asyvarTk: Asymptotic Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic

asyvarTkR Documentation

Asymptotic Variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k Test statistic


This function computes the asymptotic variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k test statistic based on the number of cases within kNNs of the cases in the data.

The argument, n_1, is the number of cases (denoted as n1 as an argument). The number of cases are denoted as n_1 and number of controls as n_0 in this function to match the case-control class labeling, which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCitecuzick:1990;textualnnspat.

The logical argument nonzero.mat (default=TRUE) is for using the A matrix if FALSE or just the matrix of nonzero locations in the A matrix (if TRUE) for computing N_s and N_t, which are required in the computation of the asymptotic variance. N_s and N_t are defined on page 78 of (\insertCitecuzick:1990;textualnnspat) as follows. N_s=\sum_i\sum_j a_{ij} a_{ji} (i.e., number of ordered pairs for which kNN relation is symmetric) and N_t= \sum \sum_{i \ne l}\sum a_{ij} a_{lj} (i.e, number of triplets (i,j,l) i,j, and l distinct so that j is among kNNs of i and j is among kNNs of l). For the A matrix, see the description of the functions aij.mat and aij.nonzero.

See (\insertCitecuzick:1990;textualnnspat) for more details.


asyvarTk(dat, n1, k, nonzero.mat = TRUE, ...)



The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.


Number of cases


Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject i)


A logical argument (default is TRUE) to determine whether the A matrix or the matrix of nonzero locations of the A matrix will be used in the computation of N_s and N_t. If TRUE the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the A matrix itself is used.


are for further arguments, such as method and p, passed to the dist function.


A list with the elements


The asymptotic variance of Cuzick and Edwards T_k test statistic for disease clustering


The N_s value standing for the number of ordered pairs for which kNN relation is symmetric, see the description.


The N_t value standing for the number of triplets (i,j,l) i,j, and l distinct so that j is among kNNs of i and j is among kNNs of l see the description.


Elvan Ceyhan



See Also

ceTk, varTk, and varTkaij


n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
k<-3 #try also 2,3


nnspat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.