
# Check if ggplot2 is available and use it
ggplot2Avail <- 'ggplot2' %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE)
# Graphical settings
shrinkLabel <- 'Shrinkage Type:'
shrinkChoices <- list("Hard" = "Hard", "Soft" = "Soft", "Garrote" = "Garrote")
fill.col <- 'light blue'
outline.col <- 'blue'
density.col <- 'dark grey'
highlight.col <- 'red'
if (ggplot2Avail){
  blanklabs <- labs(x = '', y = '')  
primenum <- c(83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199)
xcat <- function(obj){
  paste('c(',paste(as.numeric(obj), collapse = ','),')',sep='')
numclean <- function(obj){
  return(round(as.numeric(obj), 3))

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

  ## Compute Signals and other bits
  currentShrinkage <- 'Hard'
  sigList <- reactive({
	 n     <- 2^input$J
	 m     <- input$m;
   if (m == 1){
     SNR <- sample(input$SNR[1]:input$SNR[2], 1)
   } else {
     SNR <- sample(seq(from = input$SNR[1], to = input$SNR[2], length = m), m);  
   alpha <- sample(seq(from = input$alpha[1], to = input$alpha[2], length = m), m);
	 shape <- sample(seq(from = input$gshape[1], to = input$gshape[2], length = m), m);
	 scale <- sample(seq(from = input$gscale[1], to = input$gscale[2], length = m), m);
	 width <- 1/sqrt(sample(primenum, m))
	 G     <- switch(input$blur, 
              'smooth'= gammaBlur(n, shape, scale),
              'direct' = directBlur(n, m), 
              ''= boxcarBlur(n, width))
	 signal   <- switch(input$sig,
              'lidar' = makeLIDAR(n), 
				      'doppler' = makeDoppler(n),
              'bumps' = makeBumps(n),
              'blocks' = makeBlocks(n),
              'cusp' = makeCusp(n),
              'heavisine' = makeHeaviSine(n))
	 signalName <- switch(input$sig,'lidar' = "LIDAR Signal",
				'doppler' = "Doppler Signal",
				'bumps' = "Bumps Signal",
				'blocks' = "Blocks Signal",
        'cusp' = "Cusp Signal",
        'heavisine' = "HeaviSine Signal")
	 signalBlur <- blurSignal(signal, G)
   sigma <- sigmaSNR(signalBlur, SNR)
   eps <- multiNoise(n, sigma, alpha)
	 Y   <- signalBlur + eps;
	 x   <- seq(from = 0, to = 1 - 1/n, length = n);
	 resolution <- input$resolution
   list(m = m, n = n, signal = Y, G = G, blur = input$blur, resolution = input$resolution, SNR = SNR, 
        alpha = alpha, shape = shape, scale = scale , G = G, trueSignal = signal, eps = eps, 
        signalBlur = signalBlur, width = width, x = x, signalName = signalName, sigma = sigma)
  mWaveDList <- reactive({
    multiSig <- sigList()
    if (input$etaChoose == "TRUE"){
      eta <- input$eta
      mlwvd <- multiWaveD(multiSig$signal, multiSig$G, alpha = multiSig$alpha, eta = eta,
                          resolution = multiSig$resolution, shrinkType = input$shrinkage1,
                          deg = as.integer(input$degree))
    } else {
      mlwvd <- multiWaveD(multiSig$signal, multiSig$G, alpha = multiSig$alpha, 
                          resolution = multiSig$resolution, shrinkType = input$shrinkage1,
                          deg = as.integer(input$degree))

