
Defines functions processIncludeFields processExcludeFields processDbGetQuery docdb_query.src_duckdb docdb_query.src_postgres docdb_query.src_sqlite docdb_query.src_mongo docdb_query.src_elastic docdb_query.src_couchdb docdb_query

Documented in docdb_query

#' Get documents or parts with filtering query
#' Complements the databases' native query and filtering functions
#' by using [jqr::jqr()].
#' If \code{query = "{}"} and neither `fields`
#' nor `listfields` is specified, runs [docdb_get()].
#' @inheritParams docdb_create
#' @param query (character) A JSON query string, see examples.
#'  Can use comparisons / tests (`$lt`, `$lte`, `$gt`, `$gte`,
#'  `$ne`, `$in`, `$regex`), with logic operators (`$and`,
#'  `$or`, `(`, `)`), including nested queries, see examples.
#'  `$regex` is case-sensitive.
#'  Note that the query should target a field that holds a
#'  scalar or an array of scalars, not more complex objects.
#' @param ... Optional parameters:
#' - Specify `fields` as a JSON string of fields to be returned
#' from anywhere in the tree, or to be excluded from being returned,
#' e.g. `fields  = '{"nameOfMy.SubFieldToInclude:" 1, "_id": 0}'`
#' and see examples. If `fields` is not specified, the complete
#' JSON document is returned. For `src_postgres()`, only fewer
#' than 50 fields can be requested to be returned by the function.
#' - Specify `limit` (integer) for the maximum number of documents
#'  to be returned. If `NULL` or not set (default), 10,000 for
#'  Elasticsearch and all documents for MongoDB, SQLite,
#'  CouchDB, PostgreSQL, and DuckDB.
#' - Specify `listfields = TRUE` to return just the names of
#' all fields, from all documents or from the maximum number of
#' documents as specified in `limit`.
#' @note A dot in `query` or `fields` is interpreted as a dot path,
#' pointing to a field nested within another, e.g. `friends.id` in
#' the example.
#' @return Data frame with requested documents, may have nested
#'  lists in columns; `NULL` if no documents could be found.
#'  If `listfields` is specified: a vector of all field names
#'  in dot path notation.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' src <- src_sqlite()
#' docdb_create(src, "myKey", mtcars)
#' docdb_create(src, "myKey", contacts)
#' docdb_create(src, "myKey", mapdata)
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"mpg":21}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"mpg":21, "gear": {"$lte": 4}}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"mpg":21}', fields = '{"_id":0, "mpg":1, "cyl":1}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"_id": {"$regex": "^.+0.*$"}}', fields = '{"gear": 1}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"$and": [{"mpg": {"$lte": 18}}, {"gear": {"$gt": 3}}]}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{}', fields = '{"_id":0, "mpg":1, "cyl":1}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"$and": [{"age": {"$gt": 21}},
#'  {"friends.name": {"$regex": "^B[a-z]{3,9}.*"}}]}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"$or": [{"rows.elements.status": "OK"}, {"$and": [
#'  {"_id": "5cd6785325ce3a94dfc54096"}, {"friends.name": {"$regex": "^B[a-z]{3,90}.*"}}]}]}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"$and": [{"_id": "5cd6785325ce3a94dfc54096"},
#'  {"friends.name": {"$regex": "^B[a-z]{3,90}.*"}}]}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"origin_addresses": {"$in": ["Santa Barbara, CA, USA",
#'  "New York, NY, USA"]}}', fields = '{"age": 1, "friends.id": 1, "_id": 0,
#'  "rows.elements.status": 1}')
#' docdb_query(src, "myKey", query = '{"rows.elements.status": "OK"}', listfields = TRUE)
#' }
docdb_query <- function(src, key, query, ...) {

  assert(src, "docdb_src")
  assert(key, "character")
  assert(query, c("json", "character"))

  if (query == "") {
    warning('query = "" is deprecated, use query = "{}"')
    query <- "{}"

  # query can be empty but then fields should not be empty
  if (jsonlite::minify(query) == '{}') {

    # mangle parameters
    params <- list(...)
    if (is.null(params$listfields) &&
        (is.null(params$fields) ||
         jsonlite::minify(params$fields) == '{}')) {
      message("Parameters query, fields and listfields empty, calling docdb_get()")
      params$query <- NULL
      params$fields <- NULL
      params$listfields <- NULL
      if (is.list(params) &&
          !is.null(params$limit)) {
        limit <- params$limit
        params$limit <- NULL
      } else {
        limit <- NULL
      if (!length(names(params))) params <- NULL

      # dispatch
      return(do.call(docdb_get, list(src = src, key = key, limit = limit, params)))


  # dispatch
  UseMethod("docdb_query", src)


#' @export
docdb_query.src_couchdb <- function(src, key, query, ...) {

  # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sofa/vignettes/query_tutorial.html

  # handle parameters
  if (query == "") query <- "{}"
  query <- jsonlite::minify(query)
  params <- list(...)
  limit <- 9999999L
  if (!is.null(params$limit)) {
    limit <- params$limit
    params$limit <- NULL

  # digest and mangle
  fldQ <- digestFields(f = params$fields, q = query)

  # mangle query

  # - where
  fldQ$jqrWhere <- character(0L)
  if (length(fldQ$queryCondition) &&
      !identical(fldQ$queryFields, fldQ$queryRootFields)) {

    fldQ$jqrWhere <- fldQ$queryJq

    query <- "{}"


  # - handle search on top level where a field could be an array, see
  #   https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/database/find.html#find-elemmatch
  if (query != "{}" &&
      length(fldQ$queryFields) &&
      identical(fldQ$queryFields, fldQ$queryRootFields)) {

    # add missing $eq (missing $and does not seem needed)
    query <- gsub("(\"[^\\$]+\":) *([^{]+)([,}$])", "\\1{\"$eq\":\\2}\\3", query)

    # use jq to extract
    for (i in fldQ$queryFields) {

      subQuery <- jqr::jq(query, paste0(" .. | .\"", i, "\"? | select (. != null) "))
      subQuery <- as.character(subQuery)
      subQueryIns <- gsub("^\\{|\\}$", "", subQuery)
      # duplication is strange but needed
      subQueryMod <- paste0('{"$or":[{"$elemMatch":{', subQueryIns, '}},{', subQueryIns, '}]}')

