
Defines functions plot.Rcpp_RMLNetwork values2graphics summary.Rcpp_RMLNetwork str.Rcpp_RMLNetwork print.Rcpp_RMLNetwork

Documented in plot.Rcpp_RMLNetwork summary.Rcpp_RMLNetwork values2graphics


print.Rcpp_RMLNetwork <- function(x, ...) {

str.Rcpp_RMLNetwork <- function(object, ...) {

# Basic layer-by-layer statistics
summary.Rcpp_RMLNetwork <- function(object, ...) {
    mlnet.layers <- as.list(object)
    mlnet.table <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,length(mlnet.layers),9))
    dimnames(mlnet.table) <- list(names(mlnet.layers),c("n","m","dir","nc","slc","dens","cc","apl","dia"))
    if (num_layers_ml(object)>0) {
        for (i in 1 : length(mlnet.layers)) {
            mlnet.table[i,1] = vcount(mlnet.layers[[i]])
            mlnet.table[i,2] = ecount(mlnet.layers[[i]])
            mlnet.table[i,3] = is.directed(mlnet.layers[[i]])
            mlnet.table[i,4] = count_components(mlnet.layers[[i]], mode = "strong")
            mlnet.table[i,5] = max(components(mlnet.layers[[i]], mode = "strong")$csize)
            mlnet.table[i,6] = graph.density(mlnet.layers[[i]])
            mlnet.table[i,7] = transitivity(mlnet.layers[[i]])
            mlnet.table[i,8] = average.path.length(mlnet.layers[[i]])
            mlnet.table[i,9] = diameter(mlnet.layers[[i]])


values2graphics <- function(values, output = "color") {
    if (!output %in% c("color","shape")) {
        stop("wrong parameter: output")
    if (is.data.frame(values)) {
        values <- values[[1]]
    types <- as.factor(values)
    num_types <- length(levels(types))
    color_map = brewer.pal(num_types, "Paired")
    if ((output == "shape") & num_types>5) {
        warning("only 5 distinct shapes available: some shapes have been repeated")
    l = vector("list")
    l[["legend.text"]] = levels(types)
    l[["legend.pch"]] = 21
    if (output == "color") {
        l[["legend.col"]] = color_map[1:num_types]
        l[["color"]] = color_map[types]
    if (output == "shape") {
        l[["legend.pch"]] = ((1:num_types)-1) %% 5 + 21
        l[["shape"]] = (as.numeric(types)-1) %% 5 + 21

# (Rudimentary) plotting function.
plot.Rcpp_RMLNetwork <- function(x,
layout=NULL, grid=NULL, mai=c(.1,.1,.1,.1),
vertex.shape=21, vertex.cex=1, vertex.size=vertex.cex, vertex.color=1,
vertex.labels=NULL, vertex.labels.pos=3, vertex.labels.offset=.5, vertex.labels.cex=1, vertex.labels.col=1,
edge.type=1, edge.width=1, edge.col=1, edge.alpha=.5,
edge.arrow.length=0.1, edge.arrow.angle=20,
legend.x=NULL, legend.y=NULL, legend.pch=20,
legend.cex=.5, legend.inset=c(0, 0),
com=NULL, com.cex=1,
show.layer.names=TRUE, layer.names.cex=1, ...) {
   # reset original parameters after exiting the function
   oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
   # some sub-functions:
   # function to add transparency
   tcol <- function(col, alpha) {
       rgb.value <- col2rgb(col)
       alpha = as.numeric(alpha)
       tcol <- rgb(rgb.value[1], rgb.value[2], rgb.value[3], maxColorValue = 255, alpha = alpha * 255)
   # functions to compute planar coordinates
   x_coord <- function(xyz_coord) {
   y_coord <- function(xyz_coord) {
       xyz_coord$y+(num.rows-1-xyz_coord$z %/% num.cols)*height
   # function to draw an edge
   draw_edge <- function(d) {
       dir = as.numeric(d['dir'])
       from = as.numeric(d['from'])
       to = as.numeric(d['to'])
       type = as.numeric(d['type'])
       width = as.numeric(d['width'])
       alpha = as.numeric(d['alpha'])
       if (dir==0) {
           segments(x_coord(layout[from,]), y_coord(layout[from,]),
           x_coord(layout[to,]), y_coord(layout[to,]),
           lty=type, lwd=width, col=tcol(d['col'],alpha))
       if (dir==1) {
           arrows(x_coord(layout[from,]), y_coord(layout[from,]),
           x_coord(layout[to,]), y_coord(layout[to,]),
           length=edge.arrow.length, angle=edge.arrow.angle,
           lty=type, lwd=width, col=tcol(d['col'],alpha))
   # function to draw an area, used for communities or other groups
   draw.areas <- function(d) {
       xc <- x_coord(layout[d$aid,])
       yc <- y_coord(layout[d$aid,])
       # add some margin around nodes
       os <- par()$cxy*com.cex
       xc <- c(xc+os[1]/2,xc+os[1]/2,xc-os[1]/2,xc-os[1]/2)
       yc <- c(yc+os[2]/2,yc-os[2]/2,yc+os[2]/2,yc-os[2]/2)
       extreme.points = chull(xc,yc)
       xspline(xc[extreme.points], yc[extreme.points], open=F, shape=1, border=NA, col=palette[d$cid+1])
    # checking argument: mai
    if (length(mai) != 4) {
        mai = rep(mai[1], 4)
    if (max(mai) > 1) {
        warning("too high values for argument mai?")
    # checking argument: vertex.shape
    if (min(vertex.shape)<21 | max(vertex.shape)>25) {
        stop("vertex shapes not supported; only values between 21 and 25 allowed")
    # computing layout if needed
    if (is.null(layout)) {
        layout <- layout_multiforce_ml(x)
    # option to select and reorder the layers
    if (!is.null(layers)) {
        layer_map <- match(layers_ml(x), layers) - 1
        layout <- cbind(layout[,1:4], z=layer_map[layout$z+1])
        layers <- layers_ml(x)
    num_layers <- length(layers)
    # grid, num columns, computing extreme coordinates...
    num.cols = num_layers
    num.rows = 1
    if (!is.null(grid)) {
        if (!length(grid)==2) stop("argument grid must have two elements")
        if (grid[1]*grid[2]<num_layers) stop("insufficient number of grid cells (< num_layers)")
        num.rows = grid[1]
        num.cols = grid[2]