    j0 <- mlwvd$j0
    j1 <- mlwvd$j1
    list(n = multiSig$n, m = multiSig$m, mWaveD = mlwvd, j0 = mlwvd$j0, j1 = mlwvd$j1, coef = mlwvd$coef, shrinkCoef = mlwvd$shrinkCoef)
  ## Render WvdPlots
  output$reactiveSignal <- renderPlot({
    sList    <- sigList()
    # Base signal selected
    if (input$signalShow == 1){
      plotTitle <- sList$signalName
      if (ggplot2Avail){
        plot.df <- data.frame(x = sList$x, signal = sList$trueSignal)
        print(ggplot(data = plot.df, aes(x = x, y = signal)) + geom_line(size = lsize) + ggtitle(plotTitle) + blanklabs)
      } else {
        plot(sList$x, sList$trueSignal, type = 'l', main = plotTitle, ylab = '', xlab = '')
       # + reduce.margins
    if (input$signalShow == 2){
      plotTitle <- paste('Blurred',sList$signalName)
      if (ggplot2Avail){
        plot.df <- data.frame(Y = as.vector(sList$signalBlur), x = rep(sList$x, sList$m), 
                              Channel = rep(LETTERS[1:sList$m], each = sList$n))
        print(ggplot(plot.df, aes(x = x, y = Y, colour=Channel)) + geom_line(size = lsize, alpha = 0.9) + ggtitle(paste('Blurred ', sList$signalName, sep = "")) + blanklabs ) 
      } else {
        par(oma = c(4, 1, 1, 1))
        plot.out <- matplot(sList$x, sList$signalBlur, type = 'l', main = plotTitle, xlab = '', ylab = '')
        par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), new = TRUE)
        legend("bottom", paste('Channel ', LETTERS[1:sList$m]), xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, 
               inset = c(0, 0), bty = "n", lty = 1:sList$m, col = 1:sList$m, cex = 1)
       # + reduce.margins 
      # }
    if (input$signalShow == 3){
      plotTitle <- paste('Noisy blurred', sList$signalName)
      if (ggplot2Avail){
        plot.df <- data.frame(Y = as.vector(sList$signal), x = rep(sList$x, sList$m), Channel = rep(LETTERS[1:sList$m], each = sList$n))
        print(ggplot(plot.df, aes(x = x, y = Y, colour = Channel)) + geom_line(size = lsize, alpha = 0.5) + ggtitle(plotTitle) + blanklabs)  
      } else {
        par(oma = c(4, 1, 1, 1))
        matplot(sList$x, sList$signal, type = 'l', main = plotTitle, xlab = '', ylab = '')
        par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), new = TRUE)
        legend("bottom", paste('Channel ', LETTERS[1:sList$m]), xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, 
               inset = -0.1, bty = "n", lty = 1:sList$m, col = 1:sList$m, cex = 1)
  },  height=function() { session$clientData$output_reactiveSignal_width * 3/4 })
  output$multiPlot <- renderPlot({
    mList <- mWaveDList()
    mWaveD <- mList$mWaveD
    plot(mWaveD, which = 4)
  },  height=function() { session$clientData$output_multiPlot_width * 3/4 })

