## Many cases handled here are simple replacements, e.g. ^ to pow.
## These could easily be done elsewhere, but it works cleanly to do them here.
## A more substantial task is to handle declare() statements. see declareHandler below.
## System to processSpecificCalls ##
specificCallReplacements <- list(
# '^' = 'pow', # Has its own handler below
'%%' = 'nimMod',
length = 'size',
is.nan = 'nimIsNaN',
any_nan = 'nimAnyNaN', = 'nimIsNA',
any_na = 'nimAnyNA',
lgamma = 'lgammafn',
logfact = 'lfactorial',
loggam = 'lgammafn',
besselK = 'bessel_k',
gamma = 'gammafn',
expit = 'ilogit',
phi = 'iprobit',
ceiling = 'ceil',
trunc = 'ftrunc',
nimDim = 'dim',
checkInterrupt = 'R_CheckUserInterrupt')
specificCallHandlers = c(
list(invisible = 'removeLayerHandler',
seq_along = 'seqAlongHandler',
mvAccess = 'mvAccessHandler',
numListAccess = 'mvAccessHandler',
declare = 'declareHandler',
min = 'minMaxHandler',
max = 'minMaxHandler',
nimSvd = 'svdHandler',
pow = "powHandler",
'^' = "powHandler"),
makeCallList(names(specificCallReplacements), 'replacementHandler'),
makeCallList(c('nimNumeric', 'nimLogical', 'nimInteger', 'nimMatrix', 'nimArray'), 'nimArrayGeneralHandler' ),
makeCallList(c('dmnorm_chol', 'dmvt_chol', 'dlkj_corr_cholesky', 'dwish_chol', 'dinvwish_chol', 'dcar_normal', 'dcar_proper', 'dmulti', 'dcat', 'dinterval', 'ddirch'), 'dmFunHandler')
specificCallHandlers[['rmnorm_chol']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rmvt_chol']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rlkj_corr_cholesky']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rwish_chol']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rinvwish_chol']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rcar_normal']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rcar_proper']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rmulti']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rcat']] <- 'rmFunHandler' ## not really multivar, but same processing
specificCallHandlers[['rdirch']] <- 'rmFunHandler'
specificCallHandlers[['rinterval']] <- 'rmFunHandler' ## not really multivar, but same processing
exprClasses_processSpecificCalls <- function(code, symTab) {
if(code$isName) return(invisible())
if(code$isCall) {
for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
exprClasses_processSpecificCalls(code$args[[i]], symTab)
handler <- specificCallHandlers[[code$name]]
if(!is.null(handler)) eval(call(handler, code, symTab))
seqAlongHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
code$name <- ':'
insertExprClassLayer(code, 1, 'size')
oldArg <- code$args[[1]]
code$args <- vector('list', 2)
code$args[[1]] <- 1
setArg(code, 2, oldArg)
svdHandler <- function(code, symTab){
code$args[[2]] <- switch(tolower(code$args[[2]]),
none = 0,
thin = 1,
full = 2)
## processes something like declare(Z, double(1, c(3, 4))) where the first argument to double is the number of dimensions and next (optional)
## give size expressions
## A difference between this and the syntax for run-time arguments is that here the sizes can be expressions. For run-time arguments, they must be integers. The expressions must refer to sizes of OTHER variables. E.g. declare(Z, double(1, c(3, dim(A)[2])))
## What is not currently supported is a mix of known and unknown sizes, e.g. declare(Z, double(3, NA))
declareHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
if(code$args[[1]]$isName) {
newNames <- code$args[[1]]$name
} else { ## case of declaring multiple names at once. This is not documented in User Manual and not supported by R declare()
if(code$args[[1]]$name == 'nimC') {
newNames <- unlist(lapply(code$args[[1]]$args, `[[`, 'name'))
if(length(newNames) == 0) stop('Error: no names provided to declare')
} else stop('Error: first arg to declare should be a variable name or c(name1, name2, etc)')
for(i in seq_along(newNames)) {
if(symTab$symbolExists(newNames[i])) stop(paste0('Error: declaring ',newNames[i],' which already exists.'))
