
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))

RwarnLevel <- options('warn')$warn
options(warn = 1)
nimbleVerboseSetting <- nimbleOptions('verbose')
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)

test_that("building of model with initial value issues in bounds", {
    code <- nimbleCode({
        y1 ~ T(dnorm(mu, sd = sig),b,d)  # non-constant trunc bounds
        y2 ~ T(dnorm(0,1), y2l, y2u)       # constant trunc bounds
        y3 ~ T(dnorm(0,1), exp(y2l), y3u)       # constant trunc bounds
        y2l ~ dnorm(0,1)
        y3u <- 15*cc
        mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)                 
        sig ~ dunif(0, 5)
        b ~ dunif(a,d)                   # non-constant unif bounds
        a ~ dunif(al,4)                  # constant unif bounds
        z[1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:2], prec0[1:2,1:2])           # mv dist
        alpha[1:3] ~ ddirch(alpha0[1:3]) # mv dist with actual bound
        for(i in 1:3)
            alpha0[i] ~ dgamma(1,1)
        y4 ~ T(dgamma(1, 1), y4l, y4u)     # invalid trunc bound
        y5 ~ T(dgamma(1, 1), mu, y5u)      # stochastically-invalid trunc bound
        y6 ~ T(dgamma(1, 1), y6l, y6u)     # reversed trunc bound
    consts <- list(y2u = 0.8, mu0 = rep(0, 2), prec0 = diag(rep(1,2)),
                   y4l = -2, y4u = 5, y5u = 0.5, y6l = 2, y6u = 1,
                   al = 0.1, dl = 0.15)
    inits <- list(b = 0.7, mu = 1, sig = 1, d = 5,
                  z = rep(1, 2), alpha0 = 1:3, cc = 1, y2l = 0.3, y3u = 15, cc = 2)
    expect_warning(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = inits,
                                    constants = consts,
                                    data = list(y1 = 0, y2 = 0, y3 = 1, y4 = 1, y5 = 1, y6 = 1)))
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    test <- nimbleFunction(
        setup = function(model, node, bnd) {},
        run = function() {
            output <- numeric(2)
            output[1] <- model$getBound(node, bnd)
            output[2] <- getBound(model, node, bnd)

    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y1', 'lower', inits$b, "non-constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y1', 'upper', inits$d, "non-constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y2', 'lower', inits$y2l, "non-constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y2', 'upper', consts$y2u, "non-constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y3', 'lower', exp(m$y2l)[1], "functional lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y3', 'upper', m$y3u[1], "functional/deterministic upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'b', 'lower', m$a[1], "dunif non-constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'b', 'upper', m$d[1], "dunif non-constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'a', 'lower', consts$al, "dunif constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'a', 'upper', 4, "dunif constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'z[1:2]', 'lower', -Inf, "dmnorm constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'z[1:2]', 'upper', Inf, "dmnorm constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'alpha[1:3]', 'lower', 0, "ddirch constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'alpha[1:3]', 'upper', 1, "ddirch constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y4', 'lower', 0, "invalid constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y4', 'upper', consts$y4u, "invalid constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y5', 'lower', m$mu[1], "stochastically-invalid constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y5', 'upper', consts$y5u, "stochastically-invalid constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y6', 'lower', consts$y6l, "reversed constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y6', 'upper', consts$y6u, "reversed constant upper truncation bound")
                                        # test after a simulate
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y1', 'lower', m$b[1], "non-constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y1', 'upper', m$d[1], "non-constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y2', 'lower', m$y2l[1], "non-constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y2', 'upper', consts$y2u, "non-constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y3', 'lower', exp(m$y2l[1]), "functional lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y3', 'upper', m$y3u[1], "functional/deterministic upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'b', 'lower', m$a[1], "dunif non-constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'b', 'upper', m$d[1], "dunif non-constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'a', 'lower', consts$al, "dunif constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'a', 'upper', 4, "dunif constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'z[1:2]', 'lower', -Inf, "dmnorm constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'z[1:2]', 'upper', Inf, "dmnorm constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'alpha[1:3]', 'lower', 0, "ddirch constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'alpha[1:3]', 'upper', 1, "ddirch constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y4', 'lower', 0, "invalid constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y4', 'upper', consts$y4u, "invalid constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y5', 'lower', m$mu[1], "stochastically-invalid constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y5', 'upper', consts$y5u, "stochastically-invalid constant upper truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y6', 'lower', consts$y6l, "reversed constant lower truncation bound")
    test_getBound(m, cm, test, 'y6', 'upper', consts$y6u, "reversed constant upper truncation bound")

test_that('getBound, user-defined integer-valued', {
    dtest <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(x = integer(0), thetaInt = integer(0), thetaDbl = double(0), log = integer(0, default = 0)) {
    rtest <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(n = integer(0), thetaInt = integer(0), thetaDbl = double(0)) {
    ptest <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(q = double(0), thetaInt = integer(0), thetaDbl = double(0), lower.tail = integer(0, default = 1), log.p = integer(0, default = 0)) {
    qtest <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(p = double(0), thetaInt = integer(0), thetaDbl = double(0), lower.tail = integer(0, default = 1), log.p = integer(0, default = 0)) {

        dtest = list(
            BUGSdist = "dtest(thetaInt, thetaDbl)",
            pqAvail = TRUE,
            discrete = TRUE))
    code <- nimbleCode({
        y ~ T(dtest(1, 1.3), -1, 7)
    m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = 0))
    cm <- compileNimble(m)
    expect_identical(cm$getBound('y','lower'), m$getBound('y', 'lower'), 'issue with getBound with lower')
    expect_identical(cm$getBound('y','lower'), -1, 'issue with getBound with lower')

options(warn = RwarnLevel)
nimbleOptions(verbose = nimbleVerboseSetting)

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