output$wvdPlot <- renderPlot({
  sList <- sigList()
	mList <- mWaveDList()
	mlwvd <- mList$mWaveD
	n <- mList$n
	m <- mList$m
	# Number of things to plot
	k = 2
  plotTitle <- paste(input$shrinkage1, ' thresholded estimate of ', sList$signalName,sep="")
	if (ggplot2Avail){
	  out <- c(sList$trueSignal,mlwvd$estimate)
	  lty <- c(rep('solid',n),rep('dashed',n))
	  group <- rep(c("True Signal", "Estimate"), each = n)
	  if (input$wvdshow != 3){
	    k <- 3
	    extra <- rep('dashed', n)
	    if (m == 1){
	      out = c(out,multiEstimate(mlwvd$signal , G = mlwvd$G , resolution = mlwvd$resolutionMethod, alpha = mlwvd$alpha, shrinkType = mlwvd$shrinkType, deg = as.integer(input$degree)))
	      if (input$wvdshow == 2){
	        plot.lab <- 'Naive mWaveD average'
	      } else {
	        plot.lab <- 'Best channel'
	      group <- c(group, rep(plot.lab, n))
	      lty <- c(lty,extra)
	    } else {
	      if (input$wvdshow == 2){
	        wvdMean = apply(sapply(1:m, function(x) 
	          multiEstimate(as.matrix(mlwvd$signal[, x]) ,as.matrix(mlwvd$G[, x]) , resolution = mlwvd$resolutionMethod, alpha = mlwvd$alpha[x], shrinkType = mlwvd$shrinkType, deg = as.integer(input$degree))), 1, mean)
	        out <- c(out,wvdMean)
	        group <- c(group,rep('Naive mWaveD average',n))
	        lty <- c(lty,extra)
	      } else {
	        resolution.ty <- mlwvd$resolution
	        if (resolution.ty == 'smooth'){
	          best <- which.max(mlwvd$blurInfo$freqCutoffs)
          } else {
	          best <- which.min(mlwvd$sigmaEst)  
          wvdBest <- multiEstimate(as.matrix(mlwvd$signal[, best]), as.matrix(mlwvd$G[, best]), resolution = mlwvd$resolutionMethod, deg = as.integer(input$degree))
	        out <- c(out, wvdBest)
	        group <- c(group, rep("mWaveD best chan", n))
	        lty <- c(lty, extra)
	  est.df = data.frame(Y = out, x = rep(1:n/n, k), group = group, lty = lty)
	  est.plot <- ggplot(est.df, aes(x = x, y = Y, colour = group)) + geom_line(aes(linetype = lty, colour = group), size = lsize + 0.25) + scale_linetype(guide = 'none') + ggtitle(plotTitle)
	} else {
    if (input$wvdshow != 3){
      k <- 3
      if (input$wvdshow == 2){
        xtra = apply(sapply(1:m, function(x) 
          multiEstimate(as.matrix(mlwvd$signal[, x]) ,as.matrix(mlwvd$G[, x]) , blur = 'smooth', alpha = mlwvd$alpha[x], shrinkType = mlwvd$shrinkType, deg = as.integer(input$degree))), 1, mean)
        xtralab <- 'Naive mean'
      } else {
        resolution.ty <- mlwvd$resolution
        if (resolution == 'smooth'){
          best = mlwvd$blurInfo$bestChannel
        } else {
          best = which.min(mlwvd$sigmaEst)
        xtra <- multiEstimate(as.matrix(mlwvd$signal[, best]),as.matrix(mlwvd$G[, best]), blur = 'smooth', deg = as.integer(input$degree))
        xtralab <- 'Best channel'
    } else {
      xtra <- NULL
      xtralab <- NULL
    Y <- cbind(sList$trueSignal,mlwvd$estimate, xtra)
    t = (0:(n-1))/n
    labels <- c("True Signal",'mWaveD estimate',xtralab)
    par(oma = c(4, 1, 1, 1))
    matplot(t, Y, type = 'l', xlab = 'x', ylab = '', main = plotTitle)
    par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), new = TRUE)
    legend("bottom", labels, xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, 
           inset = -0.1, bty = "n", lty = 1:3, col = 1:3, cex = 1)
	},  height=function() { session$clientData$output_wvdPlot_width * 3/4 })
  output$resolutionPlot <- renderPlot({
    mList = mWaveDList()      
    mWaveD <- mList$mWaveD
    n <- mList$n
    m <- mList$m
    iw = -(n/2 - 1):(n/2)
    blurInfo = mWaveD$blurInfo
    resType = mWaveD$resolutionMethod
    blurDetected = mWaveD$blurDetected
    plot(mWaveD, which = 3)
  },  height=function() { session$clientData$output_resolutionPlot_width * 3/4 })

