source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'AD_test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
EDopt <- nimbleOptions("enableDerivs")
BMDopt <- nimbleOptions("buildModelDerivs")
nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(allowDynamicIndexing = FALSE)
nimbleOptions(useADmatMultAtomic = TRUE)
## This returns
# y = (A %*% B)^2
# where A and B each have constant sections and
# variable sections.
# The variable sections are replaced with exp(-d * Ainput)
# and exp(-d * Binput)
# Derivatives are wrt d
argTypes <- list(d = "double()", Ainput = "double(2)", Binput = "double(2)")
op <- list(
expr = quote({
A <- matrix(nrow = n1, ncol = n2)
B <- matrix(nrow = n2, ncol = n3)
i <- j <- k <- 1L
for(j in 1:n2) {
for(i in 1:n1) A[i, j] <- Aconst[i,j]
for(k in 1:n3) B[j, k] <- Bconst[j,k]
if(AupperLeft[1] != -1)
A[ AupperLeft[1]:AlowerRight[1], AupperLeft[2]:AlowerRight[2] ] <- exp(-d * Ainput)
if(BupperLeft[1] != -1)
B[ BupperLeft[1]:BlowerRight[1], BupperLeft[2]:BlowerRight[2] ] <- exp(-d * Binput)
Y <- A %*% B
out <- sum( Y * Y )
args = list(d = quote(double()),
Ainput = quote(double(2)),
Binput = quote(double(2))),
outputType = quote(double())
matMultTestFxn_pieces <- make_AD_test2(op = op, wrt_args = "d", argTypes = argTypes, includeModelArgs = FALSE)
matMultTestFxn <- nimbleFunction(
setup = function(Aconst, Bconst, AupperLeft, AlowerRight, BupperLeft, BlowerRight) { ## boundaries of non-constant region
n1 <- nrow(Aconst)
n2 <- ncol(Aconst)
n3 <- ncol(Bconst)
run = matMultTestFxn_pieces$run,
methods = matMultTestFxn_pieces$methods,
buildDerivs = matMultTestFxn_pieces$buildDerivs
checkCase <- function(nf,
Aconst, Bconst, A_UL, A_LR, B_UL, B_LR,
order = 0:2,
recordArgs, testArgs) {
Rfxn <- nf(Aconst, Bconst, A_UL, A_LR, B_UL, B_LR)
Cfxn <- compileNimble(Rfxn)
test_AD2_oneCall(Rfxn, Cfxn,
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs,
order = order, wrt = 1)
n1 <- 5
n2 <- 7
n3 <- 9
Aconst <- matrix(runif(n1*n2, min = 1, max = 3), nrow = n1)
Bconst <- matrix(runif(n2*n3, min = 1, max = 3), nrow = n2)
Aconst0 <- Aconst
Aconst0[1,] <- 0 # top row = 0
Aconst0[n1,] <- 0 # bottom row = 0
makeArgs = function(n1, n2A, n2B, n3, d) {
# These are replacement sections of A and B,
# so n2 might differ for A and B, hence n2A and n2B
Ain = matrix(runif(n1*n2A, min = 1, max = 3), nrow = n1, ncol = n2A),
Bin = matrix(runif(n2B*n3, min = 1, max = 3), nrow = n2B, ncol = n3),
d = d
## Warm-up case (test of the testing code) with some of A and B each constant and variable
recordArgs <- makeArgs(2, 2, 2, 2, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(2, 2, 2, 2, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(2, 2), c(3, 3), c(2, 2), c(3, 3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with all elements variable. This works
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with all of A constant.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(0, n2, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(0, n2, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(-1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with all of A constant, with some zero rows.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(0, n2, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(0, n2, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst0, Bconst, c(-1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with all of A constant and part of B constant.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(0, n2-2, n2-2, n3-2, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(0, n2-2, n2-2, n3-2, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(-1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(2, 2), c(n2-1, n3-1),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with all of B constant. This works
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, 0, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, 0, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(-1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with all of B constant and part of A constant.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-2, n2-2, n2-2, 0, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-2, n2-2, n2-2, 0, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(2, 2), c(n1-1, n2-1), c(-1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with first row in A of constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(2, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with first col in A of constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2-1, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2-1, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 2), c(n1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with last row A of constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1-1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with last col in A of constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2-1, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2-1, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2-1), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with both first and last row A of constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-2, n2, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-2, n2, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(2, 1), c(n1-1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with both first and last col of A of constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2-2, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2-2, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 2), c(n1, n2-1), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with both first and last 2 COLs of A and first 2 and last ROWs of A all constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-3, n2-3, n2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-3, n2-3, n2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(3, 2), c(n1-1, n2-2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with first col of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 2), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with last col of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3-1),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with first and last col of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, n3-2, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2, n3-2, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 2), c(n2, n3-1),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with first row of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2-1, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2-1, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(2, 1), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with last row of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2-1, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2-1, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2-1, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with first and last row of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2-2, n3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2-2, n3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(2, 1), c(n2-1, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with some rows and columns of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2-3, n3-3, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1, n2, n2-3, n3-3, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1, n2), c(3, 2), c(n2-1, n3-2),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with first row of A and first col of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(2, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 2), c(n2, n3),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with last row of A and last col of B with constant elements. This works.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(1, 1), c(n1-1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3-1),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## Case with first row of A and last col of B with constant elements.
recordArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.2)
testArgs <- makeArgs(n1-1, n2, n2, n3-1, 1.4)
checkCase(matMultTestFxn, Aconst, Bconst, c(2, 1), c(n1, n2), c(1, 1), c(n2, n3-1),
recordArgs = recordArgs, testArgs = testArgs)
## STOPPED HERE: There are some random-configuration tests that couuld be ported over here too.
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