
## Choosing not to export this right now but did write documentation just in case but very basic (PVDB).

buildAGHQGrid <- nimbleFunction(
	setup = function(d = 1, nQuad = 3){
		odd <- TRUE
    if(nQuad %% 2 == 0) odd <- FALSE
		if(nQuad > 35) {
			print("We don't currently support more than 35 quadrature nodes per dimension. Setting nQuad to 35")
      nQuad <- 35

		## nQ will be total number of quadrature nodes.
		nQ <- nQuad^d	## Maybe dimension reduced if we prune.
		zVals <- matrix(0, nrow = nQ, ncol = d)
    nodeVals <- matrix(0, nrow = nQ, ncol = d)

		## Need to do a reverse for Eigen Vectors:
    inner_max <- 121
		reverse <- inner_max:1

		## One time fixes if we run into some scalar issues for compilation.
		## This is exclusively if the user requests Laplace (nQ = 1 AGHQ).
		gridFix <- 0
		if(nQ == 1)	{
			gridFix <- 1

		## One time fixes for scalar / vector changes.
		one_time_fixes_done <- FALSE
		wgt <- numeric(nQ + gridFix)
		logDensity <- numeric(nQ + gridFix)
 		logdetNegHessian <- 0
    margDens <- 0
    gridBuilt <- FALSE
		## AGHQ mode will be in the middle.
		modeIndex <- -1
    maxLogDensity <- 0
	methods = list(
		one_time_fixes = function() {
			## Run this once after compiling; remove extraneous -1 if necessary
			if(one_time_fixes_done) return()
			if(nQ == 1) {
				logDensity <<- numeric(length = 1, value = logDensity[1])
				wgt <<- numeric(length = 1, value = wgt[1])
			one_time_fixes_done <<- TRUE
		buildAGHQOne = function(nQ1 = integer()){
			res <- matrix(0, nrow = nQ1, ncol = 2)
			if( nQ1 == 1 ){
				## Laplace Approximation:
				res[,1] <- 0
				res[,2] <- sqrt(2*pi)
				i <- 1:(nQ1-1)
				dv <- sqrt(i/2)
				## Recreate pracma::Diag for this problem.
				y <- matrix(0, nrow = nQ1, ncol = nQ1)
				y[1:(nQ1-1), 1:(nQ1-1) + 1] <- diag(dv)
				y[1:(nQ1-1) + 1, 1:(nQ1-1)] <- diag(dv)
				E <- eigen(y, symmetric = TRUE)
				L <- E$values	# Always biggest to smallest.
				V <- E$vectors
				inds <- reverse[(inner_max-nQ1+1):inner_max]	## Hard coded to maximum 120.
				x <- L[inds]
				## Make mode hard zero. We know nQ is odd and > 1.
				if(odd) x[ceiling(nQ1 / 2 ) ] <- 0
				V <- t(V[, inds])
				## Update nodes and weights in terms of z = x/sqrt(2) 
				## and include Gaussian kernel in weight to integrate an arbitrary function.
				w <- V[, 1]^2  * sqrt(2*pi) * exp(x^2)
				x <- sqrt(2) * x
				res[,1] <- x
				res[,2] <- w
		buildAGHQ = function(){
			if( nQuad == 1 ){
				## Laplace Approximation:
				zVals <<- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = d)
				wgt <<- numeric(value = exp(0.5 * d * log(2*pi)), length = nQ)
				modeIndex <<- 1
        nodes <- buildAGHQOne(nQuad)
        ## If d = 1, then we are done.
        if(d == 1){
          zVals[,1] <<- nodes[,1]
          wgt <<- nodes[,2]
          if(odd) modeIndex <<- which(zVals[,1] == 0)[1]
          ## Build the multivariate quadrature rule.
          wgt <<- rep(1, nQ)
          ## A counter for when to swap.
          swp <- numeric(value = 0, length = d)
          for( ii in 1:d ) swp[ii] <- nQuad^(ii-1)

