
Defines functions plotMask3D plotLookupList plotLookupDF plotPatchesH.single plotPatchesH plotLociHC.AB plotLociHC.ab plotLociHC.xy plotLociHC

Documented in plotLociHC plotPatchesH

plotLociHC  <-  function( value=5, hue=seq(2.5,100,by=2.5), chroma='auto', coords='xy', main="Value %g/", est=FALSE, ... )
    ok  = is.numeric(value)  &&  1<=length(value)  &&  all( 0<value  &  value<=10 )
    if( ! ok )
        log.string( ERROR, "All Values must be numeric and in the interval (0,10]." )
    if( is.character(hue) )
        hue = HueNumberFromString(hue)
        if( all( is.na(hue) ) )
            log.string( "All character hues are invalid." )
    ok  = is.numeric(hue)  &&  1<=length(hue)
    if( ! ok )
        log.string( ERROR, "All Hues must be numeric." )
    hue = (hue %% 100)
    hue[ hue == 0 ] = 100
    ok  = (is.numeric(chroma)  &&  1<=length(chroma)  &&  all( 0 < chroma ))
    ok  = ok || (is.character(chroma) && chroma[1] == 'auto')
    if( ! ok )
        log.string( ERROR, "All Chromas must be numeric and positive, or the string 'auto'." )
    if( ! (coords %in% c('xy','ab','AB') ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "coords = '%s' is invalid.", coords )
    Value.vec   = sort( unique(munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$V) )
    for( val in value )
        main.val    = sprintf( main, val )
        if( is.character(chroma)  &&  chroma[1] == 'auto' )
            idx     = which.min( abs(Value.vec - val) )
            vnear   = min( Value.vec[idx], 9 )
            mask    = (munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$V == vnear)  &  (munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$real)
            if( any(mask) )
                chromamax   = max( munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$C[mask] )  
                chromavec  =  seq( 2, chromamax, by=2 )
                log.string( ERROR, "Cannot determine maximum chroma for value=%g.", val )
            chromavec  = chroma
        if( coords == 'xy' )
            out = plotLociHC.xy( value, hue, chromavec, main.val, est, ...  )
        else if( coords == 'ab' )
            out = plotLociHC.ab( value, hue, chromavec, main.val, est, ...  )
        else if( coords == 'AB' )
            out = plotLociHC.AB( value, hue, chromavec, main.val, est, ...  )

        if( ! out ) break
    return( invisible(out) )
#   value       a *single* value this time
plotLociHC.xy  <-  function( value, hue, chroma, main, est, ... )    
    p   = 'spacesXYZ'
    if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )

    df  = expand.grid( H=hue, C=chroma )

    HVC = as.matrix( cbind( df$H, value, df$C ) )
    #   add the illuminant at the end
    HVC = rbind( HVC, c(0,10,0) )
    xyY = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE, ... )$xyY
    xy_white    = xyY[ nrow(xyY), 1:2 ]   
    xlim    = range( xyY[ ,1], na.rm=TRUE )
    ylim    = range( xyY[ ,2], na.rm=TRUE )

    plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', xlab='', ylab='', las=1, asp=1, lab=c(10, 10, 7), tcl=0, mgp=c(3,0.25,0) )
    title( xlab="x", line=1.25 )
    title( ylab="y", line=2.5 )    
    grid( lty=1, col='gray70' )
    abline( h=0, v=0 )
    #   lines( c(0,1), c(1,0), lty=2 )
    #   draw the MacAdam limits
    tmp = sectionOptimals( YfromV(value) )
    if( ! is.null(tmp) )
        xyY = spacesXYZ::xyYfromXYZ( tmp$XYZ )
        polygon( xyY[ ,1], xyY[ ,2], border='red', lwd=0.5 )
    #   draw the inverted U
    xyz = p.xyz1931[  , 2:4 ]
    xyY = spacesXYZ::xyYfromXYZ( as.matrix(xyz) )
    polygon( xyY[ ,1], xyY[ ,2], border='blue', lwd=0.5 )

    #   put a small point at Illuminant C
    #xyY = MunsellToxyY( 'N 10/', warn=FALSE, ... )$xyY
    #xy_white = xyY[1:2]
    points( xy_white[1], xy_white[2], pch=19, cex=0.25 )

