
Defines functions aggr_neat

Documented in aggr_neat

#' @title Aggregation, descriptives
#' @description Returns aggregated values per group for given variable. Serves
#'   as argument in the \code{\link{table_neat}} function.
#' @param dat A data frame (or a \code{\link{data.table}}, or the name of either
#'   as string).
#' @param values The vector of numbers from which the statistics are to be
#'   calculated, or the name of the column in the \code{dat} data frame, that
#'   contains the vector.
#' @param method Function of string. If function, uses the \code{values} to
#'   calculate the returned value for the given function (e.g. means, as per
#'   default, using the \code{mean} function). Such a function may return a
#'   vector of results as well; see Examples. If string, one of two internal
#'   functions will be used. If the string end with \code{"+sd"}, e.g.,
#'   \code{"mean+sd"}, the function preceding the \code{"+"} sign will be
#'   calculated along with the standard deviation, displayed in a single column,
#'   rounded as set in the \code{round_to} argument. (This is primarily for use
#'   in the \code{\link{table_neat}} function for summary tables.) If the string
#'   does not end with \code{"+sd"}, a ratio for the occurrences of given
#'   elements will be calculated. Multiple elements can by given as a vector of
#'   strings. The number of occurrences of these elements will be the numerator
#'   (dividend), while the entire column length (i.e., number of all elements)
#'   will be the denominator (divisor). For example, if a column contains
#'   elements \code{"correct"}, \code{"incorrect"}, \code{"tooslow"}, the ratio
#'   of \code{"correct"} to all other elements (i.e., including elements
#'   \code{"correct"}, \code{"incorrect"}, and \code{"tooslow"}) can be written
#'   simply as \code{method = "correct"}. The complementary ratio, of
#'   \code{"incorrect"} and \code{"tooslow"}, can be written as \code{method =
#'   "incorrect, tooslow"}. (Hint: filter to get ratios of subgroups, e.g. to
#'   include only \code{"correct"} and \code{"incorrect"} elements, and
#'   calculate their ratio; see below.)
#' @param group_by String, or vector of strings: the name(s) of the column(s) in
#'   the \code{dat} data frame, containing the vector(s) of factors by which the
#'   statistics are grouped.
#' @param filt An expression to filter, by column values, the entire \code{dat}
#'   data frame before performing the aggregation. The expression should use
#'   column names alone; see Examples.
#' @param sep String (underscore \code{"_"} by default) for separating group
#'   names (and prefix, if given).
#' @param prefix \code{NULL} (default) or string. String specifies a prefix for
#'   each group type under the \code{group} column.
#' @param new_name \code{NULL} (default) or string. String specifies new name
#'   for the variable to be used as column title. If \code{NULL}, the name will
#'   be \code{"aggr_value"} (or, if used with \code{\link{table_neat}}, the
#'   input variable name is used).
#' @param round_to Number of digits after the decimal point to round to, when
#'   using \code{"+sd"} in \code{method}.
#' @return A \code{\link{data.table}} with the statistics per group, with a
#'   single column (\code{"aggr_group"}) indicating the grouping.
#' @seealso \code{\link{table_neat}} to create full tables using multiple
#'   variables
#' @examples
#' data("mtcars") # load base R example dataset
#' # overall means and SDs for wt (Weight)
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, wt)
#' # rename column
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, new_name = 'weight')
#' # grouped by cyl (Number of cylinders)
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, group_by = 'cyl')
#' # grouped by cyl and gear
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, group_by = c('cyl', 'gear'))
#' # prefix for group names
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, group_by = 'cyl', prefix = 'cyl')
#' # filter to only have cyl larger than  4
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, group_by = 'cyl', filt = cyl > 4)
#' # filter to only have hp (Gross horsepower) smaller than  200
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, group_by = 'cyl', filt = hp < 200)
#' # combine two filters above, and add prefix
#' aggr_neat(
#'     mtcars,
#'     wt,
#'     group_by = 'cyl',
#'     filt = (hp < 200 & cyl > 4),
#'     prefix = 'filtered'
#' )
#' # add SD (and round output numbers to 2)
#' aggr_neat(mtcars,
#'           wt,
#'           group_by = 'cyl',
#'           method = 'mean+sd',
#'           round_to = 2)
#' # now medians instead of means
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, group_by = 'cyl', method = median)
#' # with SD
#' aggr_neat(mtcars,
#'           wt,
#'           group_by = 'cyl',
#'           method = 'median+sd',
#'           round_to = 1)
#' # overall ratio of gear 4 (Number of gears)
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, gear, method = '4')
#' # overall ratio of gear 4 and 5
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, gear, method = '4, 5')
#' # same ratio calculated per each cyl
#' aggr_neat(mtcars, gear, group_by = 'cyl', method = '4, 5')
#' # per each cyl and per vs (engine type)
#' aggr_neat(mtcars,
#'           gear,
#'           group_by = c('cyl', 'vs'),
#'           method = '4, 5')
#' # ratio of gear 3 per gear 3 and 5
#' aggr_neat(
#'     mtcars,
#'     gear,
#'     group_by = 'cyl',
#'     method = '3',
#'     filt = gear %in% c(3, 5)
#' )
#' @export

