
Defines functions summary.fitgStudentcopula print.fitgStudentcopula class_fitgStudentcopula fitStudentcopula fitgStudentcopula fitStudent rStudentcopula rgStudentcopula rgStudent rStudent pgStudentcopula pStudentcopula pgStudent pStudent dgStudentcopula dgStudent dStudentcopula dStudent

Documented in dgStudent dgStudentcopula dStudent dStudentcopula fitgStudentcopula fitStudent fitStudentcopula pgStudent pgStudentcopula pStudent pStudentcopula rgStudent rgStudentcopula rStudent rStudentcopula

### d/p/r/fitStudent() #########################################################

##' @title Density of the Multivariate Student t Distribution
##' @param x (n, d)-matrix of evaluation points
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, the normal density is returned
##' @param loc d-vector (location != mean vector here)
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix, positive definite (scale != covariance
##'        matrix here)
##' @param factor *lower triangular* factor R of the covariance matrix 'scale'
##'        such that R^T R = 'scale' here (otherwise det(scale) not computed
##'        correctly!)
##' @param log logical indicating whether the logarithmic density is computed
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required
##'        precision 'abstol' (see dnvmix()) has not been reached.
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to the underlying dnvmix()
##' @return n-vector of t_nu(loc, scale) density values
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
dStudent <- function(x, df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d),
                     factor = NULL, # needs to be triangular!
                     log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)
   if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- rbind(x)
   d <- ncol(x) # for 'loc', 'scale'
   dnvmix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", loc = loc, scale = scale,
          factor = factor, log = log, verbose = verbose, df = df, ...)

##' @title Density of the t copula
##' @param u (n, d)-matrix of evaluation points
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, the normal density is returned
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix, positive definite (scale != covariance
##'        matrix here)
##' @param log logical indicating whether the logarithmic density is computed
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required
##'        precision 'abstol' (see dnvmix()) has not been reached.
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to the underlying dnvmix()
##' @return n-vector of t_nu(loc, scale) density values
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
dStudentcopula <- function(u, df, scale = diag(d), factor = NULL, log = FALSE,
                           verbose = TRUE)
   ## Checks
   if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u)
   d <- ncol(u)
   n <- nrow(u)
   stopifnot(all(u <= 1), all(u >= 0))
   ## Result object
   res <- rep(-Inf, n)
   notNA <- rowSums(is.na(u)) == 0
   not01 <- rowSums( u <= 0 | u >= 1 ) == 0 # rows where no component is <= 0 or >=1
   ## Fill in NAs where needed
   res[!notNA] <- NA
   ## Density is zero outside (0,1)^d
   res[!not01 & notNA] <- if(log) -Inf else 0
   u <- u[notNA & not01,, drop = FALSE] # non-missing data inside (0,1)^d
   ## Call 'dnvmixcopula()' with non-missing, (0,1)^d rows
   res[notNA & not01] <-
      dnvmixcopula(u, qmix = "inverse.gamma", scale = scale, factor = factor,
                   verbose = verbose, df = df, log = log)

##' @title Density of the grouped t distribution
##' @param x (n, d)-matrix of evaluation points
##' @param groupings see ?pgnvmix()
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, the normal density is returned
##' @param loc d-vector (location != mean vector here)
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix, positive definite (scale != covariance
##'        matrix here)
##' @param control list; see ?get_set_param()
##' @param log logical indicating whether the logarithmic density is computed
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required
##'        precision 'abstol' (see dnvmix()) has not been reached.
##' @return n-vector of t_nu(loc, scale) density values
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
dgStudent <- function(x, groupings = 1:d, df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d),
                      factor = NULL, factor.inv = NULL, control = list(),
                      log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
   if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- rbind(x)
   d <- ncol(x) # for 'loc', 'scale'
   ## Call 'dgnvmix()'
   dgnvmix(x, groupings = groupings, qmix = "inverse.gamma", loc = loc,
           scale = scale, factor = factor, factor.inv = factor.inv, df = df,
           control = control, log = log, verbose = verbose)