    #   draw radials
    chroma_min  = min( chroma, 1 )
    chroma_rad  = seq( chroma_min, max(chroma), by=0.25 )
    #   n   = length(chroma_rad)
    for( h in hue )
        HVC = cbind( h, value, chroma_rad )
        xyY = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE, ...  )$xyY
        lines( xyY[ ,1], xyY[ ,2], lwd=0.5 )   #, border='black' )
        #   put a label at last point that is not NA
        #   print(  xyY[ ,1] )
        idx     = which( is.finite(xyY[ ,1]) )  #; print( is.finite(xyY[ ,1]) ) ; print(idx)
        m   = length(idx)        
        xy      = xyY[idx[m],1:2] 
        #offset  = xy - xy_white
        offset  = xy - xyY[idx[m-1],1:2]
        adj = 0.5 - 0.7 * sign(offset)
        text( xy[1], xy[2], HueStringFromNumber(h), adj=adj, cex=0.75, xpd=NA )   #, border='black' )

    #   draw ovoids
    huevec  = seq( 0, 100, by=2.5/8 )    
    #   n       = length(huevec)
    for( ch in chroma )
        HVC = cbind( huevec, value, ch )
        xyY = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE, ... )$xyY
        lines( xyY[ ,1], xyY[ ,2], lwd=0.5 )   #, border='black' )

    # label the hue lines
    #   n   = length(hue)
    #ch  = 1.05 * max(chroma)
    #HVC = cbind( hue, value, ch )
    #xyY = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE, ... )$xyY
    #text( xyY[ ,1], xyY[ ,2], HueStringFromNumber(hue), adj=c(0.5,0.5), cex=0.75 )   #, border='black' )

    #   mark the points in the lookup table
    mask    = (munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$V == value)  &  (munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$H %in% hue)  &  (munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$C %in% chroma)
    if( any(mask) )
        if( est )
            data   = makeDataForPrediction( munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy, value, p.LookupList )  #; print( str(dfsub) )
            if( is.null(data) )    return(FALSE)

            #   print( dfsub )
            data   = addPredictions( data, warn=FALSE )
            #   for debugging
            #   print( data[ nrow(data), ] )

            segments( data$x, data$y, data$x.pred, data$y.pred, col='red' )    
            points( data$x.pred, data$y.pred, pch=19, cex=0.4, col='red' )                       
        dfsub   = munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy[ mask,  ]      
        pch     = ifelse( dfsub$real, 19, 1 )
        points( dfsub$x, dfsub$y, pch=pch, cex=0.5, lwd=0.25 )   #, border='black' )        

    mess = sprintf( "%s \n[Chromas = %s]", main, paste0(chroma,collapse=', ') )
    #mess    = main
    title( main=mess )    

#   value   a *single* value
#   hue     can be a vector
#   chroma  can be a vector

plotLociHC.ab  <-  function( value, hue, chroma, main, est, ...  )    
    p   = 'spacesXYZ'
    if( ! requireNamespace( p, quietly=TRUE ) )
        log.string( ERROR, "required package '%s' could not be loaded.", p )
    # par( omi=rep(0.5,4) )
    XYZ.C   = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( c( p.xyC['NBS', ], 100 ) )   
    df  = expand.grid( H=hue, C=chroma )

    HVC = as.matrix( cbind( df$H, value, df$C ) )
    #   add the illuminant at the end
    HVC = rbind( HVC, c(0,10,0) )
    xyY = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE, ... )$xyY
    #   xy_white    = xyY[ nrow(xyY), 1:2 ]   
    #   convert to XYZ
    XYZ     = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( xyY )
    XYZ.C   = XYZ[ nrow(XYZ), ]    
    Lab     = spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ( XYZ, XYZ.C )
    xlim    = range( Lab[ ,2], na.rm=TRUE )
    ylim    = range( Lab[ ,3], na.rm=TRUE )
    plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', xlab='', ylab='', las=1, asp=1, lab=c(10, 10, 7),  tcl=0, mgp=c(3,0.25,0)  )
    title( xlab="a", line=1.25 )
    title( ylab="b", line=2.5 )        
    grid( lty=1, col='gray70' )
    abline( h=0, v=0 )

