
Defines functions plot.ncvreg

Documented in plot.ncvreg

#' Plot coefficients from a ncvreg object
#' Produces a plot of the coefficient paths for a fitted `ncvreg` object.
#' @param x Fitted `"ncvreg"` model.
#' @param alpha Controls alpha-blending, helpful when the number of features
#'   is large. Default is alpha=1.
#' @param log.l Should horizontal axis be on the log scale? Default is FALSE.
#' @param shade Should nonconvex region be shaded? Default is TRUE.
#' @param col Vector of colors for coefficient lines. By default, evenly spaced
#'   colors are selected automatically.
#' @param \dots Other graphical parameters to [plot()]
#' @author Patrick Breheny
#' @seealso [ncvreg()]
#' @references
#' Breheny P and Huang J. (2011) Coordinate descent algorithms for nonconvex
#' penalized regression, with applications to biological feature selection.
#' *Annals of Applied Statistics*, **5**: 232-253. \doi{10.1214/10-AOAS388}
#' @examples
#' data(Prostate)
#' fit <- ncvreg(Prostate$X, Prostate$y)
#' plot(fit)
#' plot(fit, col="black")
#' plot(fit, log=TRUE)
#' fit <- ncvreg(Prostate$X, Prostate$y, penalty.factor=rep(c(1, 1, 1, Inf), 2))
#' plot(fit, col=c('red', 'black', 'green'))  # Recycled among nonzero paths
#' @export

plot.ncvreg <- function(x, alpha=1, log.l=FALSE, shade=TRUE, col, ...) {
  if (length(x$lambda) == 1) stop("Object was fit with only a single lambda value; there is no path to plot", call.=FALSE)
  YY <- if (length(x$penalty.factor)==nrow(x$beta)) coef(x) else coef(x)[-1, , drop=FALSE]
  penalized <- which(x$penalty.factor!=0)
  nonzero <- which(apply(abs(YY), 1, sum)!=0)
  ind <- intersect(penalized, nonzero)
  Y <- YY[ind, , drop=FALSE]
  p <- nrow(Y)
  l <- x$lambda

  if (log.l) {
    l <- log(l)
    xlab <- expression(log(lambda))
  } else xlab <- expression(lambda)
  plot.args <- list(x=l, y=1:length(l), ylim=range(Y), xlab=xlab, ylab="", type="n", xlim=rev(range(l)), las=1)
  new.args <- list(...)
  if (length(new.args)) plot.args[names(new.args)] <- new.args
  do.call("plot", plot.args)
  if (!is.element("ylab", names(new.args))) mtext(expression(hat(beta)), side=2, cex=par("cex"), line=3, las=1)
  if (shade & !is.null(x$convex.min)) {
    l1 <- l[x$convex.min]
    l2 <- min(l)
    polygon(x=c(l1,l2,l2,l1), y=c(plot.args$ylim[1], plot.args$ylim[1], plot.args$ylim[2], plot.args$ylim[2]), col="gray85", border=FALSE)
  if (missing(col)) {
    col <- grDevices::hcl(h=seq(15, 375, len=max(4, p+1)), l=60, c=150, alpha=alpha)
    col <- if (p==2) col[c(1,3)] else col[1:p]
  } else {
    if (length(col) == length(x$penalty.factor)) {
      col <- col[ind]
    } else {
      col <- rep_len(col, p)
  line.args <- list(col=col, lwd=1+2*exp(-p/20), lty=1)
  if (length(new.args)) line.args[names(new.args)] <- new.args
  line.args$x <- l
  line.args$y <- t(Y)
  do.call("matlines", line.args)

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ncvreg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:44 a.m.