	output$summaryOut <- renderPrint({ 
    mList <- mWaveDList()
  output$summaryWVD <- renderPrint({
    wList <- mWaveDList()
    sList <- sigList()
    cat("Degree of Meyer poly =", wList$mWaveD$degree, "\n")
    cat("# obs per channel =", wList$n, "\n\n")
    cat("Max possible resolution =", log2(wList$n) - 1, "\n")
    cat("Coarse resolution, j0 =", wList$j0,"\n")
    cat("mWaveD optimal res, j1 =", wList$j1)
    cat("Thresholding method:", wList$mWaveD$shrinkType, "\n")
    cat("Tuning parameter: eta =",wList$mWaveD$eta,'\n\n')
    threshMatrix <- cbind(round(wList$mWaveD$levelMax,4), round(wList$mWaveD$thresh,4), round(wList$mWaveD$percent,2))
    rownames(threshMatrix) <- paste("Res", wList$j0:wList$j1,":" )
    colnames(threshMatrix) <- c("max|coef|", "thresh", "%shrunk" )
    cat('\n Measure of fit:\n')
    cat('L_1 norm =', sum(abs(sList$trueSignal - wList$mWaveD$estimate))/sList$n, '\n')
    cat('L_2 norm =', sqrt(sum((sList$trueSignal - wList$mWaveD$estimate)^2)/sList$n), '\n')

  output$summaryResolution <- renderPrint({
    wList <- mWaveDList()
    cat("# obs per channel =", wList$n, "\n\n")
    cat("# channels: m = ", wList$m, ".\n", sep ='')
    cat("Max possible resolution =", log2(wList$n) - 1, "\n")
    cat("Coarse resolution, j0 =", wList$j0,"\n")
    cat("mWaveD optimal res, j1 =", wList$j1)
    cat("Estimated Channel information:\n\n")
    if (wList$mWaveD$resolutionMethod == "smooth"){
      if (wList$mWaveD$blurDetected == "direct") {
        mat <- cbind(round(wList$mWaveD$sigmaEst, 3), round(wList$mWaveD$alpha, 3), wList$mWaveD$blurInfo$freq, rep(wList$mWaveD$j1, wList$m))
        colnames(mat) <- c("sigma", "alpha", "cutoff", "best res")
        rownames(mat) <- paste("Chan ", 1:wList$m,':', sep = '')  
      } else {
        mat <- cbind(round(wList$mWaveD$sigmaEst, 3), round(wList$mWaveD$alpha, 3), wList$mWaveD$blurInfo$freq, wList$mWaveD$blurInfo$maxLevels)
        colnames(mat) <- c("sigma", "alpha", "cutoff", "best res")
        rownames(mat) <- paste("chan: ", 1:wList$m)
        cat("Estimated best channel = ", wList$mWaveD$blurInfo$bestChannel)
    } else {
      mat <- cbind(round(wList$mWaveD$sigma, 3), round(wList$mWaveD$alpha, 3))
      colnames(mat) <- c("sigma", "alpha")
      rownames(mat) <- paste("chan: ", 1:wList$m)

  output$summaryMRA <- renderPrint({
    wList <- mWaveDList()
    cat("Degree of Meyer poly =", wList$mWaveD$degree, "\n")
    cat("# obs per channel =", wList$n, "\n\n")
    cat("Max possible resolution =", log2(wList$n) - 1, "\n")
    cat("Coarse resolution, j0 =", wList$j0,"\n")
    cat("mWaveD optimal res, j1 =", wList$j1)
    cat("Thresholding method:", wList$mWaveD$shrinkType, "\n")
    cat("Tuning parameter: eta =",wList$mWaveD$eta,'\n\n')
    threshMatrix <- cbind(round(wList$mWaveD$levelMax,4), round(wList$mWaveD$thresh,4), round(wList$mWaveD$percent,2))
    rownames(threshMatrix) <- paste("Res", wList$j0:wList$j1,":" )
    colnames(threshMatrix) <- c("max|coef|", "thresh", "%shrunk" )