    #   draw the MacAdam limits
    tmp = sectionOptimals( YfromV(value) ) 
    if( ! is.null(tmp) )    
        Lab = spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ( tmp$XYZ, XYZ.C )
        polygon( Lab[ ,2], Lab[ ,3], border='red', lwd=0.5 )
    #   draw radials
    # cat( "drawing radials...\n", file=stderr() )
    chromavec  = seq( 1, max(chroma), by=0.25 )
    #   n   = length(chroma)
    for( h in hue )
        HVC = cbind( h, value, chromavec  )
        xyY = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE, ...  )$xyY
        XYZ = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( xyY )
        Lab = spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ( XYZ, XYZ.C )
        lines( Lab[ ,2], Lab[ ,3], lwd=0.5 )   #, border='black' )
        #   put a label at the end
        idx     = which( is.finite(Lab[ ,2]) )  #; print( is.finite(xyY[ ,1]) ) ; print(idx)
        m       = length(idx)        
        ab      = Lab[idx[m],2:3] 
        offset  = ab - Lab[idx[m-1],2:3]
        adj = 0.5 - 0.7 * sign(offset)
        text( ab[1], ab[2], HueStringFromNumber(h), adj=adj, cex=0.75, xpd=NA )   #, border='black' )        
        #  if( any(is.na(XYZ)) )   print( xyY )

    #   draw ovoids
    # cat( "drawing ovoids...\n", file=stderr() )
    huevec  = seq( 0, 100, by=2.5/8 )    
    #   n       = length(huevec)
    for( ch in chroma )
        HVC = cbind( huevec, value, ch )
        xyY = MunsellToxyY( HVC, warn=FALSE, ... )$xyY
        XYZ = spacesXYZ::XYZfromxyY( xyY )
        Lab = spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ( XYZ, XYZ.C )
        lines( Lab[ ,2], Lab[ ,3], lwd=0.5  )   #, border='black' )

    #   mark the points in the lookup table

    data   = makeDataForPrediction( munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy, value, p.LookupList )  #; print( str(dfsub) )    
    if( ! is.null(data) )
        mask    =  (data$H %in% hue)  &  (data$C %in% chroma)
        if( any(mask)  &&  est )
            data   = addPredictions( data, warn=FALSE )
            dfsub   = data[ mask, , drop=FALSE ]
            segments( dfsub$a, dfsub$b, dfsub$a.pred, dfsub$b.pred, col='red' )    
            points( dfsub$a.pred, dfsub$b.pred, pch=19, cex=0.4, col='red' )                       
        pch     = ifelse( data$real, 19, 1 )
        points( data$a, data$b, pch=pch, cex=0.5, lwd=0.25 )   #, border='black' )        

    mess = sprintf( "%s \n[Chromas=%s]", main, paste0( chroma, collapse=', ' ) )
    title( main=mess )    
    return( invisible(TRUE) )
plotLociHC.AB  <-  function( value, hue, chroma, main, est, ...    )    
    chroma.max  = max(chroma)
    xlim    = c( -chroma.max, chroma.max )
    ylim    = c( -chroma.max, chroma.max )
    plot( xlim, ylim, type='n', xlab='A', ylab='B', las=1, asp=1, lab=c(10, 10, 7) )

    #   draw radials
    for( theta in (hue * pi/50) )
        lines( chroma.max * c(0,cos(theta)), chroma.max * c(0,sin(theta)), col="#eeeeee" )   #, border='black' )
    #   draw circles
    theta   = seq( 0, 2*pi, len=101 )
    circle  = matrix( c(cos(theta),sin(theta)), length(theta), 2 )
    for( ch in chroma )
        lines( ch * circle[ ,1], ch * circle[ ,2], col="#eeeeee" )

    grid( lty=1 )
    abline( h=0, v=0 )

    data   = makeDataForPrediction( munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy, value, p.LookupList )  #; print( str(dfsub) )    
    if( ! is.null(data) )
        mask    =  (data$H %in% hue)  &  (data$C %in% chroma)
        if( est  &&  any(mask)  )
            #    plot inversion estimates
            data   = addPredictions( data, warn=FALSE )
            dfsub   = data[ mask, , drop=FALSE ]
            segments( dfsub$A, dfsub$B, dfsub$A.pred, dfsub$B.pred, col='red' )    
            points( dfsub$A.pred, dfsub$B.pred, pch=19, cex=0.4, col='red' )                       
        pch     = ifelse( data$real, 19, 1 )
        points( data$A, data$B, pch=pch, cex=0.5, lwd=0.25 ) 

