
#' Convert a vector with hyphenated names into a matrix.
#' Convert a vector with hypehnated names into a symmetric matrix with names
#' x must have names each of which contains exactly one hyphen; if not, vec2mat
#' issues an error message.  If the same comparison is present multiple times,
#' the last value is used; no check is made for duplicates.
#' @param x Either (1) a vector with hyphenated names indicating pairs of
#' factor levels, groups or items that are and are not significantly different
#' or (2) a matrix indicating same.  If x is already a matrix, it is checked
#' for symmetry.  NAs are not allowed.
#' @param sep "strsplit" character to apply to names(x).
#' @return A symmetric matrix of the same class as the input with names
#' obtained from unique(strsplit(names(x))).  All nonspecified elements will be
#' 1 if class(x) is numeric, FALSE if logical and "" if character.  Used by the
#' functions 'multcompLetters' and 'multcompTs'.
#' @author Spencer Graves
#' @seealso \code{\link{multcompLetters}} \code{\link{multcompTs}}
#' @keywords manip array
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dif3 <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
#' names(dif3) <- c("a-b", "a-c", "b-c")
#' vec2mat(dif3)
#' dif3. <- 1:3
#' names(dif3.) <- c("a-b", "a-c", "b-c")
#' vec2mat(dif3.)
#' dif.ch <- c("this",'is','it')
#' names(dif.ch) <- c("a-b", "a-c", "b-c")
#' vec2mat(dif.ch)
#' vec2mat(array(1, dim=c(2,2)))
#' \dontshow{
#'   try(vec2mat(array(1:24, dim=2:4)))# must be 2-d
#'   try(vec2mat(array(1:6, dim=2:3)))# must be square
#'   try(vec2mat(array(1:4, dim=c(2,2))))# must be symmetric
#'   try(vec2mat(array(1, dim=c(2,2)))) # diag should be 0
#'   try(vec2mat(array(TRUE, dim=c(2,2)))) # diag should be FALSE
#'   try(vec2mat(array("a", dim=c(2,2)))) # diag should be ""
#'   try(vec2mat(c(1:3, NA))) # NAs not allowed 
#'   try(vec2mat(1:3))# Error:  No names
#'   errVec2 <- 1:3
#'   names(errVec2) <- c("a", "b-a", "b-c")
#'   try(vec2mat(errVec2))# Error:  missing hyphen (sep character)
#'   errVec3 <- 1:3
#'   names(errVec3) <- c("a-c", "b-a", "b-c-d")
#'   try(vec2mat(errVec3))
#' # Error:  multiple hyphens (sep characters)
#'   dif4 <- 1:4
#'   names(dif4) <- c("a-b", "a-c", "b-c", "b-a")
#' # Both "b-a" and "a-b" specified;
#' # use the latest.   
#'   vec2mat(dif4)
#' } 
"vec2mat" <-
function (x, sep = "-") 
    n.na <- sum(is.na(x))
    x.is <- deparse(substitute(x))
    if (n.na > 0) 
        stop(n.na, " NAs not allowed, found in ", x.is)
    dimx <- dim(x)
    l.dimx <- length(dimx)
    clpse <- function(x, collapse = ", ") paste(x, collapse = collapse)
    x.not.sq <- ((l.dimx > 2) || ((l.dimx == 2) && (dimx[1] != 
    if (x.not.sq) 
        stop("Array of dim(", clpse(dimx), ") not allowed for ", 
    if (l.dimx == 2) {
        if (any(x != t(x))) 
            stop("Matrix not symmetric ", x.is)
    namx <- names(x)
    if (length(namx) != length(x)) 
        stop("Names required for ", deparse(substitute(x)))
    x.lvls <- vec2mat2(namx, sep)
    Lvls <- unique(as.vector(x.lvls))
    n.lvls <- length(Lvls)
    x0 <- {
        if (is.numeric(x)) 
        else if (is.logical(x)) 
        else if (is.character(x)) 
        else stop("Must be class numeric, logical or ", "character;  instead is ", 
    X <- array(x0, dim = c(n.lvls, n.lvls), dimnames = list(Lvls, 
    i.lvls <- 1:n.lvls
    names(i.lvls) <- Lvls
    ix.lvls <- array(i.lvls[x.lvls], dim = dim(x.lvls))
    rev.ix <- (ix.lvls[, 1] > ix.lvls[, 2])
    if (any(rev.ix)) 
        ix.lvls[rev.ix, ] <- ix.lvls[rev.ix, 2:1]
    X[ix.lvls] <- x
    X[lower.tri(X)] <- t(X)[lower.tri(X)]

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multcompView documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:01 p.m.