      # integrate
      query <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
        query, subQuery, subQueryMod, vectorize_all = F



  # - remove any regexp options
  query <- gsub(',? *?"[$]options" *: *".*?"', "", query)

  # fields

  # - special case fields = '{"_id": 1}'
  if (!length(fldQ$includeRootFields) &&
      length(fldQ$includeFields) == 1L &&
      fldQ$includeFields == "_id") {

    fldQ$includeRootFields <- "_id"


  # - add fields
  if (length(fldQ$includeRootFields)) {

    if (length(fldQ$includeRootFields) &&
        !any("_id" == fldQ$includeRootFields)) fldQ$includeRootFields <- c("_id", fldQ$includeRootFields)

    tmpFields <- fldQ$includeRootFields
    if (length(fldQ$jqrWhere)) tmpFields <- unique(c(tmpFields, fldQ$queryRootFields))

    addQuery <- paste0('{"', tmpFields, '":{"$exists":true}', "}", collapse = ",")
    if (query == "{}" && length(tmpFields)) query <- paste0('{"$and":[', addQuery, ']}')

    addQuery <- paste0('"fields": [', paste0(
      '"', tmpFields, '"', collapse = ", "), ']')
    if (length(tmpFields)) query <- paste0(query, ", ", addQuery)


  # - add selector, limit and close query
  # TODO jqrWhere step should limit the final number of documents
  query <- paste0('{"selector": ', query, ', "limit": ', limit, '}')

  # special case: return all fields if listfields != NULL
  if (!is.null(params$listfields)) {

    if (length(fldQ$jqrWhere) && limit != 9999999L) {

      # reset limit so as to retrieve fields from jqrWhere documents
      query <- sub('"limit": *[0-9]+([ ,}])', '"limit": 9999999\\1', query)
        "couchdb: cannot apply 'limit' to this query; if 'limit' is required, ",
        "try simple query of only root elements")

    fldQ$jqrWhere <- ifelse(
      length(fldQ$jqrWhere), paste0(fldQ$jqrWhere, " | ", jqFieldNames), jqFieldNames)

    fields <- unique(processDbGetQuery(
      getData = 'jqr::jq(do.call(sofa::db_query, c(list(cushion = src$con,
                 dbname = key, query = query, as = "json"), params)),
                 ".docs[] | del(._rev)" )',
      jqrWhere = fldQ$jqrWhere)[["out"]])

    # mangle "friends.0", "friends.0.id"
    fields <- unique(gsub("[.][0-9]+", "", fields))
    fields <- fields[fields != "_id" & fields != ""]

    # return field names


  # debug
  if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
    message("\nquery: ", query, "\n")

  # general processing
    getData = 'jqr::jq(do.call(sofa::db_query, c(list(cushion = src$con,
               dbname = key, query = query, as = "json"), params)),
               ".docs[] | del(._rev)" )',
    jqrWhere = fldQ$jqrWhere,
    includeFields = fldQ$includeFields,
    excludeFields = fldQ$excludeFields))


#' @export
docdb_query.src_elastic <- function(src, key, query, ...) {

  # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl.html

  # handle parameters
  if (query == "") query <- "{}"
  query <- jsonlite::minify(query)
  params <- list(...)
  limit <- 10000L # see help(Search)
  if (!is.null(params[["limit"]])) {
    limit <- params$limit
    params$limit <- NULL

  # digest and mangle
  fldQ <- digestFields(f = params$fields, q = query)

  # query

  # - where for any query that is not just simply
  #   for the identify of one ore more root fields
  fldQ$jqrWhere <- character(0L)
  if (length(fldQ$queryCondition) &&
      (!identical(fldQ$queryFields, fldQ$queryRootFields) ||
       grepl("\"\\$[orinadegxlt]+\":", query))) {

    fldQ$jqrWhere <- fldQ$queryJq

    query <- "*"


  # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html#query-string-syntax
  # where the status field contains active: 'status:active'
  # where the field title has any non-null value: '_exists_:title'

  # fields

  # - add fields
  if (length(fldQ$includeRootFields) ||
      length(fldQ$queryRootFields)) {

    addQuery <- paste0(
      '_exists_:', unique(c(fldQ$includeRootFields, fldQ$queryRootFields)), collapse = " OR ")

    if (length(fldQ$includeRootFields) ||
      query <- paste0(query, ' AND (', addQuery, ')')


  # - if no includeFields, get all fields
  if (!length(fldQ$includeFields)) fldQ$queryFields <- character(0L)

  # - implement query syntax for Search_uri

  # q = '(_id:5cd67853f841025e65ce0ce2)'
  # q = '*'

  # - remove quotes around field name, mangle
  if (length(fldQ$queryCondition) &&
      grepl(" == ", fldQ$queryCondition) &&
      !grepl("[<>]| REGEXP | IN ", fldQ$queryCondition)) {
    addQuery <- fldQ$queryCondition
    addQuery <- gsub(" == ", ":", addQuery)
    addQuery <- gsub('"(.+?)":', "\\1:", addQuery)
    addQuery <- gsub("'", '"', addQuery)
    if (length(addQuery)) query <- sub("\\{.*\\}", addQuery, query)
    query <- sub("^\\* AND ", "", query)

  # - integrate
  if (grepl("^\\{\\}", query)) query <- sub("\\{\\}", "*", query)

  # debug
  if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
    message("\nq: ", query, "\n")

  # process

  # - obtain ids and process
  docids <- elastic::Search_uri(
    conn = src$con, index = key,
    source = FALSE, size = limit,
    q = query, verbose = FALSE)[["hits"]][["hits"]]

  # - process ids
  if (!length(docids)) return(NULL)
  docids <- docids[sapply(docids, "[[", "_score") >= 1.0]
  docids <- sort(sapply(docids, "[[", "_id"))
  if (is.null(docids)) return(NULL)

  # - debug
  if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
    message("\nlength docids: ", length(docids), "\n")
    message("\nsource_includes: ", paste0(fldQ$includeFields, collapse = " / "), "\n")

  # - early exit
  if (length(fldQ$includeFields) &&
      !length(fldQ$jqrWhere) &&
      all(fldQ$includeFields == "_id")) return(data.frame(
        "_id" = docids, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE))