    if( 0 )
    #   plot the "crude" prediction
    dfreal   = dfsub[ dfsub$real, ]
    A.crude = dfsub$a / 5.5
    B.crude = dfsub$b / 5.5
    segments( dfreal$A, dfreal$B, A.crude, B.crude, col='blue' )    
    points( A.crude, B.crude, pch=19, cex=0.4, col='blue' )       

    #   plot the real points    
    points( dfreal$A, dfreal$B, pch=19, cex=0.4 )      
    #   plot the non-real points
    dfnonreal   = dfsub[ ! dfsub$real, ]
    points( dfnonreal$A, dfnonreal$B, pch=1, cex=0.4, col='cyan' )                    

    mess = sprintf( "%s \n[Chromas=%s]", main, paste( chroma, collapse=' ' ) )
    title( main=mess )         
plotPatchesH  <-  function( hue, space='sRGB', adapt='Bradford', background='gray50',  main="Hue %s  (H=%g)      [%s   adapt=%s]", ...  )
    if( is.character(hue) )
        hue = HueNumberFromString(hue)
        if( any( is.na(hue) ) )
            log.string( "One or more of the character hues is invalid." )
            return( invisible(FALSE) )
    ok  = is.numeric(hue)  &&  1<=length(hue)
    if( ! ok )
        log.string( ERROR, "All Hues must be numeric." )
        return( invisible(FALSE) )
    hue = (hue %% 100)
    hue[ hue == 0 ] = 100
    for( h in hue )
        main.single = sprintf( main, HueStringFromNumber(h), h, space, adapt )
        out = plotPatchesH.single( h, space=space, adapt=adapt, background=background, main=main.single, ... )
        if( ! out ) break
    return( invisible(out) )
#   hue is a single number    
plotPatchesH.single <- function( hue, space='sRGB', adapt='Bradford', background='gray50', main='', ... )
    #   find the closest hue page
    huevec  = sort( unique( munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$H ) )   #; print( huevec )
    delta   = abs(hue - huevec)               
    delta   = pmin( delta, 100 - delta )     
    hue.near    = huevec[ which.min( delta ) ]  #; print( hue.near )
    #   find the largest Chroma inside the MacAdam limits
    #   only look at real patches, and Value>=1
    mask    = munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$H == hue.near  &  munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$real  &  1 <= munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy$V
    dfsub   = munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy[ mask, ]
    HVC     = cbind( dfsub$H, dfsub$V, dfsub$C )
    tmp     = MunsellToRGB( HVC, space=space, adapt=adapt, ... ) 
    xyY     = tmp$xyY          # this is adapted to illuminant C
    mask    = IsWithinMacAdamLimits( xyY, 'C' )$within     #;   print( sum(mask) )

    #   throw away the ones outside the limits 
    dfsub       = tmp[ mask, , drop=FALSE ]    
    dfsub$HVC   = HVC[ mask, , drop=FALSE ]
    chromamax   = max( dfsub$HVC[ ,3] )                   #; print( chromamax )    
    dfsub$color = grDevices::rgb( round(dfsub$RGB), maxColorValue=255 )    #    print( str(dfsub) )

    #   setup the plot
    xlim    = c( 0, chromamax+2 )
    ylim    = c( 0, 10 + 1 )
    bg.prev = par( bg=background )
    par( mgp=c(0, 0.5, 0) )
    plot.window( xlim, ylim )        
    #   draw axes
    margin.x    = 0.1
    margin.y    = 0.05
    lines( c(xlim[1],xlim[2])-margin.x, c(ylim[1],ylim[1])-margin.y )
    lines( c(xlim[1],xlim[1])-margin.x, c(ylim[1],ylim[2])-margin.y )

