
Defines functions bOpt bOptRho bOptEmpProc Lval mval flattop convrect pdfsumunif parzen bartlett

Documented in bOpt bOptEmpProc

##   R package npcp by Ivan Kojadinovic Copyright (C) 2017
##   This file is part of the R package npcp.
##   The R package npcp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##   (at your option) any later version.
##   The R package npcp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##   GNU General Public License for more details.
##   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##   along with the R package npcp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## Utility functions

bartlett <- function(x) {
    pmax(1 - abs(x), 0)

parzen <- function(x) {
    ifelse(abs(x) <= 1/2, 1 - 6 * x^2 + 6 * abs(x)^3,
           ifelse(1/2 <= abs(x) & abs(x) <= 1, 2 * (1 - abs(x))^3, 0))

pdfsumunif <- function(x, n) {
    nx <- length(x)

       pdf = double(nx),
       PACKAGE = "npcp")$pdf

convrect <- function(x, n) {
    pdfsumunif(x + n/2, n) / pdfsumunif(n / 2, n)

flattop <- function(x, a=0.5) {
    pmin( pmax((1-abs(x))/(1-a), 0), 1)

## Functions for determining L

## Adapted from Matlab code by A. Patton and the R translation
## by C. Parmeter and J. Racine
mval <- function(rho, lagmax, kn, rho.crit) {
    ## Compute the number of insignificant runs following each rho(k),
    ## k=1,...,lagmax.
    num.ins <- sapply(1:(lagmax-kn+1),
                      function(j) sum((abs(rho) < rho.crit)[j:(j+kn-1)]))

    ## If there are any values of rho(k) for which the kn proceeding
    ## values of rho(k+j), j=1,...,kn are all insignificant, take the
    ## smallest rho(k) such that this holds (see footnote c of
    ## Politis and White for further details).
    if(any(num.ins == kn))
        return( which(num.ins == kn)[1] )
    else {
      ## If no runs of length kn are insignificant, take the smallest
      ## value of rho(k) that is significant.
      if(any(abs(rho) > rho.crit)) {
          lag.sig <- which(abs(rho) > rho.crit)
          k.sig <- length(lag.sig)

          if(k.sig == 1)
              ## When only one lag is significant, mhat is the sole
              ## significant rho(k).
              return( lag.sig )
              ## If there are more than one significant lags but no runs
              ## of length kn, take the largest value of rho(k) that is
              ## significant.
              return( max(lag.sig) )
          ## When there are no significant lags, mhat must be the
          ## smallest positive integer (footnote c), hence mhat is set
          ## to one.
          return( 1 )

Lval <- function(x, method = mean) {
    n <- nrow(x)
    d <- ncol(x)

    ## parameters for adapting the approach of Politis and White (2004)
    kn <- max(5, ceiling(log10(n)))
    lagmax <- ceiling(sqrt(n)) + kn
    rho.crit <- 1.96 * sqrt(log10(n)/n)

    m <- numeric(d)
    for (i in 1:d) {
        rho <- acf(x[,i], lag.max = lagmax, type = "correlation",
                   plot = FALSE)$acf[-1]
        m[i] <- mval(rho, lagmax, kn, rho.crit)
    return( 2 * method(m) )

## Function for estimating b^opt = round( (ln^opt + 1)/ 2)
## in a particular empirical process setting

bOptEmpProc <- function(x, m = 5, weights = c("parzen", "bartlett"),
                        L.method = c("max","median","mean","min")) {

    weights <- match.arg(weights)
    L.method <- match.arg(L.method)
    method <- switch(L.method,
                     min = min,
                     median = median,
                     mean = mean,
                     max = max)
    stopifnot(m > 0L)

    if(!is.matrix(x)) {
        warning("coercing 'x' to a matrix.")
        stopifnot(is.matrix(x <- as.matrix(x)))
    n <- nrow(x)
    d <- ncol(x)
    U <- apply(x, 2, rank)/(n + 1)

    ## parameters for adapting the approach of Politis and White (2004)
    kn <- max(5, ceiling(log10(n)))
    lagmax <- ceiling(sqrt(n)) + kn

    ## make grid -- suboptimal
    z <- seq(1/(m+1), 1 - 1/(m+1), len = m)
    v <- vector("list",d)
    for (i in 1:d)
        v[[i]] <- z
    g <- as.matrix(expand.grid(v)) ## grid on [0,1]^d
    ng <- nrow(g)

    ## compute gamma.n
    gamma.n <- array(NA, c(ng, ng, 2*lagmax+1))
    for (i in 1:ng)
        for (j in 1:i) {

            gamma.n[i,j,] <- as.numeric(ccf(apply(ifelse(U <= g[i,],1,0),1,prod),
                                            apply(ifelse(U <= g[j,],1,0),1,prod),
                                            lag.max = lagmax, type = "covariance",
                                            plot = FALSE)$acf)
            ## use "symmetry" of ccf
            gamma.n[j,i,] <- gamma.n[i,j,(2*lagmax+1):1]

    ## determine L
    L <- Lval(x, method=method)

    ## compute K.n and sigma.n for all u, v on the grid
    K.n <- sigma.n <- matrix(0,ng,ng)
    for (i in 1:ng)
        for (j in 1:ng) {
            ft <- flattop(-lagmax:lagmax/L)
            sigma.n[i,j] <- sum(ft * gamma.n[i,j,])
            K.n[i,j] <- sum(ft * (-lagmax:lagmax)^2 * gamma.n[i,j,])