  # - function to get documents
  if (length(docids) == 1L) {
    getData <- 'jqr::jq(elastic::docs_get(conn = src$con, index = key, id = docids[1],
               verbose = FALSE, raw = TRUE, source_includes = c(fldQ$includeFields, fldQ$queryFields)),
               " ._source._id = ._id | ._source ")'
  } else {
    getData <- 'jqr::jq(textConnection(elastic::docs_mget(conn = src$con,
                index = key, ids = docids, verbose = FALSE,
                raw = TRUE, source = c(fldQ$includeFields, fldQ$queryFields))),
                " .docs[] | ._source._id = ._id | ._source ")'

  # - special case: listfields
  if (!is.null(params$listfields)) {

    # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-get-mapping.html
    # could theoretically be used but no query seems possible to limit fields to found docs

    fldQ$jqrWhere <- ifelse(
      length(fldQ$jqrWhere), paste0(fldQ$jqrWhere, " | ", jqFieldNames), jqFieldNames)

    fields <- unique(processDbGetQuery(
      getData = sub(", source = fldQ\\$includeFields", "", getData),
      jqrWhere = fldQ$jqrWhere)[["out"]])

    # mangle "friends.0", "friends.0.id"
    fields <- unique(gsub("[.][0-9]+", "", fields))
    fields <- fields[fields != "_id" & fields != ""]

    # return field names


  # - generate results
    getData = getData,
    jqrWhere = fldQ$jqrWhere,
    includeFields = fldQ$includeFields,
    excludeFields = fldQ$excludeFields))


#' @export
docdb_query.src_mongo <- function(src, key, query, ...) {

  # check name of collection
  chkSrcMongo(src, key)

  # handle parameters
  if (query == "") query <- "{}"
  query <- jsonlite::minify(query)
  params <- list(...)
  n <- 0L
  # - use limit but protect against values
  #   not accepted by mongodb, such as -1
  if (!is.null(params$limit)) n <- max(n, params$limit)
  # - necessary since params is passed to mongo$find
  if (is.null(params$fields)) params$fields <- "{}"

  # canonical sorting in nodbi
  if (!length(params$sort)) params$sort <- '{"_id": 1}'

  # if regexp query lacks options, add them in
  if (grepl('"[$]regex" *: *".+?" *}', query)) query <-
    sub('("[$]regex" *: *".+?" *)', '\\1, "$options": ""', query)

  # digest and mangle
  fldQ <- digestFields(f = params$fields, q = query)

  # query

  # - make sure fields in query exist in records
  #   purpose: match with sqlite, postgres, duckdb
  if (length(fldQ$queryRootFields[fldQ$queryRootFields != "_id"]) ||
      length(fldQ$includeRootFields[fldQ$includeRootFields != "_id"])) {

    # $exists matches the documents that contain the field,
    # including documents where the field value is null
    tf <- unique(c(fldQ$queryFields, fldQ$includeFields))
    addQuery <- paste0("{", paste0(
      '"', tf[tf != "_id"],
      '":{"$exists":true, "$ne": []}'), "}", collapse = ",")
    # sufficient that any exists, however $or is costly in mongo
    addQuery <- paste0('{"$or": [', addQuery, ']}')
    # integrate
    if (query == '{}') query <- addQuery else
      query <- paste0('{"$and":[', sub("", "", query), ",", addQuery, ']}')


  # fields

  # - handle fields to be excluded which would trigger the mongo error
  #   Cannot do exclusion on field ... in inclusion projection
  if (length(fldQ$excludeFields)) {
    if (length(fldQ$includeFields)) {
      params[["fields"]] <- paste0(
        '{', paste0('"', fldQ$includeFields, '": 1', collapse = ", "), "}")
    } else {
      params[["fields"]] <- '{}'

  # - handle Path collision with overlapping fields
  if (any(duplicated(unlist(
    strsplit(fldQ$includeFields, ".", fixed = TRUE))))) {
    params[["fields"]] <- paste0(
      '{', paste0('"', fldQ$includeRootFields, '":1', collapse = ","), "}")

  # debug
  if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
    message("\nQuery: ", query, "\n")
    message("\nParams: ", params, "\n")

  # early return if listfields
  if (!is.null(params$listfields)) {

    # try mapreduce to get all keys
    fields <- try({
        map = "function() {
      obj = this;
      return searchInObj(obj, '');
      function searchInObj(obj, pth){
         for(var key in obj){
            if(typeof obj[key] == 'object' && obj[key] !== null){
               if(pth != '') {pth = pth + '.'}
                  searchInObj(obj[key], pth + key);
               key = pth + '.' + key;
               key = key.replace(/[.][0-9]+[.]/g, '.');
               key = key.replace(/[.][0-9]+$/, '');
               key = key.replace(/[.][.]+/g, '.');
               key = key.replace(/^[.]/, '');
               emit(key, 1);
        reduce = "function(i) {return i}",
        query = query,
        limit = n
      )[["_id"]]}, silent = TRUE)

    # alternative approach, e.g. if
    # insufficient rights on server
    if (inherits(fields, "try-error")) {

      # get file and connection
      tf <- tempfile()
      on.exit(try(unlink(tfname), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
      con <- file(tf, open = "at")
      on.exit(try(close(con), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

      # export all or limited number of documents
      if (n == 0L) {

        # NOTE mass export
        src$con$export(con = con, query = query)

      } else {

        # selective export using find
          query = query, fields = '{}', limit = n,
          handler = function(x) jsonlite::stream_out(x, con = con, verbose = FALSE),
          pagesize = 100L)


      # process

      # use jq programme and deduplicate strings
      fields <- unique(as.character(jqr::jq(file(tf), jqFieldNames)))

    } # if try-error

    # mangle "\"item.0.sub\"
    fields <- gsub('"|[.][0-9]+', "", fields)

    # add parent fields e.g. "friends" for "friends.id"
    parentFields <- strsplit(fields[grepl("[.]", fields)], ".", fixed = TRUE)
    parentFields <- lapply(parentFields, function(i) sapply(
      rev(seq_along(i))[-1], function(ii) paste0(i[1:ii], collapse = ".")))
    parentFields <- unique(unlist(parentFields))

    # format
    fields <- unique(c(fields, parentFields))
    fields <- fields[fields != "" & fields != "_id"]

    # return

  } # !is.null(params$listfields)