##' @title Density Function of the grouped t copula
##' @param u (n, d) matrix of evaluation points
##' @param groupings ?pgnvmix()
##' @param df see ?pgStudent()
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix (scale != covariance matrix here)
##' @param control ?get_set_param()
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required
##'        precision 'abstol' (see dnvmix()) has not been reached.
##' @param log logical if log-density required
##' @return numeric vector with the computed probabilities and attributes "error"
##'         (error estimate of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter"
##'         (number of iterations)
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
dgStudentcopula <- function(u, groupings = 1:d, df, scale = diag(d), factor = NULL,
                            factor.inv = NULL, control = list(), verbose = TRUE,
                            log = FALSE)
   ## Checks
   if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u)
   d <- ncol(u)
   n <- nrow(u)
   stopifnot(all(u <= 1), all(u >= 0))
   ## Result object
   res <- rep(-Inf, n)
   notNA <- rowSums(is.na(u)) == 0
   not01 <- rowSums( u <= 0 | u >= 1 ) == 0 # rows where no component is <= 0 or >=1
   ## Fill in NAs where needed
   res[!notNA] <- NA
   ## Density is zero outside (0,1)^d
   res[!not01 & notNA] <- if(log) -Inf else 0
   u <- u[notNA & not01,, drop = FALSE] # non-missing data inside (0,1)^d
   ## Compute quantiles
   qu <- sapply(1:d, function(i) qt(u[, i], df = df[groupings[i]]))
   if(!is.matrix(qu)) qu <- rbind(qu) # otherwise dimension not correct in dgnvmix()
   num <- dgnvmix(qu, qmix = "inverse.gamma", scale = scale, factor = factor,
                  factor.inv = factor.inv, df = df, groupings = groupings,
                  verbose = verbose,
                  control = control, log = TRUE) # vector
   ## Matrix with marginal density applied on the columns of 'qu'
   temp <- sapply(1:d, function(i) dt(qu[, i], df = df[groupings[i]], log = TRUE))
   if(!is.matrix(temp)) temp <- rbind(temp)
   denom <- rowSums(temp)
   ## Store results and return
   res[notNA & not01] <- if(!log) exp(num - denom) else num - denom
   ## Return

##' @title Distribution Function of the Multivariate Student t Distribution
##' @param upper d-vector of upper evaluation limits
##' @param lower d-vector of lower evaluation limits
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, the normal density is returned
##' @param loc d-vector (location != mean vector here)
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix (scale != covariance matrix here)
##' @param standardized logical indicating whether 'scale' is assumed to be a
##'        correlation matrix; if FALSE (default), 'upper', 'lower' and 'scale'
##'        will be normalized.
##' @param control ?get_set_param()
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required
##'        precision 'abstol' (see dnvmix()) has not been reached.
##' @return numeric vector with the computed probabilities and attributes "error"
##'         (error estimate of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter"
##'         (number of iterations)
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
pStudent <- function(upper, lower = matrix(-Inf, nrow = n, ncol = d),
                     df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), standardized = FALSE,
                     control = list(), verbose = TRUE)
   ## Checks (needed to get the default for 'lower' correctly)
   if(!is.matrix(upper)) upper <- rbind(upper) # 1-row matrix if upper is a vector
   n <- nrow(upper) # number of evaluation points
   d <- ncol(upper) # dimension
   if(!is.matrix(lower)) lower <- rbind(lower) # 1-row matrix if lower is a vector
   pnvmix(upper, lower = lower, qmix = "inverse.gamma", loc = loc, scale = scale,
          standardized = standardized, control = control,
          verbose = verbose, df = df)