          ## Repeat x for each dimension swp times.
          for(j in 1:d ) {
            indx <- 1
            for( ii in 1:nQ ) {
              zVals[ii, j] <<- nodes[indx,1]
              wgt[ii] <<- wgt[ii]*nodes[indx,2]
              k <- ii %% swp[j] 
              if(k == 0) indx <- indx + 1
              if(indx > nQuad) indx <- 1
          ## Assuming mode index is the middle number.
          if(odd) {
            modeIndex <<- ceiling(nQ/2)
            ## Just in case that goes horribly wrong...
            if(sum(abs(zVals[modeIndex,])) != 0) {
              for(ii in 1:nQ) {
                if(sum(abs(zVals[ii,])) == 0) modeIndex <<- ii
		## Doesn't default to building the grid.
		buildGrid = function(){
			if(!gridBuilt) buildAGHQ()
      gridBuilt <<- TRUE
    quadSum = function(){
      if(!odd) modeIndex <<- -1 ## Make sure it's negative.
      margDens <<- 0
      for( k in 1:nQ ){
        if(k == modeIndex) margDens <<- margDens + wgt[k]
        else margDens <<- margDens + exp(logDensity[k] - maxLogDensity)*wgt[k]
      ans <- log(margDens) + maxLogDensity - 0.5 * logdetNegHessian
		## Reset the sizes of the storage to change the grid if the user wants more/less AGHQ.
		setGridSize = function(nQUpdate = integer()){
      if(nQuad != nQUpdate){
        nQ <<- nQUpdate^d
        nQuad <<- nQUpdate

        if(nQ %% 2 == 0) {
          odd <<- FALSE
          modeIndex <<- -1
          odd <<- TRUE
        ## Update weights and nodes.
        setSize(wgt, nQ)
        setSize(zVals, c(nQ, d))
        setSize(nodeVals, c(nQ, d))
        setSize(logDensity, nQ)

        ## Build the new grid (updates modeIndex).
		saveLogDens = function(i = integer(0, default = -1), logDens = double()){
      if(i == -1){
        if(odd) logDensity[modeIndex] <<- logDens
        maxLogDensity <<- logDens
        logDensity[i] <<- logDens
    transformGrid1D = function(negHess = double(2), inner_mode = double(1)){
      SD <- 1/sqrt(negHess[1,1])
      for( i in 1:nQ) nodeVals[i,] <<- inner_mode + SD*zVals[i,]
      logdetNegHessian <<- log(negHess[1,1])
    transformGrid = function(cholNegHess = double(2), inner_mode = double(1), method = character()){
      if(method == "spectral"){
        ## Spectral transformation.
        negHess <- t(cholNegHess) %*% cholNegHess
        eigenDecomp <- nimEigen(negHess)
        ATransform <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = d)   
        for( i in 1:d ){
            ATransform[,i] <- eigenDecomp$vectors[,i]/sqrt(eigenDecomp$values[i]) # eigenDecomp$vectors %*% diag(1/sqrt(eigenDecomp$values))
        for( i in 1:nQ) nodeVals[i, ] <<- inner_mode + (ATransform %*% zVals[i,])
        ## Cholesky transformation.
        for( i in 1:nQ) nodeVals[i, ] <<- inner_mode + backsolve(cholNegHess, zVals[i,])
      logdetNegHessian <<- 2*sum(log(diag(cholNegHess)))
		getWeights = function(i=integer()){
      if(i == -1 & odd)  return(wgt[modeIndex])
		getAllWeights = function(){
		getNodesTransformed = function(i=integer()){
      if(i == -1 & odd) return(nodeVals[modeIndex,])
		getAllNodesTransformed = function(){
		getNodes = function(i=integer()){
      if(i == -1 & odd) return(zVals[modeIndex,])
    getAllNodes = function(){
		getLogDensity = function(i=integer()){
      if(i == -1 & odd) return(logDensity[modeIndex])
    getModeIndex = function(){
    getGridSize = function(){
)## End of buildAGHQGrid

