
Defines functions diffMunsell contained makeMunsell2xy pingDatasets savePrivateDatasets saveDatasets

#   These datasets are exported and can be inspected by the user.
#   Each one here must be documented.
#   They are all put in the same .RDA file
saveDatasets  <- function( pathout="../data/munsellinterpol.rda" )
    savevec = character(0)
    Munsell2xy  = makeMunsell2xy()
    #   print( str(Munsell2xy) )
    attr( Munsell2xy, "comment" )   = readLines( "../inst/extdata/ReadMe.txt" )
    savevec = c( savevec, "Munsell2xy" )

    pathin    = "../inst/extdata/Centroids_ISCC-NBS.txt"
    CentroidsISCCNBS = read.table( pathin, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F )    
    attr( CentroidsISCCNBS, "comment" )  = readLines( pathin, n=23 )
    savevec = c( savevec, "CentroidsISCCNBS" )

    ##  ready to save it
    save( list=savevec, file=pathout, compress='xz' )   #     'xz'  'gzip'  FALSE

#   an advantage of the private data in "sysdata.rda" is that these
#   do not have to be documented, and therefore exposed    
savePrivateDatasets  <- function( .path="sysdata.rda" )
    savevec = character(0)
    #   load( "../data/munsellinterpol.rda" )
    #   make little matrix
    p.xyC   = matrix( c( 0.31012,0.31631,  0.3101,0.3163, 0.310,0.316, 0.31006,0.31616 ),  4, 2,    byrow=T )
    # mat = cbind( mat, rep(100,4) ) 
    rownames(p.xyC) = c( 'JOSA', 'NBS', 'NTSC', 'CIE' )
    colnames(p.xyC) = c('x','y')
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.xyC" )
    if( FALSE )
    #   these two 3x3 matrices are now built in to spacesXYZ
    if( ! requireNamespace('spacesXYZ') )   return(FALSE)
    primary     = matrix( c(0.64,0.33,  0.3,0.6, 0.15,0.06 ), 3, 2, byrow=T )   # from sRGB standard
    primary     = cbind( primary, 1 - rowSums(primary) )
    whiteXYZ    = as.numeric( spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c(0.3127,0.3290,1) ) )       # from sRGB standard
    p.sRGB2XYZ  = projectiveMatrix( t(primary), whiteXYZ )        #; print( p.sRGB2XYZ )
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.sRGB2XYZ" )
    p.XYZ2sRGB  = solve(p.sRGB2XYZ)                             #;  print( p.XYZ2sRGB )
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.XYZ2sRGB" )
    #   Illuminants A, C, D50 D55 D65 D75
    p.ACDs  = read.table( "../inst/extdata/ACDs.5nm.txt", header=TRUE  )    
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.ACDs" )   
    p.xyz1931   = read.table( "../inst/extdata/xyz1931.5nm.txt", header=TRUE  )    
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.xyz1931" )   

    p.OptimalHull       = list()
    for( iname in c("C","D65") )
        ispec   = p.ACDs[[ iname ]]
        W   = ispec * as.matrix( p.xyz1931[ ,2:4] )
        W   = 100 * W / colSums(W)[2]
        p.OptimalHull[[ iname ]]  = zonohedron( W )
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.OptimalHull" )    

    pathin  = "../inst/extdata/System_ISCC-NBS.txt"
    p.System_ISCCNBS    = read.table( pathin, header=TRUE, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F )
    attr( p.System_ISCCNBS, "header" )  = readLines( pathin, n=50 )    
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.System_ISCCNBS" )    

    Munsell2xy  = makeMunsell2xy()          # this one does not generate a warning
    p.LookupList = makeLookupList( Munsell2xy, p.xyC['NBS', ], kfactor=c(0.70,0.50) )     # default is kfactor = c(0.9,0.5)
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.LookupList" )    # this compresses *very* well

    p.InversionCoeffs =  makeInversionCoeffs( Munsell2xy, p.LookupList, warn=FALSE )
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.InversionCoeffs" ) 

