structSumIPC: Structural Summary Method for the Interpersonal Circumplex

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References Examples


Computes scores from the structural summary method (Gurtman, 1992; Gurtman & Pincus, 2003; Wright, Pincus, Conroy, & Hilsenroth, 2009) for the interpresonal circumplex.


structSumIPC(x, ord = c("PA", "BC", "DE", "FG", "HI", "JK", "LM", "NO"))



A matrix or data.frame containing the association values (e.g., correlations) between the variable(s) of interest and the IPC scales. The IPC scales should be the columns and the variable(s) of interest should be the rows.


A character vector of length eight specifying the order of the IPC scales (columns) in x. By default the function assumes they are in counter-clockwise order starting from the vertical axis at 12:00.


This function is used to create a unit-weighted composite of the variables listed in the columns of the matrix or data.frame "set" for each row. The nomiss option lets one specify the proportion of valid cases required for the composite mean to be computed. By default, the mean is computed if at least 80 percent of the data in the the row are valid.


A data.frame containing the following columns:


Item's association with the dominance dimension of the IPC


Item's association with the warmth dimension of the IPC


Item's angle on the IPC grid (from 0 to 360)


Item's discriminant validity; degree to which it corresponds to only a single octant


Item's mean level of assocation across all 8 octants


Item's total sums of squares with the IPC


Item's goodness-of-fit with the IPC (how well do the summary stats capture the correlations between the item and the octants).


Gurtman, M. B. (1992). Construct validity of interpersonal personality measures: The Interpresonal Circumplex as a nomological net. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 105-118.
Gurtman, M. B., & Pincus, A. L. (2003). The circumplex model: Methods and research applications. In J. A. Schinka & W. F. Velicer (Eds.), Handbook of psychology: Research methods in psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 407-428). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Markey, P. M., Funder, D. C., & Ozer, D. J. (2003). Complementarity of interpersonal behavior in dyadic interactions. Personanlity and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 1082-1090.
Wright, A. G., Pincus, A. L., Conroy, D. E., & Hilsenroth, M. J. (2009). Integrating methods to optimize circumplex description and comparison of groups. Journal of Personality Assessment, 91, 311-322.


  # How is the CAQ associated with the IPC?
data(caq) # Load the caq data
data(beh.comp) #Load Behavioral composite data 
data(caq.items) #Load CAQ items 
  # Get IPC octant scores from the behavioral composites of the RBQ.
PA <- composite(beh.comp[,c(56, 4, 5)])
BC <- composite(beh.comp[,c(17, 27, 54)])
DE <- composite(beh.comp[,c(60, 19, 34)])
FG <- composite(beh.comp[,c(13, 22, 36)])
HI <- composite(beh.comp[,c(50, 21, 26)])
JK <- composite(beh.comp[,c(3, 18, 29)])
LM <- composite(beh.comp[,c(7, 32, 28)])
NO <- composite(beh.comp[,c(15, 20, 62)])
IPC.set <- data.frame(PA,BC,DE,FG,HI,JK,LM,NO) # Put them into one data.frame
  # Get the correlations between the CAQ and the IPC
r <- cor(caq, IPC.set)
  # Apply the structural summary method to the correlations
CAQsum <- structSumIPC(r)
CAQsum$items <- caq.items
  # Plot the results (only those with Rsq >= .70)
CAQsum.sig <- data.frame(CAQsum[CAQsum$Rsq >= .7,], row.names=1:51)
plotDEGcaq <- CAQsum.sig$DEG
CAQx <- cos(plotDEGcaq * (pi / 180))
CAQy <- sin(plotDEGcaq * (pi / 180))
plotPOScaq <- ifelse(plotDEGcaq > 90 & plotDEGcaq < 270, 2, 4)
plotDEGcaq <- ifelse(plotDEGcaq > 90 & plotDEGcaq < 270, plotDEGcaq + 180, plotDEGcaq)

plot(CAQx, CAQy, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(-2, 2), type="n", xlab="Warmth", 
	ylab="Dominance", font.main=1, main="CAQ and the IPC", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
for(i in 1:51) {
  text(CAQx[i], CAQy[i], labels=CAQsum.sig$items[i,1], cex=.75, 
  srt=plotDEGcaq[i], pos=plotPOScaq[i])
  # Adding a circle
circX <- seq(-1,1, by=.01)
circY <- sqrt(1 - circX^2)
lines(c(circX,-circX), c(circY,-circY))
lines(c(0,0), c(-1,1))
lines(c(-1,1), c(0,0))