  output$summarySignal <- renderPrint({
    sList <- sigList()
    cat("# obs per channel = ", sList$n, ".\n", sep = '')
    cat("# channels: m = ", sList$m, ".\n", sep ='')
    cat('Blur type: ',sList$blur, '\n\n')
    cat("Channel information:\n\n")
    mat <- cbind(round(sList$sigma, 3), round(sList$alpha, 3), round(sList$SNR,3))
    colnames(mat) <- c("sigma", "alpha", "SNR")
    rownames(mat) <- paste("Chan ", 1:sList$m," :", sep ='')
    if ( sList$blur == 'smooth'){
      mat <- cbind(mat, round(sList$shape, 3), round(sList$scale, 3))
      colnames(mat) <- c("sigma", "alpha","SNR", "shape", "scale")
    } else {
      if (sList$blur == ''){
        mat <- cbind(mat, paste(round(sList$width, 3), " = 1/sqrt(", 1/sList$width^2 ,")", sep = '') )
        colnames(mat) <- c("sigma", "alpha","SNR", " widths")        
    print(mat, quote = FALSE)  
  output$signalCalls <- renderPrint({
    cat('Base R Function calls:\n\n')
    sList <- sigList()
    cat('J <-', log2(sList$n), '\n')
    cat('n <- 2^J', '\n')
    cat('m <-', sList$m, '\n')
           'lidar' = cat('signal <- makeLIDAR(n)', '\n'),
           'doppler' = cat('signal <- makeDoppler(n)', '\n'),
           'bumps' = cat('signal <- makeBumps(n)', '\n'),
           'blocks' = cat('signal <- makeBlocks(n)', '\n'),
           'cusp' = cat('signal <- makeCusp(n)\n'),
           'heavisine' = cat('signal <- makeHeaviSine(n)\n'))
    cat('t <- (0:(n-1))/n\n')
    if (input$signalShow == '1'){
      cat("plot(t, signal, type = 'l')\n")
    if (input$signalShow == '2' || input$signalShow == '3'){
      if (sList$blur == 'direct'){
        cat('G <- directBlur(n, m)\n') 
      if (sList$blur == 'smooth'){
        if (sList$m == 1){
          cat('shape <-', numclean(sList$shape),'\n')
          cat('scale <-', numclean(sList$scale),'\n')
        } else {
          cat('shape <-',xcat(numclean(sList$shape)),'\n', sep = '')
          cat('scale <-',xcat(numclean(sList$scale)),'\n', sep = '')  
        cat('G <- gammaBlur(n, shape, scale)\n') 
      if (sList$blur == ''){
        if (sList$m == 1){
          cat('boxWindow <- 1/sqrt(', 1/as.numeric(sList$width)^2,')\n', sep = '')
        } else {
          cat('boxWindow <- 1/sqrt(', xcat(1/as.numeric(sList$width)^2),')\n', sep = '')
        cat("G <- boxcarBlur(n, boxWindow)\n")
      cat('X <- blurSignal(signal, G)\n')
      if (input$signalShow == '2'){
        cat("matplot(t, X, type = 'l')")
      if (input$signalShow == '3'){
        if (sList$m == 1){
          if (any(input$alpha != 1)){
            cat('alpha <-', numclean(sList$alpha),'\n')
          cat('SNR <-', numclean(sList$SNR), '\n')
        } else {
          if (any(input$alpha != 1)){
            cat('alpha <-', xcat(numclean(sList$alpha)),'\n')  
          cat('SNR <-', xcat(numclean(sList$SNR)), '\n')  
        cat('sigma <- sigmaSNR(X, SNR)\n')
        cat('E <- multiNoise(n, sigma, ',ifelse(any(input$alpha != 1), paste0('alpha'),),')\n', sep ='')
        cat('Y <- X + E\n')
        cat("matplot(t, Y, type = 'l')")

  output$resolutionCalls <- renderPrint({
    cat('Base R Function calls:\n\n')
    wList <- mWaveDList()
    showG <- ifelse(input$blur != "direct", paste0(",G = G"), paste0(""))
    showAlpha <- ifelse(any(input$alpha != 1), paste0(", alpha = alpha"), paste0(""))
    showRes <- ifelse((wList$mWaveD$resolution == "block" && detectBlur(wList$mWaveD$G) != "") || (wList$mWaveD$resolution == "smooth" && detectBlur(wList$mWaveD$G) == ""), paste0(", resolution = '",wList$mWaveD$resolutionMethod,"'"),paste0(""))
    showShrink <- ifelse(wList$mWaveD$shrinkType != "hard", paste0(", shrinkType = '",wList$mWaveD$shrinkType,"'"),paste0(""))
    showDeg <- ifelse(wList$mWaveD$degree != 3,  paste0(", deg = ",wList$mWaveD$degree), paste0(""))
    cat("mWaveD.output <- multiWaveD(Y", showG, showAlpha, showRes, showShrink, showDeg,')\n', sep = '')
    cat('plot(mWaveD.output, which = 3)')