  # processing

  # - early return
  if (!any(grepl("[.]", fldQ$includeFields)) &&
      !length(fldQ$excludeFields)) {

    # cannot use src$con$find because
    # fields may have been specified
    tmp <- do.call(
      c(list(query = query), params))

    if (!nrow(tmp)) return(NULL)

  # - jq to extract fields and subfields
  tfname <- tempfile()
  on.exit(try(unlink(tfname), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  # - fldQ$includeFields has subfields thus mangle
  if (length(fldQ$includeRootFields)) params[["fields"]] <- paste0(
    '{', paste0('"', fldQ$includeRootFields, '": 1', collapse = ", "), "}")

  # - process
      con = file(tfname),
      query = query),

  # - early exit
  if (file.size(tfname) <= 2L) return(NULL)

  # - early exit
  if (!length(fldQ$excludeFields)) return(
    processIncludeFields(tfname, fldQ$includeFields))

  # - any include
  if (length(fldQ$includeFields)) {

    # get another file name
    tjname <- tempfile()
    on.exit(try(unlink(tjname), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

    # write data
    processIncludeFields(tfname, fldQ$includeFields, tjname)

    # early exit
    if (file.size(tjname) <= 2L) return(NULL)

    # swap file name for next processing step
    tfname <- tjname


  # - excludes
        verbose = FALSE),


#' @export
docdb_query.src_sqlite <- function(src, key, query, ...) {

  # handle parameters
  if (query == "") query <- "{}"
  query <- jsonlite::minify(query)
  params <- list(...)
  n <- -1L
  if (!is.null(params$limit)) n <- params$limit

  # digest
  fldQ <- digestFields(f = params$fields, q = query)

  # early return if only _id is requested
  if (query == "{}" &&
      length(fldQ$includeFields) == 1L &&
      fldQ$includeFields == "_id") {

    statement <- insObj('
    FROM "/** key **/";')

      conn = src$con,
      n = n, statement = statement))


  # special case: return all fields
  # see below for handling queries
  if (!is.null(params$listfields) & !length(fldQ$queryCondition)) {

    # statement
    statement <- insObj('
    WITH extracted AS (
      SELECT json
      FROM "/** key **/"
      LIMIT /** n **/ )
    SELECT DISTINCT fullkey AS flds
    FROM extracted, json_tree(extracted.json)
    ORDER BY flds;')

    # get all fullkeys and types
    fields <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
      conn = src$con,
      statement = statement,
      n = -1L)[["flds"]]

    # remove "$.", array elements "$.item[0]"
    fields <- unique(stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
      fields, "\"|\\$[.]?|\\[[-#0-9]+\\]", ""))
    fields <- sort(fields[fields != ""])

    # return field names

  # fields

  # - using json_*() for output and SQL WHERE,
  #   using jsonb_*() within functions creating
  #   output and for docdb_update() / patching

  # - check if subfields are needed
  tmpFields <- c(fldQ$includeRootFields, fldQ$queryRootFields)
  tmpFields <- unique(tmpFields[tmpFields != "_id"])

  # - select extracts or full json
  if (length(fldQ$includeFields)) {

    # jsonb_extract(X,P1,P2,...) If only a single path P1 is provided,
    # then the SQL datatype of the result is ... a text representation
    # for JSON object and array values

    # - extract specific fields
    if (length(tmpFields)) {

      fldQ$composeJson <- paste0(
        "'", tmpFields, "', ",
        'jsonb_extract("/** key **/".json, "$.',
        tmpFields, '")'
      fldQ$composeJson <- paste0(fldQ$composeJson, collapse = ",")
      fldQ$composeJson <- paste0(
        "json_object(\'_id\', _id, ", fldQ$composeJson, ")")

    } else {

      # - only _id
      fldQ$composeJson <- "json_object(\'_id\', _id)"


  }  else {

    # - have to write all json
    fldQ$composeJson <-
      'json(\'{"_id":"\' || _id || \'", \' || LTRIM(json(json), \'{\'))'


  # - fields in SQL query to reduce rows sent into jq
  fldQ$jsonWhere <- "TRUE"
  if (length(tmpFields)) {

    fldQ$jsonWhere <- paste0(
      'jsonb_extract("/** key **/".json, "$.', tmpFields, '") <> ""'
    fldQ$jsonWhere <- paste0(fldQ$jsonWhere, collapse = " OR ")
    fldQ$jsonWhere <- paste0("(", fldQ$jsonWhere, ")")

  # query

  # - transform query to use relevant json1 function
  for (i in fldQ$queryPaths[fldQ$queryPaths != "_id"]) {

    fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub(
      paste0("(\"", i, "\") ([INOTREGXP=!<>']+ .+?)( AND | NOT | OR |\\)*$)"),
      paste0('json_extract("/** key **/".json, "$.', i, '") \\2  \\3'),

  # - "tags":["aliqua","consectetur","commodo","velit","cupidatat","duis","dolore"]
  #          ^ start of the string compared against regular expression
  #   thus cover this and scalar strings by double quotes as alternative boundaries
  fldQ$queryCondition <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(fldQ$queryCondition, "'^", "'(\"|^)")
  fldQ$queryCondition <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(fldQ$queryCondition, "$'", "(\"|$)'")

  # - special handling of IN since json_extract() returns an array
  #   as text representation, thus set comparisons are not possible
  for (i in fldQ$queryRootFields[fldQ$queryRootFields != "_id"]) {

    ins <- stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(
      # keep space before \\)"
      fldQ$queryCondition, paste0("\"\\$.", i, "\"\\) IN \\((.+?) \\)"))[[1]]

    if (!is.na(ins)) {

      isString <- grepl("\\('", ins) # "5, 4" or "'a ,b', 'd, f'"
      # keep space before \\)"
      ii <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(ins, "\"(.+?)\"\\) IN \\((.+?) \\)", "$2")
      ii <- trimws(ii)
      ii <- stringi::stri_split_regex(ii, ifelse(isString, "', ", ", "))[[1]]
      ii <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(ii, "^'|'$", "")

      # https://sqlite.org/src/file?filename=ext/misc/regexp.c
      ii <- paste0("\"$.", i, "\") REGEXP '", paste0(ii, collapse = "|"), "'")
      fldQ$queryCondition <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
        fldQ$queryCondition, ins, ii, vectorize_all = TRUE