#' Build Adaptive Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Grid
#' Create quadrature grid for use in AGHQuad methods in Nimble.
#' @param d Dimension of quadrature grid being requested.
#' @param nQuad Number of quadrature nodes requested on build.
#' @name buildAGHQGrid
#' @details
#' This function is used by used by \code{buildOneAGHQuad1D}
#' and \code{buildOneAGHQuad} create the quadrature grid using
#' adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature. Handles single or multiple dimension 
#' grids and computes both grid locations and weights. Additionally, acts
#' as a cache system to do transformations, and return marginalized log density.
#' Any of the input node vectors, when provided, will be processed using
#'   \code{nodes <- model$expandNodeNames(nodes)}, where \code{nodes} may be
#'   \code{paramNodes}, \code{randomEffectsNodes}, and so on. This step allows
#'   any of the inputs to include node-name-like syntax that might contain
#'   multiple nodes. For example, \code{paramNodes = 'beta[1:10]'} can be
#'   provided if there are actually 10 scalar parameters, 'beta[1]' through
#'   'beta[10]'. The actual node names in the model will be determined by the
#'   \code{exapndNodeNames} step.
#' Available methods include
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{buildAGHQ}. Builds a adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature grid in d dimensions.
#'   Calls \code{buildAGHQOne} to build the one dimensional grid and then expands in each dimension.
#'   Some numerical issues occur in Eigen decomposition making the grid weights only accurate up to 
#'   35 quadrature nodes.
#'   \item Options to get internally cached values are \code{getGridSize},
#'   \code{getModeIndex} for when there are an odd number of quadrature nodes,
#'   \code{getLogDensity} for the cached values, \code{getAllNodes} for the 
#'   quadrature grids, \code{getNodes} for getting a single indexed nodes,
#'   \code{getAllNodesTransformed} for nodes transformed to the parameter scale,
#'   \code{getNodesTransformed} for a single transformed node, \code{getAllWeights} 
#'   to get all quadrature weights, \code{getWeights} single indexed weight.
#'   \item \code{transformGrid(cholNegHess, inner_mode, method)} transforms 
#'   the grid using either cholesky trasnformations,
#'   as default, or spectral that makes use of the Eigen decomposition. For a single
#'   dimension \code{transformGrid1D} is used.
#'   \item As the log density is evaluated externally, it is saved via \code{saveLogDens},
#'   which then is summed via \code{quadSum}.
#'   \item \code{buildGrid} builds the grid the initial time and is only run once in code. After,
#'   the user must choose to \code{setGridSize} to update the grid size.
#'   \item \code{check}. If TRUE (default), a warning is issued if
#'         \code{paramNodes}, \code{randomEffectsNodes} and/or \code{calcNodes}
#'         are provided but seek to have missing elements or unnecessary
#'         elements based on some default inspection of the model. If
#'         unnecessary warnings are emitted, simply set \code{check=FALSE}.
#'   \item \code{innerOptimControl}. A list of control parameters for the inner 
#'         optimization of Laplace approximation using \code{optim}. See 
#'         'Details' of \code{\link{optim}} for further information.
#'   \item \code{innerOptimMethod}. Optimization method to be used in 
#'         \code{optim} for the inner optimization. See 'Details' of 
#'         \code{\link{optim}}. Currently \code{optim} in NIMBLE supports: 
#'         "\code{Nelder-Mead}", "\code{BFGS}", "\code{CG}", and 
#'         "\code{L-BFGS-B}". By default, method "\code{CG}" is used when 
#'         marginalizing over a single (scalar) random effect, and "\code{BFGS}" 
#'         is used for multiple random effects being jointly marginalized over.
#'   \item \code{innerOptimStart}. Choice of starting values for the inner 
#'         optimization. This could be \code{"last"}, \code{"last.best"}, or a 
#'         vector of user provided values. \code{"last"} means the most recent 
#'         random effects values left in the model will be used. When finding 
#'         the MLE, the most recent values will be the result of the most recent 
#'         inner optimization for Laplace. \code{"last.best"} means the random 
#'         effects values corresponding to the largest Laplace likelihood (from 
#'         any call to the \code{calcLaplace} or \code{calcLogLik} method, 
#'         including during an MLE search) will be used (even if it was not the 
#'         most recent Laplace likelihood). By default, the initial random 
#'         effects values will be used for inner optimization.
#'   \item \code{outOptimControl}. A list of control parameters for maximizing
#'         the Laplace log-likelihood using \code{optim}. See 'Details' of
#'         \code{\link{optim}} for further information.
#' }
#' @references
#' Golub, G. H. and Welsch, J. H. (1969). Calculation of Gauss Quadrature Rules. 
#' Mathematics of Computation 23 (106): 221-230.
#' Liu, Q. and Pierce, D. A. (1994). A Note on Gauss-Hermite Quadrature. Biometrika, 81(3) 624-629.
#' Jackel, P. (2005). A note on multivariate Gauss-Hermite quadrature. London: ABN-Amro. Re.

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