \code{maxdim} factors using eigenvalue scaling.}
#'   \item{Resid}{residual score or loading not accounted for by the first
#'   \code{maxdim} factors.} \item{Norm}{length of the vector representing the
#'   row or column in factor space.} \item{Contrib}{contribution of row or
#'   column to the sum of eigenvalues.} \item{Accuracy}{accuracy of the
#'   representation of the row or column by means of the first \code{maxdim}
#'   principal factors.}
#' @author Luc Wouters
#' @seealso \code{\link{mpm}}, \code{\link{plot.mpm}}
#' @references Wouters, L., Goehlmann, H., Bijnens, L., Kass, S.U.,
#'   Molenberghs, G., Lewi, P.J. (2003). Graphical exploration of gene
#'   expression data: a comparative study of three multivariate methods.
#'   \emph{Biometrics} \bold{59}, 1131-1140.
#' @keywords multivariate
#' @examples
#'   # Example 1 weighted spectral map analysis Golub data
#'   data(Golub)
#'   r.sma <- mpm(Golub[,1:39], row.weight = "mean", col.weight = "mean")
#'   # summary report
#'   summary(r.sma)
#'   # Example 2 using print function
#'   data(Famin81A)
#'   r.fam <- mpm(Famin81A, row.weight = "mean", col.weight = "mean")
#'   r.sum <- summary(r.fam)
#'   print(r.sum, what = "all")
#' @method summary mpm
#' @export summary.mpm
#' @export
summary.mpm <- function(object, maxdim = 4, ...){
  # scale <- match.arg(scale) ## TV
  if (!inherits(object, "mpm")) 
    stop("Use only with 'mpm' objects")
  svd.res <- object$SVD

  ### extract data from object
  Wn <- object$Wn     # row weights
  Wp <- object$Wp     # column weights
  Z <- object$TData   # raw data after standardisation
  La <- object$eigen  # eigen values
  d <- svd.res$d      # singular values
  U <- svd.res$u      # left singular vectors  (columns of U)
  V <- t(svd.res$vt)  # right singular vectors (columns of V)

  nf <- length(d) # number of extracted factors
  # eigenvalues and contributions
  Vxy <- sum(La)   # sum of all eigenvalues
  Las <- La / Vxy  # eigenvalues scaled to unit sum (proportions)
  VLa <- c(Las[1:min(maxdim, nf)], rep(0, max(0, maxdim - nf))) # proportions for retained factors only
  VQ <- if (maxdim < nf) sum(Las[(maxdim + 1):nf]) else 0  # sum of proportions for all non-retained factors
  VPf <- rbind(c(VLa,         VQ, sum(VLa, VQ)), # summary presentation
               c(cumsum(VLa), VQ, sum(VLa, VQ))) # summary presentation (cumulative)
  # scores and loadings (projections)	
  S <- crossprod(t(as.matrix(sweep(Z, 2, sqrt(Wp), "*"))), V) / sqrt(Vxy)
  L <- crossprod(as.matrix(sweep(Z, 1, sqrt(Wn),"*")), U) / sqrt(Vxy)
  nS <- nrow(S)
  nL <- nrow(L)
  # residual scores and loadings not accounted for by first maxdim dimensions
  if (maxdim < nf) {
    SQr <- sqrt(rowSums(S[, (maxdim+1):nf, drop = FALSE]^2))
    SQc <- sqrt(rowSums(L[, (maxdim+1):nf, drop = FALSE]^2))
  } else {
    SQr <- rep(0, nS)
    SQc <- rep(0, nL)
  # row and column norms
  SYr <- sqrt(rowSums(S^2))
  SYc <- sqrt(rowSums(L^2))
  # Contributions to global weighted sums of squares
  CPr <- (Wn * SYr^2) / sum(Wn * SYr^2)
  CPc <- (Wp * SYc^2) / sum(Wp * SYc^2)
  # first maxdim dominant factors
  S[, d < 1E-6] <- 0
  L[, d < 1E-6] <- 0
  Prf <- cbind(S[, 1:min(maxdim, nf)], 
      matrix(0, nrow = nS, ncol = max(0, maxdim - nf)))
  Pcf <- cbind(L[, 1:min(maxdim, nf)], 
      matrix(0, nrow = nL, ncol = max(0, maxdim - nf)))
  # Accuracies in maxdim space
  APr <- rowSums(Prf^2) / rowSums(S^2)
  APc <- rowSums(Pcf^2) / rowSums(L^2)
  # Collect row and column results
  Rows <- as.data.frame(cbind(object$pos.row, Wn, Prf, SQr, SYr, CPr, APr))
  dimnames(Rows) <- list(object$row.names, c("Posit", "Weight", paste("Prf", 1:maxdim, sep = ""),
                  "Resid", "Norm", "Contrib", "Accuracy"))
  Cols <- as.data.frame(cbind(object$pos.column, Wp, Pcf, SQc, SYc, CPc, APc))
  dimnames(VPf) <- list(c("Individual", "Cumulative"),
      c(paste("PRF", 1:maxdim, sep = ""), "Residual", "Total"))
  names(Cols) <- c("Posit", "Weight", paste("Pcf", 1:maxdim, sep = ""),
                   "Resid", "Norm", "Contrib", "Accuracy")
  r <- list(call = object$call, Vxy = Vxy, VPF = VPf, 
            Rows = Rows, Columns = Cols)
  class(r) <- "summary.mpm"

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mpm documentation built on April 1, 2022, 5:07 p.m.