##' @title Distribution Function of the grouped Multivariate t Distribution
##' @param upper d-vector of upper evaluation limits
##' @param lower d-vector of lower evaluation limits
##' @param groupings ?pgnvmix()
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, the normal density is returned
##' @param loc d-vector (location != mean vector here)
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix (scale != covariance matrix here)
##' @param standardized logical indicating whether 'scale' is assumed to be a
##'        correlation matrix; if FALSE (default), 'upper', 'lower' and 'scale'
##'        will be normalized.
##' @param control ?get_set_param()
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required
##'        precision 'abstol' (see dnvmix()) has not been reached.
##' @return numeric vector with the computed probabilities and attributes "error"
##'         (error estimate of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter"
##'         (number of iterations)
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
pgStudent <- function(upper, lower = matrix(-Inf, nrow = n, ncol = d),
                      groupings = 1:d,
                      df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), standardized = FALSE,
                      control = list(), verbose = TRUE)
   ## Checks (needed to get the default for 'lower' correctly)
   if(!is.matrix(upper)) upper <- rbind(upper) # 1-row matrix if upper is a vector
   n <- nrow(upper) # number of evaluation points
   d <- ncol(upper) # dimension
   if(!is.matrix(lower)) lower <- rbind(lower) # 1-row matrix if lower is a vector
   ## Call 'pgnvmix()'
   pgnvmix(upper, lower = lower, groupings = groupings, qmix = "inverse.gamma",
           loc = loc, scale = scale, standardized = standardized, control = control,
           verbose = verbose, df = df)

##' @title Distribution Function of the t copula
##' @param upper d-vector of upper evaluation points in [0,1]^d
##' @param lower d-vector of lower evaluation limits in [0,1]^d
##' @param df dof parameter
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix
##' @param control ?get_set_param()
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required
##'        precision 'abstol' (see dnvmix()) has not been reached.
##' @return numeric vector with the computed probabilities and attributes "error"
##'         (error estimate of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter"
##'         (number of iterations)
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
pStudentcopula <- function(upper, lower = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = d), df,
                           scale = diag(d), control = list(), verbose = TRUE)
   ## Checks
   if(!is.matrix(upper)) upper <- rbind(upper) # 1-row matrix if upper is a vector
   n <- nrow(upper) # number of evaluation points
   d <- ncol(upper) # dimension
   if(!is.matrix(lower)) lower <- rbind(lower) # 1-row matrix if lower is a vector
   ## Call more general pgStudentcopula()
   pgStudentcopula(upper, lower = lower, groupings = rep(1, d), df = df, scale = scale,
                   control = control, verbose = verbose)

##' @title Distribution Function of the grouped t copula
##' @param upper d-vector of upper evaluation points in [0,1]^d
##' @param lower d-vector of lower evaluation limits in [0,1]^d
##' @param groupings ?pgnvmix()
##' @param df see ?pgStudent()
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix (scale != covariance matrix here)
##' @param control ?get_set_param()
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required
##'        precision 'abstol' (see dnvmix()) has not been reached.
##' @return numeric vector with the computed probabilities and attributes "error"
##'         (error estimate of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter"
##'         (number of iterations)
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
pgStudentcopula <- function(upper, lower = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = d),
                            groupings = 1:d, df, scale = diag(d), control = list(),
                            verbose = TRUE)
   ## Checks
   if(!is.matrix(upper)) upper <- rbind(upper) # 1-row matrix if upper is a vector
   n <- nrow(upper) # number of evaluation points
   d <- ncol(upper) # dimension
   if(!is.matrix(lower)) lower <- rbind(lower) # 1-row matrix if lower is a vector
   upper <- pmax( pmin(upper, 1), 0)
   lower <- pmax( pmin(lower, 1), 0)
   ## Transform limits via qt(..., df)
   upper_ <- sapply(1:d, function(i) qt(upper[, i], df = df[groupings[i]]))
   lower_ <- if(all(lower == 0)){
      matrix(-Inf, nrow = n, ncol = d) # avoid estimation of the quantile
   } else {
      sapply(1:d, function(i) qt(lower[, i], df = df[groupings[i]]))
   ## Call 'pgnvmix()' (which handles NA correctly)
   pgnvmix(upper_, lower = lower_, groupings = groupings, qmix = "inverse.gamma",
           scale = scale, control = control, verbose = verbose, df = df)