    x.min = min(layout$x)
    y.min = min(layout$y)
    x.max = max(layout$x)
    y.max = max(layout$y)
    width = x.max-x.min + (mai[1]+mai[3])*(x.max-x.min);
    x.min = x.min - mai[1]*(x.max-x.min)
    height = y.max-y.min + (mai[2]+mai[4])*(y.max-y.min);
    y.min = y.min - mai[4]*(y.max-y.min)
    #plot frame

    # draw grid
    # color palette
    if (is.null(vertex.color)) {
        if (num_layers > 9) {
            layer_palette <- rainbow(num_layers)
        else {
            layer_palette <- brewer.pal(max(3, num_layers), "Set1")
    else layer_palette=1
    # draw legend
    if (!is.null(legend.x))
        legend(legend.x, legend.y, legend=layers, col = layer_palette, bty = "n", pch=legend.pch,
        cex = legend.cex, inset = legend.inset)
    # draw communities
    if (!is.null(com) && nrow(com)>0) {
        num.com <- max(com$cid)+1
        if (num.com > 12) {
            palette <- rainbow(num.com, alpha = .4)
        else {
            palette <- adjustcolor(brewer.pal(num.com, "Set3"), alpha.f = .4)
        c.list <- get_community_list_ml(com,x);
        lapply(c.list, draw.areas)
    # draw edges
    e <- edges_idx_ml(x)
    if (length(edge.col)==1) e$col = rep(edge.col, num_edges_ml(x))
    else e$col = edge.col
    if (length(edge.type)==1) e$type = rep(edge.type, num_edges_ml(x))
    else e$type = edge.type
    if (length(edge.width)==1) e$width = rep(edge.width, num_edges_ml(x))
    else e$width = edge.width
    if (length(edge.alpha)==1) e$alpha = rep(edge.alpha, num_edges_ml(x))
    else e$alpha = edge.alpha

    layout <- layout[complete.cases(layout), ]
    # draw vertices

    # draw labels
    if (is.null(vertex.labels)) vertex.labels=layout$actor
    text(x_coord(layout),y_coord(layout),labels=vertex.labels, pos=vertex.labels.pos, offset=vertex.labels.offset, cex=vertex.labels.cex, col=vertex.labels.col)
    # draw layer names
    if (show.layer.names) {
        col = (0:(num_layers-1)) %% num.cols
        x = x.min+col*width+width/2
        row = (0:(num_layers-1)) %/% num.cols
        y = y.min+(num.rows-row-1)*height
        text(x, y, labels=layers, pos=3, cex=layer.names.cex)


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