  # - if query needs jqr
  fldQ$jqrWhere <- character(0L)
  if (length(fldQ$queryCondition)) {
    if (setequal(fldQ$queryFields, fldQ$queryRootFields)) {
      fldQ$jsonWhere <- paste0(fldQ$jsonWhere, " AND (", fldQ$queryCondition, ")")
    } else {
      fldQ$jqrWhere <- fldQ$queryJq

  # statement
  statement <- insObj('
      SELECT /** fldQ$composeJson **/
      AS json FROM "/** key **/"
      WHERE /** fldQ$jsonWhere **/

  # special case: return all fields if listfields != NULL
  if (!is.null(params$listfields)) {

    if (length(fldQ$jqrWhere)) {

      # jq function to obtain dot paths
      fldQ$jqrWhere <- paste0(fldQ$jqrWhere, " | ", jqFieldNames)

      # process
      fields <- unique(processDbGetQuery(
        getData = 'paste0(DBI::dbGetQuery(conn = src$con,
                   statement = statement, n = n)[["json"]], "")',
        jqrWhere = fldQ$jqrWhere)[["out"]])

    } else {

      # statement
      statement <- insObj('
      WITH extracted AS (
        SELECT json FROM "/** key **/"
        WHERE /** fldQ$jsonWhere **/
        LIMIT /** n **/ )
      SELECT DISTINCT fullkey AS flds
      FROM extracted, json_tree(extracted.json)
      ORDER BY flds;')

      # get all fullkeys and types
      fields <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
        conn = src$con,
        statement = statement,
        n = -1L)[["flds"]]


    # remove "$.", array elements "$.item[0]"
    fields <- unique(stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
      fields, "\"|\\$[.]?|\\[[-#0-9]+\\]", ""))

    # finalise
    fields <- fields[fields != "" & fields != "_id"]

    # return field names


  # regular processing
    getData = 'paste0(DBI::dbGetQuery(conn = src$con,
               statement = statement, n = n)[["json"]], "")',
    jqrWhere = fldQ$jqrWhere,
    includeFields = fldQ$includeFields,
    excludeFields = fldQ$excludeFields))


#' @export
docdb_query.src_postgres <- function(src, key, query, ...) {

  # handle parameters
  if (query == "") query <- "{}"
  query <- jsonlite::minify(query)
  params <- list(...)
  n <- -1L
  if (!is.null(params$limit)) n <- as.integer(params$limit)

  # digest
  fldQ <- digestFields(f = params$fields, q = query)

  # - early return if only _id is requested
  if (query == "{}" &&
      length(fldQ$includeFields) == 1L &&
      fldQ$includeFields == "_id") {

    statement <- paste0(
      "SELECT DISTINCT ON (_id) _id ",
      "FROM \"", key, "\" GROUP BY _id;")

      conn = src$con,
      n = n, statement = statement))


  # fields

  # - includeFields
  if (length(fldQ$includeFields)) {

    # - jsonb_build_object() accepts maximally 100 arguments
    if (length(fldQ$includeFields) > 49L) stop(
      "For src_postgres(), only fewer than ",
      "50 fields can be included."

    # PostgreSQL in standard configuration uses identifiers of more than 63 bytes,
    # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-IDENTIFIERS
    # NOTICE: identifier "abcd..." will be truncated to "abcd..."
    # => replace includeFields with longest dot path that is less than 63 characters;
    #    "regular processing" (below) generates the sought includeFields

    fldQ$selectFields <- paste0(
        "'%s', \"%s\"",
      collapse = ", ")

    if (!any("_id" == fldQ$excludeFields) &&
        !any("_id" == fldQ$includeFields)) fldQ$selectFields <- paste0(
          '\'_id\', "_id", ', fldQ$selectFields)

    fldQ$selectFields <- paste0('jsonb_build_object(', fldQ$selectFields, ')')

  } else {

    fldQ$selectFields <-
      "'{\"_id\": \"' || _id || '\", ' || LTRIM(json::TEXT, '{')"


  # - extractFields
  fldQ$extractFields <- paste0(
      ", jsonb_path_query_array(json, \'$.\"%s\"') AS \"%s\"", # _array
      gsub('[.]', '"."', fldQ$includeMaxCharFields[fldQ$includeMaxCharFields != "_id"]),
      fldQ$includeMaxCharFields[fldQ$includeMaxCharFields != "_id"])),
    collapse = " ")

  # PostgreSQL limitation (identifiers to have fewer than 63 bytes,
  # see above) does not seem to apply to the json(b) functions:

  # - existsFields
  fldQ$existsFields <- paste0(
    sprintf("jsonb_path_exists(json, '$.\"%s\"')",
            gsub('[.]', '"."', fldQ$includeFields[fldQ$includeFields != "_id"])), collapse = " OR ")
  if (fldQ$existsFields == "") fldQ$existsFields <- "TRUE"

  # query

  # - no query
  if (!length(fldQ$queryCondition)) fldQ$queryCondition <- "TRUE"

  # - quotation for sql
  fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub("'", '"', fldQ$queryCondition)

  # - adapt sql to postgresql functions
  for (i in fldQ$queryPaths[fldQ$queryPaths != "_id"]) {

    fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub(
      paste0("(\"", i, "\" [INOTREGXP=!<>']+ .+?)( AND | NOT | OR |\\)*$)"),
      "jsonb_path_exists(json, \'$[*] ? (@.\\1)')\\2", # keep $[*]

    # - special case IN
    if (grepl(paste0("\"", i, "\" IN \\("), fldQ$queryCondition)) {

      # "jsonb_path_exists(json, '$[*] ? (@.\"a\" == \"b\" || @.\"a\" == \"c\")')"
      ins <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
        paste0(".*\"", i, "\" IN \\((.+?)\\)( AND | NOT | OR |\\).*$)"),

      rep <- paste0(
        "@.\"", i, "\" == ",
        # split on comma after number or double quote, avoid splitting on comma in string
        strsplit(gsub("([0-9\"]),", "\\1@", ins), "@")[[1]],
        collapse = " || ")

      fldQ$queryCondition <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
        paste0("(jsonb_path_exists\\(json, '\\$\\[\\*\\] \\? \\(@[.]\"",
               i, "\" IN \\(.+?)\\)( AND | NOT | OR |\\).*$)"),
        paste0("jsonb_path_exists(json, '\\$[*] ? (", rep, "$2")