Example output

Loading required package: psych
Loading required package: abind
Loading required package: foreach
             DOM           LOV        DEG        AMP          ELEV       SStot
1    0.048094290 -0.1729728268 164.461658 0.17953456  0.0220598790 0.135108768
2    0.029235477  0.0313820049  42.971944 0.04288990 -0.0033787822 0.020302906
3    0.086396488  0.1199829628  35.756641 0.14785217 -0.0098877988 0.109488149
4    0.164498938  0.0800548258  64.049730 0.18294446  0.0299057662 0.185701994
5   -0.048960056  0.0771763874 327.609299 0.09139629 -0.0105481399 0.051529624
6   -0.052104750  0.0613649770 319.665550 0.08050196  0.0098448854 0.033829637
7   -0.011150275  0.0544971084 348.436701 0.05562610 -0.0146327257 0.014243538
8    0.120671997  0.0333170118  74.565403 0.12518688 -0.0072589197 0.090137276
9   -0.100353344 -0.0501697034 243.438132 0.11219533  0.0107855626 0.083284901
10  -0.068633762 -0.0784856823 221.168882 0.10426215  0.0408033160 0.054444411
11   0.049121276  0.0002725067  89.682147 0.04912203  0.0477976979 0.024249847
12   0.003435700 -0.0744734621 177.358634 0.07455267  0.0654359242 0.043756549
13  -0.060310470 -0.1777859262 198.738521 0.18773702  0.0296800826 0.173867346
14  -0.101768043  0.0290114841 285.911505 0.10582250  0.0049369259 0.057780093
15   0.099412406  0.0351319365  70.536801 0.10543756 -0.0016992528 0.081451048
16  -0.058259825 -0.0805861921 215.865065 0.09944014 -0.0048479208 0.054758127
17  -0.134313677 -0.0293174973 257.686815 0.13747610 -0.0067561277 0.093685781
18   0.064326089  0.1264637561  26.960272 0.14188350 -0.0337835133 0.113305802
19  -0.118477956  0.0223701032 280.692277 0.12057134  0.0339284550 0.102491710
20   0.126557762 -0.0250750518 101.206944 0.12901793  0.0373489106 0.079231179
21  -0.002334765  0.0122012806 349.167170 0.01242266  0.0284629305 0.014782765
22  -0.103652433 -0.0987533392 226.386535 0.14316441 -0.0111634500 0.089388539
23  -0.035301383 -0.0654350823 208.346289 0.07435010  0.0181780575 0.041402709
24   0.038059434 -0.0939951348 157.956554 0.10140812 -0.0172098022 0.064526072
25  -0.013114968 -0.0171370259 217.426834 0.02157962  0.0192668957 0.024873883
26   0.039309737  0.0560505733  35.042986 0.06846110  0.0001465520 0.045915439
27   0.106173749 -0.1353482681 141.887642 0.17202331  0.0455260871 0.163828049
28   0.044653213  0.1127809914  21.600026 0.12129906  0.0101453298 0.063745570
29   0.043246827  0.0591759689  36.159984 0.07329450  0.0024544716 0.043927213
30  -0.130828010 -0.0216485679 260.604207 0.13260705  0.0362769861 0.070286197
31   0.077277475  0.0870064583  41.610871 0.11636981 -0.0321394180 0.060493598
32   0.033572278 -0.0049524984  98.391608 0.03393560  0.0047859637 0.019740230
33   0.025825805  0.1406506921  10.404561 0.14300206 -0.0529584546 0.126161783
34  -0.054894491 -0.0861675866 212.499851 0.10216779  0.0363426155 0.062030994
35  -0.055772071  0.0820555381 325.796568 0.09921510  0.0068432273 0.052537852
36   0.014151303 -0.1648783502 175.094397 0.16548453 -0.0056824914 0.115482988
37   0.129197372 -0.0486461852 110.632667 0.13805221  0.0064897614 0.093505053
38   0.103772002 -0.1053395103 135.429484 0.14786832  0.0406471382 0.122592585
39   0.011086253 -0.0794240427 172.053819 0.08019404 -0.0012755028 0.061703197
40  -0.091230693 -0.0973518297 223.140908 0.13341821  0.0178986567 0.082749245
41  -0.085851835 -0.0352524763 247.675969 0.09280773 -0.0055429118 0.037647785
42  -0.035674534  0.0857991977 337.422898 0.09292026 -0.0049751682 0.049038042
43  -0.022898516  0.0124020293 298.440348 0.02604136 -0.0063053210 0.021175677