typeDeclExpr <- code$args[[2]]
## a very patchy solution: go inside declare's processSpecificCalls handler and switch nimInteger back to integer
if(typeDeclExpr$name == 'nimInteger') typeDeclExpr$name <- 'integer'
type <- typeDeclExpr$name
if(length(typeDeclExpr$args) == 0) {
nDim <- 0
newSizes <- numeric(0)
} else {
nDim <- typeDeclExpr$args[[1]]
newSizes <- rep(as.numeric(NA), nDim)
if(length(typeDeclExpr$args) > 1) { ## sizes were provided
typeSizeExpr <- typeDeclExpr$args[[2]]
if(inherits(typeSizeExpr, 'exprClass')) { ## first size are is an expression
if(typeSizeExpr$name == 'nimC') ## it's a concatenation
sizeExprs <- typeSizeExpr$args ## record the args
else { ## it's not a concatenation
if(nDim != 1) stop('confused in declareHandler')
sizeExprs <- list(typeSizeExpr) ## take single expression
} else { ## it better be numeric
if(!is.numeric(typeSizeExpr)) stop('confused 2 in declareHandler')
if(length(typeDeclExpr$args) != 1 + nDim) stop('confused 3 in declareHandler')
sizeExprs <- list()
for(i in 1:nDim)
sizeExprs[[i]] <- typeDeclExpr$args[[i+1]]
if(length(sizeExprs) != nDim) stop(paste('Error in declare for', paste(newNames, collapse = ','), ': wrong number of dimensions provided'))
## The symbolTable object will be used in exprClasses_initSizes to create an entry in typeEnv when the symbol is first encountered
for(i in seq_along(newNames)) {
newSym <- symbolBasic(name = newNames[i], type = type, nDim = nDim, size = newSizes)
## If sizeExprs have been provided, then, we generate a setSize call. This will then over-ride the typeEnv entry
if(length(typeDeclExpr$args) > 1) {
newExprs <- vector('list', length(newNames))
for(i in seq_along(newNames)) {
nameExpr <- exprClass$new(name = newNames[i], isCall = FALSE, isName = TRUE, isAssign = FALSE, args = list())
newExprs[[i]] <- exprClass$new(name = 'setSize', isCall = TRUE, isName = FALSE,
isAssign = FALSE, args = c(list(nameExpr), sizeExprs),
caller = code$caller, callerArgID = code$callerArgID)
for(j in seq_along(newExprs[[i]]$args)) {
if(inherits(newExprs[[i]]$args[[j]], 'exprClass')) {
newExprs[[i]]$args[[j]]$caller <- newExprs[[i]]
newExprs[[i]]$args[[j]]$callerArgID <- j
newBrackExpr <- newBracketExpr(newExprs)
setArg(code$caller, code$callerArgID, newBrackExpr)
} else {
code$caller$args[[code$callerArgID]] <- exprClass$new(name = 'blank', isCall = TRUE, isName = FALSE, isAssign = FALSE, args = list(),
caller = code$caller, callerArgID = code$callerArgID)
## process specific calls handler for nimArrayGeneral()
## the resulting function nimArrayGeneral() looks like:
## nimArrayGeneral(typeCharString, nDim, c(sizeExpr1, ...), initializeValue, initializeLogical, fillZeros, recycle)
## nimArrayGeneral( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 , arg6 , arg7 )
nimArrayGeneralHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
## check to see if we're inside a declare statement()
if(code$caller$name == 'declare') {
if(code$name != 'nimInteger') stop('something going wrong with backwards compatibility fix for declare(..., integer())')
code$name <- 'integer'
code$args <- if(code$args[[2]] == 0) code$args[1] else code$args[1:2]
## collectSizes is just a parse tree annotation, not a real function
##case: nimNumeric(length = 0, value = 0, init = TRUE)
nimNumeric = {
sizeExprs <- exprClass$new(isName=FALSE, isCall=TRUE, isAssign=FALSE, name='collectSizes', args=code$args[1], caller=code, callerArgID=3)
newArgs <- list(type = 'double', nDim = 1, dim = sizeExprs, value = code$args[['value']], init = code$args[['init']], fillZeros = code$args[['fillZeros']], recycle = code$args[['recycle']])
##case: nimInteger(length = 0, value = 0, init = TRUE)
nimInteger = {
sizeExprs <- exprClass$new(isName=FALSE, isCall=TRUE, isAssign=FALSE, name='collectSizes', args=code$args[1], caller=code, callerArgID=3)
newArgs <- list(type = 'integer', nDim = 1, dim = sizeExprs, value = code$args[['value']], init = code$args[['init']], fillZeros = code$args[['fillZeros']], recycle = code$args[['recycle']])
nimLogical = {
sizeExprs <- exprClass$new(isName=FALSE, isCall=TRUE, isAssign=FALSE, name='collectSizes', args=code$args[1], caller=code, callerArgID=3)
newArgs <- list(type = 'logical', nDim = 1, dim = sizeExprs, value = code$args[['value']], init = code$args[['init']], fillZeros = code$args[['fillZeros']], recycle = code$args[['recycle']])
##cases: nimVector(type = 'double', length = 0, value = 0, init = TRUE)
## nimVector = {},
## nimMatrix(value = 0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, init = TRUE, type = 'double')
nimMatrix = {
sizeExprs <- exprClass$new(isName=FALSE, isCall=TRUE, isAssign=FALSE, name='collectSizes', args=code$args[c('nrow','ncol')], caller=code, callerArgID=3)
newArgs <- list(type = code$args[['type']], nDim = 2, dim = sizeExprs, value = code$args[['value']], init = code$args[['init']], fillZeros = code$args[['fillZeros']], recycle = code$args[['recycle']])
##case: nimArray(value = 0, dim = c(1, 1), init = TRUE, type = 'double')
nimArray = {
## nimArray will handle dim=c(...), and also dim=EXPR
if(inherits(code$args[['dim']], 'exprClass') && code$args[['dim']]$isCall && code$args[['dim']]$name == 'nimC') {