    # special case REGEXP
    # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-matching.html#FUNCTIONS-POSIX-REGEXP
    fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub(
      paste0(i, '" REGEXP '),
      paste0(i, '" LIKE_REGEX '),


  # - mangle _id in query, since this does not use jsonb_path_exists syntax
  #   https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-matching.html#FUNCTIONS-POSIX-REGEXP
  fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub('"_id" REGEXP ', '"_id" ~ ', fldQ$queryCondition)
  fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub('"_id" (~|!=|<=|>=|<>|=)=? "(.+?)"',
                              "\"_id\" \\1 '\\2'", fldQ$queryCondition)

  # - mangle _id with IN, since character values should be in double quotes
  all <- stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(
    fldQ$queryCondition, '"_id" IN \\((.+?)\\)')[[1]]
  if (!is.na(all)) {
    ins <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
      all, '"_id" IN \\((.+?)\\)', "$1")
    rep <- strsplit(gsub("([0-9\"]),", "\\1@", ins), "@")
    rep <- sapply(rep, function(i) paste0(gsub("^\"|\"", "'", trimws(i)), collapse = ", "))
    fldQ$queryCondition <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
      paste0('"_id" IN (', rep, ")"),
      vectorize_all = FALSE

  # early return if listfields
  if (!is.null(params$listfields)) {

    # parameter use
    limit <- ""
    if (n != -1L) limit <- paste0("LIMIT ", n)

    # statement
    statement <- insObj('
      WITH RECURSIVE extracted (key, value, type) AS (
          NULL AS key, json AS value, \'object\'
          FROM "/** key **/"
          WHERE /** fldQ$queryCondition **/
          /** limit **/)
          UNION ALL
           WITH tpVal AS (
           SELECT key, jsonb_typeof(value) AS typeof, value
           FROM extracted
          SELECT CONCAT_WS(\'.\', t.key, v.key), v.value, jsonb_typeof(v.value)
          FROM tpVal as t, LATERAL jsonb_each(value) v
          WHERE typeof = \'object\'
            UNION ALL
          SELECT t.key, element.val, jsonb_typeof(element.val)
          FROM tpVal as t, LATERAL
          jsonb_array_elements(value) WITH ORDINALITY as element (val, n)
          WHERE typeof = \'array\'
      FROM extracted
      ORDER BY key

    # process
      conn = src$con,
      statement = statement,
      n = -1L)[["key"]]))


  # statement
  statement <- insObj('
    /** fldQ$selectFields **/
    AS json FROM "/** key **/"
    /** fldQ$extractFields **/
    WHERE  (
    /** fldQ$existsFields **/
    ) AND (
    /** fldQ$queryCondition **/

  # regular processing
  # - parametrise processIncludeFields
  if (setequal(fldQ$includeFields, fldQ$includeMaxCharFields)) extractedFields <-
    fldQ$includeFields else extractedFields <- fldQ$includeMaxCharFields
  # - get data
    getData = 'paste0(DBI::dbGetQuery(conn = src$con,
               statement = statement, n = n)[["json"]], "")',
    includeFields = fldQ$includeFields,
    # the extracted fields already
    # follow the full dot notation
    extractedFields = extractedFields,
    excludeFields = fldQ$excludeFields


#' @export
docdb_query.src_duckdb <- function(src, key, query, ...) {

  # handle parameters
  if (query == "") query <- "{}"
  query <- jsonlite::minify(query)
  params <- list(...)
  n <- -1L
  if (!is.null(params$limit)) n <- params$limit

  # digest and mangle
  fldQ <- digestFields(f = params$fields, q = query)

  # - early return if only _id is requested
  if (query == "{}" &&
      length(fldQ$includeFields) == 1L &&
      fldQ$includeFields == "_id") {

    statement <- paste0(
      "SELECT DISTINCT ON (_id) _id ",
      "FROM \"", key, "\" GROUP BY _id;")

      conn = src$con,
      n = n, statement = statement))


  # fields

  # - extract from database
  fldQ$extractFields <- unique(c(fldQ$includeFields, fldQ$queryFields))
  fldQ$extractFields <- fldQ$extractFields[fldQ$extractFields != "_id"]

  if (length(fldQ$extractFields)) {

    fldQ$extractFields <- paste0(
      ", ",
          # at top level, only use single dot
          "json_extract(json, '$.",
          # using double dot .. to obtain content
          # from both .subfield and [*].subfield
          gsub("[.]+", "..", fldQ$extractFields),
          "') AS \"", fldQ$extractFields, '"'),
        collapse = ', '


  # - construct output json object
  fldQ$selectFields <- unique(setdiff(fldQ$includeFields, fldQ$excludeFields))
  if (length(fldQ$selectFields)) fldQ$selectFields <- paste0(
    "json_object(", ifelse(!any(fldQ$excludeFields == "_id"), "'_id', \"_id\", ", ""), paste0(sprintf(
      "'%s', \"%s\"", fldQ$selectFields, fldQ$selectFields), collapse = ", "), ")")

  # - create criteria for where sql statement
  fldQ$selectCondition <- unique(c(fldQ$includeFields, fldQ$queryFields))
  if (any(fldQ$selectCondition == "_id") ||
      !length(fldQ$selectCondition)) {
    fldQ$selectCondition <- NULL
  } else {
    fldQ$selectCondition <-
        "( CASE WHEN json_type(\"",
        "\") == 'ARRAY' THEN \"",
        fldQ$selectCondition, "\" <> '[]' ELSE \"",
        fldQ$selectCondition, "\" <> '{}' END )",
        collapse = " OR ")

  # - if not explicitly excluded, keep _id in output
  if (!any(fldQ$excludeFields == "_id") && length(fldQ$includeFields)) fldQ$includeFields <-
    unique(c(fldQ$includeFields, "_id"))

  # query

  # - if query fields are top level elements
  if (length(fldQ$queryFields)) {

    # remove internal quotes "a"."b" -> "a.b"
    fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub('"[.]"', ".", fldQ$queryCondition)