    title( xlab='Chroma', line=0.5 )
    title( ylab='Value', line=0.5 )
    title( main=main, line=0 )
    #   x labels
    chromavec   = seq( 0, chromamax, by=2 )
    text( chromavec+1, rep(-margin.y,length(chromavec)), sprintf( "/%d", chromavec ), adj=c(0.5,1.5), cex=0.8, xpd=NA )
    #   y labels
    valuevec    = 0:10
    text( rep(-margin.x,length(valuevec)), valuevec+1/2, sprintf( "%d/", valuevec ), adj=c(1.5,0.5), cex=0.8, xpd=NA )
    #   draw neutrals
    HVC = cbind( 0, 0:10, 0 )
    dfneutral   = MunsellToRGB( HVC, space=space, adapt=adapt, ... )
    dfneutral$HVC   = HVC
    dfneutral$color = grDevices::rgb( round(dfneutral$RGB), maxColorValue=255 )   #    print( dfneutral )
    n   = nrow( dfneutral )
    left    = rep( margin.x , n )
    right   = rep( 2-margin.x, n )
    bottom  = dfneutral$HVC[ ,2] + margin.y
    top     = dfneutral$HVC[ ,2] + 1-margin.y
    rect( left, bottom, right, top, col=dfneutral$color, border=NA )

    #   draw the chromatics
    dfsub$left    = dfsub$HVC[ ,3] + margin.x
    dfsub$right   = dfsub$HVC[ ,3] + 2-margin.x
    dfsub$bottom  = dfsub$HVC[ ,2] + margin.y
    dfsub$top     = dfsub$HVC[ ,2] + 1-margin.y
    color   = ifelse( dfsub$OutOfGamut, NA, dfsub$color )
    border  = ifelse( dfsub$OutOfGamut, 'gray30', NA ) 
    rect( dfsub$left, dfsub$bottom, dfsub$right, dfsub$top, col=color, border=border )
    #   throw away the in-gamuts, and label the out-gamuts
    dfout   = dfsub[ dfsub$OutOfGamut, , drop=FALSE ]
    RGB     = round( dfout$RGB )
    label   = sprintf( "R %3d\nG %3d\nB %3d", RGB[ ,1], RGB[ ,2], RGB[ ,3] )
    text( (dfout$left+dfout$right)/2, (dfout$top+dfout$bottom)/2, label, cex=0.5, adj=c(0.5,0.5), family="mono" )
    par( bg=bg.prev )   # restore previous background     
plotLookupDF <- function( Munsell2xy )
    Value.vec   = sort( unique(Munsell2xy$V) )
    huelim    = c(0,100)
    chromalim    = c(0,50)
    hueseq      = seq( 0, 100, by=2.5 )
    chromaseq   = seq( 0, 50, by=2 )
    for( v in Value.vec )
        plot.window( huelim, chromalim ) #,  mgp=c(2,2,2)  )
        #   par( mai=c( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0 ) )
        #par( mgp=c(1/2,3,1/2) )
        title( xlab="Hue", ylab="Chroma", main=sprintf( "Value %g", v ) )
        segments(  0, chromaseq, 100, chromaseq, col='gray' )
        segments(  hueseq, 0, hueseq, 50, col='gray' )
        rect( huelim[1], chromalim[1], huelim[2], chromalim[2], border='black' )
        text( -1, chromaseq, as.character(chromaseq), adj=c(1,1/2), cex=0.75 )
        text( hueseq, -1, HueStringFromNumber(hueseq), adj=c(1,1/2), cex=0.75, srt=90, xpd=NA )
        dfsub   =   Munsell2xy[ Munsell2xy$V==v,  ]
        pch = ifelse( dfsub$real, 19, 1 )
        points( dfsub$H, dfsub$C, pch=pch )
        #   break
plotLookupList <- function( LookupList, Munsell2xy, value=NULL )
    Value.vec   = attr( LookupList, 'V.vector' )
    Hue.vec     = attr( LookupList, 'H.vector' )
    Chroma.vec  = attr( LookupList, 'C.vector' )
    huelim    = c(0,100)
    chromalim    = c(0,50)
    hueseq      = seq( 0, 100, by=2.5 )
    chromaseq   = seq( 0, 50, by=2 )
    if( is.null(value) )
        vvec    =  1:length(LookupList)
        vvec    = match( value, Value.vec )
        vvec    = vvec[ is.finite(vvec) ]
    for( iV in vvec )
        par( mai=c( 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.25 ) )
        #par( mgp=c(1/2,3,1/2) )        
        plot.window( huelim, chromalim ) #,  mgp=c(2,2,2)  )