    ## compute Gamma.n and Delta.n
    ## hessian and integral precomputed below
    ## code: as.numeric(hessian(kernel,0))^2
    ##       kernel2 <- function(x) kernel(x)^2
    ##       integrate(kernel2,-1,1)$value

    sqrderiv <- switch(weights,
                       bartlett = 143.9977845,
                       parzen = 495.136227)
    integralsqrker <- switch(weights,
                       bartlett = 0.5392857143,
                       parzen = 0.3723388234)

    Gamma.n.2 <- sqrderiv / 4 * mean(K.n^2)

    Delta.n <- integralsqrker * (mean(diag(sigma.n))^2 + mean(sigma.n^2))
    ln.opt <- (4 * Gamma.n.2 / Delta.n * n)^(1/5)
    return( round((ln.opt + 1) / 2) )

## Function for estimating b^opt = round( (ln^opt + 1)/ 2)
## in the setting of the test for change-point detection
## based on multivariate extensions of Spearman's rho

bOptRho <- function(x,
                    statistic = c("global", "pairwise"),
                    weights = c("parzen", "bartlett"),
                    L.method = c("pseudo","max","median","mean","min")) {

    statistic <- match.arg(statistic)
    weights <- match.arg(weights)

    if(!is.matrix(x)) {
        warning("coercing 'x' to a matrix.")
        stopifnot(is.matrix(x <- as.matrix(x)))
    n <- nrow(x)
    d <- ncol(x)
    stopifnot(d > 1L)
    L.method <- match.arg(L.method)

    ## f in natural order
    f <- switch(statistic,
                global = c(rep(0,2^d - 1),1),
                pairwise = c(rep(0, d + 1), rep(1, choose(d,2)),
                rep(0, 2^d - choose(d,2) - d - 1)))

    ## convert f into binary order
    powerset <-  .C("k_power_set",
                    powerset = integer(2^d),

    fbin <- .C("natural2binary",
               fbin = double(2^d),

    ## compute influ
    out <- .C("influRho",
                influ = double(n),
                PACKAGE = "npcp")

    influ <- out$influ

    ## parameters for adapting the approach of Politis and White (2004)
    kn <- max(5, ceiling(log10(n)))
    lagmax <- ceiling(sqrt(n)) + kn

    ## compute tau.n
    tau.n <- as.numeric(ccf(influ, influ, lag.max = lagmax,
                            type = "covariance", plot = FALSE)$acf)

    ## determine L
    if (L.method == "pseudo")
        L <- Lval(matrix(influ), method=min)
    else {

        method <- switch(L.method,
                         min = min,
                         median = median,
                         mean = mean,
                         max = max)
        L <- Lval(x, method=method)

    ## compute Gamma.n and Delta.n
    ## hessian and integral precomputed below
    ## code:
    ## kernel <- switch(weights,
    ##                  bartlett = parzen,
    ##                  parzen = function(x) convrect(x*4,8))
    ## as.numeric(hessian(kernel,0))^2
    ## kernel2 <- function(x) kernel(x)^2
    ## integrate(kernel2,-1,1)$value

    sqrderiv <- switch(weights,
                       bartlett = 143.9977845,
                       parzen = 495.136227)
    integralsqrker <- switch(weights,
                       bartlett = 0.5392857143,
                       parzen = 0.3723388234)

    ft <- flattop(-lagmax:lagmax/L)
    Gamma.n.2 <- sqrderiv / 4 * sum(ft * (-lagmax:lagmax)^2 * tau.n)^2
    Delta.n <- integralsqrker * 2 * sum(ft * tau.n)^2
    ln.opt <- (4 * Gamma.n.2 / Delta.n * n)^(1/5)
    list(b = round((ln.opt + 1) / 2),
         influnonseq = influ,
         fbin = fbin)

## Function for estimating b^opt = round( (ln^opt + 1)/ 2)
## in the setting of the tests for change-point detection
## based the sample mean and on U-statistics

bOpt <- function(influ, weights = c("parzen", "bartlett")) {

    if(!is.double(influ)) {
        warning("coercing 'influ' to a double.")
        stopifnot(is.double(influ <- as.double(influ)))
    n <- length(influ)
    weights <- match.arg(weights)

    ## parameters for adapting the approach of Politis and White (2004)
    kn <- max(5, ceiling(log10(n)))
    lagmax <- ceiling(sqrt(n)) + kn

    ## compute gamma.n
    gamma.n <- as.numeric(ccf(influ, influ, lag.max = lagmax,
                            type = "covariance", plot = FALSE)$acf)

    ## determine L
    L <- Lval(matrix(influ), method=min)

    ## compute Gamma.n and Delta.n
    ## hessian and integral precomputed below
    ## code:
    ## kernel <- switch(weights,
    ##                  bartlett = parzen,
    ##                  parzen = function(x) convrect(x*4,8))
    ## as.numeric(hessian(kernel,0))^2
    ## kernel2 <- function(x) kernel(x)^2
    ## integrate(kernel2,-1,1)$value

    sqrderiv <- switch(weights,
                       bartlett = 143.9977845,
                       parzen = 495.136227)
    integralsqrker <- switch(weights,
                       bartlett = 0.5392857143,
                       parzen = 0.3723388234)

    ft <- flattop(-lagmax:lagmax/L)
    Gamma.n.2 <- sqrderiv / 4 * sum(ft * (-lagmax:lagmax)^2 * gamma.n)^2
    Delta.n <- integralsqrker * 2 * sum(ft * gamma.n)^2
    ln.opt <- (4 * Gamma.n.2 / Delta.n * n)^(1/5)
    round((ln.opt + 1) / 2)

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