    # - 1. change query to use extracted json field
    #   duckdb expects quotes around string values
    #   from json, type casting did not work / help
    for (i in fldQ$queryFields[fldQ$queryFields != "_id"]) {

      fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub(
        # '(.+?)' shall not capture numbers, not IN('A', 'B')
        paste0("\"(", i, ")\" ([INOTREGXP=!<>']+) ('?.+?'?)( AND | NOT | OR |\\)*$)"),
        paste0('(LENGTH(list_filter(json(\'[\' || regexp_replace("', i,
               '"::VARCHAR, \'\\\\[|\\\\]\', \'\', \'g\') || \']\')::JSON[], x -> x ',
               '\\2 \\3 )) > 0) \\4'),

      # only for other than _id
      fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub(
        # '(.+?)' shall not capture numbers, not IN('A', 'B')
        paste0(i, "(.+?) x == ('.+?')"),
        paste0(i, '\\1 contains(x, \\2)'),

      # only for other than _id
      fldQ$queryCondition <- gsub(
        # '(.+?)' shall not capture numbers, not IN('A', 'B')
        paste0(i, "(.+?) x != ('.+?')"),
        paste0(i, '\\1 not contains(x, \\2)'),

    } # end 1.

    # - 2. regexp
    if (length(fldQ$queryFields)) {

      ins <- stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(
        # note subsequent to above no double quotes around i
        fldQ$queryCondition, paste0("(\"_id\"| x) REGEXP '\"?([^\"]+?)\"?'"))[[1]]

      if (all(is.na(ins))) ins <- NULL

      for (i in ins) {

        ii <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(
          i, paste0("(\"_id\"| x) REGEXP '\"?([^\"]+?)\"?'"), "$2")

        # special handling of _id as not coming from json
        if (!grepl("^\"_id", i)) {

          # replace anchors ^ and $ with double quotes as new anchors;
          # for ARRAY elements, strings (have to be in double quotes)
          ii <- gsub("\\^|\\$", '"', ii)
          ii <- paste0(" regexp_matches(x, '", ii, "')")

        } else {

          # https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/functions/regular_expressions.html#regexp_matchesstring-pattern-options
          # https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/functions/regular_expressions.html#options-for-regular-expression-functions
          ii <- paste0("regexp_matches(\"_id\", '", ii, "')")


        fldQ$queryCondition <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
          fldQ$queryCondition, i, ii, vectorize_all = TRUE)

      } # end for
    } # end 2.

    # - 3. in. mongo: the $in operator selects documents where the
    #   value of a field equals any value in the specified array
    #     for (i in fldQ$queryFields[fldQ$queryFields != "_id"]) {
    if (length(fldQ$queryFields)) {

      ins <- stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(
        fldQ$queryCondition, " x IN \\('(.+?)'\\)")[[1]]
      if (all(is.na(ins))) ins <- NULL

      for (i in ins) {

        ii <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(i, " x IN \\((.+?)\\)", "$1")
        ii <- stringi::stri_split_regex(ii, "', ")[[1]]
        ii <- stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(ii, "^'|'$", "")
        ii <- paste0(" x IN (", paste0('\'"', ii, '"\'', collapse = ", "), ")")

        fldQ$queryCondition <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
          fldQ$queryCondition, i, ii, vectorize_all = TRUE

    } # end 3.

    # - integrate
    fldQ$selectCondition <- ifelse(
      paste0("( ", fldQ$selectCondition, " ) AND ", fldQ$queryCondition),

    # - reset
    fldQ$queryCondition <- NULL

  } # length(fldQ$queryFields)

  # - empty query
  if (!length(fldQ$queryCondition) &&
      !length(fldQ$selectCondition)) fldQ$selectCondition <- "TRUE"

  # fields

  # - query if fields == '{}'
  if (!length(fldQ$includeFields)) {

    # - export all json
    fldQ$extractFields <- paste0(", json", fldQ$extractFields)
    fldQ$selectFields <- "\'{\"_id\": \"\' || _id || \'\", \' || LTRIM(json, \'{\')"


  # - query if fields == '{"_id":1}'
  if (length(fldQ$includeFields) == 1L &&
      fldQ$includeFields == "_id") {

    fldQ$selectFields <- "\'{\"_id\": \"\' || _id || \'\"}\'"


  # special case: return all fields if listfields != NULL
  if (!is.null(params$listfields)) {

    statement <- insObj('
        WITH extracted AS (
        SELECT _id
        /** fldQ$extractFields **/
        FROM "/** key **/")
        SELECT DISTINCT json_structure(json)
        FROM extracted
        WHERE  (
        /** fldQ$selectCondition **/

    fldQ$jqrWhere <- jqFieldNames

    # process
    fields <- unique(processDbGetQuery(
      getData = 'paste0(DBI::dbGetQuery(conn = src$con,
                 statement = statement, n = n)[[1]], "")',
      jqrWhere = fldQ$jqrWhere

    # clean
    fields <- fields[fields != "_id" & fields != ""]

    # return field names


  # compose statement
  statement <- insObj('
    WITH extracted AS (
    SELECT _id
    /** fldQ$extractFields **/
    FROM "/** key **/" )
    SELECT /** fldQ$selectFields **/
    AS json FROM extracted
    WHERE  (
    /** fldQ$selectCondition **/

  # general processing
  out <- processDbGetQuery(
    getData = 'paste0(DBI::dbGetQuery(conn = src$con,
               statement = statement, n = n)[["json"]], "")',
    includeFields = fldQ$includeFields,
    # similar to PostgreSQL, which extracts
    # already the nested items thus here
    # using jqr only to simplify
    extractedFields = fldQ$includeFields,
    excludeFields = fldQ$excludeFields)
  if (is.null(out) || nrow(out) == 0L) return(NULL)


## helpers --------------------------------------

#' processDbGetQuery
#' @importFrom R.utils countLines
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
processDbGetQuery <- function(
    jqrWhere = character(0L),
    includeFields = character(0L),
    excludeFields = character(0L),
    extractedFields = character(0L)) {

  # debug
  if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
    eval.parent(parse(text = 'if (exists("statement")) message("\nSQL: ", statement, "\n")'))
    eval.parent(parse(text = 'if (exists("query")) message("\nDB: ", query, "\n")'))

  #### .write dbGetQuery ####

  # process and early exit
  if (!length(jqrWhere) &&
      !length(includeFields) &&
      !length(excludeFields)) return(
            eval.parent(parse(text = getData))),
          verbose = FALSE))