##' @title Random Number Generator for the Multivariate Student t Distribution
##' @param n sample size
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, sample from a Normal distribution
##'        is returned
##' @param loc d-vector (location != mean vector here)
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix (scale != covariance matrix here)
##' @param factor factor R of the covariance matrix 'scale' with d rows
##'        such that R R^T = 'scale'.
##' @return (n, d)-matrix with t_nu(loc, scale) samples
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
rStudent <- function(n, df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2),
                     factor = NULL, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"),
                     skip = 0)
   method <- match.arg(method)
   d <- if(!is.null(factor)) { # for 'loc', 'scale'
      nrow(factor <- as.matrix(factor))
   } else {
      nrow(scale <- as.matrix(scale))
   if(method == "PRNG"){
      ## Provide 'rmix' and no 'qmix' => typically faster
      rnvmix(n, rmix = "inverse.gamma",
             loc = loc, scale = scale, factor = factor, df = df,
             method = method, skip = skip)
   } else {
      ## Provide 'qmix' for inversion based methods
      rnvmix(n, qmix = "inverse.gamma",
             loc = loc, scale = scale, factor = factor, df = df,
             method = method, skip = skip)

##' @title Random Number Generator for the generalzied Multivariate t Distribution
##' @param n sample size
##' @param groupings see ?pgnvmix()
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, sample from a Normal distribution
##'        is returned
##' @param loc d-vector (location != mean vector here)
##' @param scale (d, d)-covariance matrix (scale != covariance matrix here)
##' @param factor factor R of the covariance matrix 'scale' with d rows
##'        such that R R^T = 'scale'.
##' @return (n, d)-matrix with t_nu(loc, scale) samples
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
rgStudent <- function(n, groupings = 1:d, df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2),
                      factor = NULL, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"),
                      skip = 0)
   method <- match.arg(method)
   d <- if(!is.null(factor)) { # for 'loc', 'scale'
      nrow(factor <- as.matrix(factor))
   } else {
      nrow(scale <- as.matrix(scale))
   ## Provide 'qmix' (=> 'rmix' not allowed for gNVM() distributions)
   rgnvmix(n, qmix = "inverse.gamma", groupings = groupings,
           loc = loc, scale = scale, factor = factor, df = df,
           method = method, skip = skip)

##' @title Random Number Generator for grouped t copla
##' @param n sample size
##' @param groupings see ?pgnvmix()
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, sample from a Normal distribution
##'        is returned
##' @param scale (d, d)- correlation matrix
##' @param factor factor R of the covariance matrix 'scale' with d rows
##'        such that R R^T = 'scale'.
##' @return (n, d)-matrix with t_nu(loc, scale) samples
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
rgStudentcopula <- function(n, groupings = 1:d, df, scale = diag(2), factor = NULL,
                            method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)
   method <- match.arg(method)
   d <- if(!is.null(factor)) {
      nrow(factor <- as.matrix(factor))
   } else {
      nrow(scale <- as.matrix(scale))
   ## Sample from the grouped t distribution
   t_sample <-
      rgnvmix(n, qmix = "inverse.gamma", groupings = groupings, scale = scale,
              factor = factor, df = df, method = method, skip = skip)
   ## Apply the correct pt(, df) columnwise and return
   sapply(1:d, function(i) pt(t_sample[, i], df = df[groupings[i]]))