44  -0.048031478 -0.0766309106 212.079069 0.09043959 -0.0099720980 0.081394656
45  -0.050984435 -0.1061242245 205.660664 0.11773599  0.0522971791 0.107182372
46  -0.031372153 -0.0637461016 206.203750 0.07104771 -0.0063869033 0.032700639
47  -0.160488998 -0.0104301082 266.281602 0.16082757  0.0038980418 0.111496378
48  -0.011428656 -0.1354880465 184.821586 0.13596921 -0.0065924635 0.084243067
49  -0.002009274 -0.1680340193 180.685084 0.16804603  0.0006742663 0.121251895
50   0.030975485  0.0465939789  33.615796 0.05595069  0.0411048425 0.033727217
51   0.035747777  0.0092165254  75.542791 0.03691677 -0.0407880306 0.032765655
52   0.137145394  0.0146005636  83.923153 0.13792040  0.0014148097 0.098700135
53  -0.036973215 -0.0261167919 234.763740 0.04526705  0.0149317477 0.024493111
54   0.027084747  0.0340513691  38.499037 0.04350953  0.0316493721 0.032251227
55  -0.081995781 -0.0961931503 220.444529 0.12639790  0.0220174456 0.071774970
56   0.008212251  0.1059376764   4.432683 0.10625551 -0.0370737452 0.068821683
57   0.072236286  0.1172650717  31.633424 0.13772864 -0.0092788466 0.084772147
58   0.021492969  0.1422421278   8.592466 0.14385677 -0.0061958334 0.094247563
59  -0.004370366 -0.0281836827 188.814495 0.02852052 -0.0245978586 0.006251093
60   0.038993687  0.0505484675  37.647020 0.06384086 -0.0120243103 0.021097208
61   0.009842006 -0.0944760230 174.052685 0.09498728  0.0503061772 0.064300185
62   0.059073359 -0.0211935540 109.736296 0.06276009 -0.0188741986 0.029362229
63  -0.008753741  0.0760340284 353.432494 0.07653628  0.0131664635 0.035618331
64  -0.080915372  0.0715959546 311.503209 0.10804295 -0.0335909752 0.101484324
65   0.089994515  0.0284612403  72.450166 0.09438779  0.0117575084 0.050197038
66  -0.068023460  0.0404195958 300.718816 0.07912607 -0.0251409183 0.027165504
67   0.031350684  0.0157362940  63.345903 0.03507843  0.0073603698 0.014513701
68  -0.086270245 -0.0692458025 231.247330 0.11062340  0.0213770765 0.061754610
69  -0.034911595 -0.1062271827 198.193124 0.11181697  0.0292861686 0.067918704
70  -0.010143953  0.1338659286 355.666582 0.13424972 -0.0356457554 0.090255521
71   0.071717223 -0.0172074935 103.492228 0.07375268 -0.0243388566 0.030042964
72  -0.140431942 -0.0188197935 262.367063 0.14168738 -0.0230917198 0.086036877
73   0.066345837  0.0973905248  34.264062 0.11784178 -0.0142545578 0.068602398
74   0.014007403  0.0760193124  10.440279 0.07729905 -0.0058988644 0.059563187
75   0.010617830  0.0321473132  18.277702 0.03385540 -0.0505453937 0.020600188
76  -0.002829096  0.0421633672 356.161296 0.04225817 -0.0072866616 0.025430543
77   0.049231283  0.1193416466  22.417318 0.12909744 -0.0172261834 0.093276933
78  -0.081701641 -0.0732384115 228.126538 0.10972248  0.0008270718 0.058643039
79  -0.047272958 -0.0218798659 245.163363 0.05209089 -0.0069453303 0.045283714
80   0.009292912  0.1507125369   3.528382 0.15099876 -0.0435699443 0.130891568
81   0.106144315  0.1630489618  33.063989 0.19455482 -0.0481106426 0.160073353
82  -0.041604910 -0.1041669703 201.772063 0.11216829  0.0245341445 0.062487394
83  -0.035592194 -0.0521920866 214.291883 0.06317292 -0.0101076757 0.043736666
84   0.083571128  0.1917363401  23.550694 0.20915773 -0.0355902600 0.202451648
85  -0.033915273  0.0509281359 326.338618 0.06118759 -0.0330309236 0.044420996
86   0.035481253 -0.0149028271 112.783368 0.03848394  0.0191137494 0.038015799
87  -0.066935423 -0.0514474352 232.453653 0.08442268 -0.0186590913 0.035855358
88   0.076905232  0.1723207247  24.050789 0.18870307 -0.0341342259 0.154128353
89  -0.125776087 -0.0322946887 255.599625 0.12985596 -0.0013017816 0.092184043