  # temporary file and connection
  tfname <- tempfile()
  on.exit(try(unlink(tfname), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  # write out
    eval.parent(parse(text = getData)),
    con = tfname)

  # early exit
  if (file.size(tfname) <= 2L) return(NULL)

  # debug
  if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
    message("NDJSON lines: ", R.utils::countLines(tfname), "\n")

  #### .jq WHERE ####

  # use jq to implement WHERE
  if (length(jqrWhere)) {

    # debug
    if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
      message("JQ WHERE: ", jqrWhere, "\n")

    # process
    if (!length(includeFields) &&
        !length(excludeFields)) return(
              jqr::jq(file(tfname), jqrWhere)),
            verbose = FALSE))

    # get another file name
    tjname <- tempfile()
    on.exit(try(unlink(tjname), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

    # write data
      flags = jqr::jq_flags(pretty = FALSE),
      out = tjname

    # early exit
    if (file.size(tjname) <= 2L) return(NULL)

    # swap file name
    tfname <- tjname

  } # !is.null(jqrWhere)

  #### .jq includeFields ####

  # only if includeFields is defined
  if (length(includeFields)) {

    # debug
    if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
      message("includeFields: ", paste0(includeFields, collapse = " / "), "\n")

    # early exit
    if (!length(excludeFields)) return(
      processIncludeFields(tfname, includeFields, extractedFields = extractedFields))

    # get another file name
    tjname <- tempfile()
    on.exit(try(unlink(tjname), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

    # write data
    processIncludeFields(tfname, includeFields, tjname, extractedFields)

    # early exit
    if (file.size(tjname) <= 2L) return(NULL)

    # swap file name for next processing step
    tfname <- tjname

  } # if (length(includeFields))

  #### .jq excludeFields ####
  if (length(excludeFields)) {

    # process
          verbose = FALSE),

  } # if (!length(excludeFields))

  # unexpected
  stop("unforeseen branching in processDbGetQuery")


#' processExcludeFields
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
processExcludeFields <- function(df, excludeFields) {

  # early return
  if (!length(excludeFields)) return(df)
  if (!nrow(df)) return(df)

  # exclude any root fields with name:0 or that were not specified
  rM <- stats::na.omit(match(excludeFields, names(df)))

  # process
  if (length(rM)) return(df[, -rM, drop = FALSE])

  # alternative return


#' processIncludeFields
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
processIncludeFields <- function(
    tjname = NULL,
    extractedFields = character(0L)) {

  # create output json with dot field names that
  # represent nested fields and their values

  # recursive (default):
  # - input:
  # {"_id": "5cd67853f841025e65ce0ce2", "friends": {"id": [0, 1, 2]}}
  # - script:
  # "{\"_id\", \"friends.id\": [.\"friends\" | m1 | .\"id\" ] | m2}"
  # - output:
  # {"_id", "friends.id": [0, 1, 2]}
  # alternative (from json_extract(path)):
  # - input:
  # {"_id": "5cd67853f841025e65ce0ce2", "friends.id": [0, 1, 2]}
  # - script:
  # "{\"_id\", \"friends.id\": [.\"friends\".\"id\"] | m2}"
  # - output:
  # {"_id", "friends.id": [0, 1, 2]}

  jqFcts <- paste0(
    # m1 replaces missing values with null to allow further processing
    #    if a field cannot be found, but takes care of boolean because
    #    "It is an error to use length on a boolean" and then goes
    #    recursively into arrays
    'def m1: . | (if (type == "array" or type == "object" or type == "string") and
     length == 0 then null else (if type == "array" then (.[] | m1) else [.][] end) end); ',
    # m2 provides a final scalar unless there are several elements
    'def m2: . | (if length > 1 then [.][] else .[] end); ')

  if (!length(extractedFields)) {

    # default
    subFields <- strsplit(includeFields, split = "[.]")
    subFields <- subFields[sapply(subFields, length) >= 1L]

  } else {

    # needed for postgres

    if (setequal(includeFields, extractedFields)) {

      # identifiers were short enough so
      # no recursive approach is needed
      subFields <- includeFields[includeFields != "_id"]

    } else {

      # recurse only for those elements of the dot path that
      # extend beyond the maximum length of the dot path as per
      # extractedFields, for example
      # [[1]]
      # [1] "clinical_results.reported_events.other_events.category_list"
      # [2] "category"
      # [3] "event_list"

      subFields <- gsub(
        "^[.]", "", stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
          includeFields, extractedFields, ""))

      subFields <- strsplit(subFields, split = "[.]")

      subFields <- lapply(seq_along(subFields), function(i)
        c(extractedFields[i], subFields[[i]]))

      subFields <- subFields[sapply(subFields, length) >= 1L]



  # keep _id even if not specified, can be
  # removed with _id:0 in subsequent step
  jqFields <- '"_id"'

  if (length(subFields)) jqFields <-
    paste0(jqFields, ", ", collapse = "")

  jqFields <- paste0(
    jqFcts, "{",
    paste0(c(jqFields, paste0(
        function(s) {
          # used for postgres which already
          # extracts nested fields by SQL
          if (length(s) == 1L) return(paste0(
            '"', s, '": [."', s, '" | m1 ] | m2 '
          # other cases
          # -first item
          k <- paste0('"', s[1], '')
          v <- paste0(' [."', s[1], '" | m1 | ')
          # - any next item(s)
          for (i in (seq_len(length(s) - 2) + 1)) {
            k <- paste0(k, '.', s[i], '')
            v <- paste0(v, '."', s[i], '" | m1 | ')
          # - last item
          k <- paste0(k, '.', s[length(s)], '": ')
          v <- paste0(v, '."', s[length(s)], '" | m1 ] | m2 ')
          # - combine items
          return(paste0(k, v))
        }, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
      collapse = ", ")), collapse = ""), "}")

  # debug
  if (options()[["verbose"]]) {
    message("JQ processOutput: ", jqFields, "\n")

  # early return
  if (is.null(tjname)) return(
        jqr::jq(file(tfname), jqFields)),
      verbose = FALSE))

  # write data for further processing
    out = tjname

  # early exit
  if (file.size(tjname) <= 2L) return(NULL)

} # processIncludeFields

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nodbi documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 1:06 a.m.