
Defines functions .fitMat_nw .fitMat .d2deri .dderi kern_smooth

Documented in kern_smooth

kern_smooth <- function(xtab, ytab, x, h, method = "u", technique = "noh", control = list("tm_limit" = 700)){
  # verification
  #internal parameters
  consX <- unique(sort(c(xtab, seq(min(xtab), max(xtab), length = 201)))) # to ensure the obedience to the shape constraints
  Cstable = 10000 # stability parameter
  n <- length(xtab)
  ndata <- length(xtab) # number of data points
  ncons <- length(consX) # number of the points where the constraints are imposed
  # sorting step to use the Priestly-Chao estimator
  oind <- order(xtab)
  xtab <- xtab[oind]
  ytab <- ytab[oind]
  if (technique=="noh"){ 
  # sorting step to use the Priestly-Chao estimator
  oind <- order(xtab)
  xtab <- xtab[oind]
  ytab <- ytab[oind]
  xtab2 <- xtab[-1]
  ytab2 <- ytab[-1]
  DX <- diff(xtab)
  r_end <- max(xtab)
  l_end <- min(xtab)
  opt_coef <- (pnorm((r_end-xtab2)/h)-pnorm((l_end-xtab2)/h))*DX*ytab2
  C0 <- .fitMat(xtab, ytab, xtab, h, type = 0) # only envelop the data
  C1 <- .fitMat(xtab, ytab, consX, h, type = 1) # monotonicity constraints at the given points (including the data points)
  C2 <- .fitMat(xtab, ytab, consX, h, type = 2) # convexity constraints at the given points (including the data points)
  obj <- c(opt_coef, -opt_coef)
   mat_temp <- C0
   mat <- rbind(cbind(mat_temp, -mat_temp), rep(1, length(obj)))
   rhs <- c(ytab, Cstable)
   dir <- c(rep(">=",ndata), "<=")
  if (method=="m"){
    mat_temp <- rbind(C0, C1)
    mat <- rbind(cbind(mat_temp, -mat_temp), rep(1, length(obj)))
    rhs <- c(ytab, rep(0, ncons), Cstable)
    dir <- c(rep(">=", ndata+ncons),"<=")
  if (method=="mc"){       
    mat_temp <- rbind(C0, C1, C2)
    mat <- rbind(cbind(mat_temp, -mat_temp), rep(1, length(obj)))
    rhs <- c(ytab, rep(0, 2*ncons), Cstable)
    dir <- c(rep(">=", ndata+ncons), rep("<=", ncons), "<=")
  Sol <- Rglpk_solve_LP(obj, mat, dir, rhs, types=NULL, max=FALSE, control = control)
    # warning("It seems no solution has been found by Glpk")
    OPT <- rep(NA, length(opt_coef))
  {OPT_temp <- Sol$solution
  # p+ and p-
  OPT <- OPT_temp[1:length(opt_coef)]-OPT_temp[(length(opt_coef)+1):(length(opt_coef)*2)]}
  fitt <- .fitMat(xtab, ytab, x, h, 0) %*% OPT
  if (technique=="pr"){
    A <- .fitMat_nw(xtab, ytab, xtab, h, type = 0) # only envelop the data
    A.deriv.1 <- .fitMat_nw(xtab, ytab, consX, h, type = 1) # monotonicity constraints at the given points (including the data points)
    A.deriv.2 <- .fitMat_nw(xtab, ytab, consX, h, type = 2) # convexity constraints at the given points (including the data points)
    if (method=="u"){
      p.hat <- solve.QP(Dmat = diag(n),
                        dvec = rep(1,n),
                        Amat = t(A),
                        bvec = ytab,
                        meq = 0)$solution
    if (method=="m"){
      p.hat <- solve.QP(Dmat = diag(n),
                        dvec = rep(1,n),
                        Amat = cbind(t(A), t(A.deriv.1)),
                        bvec = c(ytab, rep(0,ncons)),
                        meq = 0)$solution
    if (method=="mc"){
      p.hat <- solve.QP(Dmat = diag(n),
                        dvec = rep(1,n),
                        Amat = cbind(t(A), t(A.deriv.1), -t(A.deriv.2)),
                        bvec = c(ytab, rep(0, ncons), rep(0, ncons)),
                        meq = 0)$solution
    fitt <- .fitMat_nw(xtab, ytab, x, h, type = 0)%*%p.hat

.dderi <- function(x) -x*dnorm(x)

.d2deri<-function(x) (x^2-1)*dnorm(x)

.fitMat<-function(X, Y, consX, h, type = 0){
  # This function constructs design matrix for estimation based on the Priestly-Chao estimator
  # X : vector of x-points of the data
  # Y : vector of y-points of the data
  # consX : vector of X-points on which the shape constraints are imposed 
  # h : bandwidth
  # type=0 for the function itself
  # type=1 for its first derivatives
  # type=2 for its second derivatives
  n <- length(X)
  stopifnot(sum((order(X)-1:n)^2)==0) # the data should be sorted so that X_1 \leq ... \leq X_n
  X2 <- X[-1]
  Y2 <- Y[-1]
  DX <- diff(X)
  A <- dnorm(outer(consX, X2, '-')/h)/h
  B <- rep(1, length(consX)) %*% t(Y2*DX)
    A2 <- .dderi(outer(consX,X2,'-')/h)/h^2
    A3 <- .d2deri(outer(consX, X2, '-')/h)/h^3

.fitMat_nw<-function(X, Y, consX, h, type = 0){
  # This function constructs design matrix for estimation based on the Nadaraya-Watson estimator
  # X : vector of x-points of the data
  # Y : vector of y-points of the data
  # consX : vector of X-points on which the shape constraints are imposed 
  # h : bandwidth
  # type=0 for the function itself
  # type=1 for its first derivatives
  # type=2 for its second derivatives
  A <- dnorm(outer(consX,X,'-')/h)/h
  ksum <- apply(A, 1, sum)
  B <- (1/ksum)*rep(1,length(consX)) %*% t(Y)
  A2 <- .dderi(outer(consX,X,'-')/h)/h^2
  kdsum <- apply(A2, 1, sum)
  B2_1 <- (1/ksum)*rep(1, length(consX)) %*% t(Y)
  B2_2 <- (kdsum/ksum^2)*rep(1, length(consX)) %*% t(Y)
  A3 <- .d2deri(outer(consX, X, '-')/h)/h^3
  kd2sum <- apply(A3, 1, sum)
  B3_1 <- (kd2sum/ksum^2)*rep(1,length(consX)) %*% t(Y) 
  B3_2 <- (kdsum^2/ksum^3)*rep(1,length(consX)) %*% t(Y) 
  if (type==2){
    alpha <- A3*B2_1-A2*B2_2
    beta <- A2*B2_2+A*B3_1-2*A*B3_2

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