## dim argument is c(...)
code$args[['dim']]$name <- 'collectSizes'
newArgs <- list(type = code$args[['type']], nDim = length(code$args[['dim']]$args), dim = code$args[['dim']], value = code$args[['value']], init = code$args[['init']], fillZeros = code$args[['fillZeros']], recycle = code$args[['recycle']])
} else {
## dim argument is a single number or expression
sizeExprs <- exprClass$new(isName=FALSE, isCall=TRUE, isAssign=FALSE, name='collectSizes', args=code$args['dim'], caller=code, callerArgID=3)
if(!inherits(code$args[['dim']], 'exprClass')) {
## a constant was given
newArgs <- list(type = code$args[['type']], nDim = 1, dim = sizeExprs, value = code$args[['value']], init = code$args[['init']], fillZeros = code$args[['fillZeros']], recycle = code$args[['recycle']])
} else {
## an expression was given: use nDim = -1 as first step to flagging it via unpackNDim for resolution during size processing
newArgs <- list(type = code$args[['type']], nDim = -1, dim = sizeExprs, value = code$args[['value']], init = code$args[['init']], fillZeros = code$args[['fillZeros']], recycle = code$args[['recycle']])
## Check if an nDim argument was provided
if(!is.null(code$args[['nDim']])) { ## Typically nDim would be provided for array if length of dim argument is not known at compile time. e.g. nimArray(value = v, dim = myDim, type = 'double', nDim = 3). nDim = 3 is necessary because we often won't know at compile time what the length of myDim is.
nDim <- code$args[['nDim']]
## If it was provided in a situation where we haven't flagged it as useful, emit a warning
if(newArgs[['nDim']] != -1) if(nDim != newArgs[['nDim']]) warning("Possible nDim mismatch")
## Enter the nDim in the right place and also flag unpackNDim=TRUE to handling during size processing
newArgs[['nDim']] <- nDim
newArgs[['unpackNDim']] <- TRUE
stop('There is some problem processing a call to numeric, integer, logical, matrix or array.')
code$name <- 'nimArrayGeneral'
code$args <- newArgs
## fix AST caller/argument relationships:
## set caller / callerArgID for the new nimArraryGeneral() call arguments
for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
code$args[[i]]$callerArgID <- i
code$args[[i]]$caller <- code
## fix AST caller/argument relationships for the size expressions:
## set caller / callerArgID for the c(size expressions...) call
for(i in seq_along(code$args[['dim']]$args)) {
if(inherits(code$args[['dim']]$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
code$args[['dim']]$args[[i]]$callerArgID <- i
code$args[['dim']]$args[[i]]$caller <- code$args[[3]]
if(!(code$args[['type']] %in% c('double', 'integer', 'logical'))) stop('unknown type in nimArrayGeneral')
if(code$args[['nDim']] != -1)
if(code$args[['nDim']] != length(code$args[['dim']]$args)) stop('mismatch between nDim and number of size expressions in nimArrayGeneral')
## for min(V), no change. for min(v1, v2), change to pairmin(v1, v2)
minMaxHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
if(length(code$args) == 2) code$name <- paste0('pair',code$name)
replacementHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
repl <- specificCallReplacements[[code$name]]
if(is.null(repl)) stop(paste0("No valid replacement for ", code$name), call. = FALSE)
code$name <- repl
dmFunHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
if(code$name %in% c('dwish_chol', 'dinvwish_chol', 'dmnorm_chol', 'dmvt_chol'))
code$args$overwrite_inputs <- 0
code$name <- paste0('nimArr_', code$name)
rmFunHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
if(code$name %in% c('rwish_chol', 'rinvwish_chol'))
code$args$overwrite_inputs <- 0
dmFunHandler(code, symTab)
rFunHandler(code, symTab)
rFunHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
## strip the 1 from the first argument. In the future we will need to condition on whether this is 1 or >1
## This is a funny step because building the R function *inserted* the 1 from the BUGS code
notOK <- if(!is.numeric(code$args[[1]])) TRUE else code$args[[1]] != 1
if(notOK) writeLines(paste('Warning: we currently expect to see a 1 and only a 1 as the first argument to an rcat or rinterval call'))
code$args[[1]] <- NULL
for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
code$args[[i]]$callerArgID <- code$args[[i]]$callerArgID - 1
removeLayerHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
mvAccessHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
if(code$caller$caller$caller$name != '[') {
insertExprClassLayer(code$caller$caller$caller, code$callerArgID, '[')
code$caller$caller$caller$args[[2]] <- 1
powHandler <- function(code, symTab) {
code$name <- "pow"
if(length(code$args) == 2) {
if(is.numeric(code$args[[2]])) {
if(code$args[[2]] == round(code$args[[2]])) {
code$name <- "pow_int"
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