aggr_neat = function(dat,
                     method = mean,
                     group_by = NULL,
                     filt = NULL,
                     sep = "_",
                     prefix = NULL,
                     new_name = NULL,
                     round_to = 2) {
    if (typeof(dat) == "character") {
        dat = eval(parse(text = dat))
                      val_arg(dat, c('df')),
                      val_arg(method, c('function', 'char'), 1),
                      val_arg(group_by, c('null', 'char')),
                      val_arg(prefix, c('char', 'null'), 1),
                      val_arg(new_name, c('char', 'null'), 1),
                      val_arg(round_to, c('num'), 1)
    name_taken('..neat_values', dat)
    name_taken('..temp_name', dat)
    ..neat_values = NULL
    aggr_group = NULL
    values = paste(deparse(substitute(values)), collapse = "")
    values = trimws(values, whitespace = "['\"]")
    if (values %in% names(dat)) {
        dat$..neat_values = dat[[values]]
    } else {
        dat$..neat_values = eval(parse(text = values))
    if (anyNA(dat$..neat_values)) {
        dat = dat[!is.na(..neat_values)]
    filt = paste(deparse(substitute(filt)), collapse = "")
    if (filt != "NULL") {
        if (startsWith(filt, "'") | startsWith(filt, '"')) {
            stop('The argument "filt" must be an expression (not string).')
        filt_vec = eval(parse(text = paste0('dat[,',
        na_sum = sum(is.na(filt_vec))
        if (na_sum > 0) {
                'Note: ',
                ' NA values were replaced as FALSE for filtering.',
                ' You may want to double-check your filtering expression.'
            filt_vec[is.na(filt_vec)] = FALSE
        dat = dat[filt_vec]
    if (!is.null(pkg.globals$my_unique_method)) {
        method = pkg.globals$my_unique_method
        prefix = NULL
        if (!is.null(pkg.globals$my_unique_grouping_var)) {
            group_by = pkg.globals$my_unique_grouping_var
        } else {
            group_by = NULL
        if (is.null(new_name)) {
            val_name = values
        } else {
            val_name = new_name
    } else {
        if (is.null(new_name)) {
            val_name = 'aggr_value'
        } else {
            val_name = new_name

    if (is.function(method) == TRUE) {
        aggred = dat[, list(..temp_name = method(..neat_values)), by = group_by]
    } else if (endsWith(method, '+sd') == TRUE) {
        func_name = strsplit(method, '+', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
        main_fun = eval(parse(text = func_name))
        full_fun = function(x) {
            paste(ro(main_fun(x), round_to),
                  ro(stats::sd(x), round_to),
                  sep = '\u00b1')
        aggred = dat[, list(..temp_name = full_fun(..neat_values)), by = group_by]
    } else {
        nume = to_c(method)
        ratfun = function(x) {
            sum(x %in% nume) / length(x)
        aggred = dat[, list(..temp_name = ratfun(..neat_values)), by = group_by]
    if (is.null(group_by)) {
        aggred[, aggr_group := NA]
    } else {
        aggred[, aggr_group := do.call(paste, c(.SD, sep = "_")), .SDcols = group_by]
    setnames(aggred, "..temp_name", val_name)
    if (is.null(prefix) != TRUE) {
        aggred$aggr_group = paste(prefix, aggred$aggr_group, sep = sep)
    return(as.data.frame(aggred[, .SD, .SDcols = c('aggr_group', val_name)]))

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neatStats documentation built on Dec. 8, 2022, 1:13 a.m.