90  -0.046218839 -0.0692972456 213.701901 0.08329639 -0.0129706299 0.044384644
91   0.051675331 -0.0568547862 137.732292 0.07682972  0.0097420377 0.057757942
92   0.049853622  0.1011999715  26.226004 0.11281320 -0.0350570694 0.072680531
93  -0.019927531  0.1125371119 349.958429 0.11428783 -0.0516939201 0.099100611
94   0.081358371 -0.0932517373 138.896617 0.12375407  0.0094639406 0.114763482
95   0.055210089  0.0801443574  34.562298 0.09732046  0.0061887827 0.042213875
96  -0.038938392  0.0196601766 296.789424 0.04362019 -0.0312825360 0.070378169
97   0.026481063 -0.0250227815 133.378159 0.03643331 -0.0253903639 0.011690961
98   0.040805634  0.0891903911  24.584642 0.09808173 -0.0386172699 0.049612017
99  -0.009726158 -0.0999343072 185.558834 0.10040649  0.0261617767 0.059833910
100  0.002096702  0.0292624387   4.098333 0.02933746 -0.0091507674 0.011640512
           Rsq                                          items
1   0.95427292      Critical, skeptical, not easily impressed
2   0.36241971                    Genuinely dependable person
3   0.79863491                  Has a wide range of interests
4   0.72091150                      Is a talkative individual
5   0.64842560              Behaves in a giving way to others
6   0.76625892                                  Is fastidious
7   0.86895926                     Favors conservative values
8   0.69546162           High degree of intellectual capacity
9   0.60456542   Uncomfortable w/uncertainty and complexities
10  0.79865650 Anxiety/Tension find outlet in bodily symptoms
11  0.39801883        Protective of those close to him or her
12  0.50809314                                 Self-defensive
13  0.81085239           Thin-skinned; Sensitive to criticism
14  0.77524283                           Genuinely submissive
15  0.54595145 Skilled in imaginative play, pretending, humor
16  0.72232870                                  Introspective
17  0.80693907                        Sympathetic/considerate
18  0.71067595                                Initiates humor
19  0.56736092                  Seeks reassurance from others
20  0.84035732                           Rapid personal tempo
21  0.04175738           Arouses nurturant feelings in others
22  0.91716675         Feels lack of personal meaning in life
23  0.53406531                       Transfers/projects blame
24  0.63748532        Prides self on being objective/rational
25  0.07488658             Delays gratification unnecessarily
26  0.40830904                   Productive; Gets things done
27  0.72251410                        Condescending to others
28  0.92326173                  Arouses liking and acceptance
29  0.48918044               Turned to for advice/reassurance
30  1.00074436      Gives up in face of frustration/adversity
31  0.89542910          Regards self as physically attractive
32  0.23335596             Aware of impression made on others
33  0.64836082                        Calm; relaxed in manner
34  0.67309952            Over-reactive to minor frustrations
35  0.74945091       Warmth; capacity for close relationships
36  0.94854247      Negativistic; Tends to undermine/sabotage
37  0.81528908          Guileful, deceitful, and manipulative
38  0.71342131                         Hostile towards others
39  0.41690440                 Unconventional thought process
40  0.86045102                              Generally fearful
41  0.91514278                                     Moralistic
42  0.70428381        Reluctant to commit to course of action
43  0.12810025                 Facially/gesturally expressive