        # plot.default( huelim, chromalim, las=1, xlab='', ylab='', type='n', lab=c(10,8,7),  tcl=0, mgp=c(3, 0.25, 0) )
        title( xlab="Hue", line=0.25  )
        title( ylab="Chroma", line=0  )
        value   = Value.vec[iV]
        title(  main=sprintf( "Value %g", value ) )
        segments(  0, chromaseq, 100, chromaseq, col='gray' )
        segments(  hueseq, 0, hueseq, 50, col='gray' )
        rect( huelim[1], chromalim[1], huelim[2], chromalim[2], border='black' )
        text( -1, chromaseq, as.character(chromaseq), adj=c(1,1/2), cex=0.75 )
        text( 100+1, chromaseq, as.character(chromaseq), adj=c(0,1/2), cex=0.75 )
        hueskip = seq(0,100,by=5)
        text( hueskip, -1, hueskip, adj=c(0.5,1), cex=0.75 )
        text( hueseq, chromalim[2]+0.5, HueStringFromNumber(hueseq), adj=c(0,1/2), cex=0.75, srt=90, xpd=NA )

        dfsub   = Munsell2xy[ Munsell2xy$V==value,  ]
        pch = ifelse( dfsub$real, 19, 1 )
        points( dfsub$H, dfsub$C, pch=pch )         
        dfsub   = dfsub[ dfsub$H==100, ]
        pch = ifelse( dfsub$real, 19, 1 )
        points( rep(0,length(dfsub$C)), dfsub$C, pch=pch )
        idx = which( ! is.na(LookupList[[iV]]$x), arr.ind=TRUE )  #; print( idx )
        hue     = Hue.vec[ idx[ ,1] ]
        chroma  = Chroma.vec[ idx[ ,2] ]        
        mask    = 0 <= hue  &  hue <= 100
        points( hue[mask], chroma[mask], pch=4 )
        #   break
        #dfsub   = subset( Munsell2xy, V==v )
        #pch = ifelse( dfsub$real, 19d, 1 )
        #points( dfsub$H, dfsub$C, pch=pch )
        #   break

#   x   mask is TRUE
#       solid disk, real
#   o   open circle, not real    
plotMask3D <- function( Mask3D, Munsell2xy )
    Hue.vec     = as.numeric( dimnames(Mask3D)[[1]] )    
    Value.vec   = as.numeric( dimnames(Mask3D)[[2]] )
    Chroma.vec  = as.numeric( dimnames(Mask3D)[[3]] )
    huelim    = c(0,100)
    chromalim    = c(0,50)
    hueseq      = seq( 0, 100, by=2.5 )
    chromaseq   = seq( 0, 50, by=2 )

    for( iV in 1:length(Value.vec) )
        plot.window( huelim, chromalim ) #,  mgp=c(2,2,2)  )
        #   par( mai=c( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0 ) )
        #par( mgp=c(1/2,3,1/2) )
        value   = Value.vec[iV]
        title( xlab="Hue", ylab="Chroma", main=sprintf( "Value %g", value ) )
        segments(  0, chromaseq, 100, chromaseq, col='gray' )
        segments(  hueseq, 0, hueseq, 50, col='gray' )
        rect( huelim[1], chromalim[1], huelim[2], chromalim[2], border='black' )
        text( -1, chromaseq, as.character(chromaseq), adj=c(1,1/2), cex=0.75 )
        text( hueseq, -1, HueStringFromNumber(hueseq), adj=c(1,1/2), cex=0.75, srt=90, xpd=NA )
        dfsub   = Munsell2xy[ Munsell2xy$V==value,  ]
        pch = ifelse( dfsub$real, 19, 1 )
        points( dfsub$H, dfsub$C, pch=pch )     

        idx = which( Mask3D[ , iV, ], arr.ind=TRUE )
        H   = Hue.vec[ idx[ ,1] ]
        C   = Chroma.vec[ idx[ ,2] ]
        points( H, C, pch=4 )    


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munsellinterpol documentation built on April 8, 2022, 9:07 a.m.