  output$mWaveDCalls <- renderPrint({
    cat('Base R Function calls:\n\n')

    wList <- mWaveDList()
    showG <- ifelse(input$blur != "direct", paste0(",G = G"), paste0(""))
    showAlpha <- ifelse(any(input$alpha != 1), paste0(", alpha = alpha"), paste0(""))
    showRes <- ifelse((wList$mWaveD$resolution == "block" && detectBlur(wList$mWaveD$G) != "") || (wList$mWaveD$resolution == "smooth" && detectBlur(wList$mWaveD$G) == ""), paste0(", resolution = '",wList$mWaveD$resolutionMethod,"'"),paste0(""))
    showShrink <- ifelse(wList$mWaveD$shrinkType != "hard", paste0(", shrinkType = '",wList$mWaveD$shrinkType,"'"),paste0(""))
    showDeg <- ifelse(wList$mWaveD$degree != 3,  paste0(", deg = ",wList$mWaveD$degree), paste0(""))
    cat('# Note the following commands just give the mWaveD estimate only.\n')
    cat("mWaveD.output <- multiWaveD(Y", showG, showAlpha, showRes, showShrink, showDeg,')\n', sep = '')
    cat('plot(mWaveD.output, which = 2)\n')
    cat('## Or alternatively\n')
    cat('x = (0:(n-1))/n\n')
    cat("estimate <- multiEstimate(Y", showG, showAlpha, showRes, showShrink, showDeg,')\n', sep = '')
    cat("plot(x, estimate, type = 'l')")

  output$mraCalls <- renderPrint({
    cat('Base R Function calls:\n\n')
    wList <- mWaveDList()
    cat('j1 <- mWaveD.output$j1\n')
    cat("rawOutputCoefs <- mWaveD.output$coef\n")
    cat("shrinkCoefs <- mWaveD.output$shrinkCoef\n")
    cat('plot(rawOutputCoefs, shrinkCoef = shrinkCoefs, highest = j1)\n')
    cat('## Or alternatively\n')
    cat('plot(mWaveD.output, which = 4)')

    # This observer depends on shrinkage1 and updates shrinkage2 with any changes
    if (currentShrinkage != input$shrinkage1){
      # Then we assume text2 hasn't yet been updated
      updateSelectInput(session, inputId = 'shrinkage2', label = NULL, choices = shrinkChoices,
                      selected = input$shrinkage1)
      currentShrinkage <<- input$shrinkage1

    # This observer depends on shrinkage2 and updates shrinkage1 with any changes
    if (currentShrinkage != input$shrinkage2){
    # Then we assume text2 hasn't yet been updated
      updateSelectInput(session, inputId = 'shrinkage1', label = NULL, choices = shrinkChoices,
                      selected = input$shrinkage2)
      currentShrinkage <<- input$shrinkage2
  updateSelectInput(session, inputId = 'shrinkage1', label = shrinkLabel, choices = shrinkChoices,
                  selected = currentShrinkage)
  updateSelectInput(session, inputId = 'shrinkage2', label = shrinkLabel, choices = shrinkChoices,
                  selected = currentShrinkage)

  output$etaSlider <- renderUI({
    sList <- sigList()
    deta <- theoreticalEta(alpha = sList$alpha, blur = sList$blur, G = sList$G, sList$sigma)
    sliderInput("eta", "Smoothing parameter range:",
                min = 0.1, max = 4, value = deta)

Try the mwaved package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mwaved documentation built on Oct. 28, 2021, 5:06 p.m.