44  0.40195854                Evaluates motivations of others
45  0.51731506                     Brittle ego-defense system
46  0.61745306                           Fantasizes/daydreams
47  0.92794066                        Readiness to feel guilt
48  0.87782298                     Keeps people at a distance
49  0.93159678                Basically distrustful of others
50  0.37127043            Unpredictable in behavior/attitudes
51  0.16637517          Values intellectual/cognitive matters
52  0.77090211                Behaves in an assertive fashion
53  0.33464193                  Unable to delay gratification
54  0.23479160                      Emphasizes being w/others
55  0.89036221                                 Self-defeating
56  0.65620205                              Responds to humor
57  0.89506653                  Interesting, arresting person
58  0.87831536                    Enjoys sensuous experiences
59  0.52049779                           Concerned w/own body
60  0.77273833             Insight into own motives/behaviors
61  0.56127888          Creates/exploits dependency in others
62  0.53658440                      Rebellious/non-conforming
63  0.65784121   Judges self and others in conventional terms
64  0.46010173                         Is socially perceptive
65  0.70992675                 Pushes/tries to stretch limits
66  0.92189488                    Enjoys esthetic impressions
67  0.33912684                              Is self-indulgent
68  0.79265574                           Is basically anxious
69  0.73635291   Sensitive to anything that could be a demand
70  0.79875387         Behaves in ethically consistent manner
71  0.72422389                 High aspiration level for self
72  0.93333536           Concerned w/own adequacy as a person
73  0.80969090             Perceives contexts in sexual terms
74  0.40126417 Subjectively unaware of self; satisfied w/self
75  0.22255876                 Clear-cut internal personality
76  0.28088324              Projects own feelings onto others
77  0.71469537          Straightforward, forthright, & candid
78  0.82117320               Feels cheated/victimized by life
79  0.23968538                              Tends to ruminate
80  0.69677909          Interested in members of opposite sex
81  0.94585585                       Is physically attractive
82  0.80539292                          Has fluctuating moods
83  0.36498605               Sees heart of important problems
84  0.86434382                                    Is cheerful
85  0.33713073          Emphasizes communication non-verbally
86  0.15583138                   Suppresses anxiety/conflicts
87  0.79510454   Interprets simple situations in complex ways
88  0.92413488                         Is personally charming
89  0.73169154                        Compares self to others
90  0.62528737             Concerned w/philosophical problems
91  0.40879618                              Is power oriented
92  0.70042515                      Has social poise/presence
93  0.52720999            Behaves in gender consistent manner
94  0.53379597            Expresses hostile feelings directly
95  0.89745581                        Tends to proffer advice
96  0.10814268                        Values own independence
97  0.45415815            Emotionally bland; flattened affect
98  0.77562060                                Verbally fluent
99  0.67396324                   Self-dramatizing; Histrionic
100 0.29575553                            Does not vary roles

multicon documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:18 a.m.