    ##  finally ready to save it
    save( list=savevec, file=.path, compress='xz' )   #     'xz'  'gzip'  FALSE
    mess    = sprintf( "Saved the following to '%s'.", .path )
    cat( mess, '\n', file=stderr() )
    cat( savevec, '\n', file=stderr() )
    return( invisible(TRUE) )
pingDatasets  <- function( .path="sysdata.rda", .verbose=FALSE )    
    theName     = load(.path,verbose=.verbose)
    print( theName )
    if( 0 < length(theName)  &&  .verbose )
        for( k in 1:length(theName ) )
            obj = get( theName[k] )
            cat( '\n', theName[k], '\n' )
            print( str(obj) )
    return( invisible(T) )
makeMunsell2xy <- function(  )
    time_start  = gettime()
    realMunsell = read.table( "../inst/extdata/real.dat", header=T, sep='', stringsAsFactors=F )    # ; print( str(realMunsell) )
    colnames(realMunsell)[1] = 'H'      # was 'h'
    realMunsell$H = HueNumberFromString( realMunsell$H )
    verydark = read.table( "../inst/extdata/verydark.dat", header=T, sep='', stringsAsFactors=F )   # ; print( str(verydark) )
    verydark$H = HueNumberFromString( verydark$H )
    allMunsell  = read.table( "../inst/extdata/all.dat", header=T, sep='', stringsAsFactors=F )     # ; print( str(allMunsell) )
    allMunsell$H = HueNumberFromString( allMunsell$H )

    #   diffMunsell( realMunsell, allMunsell )
    real    = contained( allMunsell, realMunsell )  |  contained( allMunsell, verydark )    # slow, not optimized
    allMunsell$C = as.numeric( allMunsell$C )   # do not want integer here
    out = allMunsell[ -6 ]  # drop Y
    out  = cbind( out, real=real  )    
    #   make slight tweak(s)
    idx = which( out$H==72.5  &  out$V==10  &  out$C==2 )
    if( length(idx) == 1 )
        out$x[idx]  = 0.2970
        out$y[idx]  = 0.3075
    mess    = sprintf( "makeMunsell2xy(). INFO.  Made Munsell2xy in %g seconds.", gettime() - time_start )
    cat( mess, '\n', file=stderr() )
    return( invisible(out) )
contained <- function( .data1, .data2 )
    #   brute force compare, not optimized
    n   = nrow(.data1)
    out     = logical(n)
    name1   = deparse( substitute( .data1 )  )
    name2   = deparse( substitute( .data2 )  )

    for( k in 1:n )
        row1    = .data1[ k, ]
        mask    = .data2$H==row1$H  &  .data2$V==row1$V  &  .data2$C==row1$C
        row2    = .data2[ mask, ]
        if( nrow(row2) == 0 )   next
        if( 2 <= nrow(row2) )
            mess    = sprintf( "'%s' is invalid. Duplicated data\n", name2 )
            cat( mess )
            print( row2 )
        #   exactly 1 match
        out[k]  = TRUE
diffMunsell <- function( .data1, .data2 )
    #   brute force compare, not optimized
    out     = NULL
    count   = 0
    name1   = deparse( substitute( .data1 )  )
    name2   = deparse( substitute( .data2 )  )
    mat1    = matrix( 0, 1, 2 )
    colnames(mat1)  = c( 'x', 'y' )
    class(mat1) = "model.matrix"
    mat2    = mat1
    for( k in 1:nrow(.data1) )
        row1    = .data1[ k, ]
        mask    = .data2$H==row1$H  &  .data2$V==row1$V  &  .data2$C==row1$C
        row2    = .data2[ mask, ]
        if( nrow(row2) == 0 )   next
        if( 2 <= nrow(row2) )
            mess    = sprintf( "'%s' is invalid. Duplicated data\n", name2 )
            cat( mess )
            print( row2 )
        #   exactly 1 match
        count   = count + 1
        mat1[ 1, 1 ]    = row1$x
        mat1[ 1, 2 ]    = row1$y
        mat2[ 1, 1 ]    = row2$x
        mat2[ 1, 2 ]    = row2$y
        ok  = all( mat1 == mat2 )
        if( ! ok )
            delta   = mat1 - mat2
            #   colnames(delta) = c( "x", "y" )      redundant
            class(delta) = "model.matrix"
            out = rbind( out, data.frame( H=row1$H, V=row1$V, C=row1$C, xy1=mat1, xy2=mat2, delta=delta, stringsAsFactors=F ) )

    colnames( out )[4] = name1
    colnames( out )[5] = name2
    mess    = sprintf( "Chips that %s and %s have in common = %d\n", name1, name2, count )
    mess    = sprintf( "Chips that are in %s, but not in %s = %d\n", name1, name2, nrow(.data1) - count )
    mess    = sprintf( "Chips that are in %s, but not in %s = %d\n", name2, name1, nrow(.data2) - count )
    return( out )

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munsellinterpol documentation built on April 8, 2022, 9:07 a.m.