
Defines functions subsample.nodiv_result SOS plotSOS plot.nodiv_result print.summary_nodiv_result summary.nodiv_result print.nodiv_result GND

Documented in GND plot.nodiv_result plotSOS print.nodiv_result print.summary_nodiv_result SOS subsample.nodiv_result summary.nodiv_result

GND <- function(nodiv_result, node = NULL)
  if (!inherits(nodiv_result, "nodiv_result"))
    stop("object must be of type nodiv_result")
  if (is.null(node)) node <- nodenumbers(nodiv_result) else node <- identify_node(node, nodiv_result)
  ret <- nodiv_result$GND[node - Nspecies(nodiv_result)]
  names(ret) <- nodenumbers(nodiv_result)[node]

print.nodiv_result <- function(x, printlen = 4, ...)
  cat(paste("Result of nodiv analysis on", x$type,"data\n"))
  cat(paste("Null model:", x$method,"\n\n"))
  cat(paste("Species names (n = ", Nspecies(x), "):\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("\t", paste(species(x)[1:printlen], collapse = ", "),", ...\n\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("Site names (n = ", nrow(x$coords),"):\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("\t", paste(x$coords$sites[1:printlen], collapse = ", "),", ...\n\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("GND and SOS calculated for", sum(!is.na(x$GND)), "nodes\n"))

summary.nodiv_result <- function(object, ...)
  ret <- summary.nodiv_data(object, ...)
  ret$GND <- object$GND
  ret$method <- object$method
  ret$repeats <- object$repeats
  if (sum(ret$GND > 0.6, na.rm = T) > 0) ret$sign <- which(ret$GND > 0.6) else ret$sign <- numeric()
  class(ret) <- "summary_nodiv_result"  

print.summary_nodiv_result <- function(x, printlen = 4, ...)
  cat(paste("Result of nodiv analysis on", x$type,"data\n"))
  cat(paste("Null model:", x$method,"\n\n"))

  cat(paste("Species names: (n = ", length(x$species), "):\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("\t", paste(x$species[1:printlen], collapse = ", "),", ...\n\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("Site names (n = ", nrow(x$coords),"):\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("\t", paste(x$coords$sites[1:printlen], collapse = ", "),", ...\n\n", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("GND and SOS calculated for", sum(!is.na(x$GND)), "nodes\n"))
  cat(paste("GND values:  min", round(min(x$GND, na.rm = T),2), "max", round(max(x$GND, na.rm = T),2), "mean", round(mean(x$GND, na.rm = T),2),"\n\n"))
  cat(paste(length(x$sign),"nodes of", sum(!is.na(x$GND)), "were above 0.6"))  

  if (length(x$sign)>0) 
    for (i in seq_along(x$sign))
      nodelab <- ifelse(!is.null(x$phylo$node.label), x$phylo$node.label[x$sign[i]], "")
      cat(paste("\tNode number ", x$nodes[x$sign[i]],": ", round(x$GND[x$sign[i]],2),"\t", nodelab,"\n", sep = ""))
  } else(cat("\n"))

plot.nodiv_result <- function(x, label = nodenumbers(x), zlim = 0:1, ...)
  plot_nodes_phylo(x$GND, tree = x$phylo, label = label, main = "",  zlim = zlim, show.legend = TRUE,...)

plotSOS <- function(nodiv_result, node, zlim, ...)
  sos <- SOS(nodiv_result, node)
  if (missing(zlim)) 
    maxabs <- max(abs(sos), na.rm = T)
    zlim <- c(-maxabs, maxabs)
  plot_sitestat(nodiv_result, sos, zlim = zlim, ...)

SOS <- function(nodiv_result, node)
  if (!inherits(nodiv_result, "nodiv_result"))
    stop("nodiv_result must be the result object from running Node_analysis")
  node <- identify_node(node, nodiv_result)
  if (node > Nspecies(nodiv_result))
    node <- node - Nspecies(nodiv_result)
  SOS <- nodiv_result$SOS[,node]

subsample.nodiv_result <- function(x, node = NULL, ...)
  ret <- subsample.nodiv_data(x, node = node, ...)
  if (!is.null(list(...)$sites))
    warning("It is only possible to subsample results to certain nodes, as selecting only some sites invalidates GND values. Returning a nodiv_data object with a subsampled dataset. Run Node_analyis again on this.")
  if (!is.null(list(...)$species))
    warning("It is only possible to subsample results to certain nodes, as selecting only some species invalidates the results. Returning a nodiv_data object with a subsampled dataset. Run Node_analyis again on this.")
  ret$method <- x$method
  ret$repeats <- x$repeats
  ret$GND <- x$GND[attr(ret, "old_nodes") - Nspecies(x)]
  ret$SOS <- x$SOS[which(x$coords$sites %in% ret$coords$sites), attr(ret, "old_nodes") - Nspecies(x)]
  class(ret) <- c("nodiv_result","nodiv_data", "distrib_data")

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nodiv documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 9:10 a.m.