acq1 | Aquaintance (Number 1) CAQ ratings |
acq2 | Aquaintance (Number 2) CAQ ratings |
acq.comp | Acquaintance CAQ Composite |
alpha.aci | Alpha Confidence Interval |
alpha.cov | Cronbach's Alpha of Covariance Matrix |
alpha.xci | Alpha Confidence Interval |
aov1way | One Way Anova |
bargraph | Bar Graph |
beh.comp | Behavioral Composite |
bfi.set | Big Five Invetory Set |
caq | Californa Adult Q-Set |
caq.items | CAQ Items |
catseye | Cat's Eye |
composite | Composite |
cor.comb | Combine Correlations |
cor.comb.rep | Replicabilities and Correlations |
decomp | Decomposition of Effects |
describe.r | Descriptive Statistics for Correlations |
diffPlot | Difference Plot |
e.bars | Error Bars |
egraph | Plotting Summary Statistics with Error Bars |
exsitu | External Ratings of Situations |
get.ICC | Intra-class Correlations |
horn | Horn's Parallel Analysis |
inner.outer | Comparing Within-set and Between-set Correlations |
insitu | Internal Situation Ratings |
ipsatize | Ipsatize Data |
item.ICC | Item Intra-class Correlations |
item.resid | Item Level Residuals |
lensData | Self and External Coder Ratings of Situations |
lensDetect | Signal Detection Analyses for Lens Model Output |
lensModel | Lens Model Regressions |
lin.coef | Linear Coefficients |
meanif | Mean |
MTMM | Multi Trait Multi Method Matrix |
multicon-package | Multivariate Constructs |
n4rci | Sample Size for CI for r |
opt.temp | Optimum Template |
partwhole | Part-Whole Correlation |
plotProfile | Visualizing Profiles of Scores |
popsd | Population Standard Deviation |
print.lensMod | Printing Lens Model Output |
print.q.cor | Print q.cor object |
Profile.ICC | Profile Intra-class Correlation |
Profile.norm | Normativeness |
Profile.r | Profile Correlations |
Profile.reg | Profile Regression Coefficients |
Profile.resid | Residuals |
Profile.r.rep | Profile Correlation Replicability |
q.cor | Q Correlations |
q.cor.print | Print q.cor |
rand.test | Randomization Test |
rate.caq | CAQ Rating |
rbqv3.items | RBQ Items |
reQ | Forced Q-Sort Distribution |
RSPdata | Riverside Situation Project Data |
scale2 | Scale |
scoreTest | Scoring Multiple Tests, Scales, or Composites |
sig.r | Significance Levels for Correlations |
splithalf.r | Split-half Correlation and Reliability |
structSumIPC | Structural Summary Method for the Interpersonal Circumplex |
tContrast | Constrast T-tests |
temp.match | Template Matching |
temp.match.rep | Template Matching Replicability |
temp.resid | Residuals from Template Prediction |
v2rbq | Situation 1 RBQ |
v3rbq | Situation 2 RBQ |
v4rbq | Situation 3 RBQ |
v5rbq | Situation 4 RBQ |
valid.pairs | Valid Pairs |
vector.alpha | Alpha Replicability of a Vector (pattern) of Correlations |
vector.splithalf | Split-half Repicability of a Vector (pattern) of Correlations |
winvar | Winsorized Variance |
yuenContrast | Generalized Yuen's T-tests |
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