##' @title Random Number Generator for the t copla
##' @param n sample size
##' @param df degrees of freedom > 0; if df = Inf, sample from a Normal distribution
##'        is returned
##' @param scale (d, d)- correlation matrix
##' @return (n, d)-matrix with t_nu(loc, scale) samples
##' @author Erik Hintz and Marius Hofert
rStudentcopula <- function(n, df, scale = diag(2),
                           method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)
   d <- nrow(scale <- as.matrix(scale))
   method <- match.arg(method)
   ## Call more general 'rgStudentcop' without grouping
   rgStudentcopula(n, groupings = rep(1, d), df = df, scale = scale,
                   method = method, skip = skip)

##' @title Fitting the Parameters of a Multivariate Student t Distribution
##' @param x (n,d) data matrix
##' @param loc location vector; estimated if not supplied
##' @param scale (d,d) scale matrix; estimated if not supplied
##' @param mix.param.bounds see ?fitnvmix
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to the underlying fitnvmix()
##' @return see ?fitnvmix
##' @author Marius Hofert
fitStudent <- function(x, loc = NULL, scale = NULL, 
                       mix.param.bounds = c(1e-3, 1e2), ...)
   fit <- fitnvmix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma",
                   loc = loc, scale = scale, mix.param.bounds = mix.param.bounds, ...)
   # ## Consistency with other *Student() functions
   names(fit)[[1]] <- "df"
   ## Return

#' Fitting grouped t-copulas
#' @param x (n, d) matrix of data the underlying copula of which is to be estimated
#' @param u (n, d) matrix of copula observations in (0,1)
#' @param df.init NULL or vector with initial estimates for 'df'; can contain NAs
#' @param scale NULL or known 'scale' matrix (estimated via p.w. Kendall's tau if not provided)
#' @param groupings see ?pgnvmix()
#' @param df.bounds 2-vector giving bounds on the dof parameter
#' @param control see ?get_set_param()
#' @param verbose logical if warnings shall be returned
#' @return S3 object of class 'fitgStudentcopula'
#' @author Erik Hintz
#' @note Either 'x' or 'u' or both can be provided
fitgStudentcopula <- function(x, u, df.init = NULL, scale = NULL,
                              groupings = rep(1, d), df.bounds = c(0.5, 30),
                              fit.method = c("joint-MLE", "groupewise-MLE"),
                              control = list(), verbose = TRUE){
   ## 0 Setup ##################################################################
   call <- match.call() # for return
   fit.method <- match.arg(fit.method)
   ## Both 'x' and 'u' can be provided
   x.provided <- FALSE
      if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- cbind(x)
      x.provided <- TRUE
      notNA <- rowSums(is.na(x)) == 0
      x <- x[notNA,, drop = FALSE] # non-missing data (rows)
      n <- nrow(x) # sample size
      d <- ncol(x) # dimension
      if(!hasArg(u)){ # pseudo-observations *not* provided
         u <- copula::pobs(x)
      } else { # pseudo-observations provided; remove NA and check dimension
         if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- cbind(u)
         notNA <- rowSums(is.na(u)) == 0
         u <- u[notNA,, drop = FALSE] # non-missing data (rows)
         ## Check
         if(!all.equal(dim(u), c(n, d)))
            stop("Dimensions of 'u' and 'x' do not match.")
         if(any(u >= 1 | u <= 0))
            stop("Elements in 'u' must be in (0,1).")
   } else {
         stop("Either 'u' or 'x' or both must be provided.")
      if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- rbind(u)
      notNA <- rowSums(is.na(u)) == 0
      u <- u[notNA,, drop = FALSE] # non-missing data (rows)
      n <- nrow(u) # sample size
      d <- ncol(u) # dimension
   ## At least two data points must be provided
   if(n <= 1)
      stop("Data-set must have at least two rows.")
   ## Initialize various quantities
   control <- get_set_param(control)
   numgroups <- length(unique(groupings)) # number of groups
   stopifnot(all(groupings %in% 1:numgroups))
   ## Check if method 'groupewise-MLE' can be applied (all groupe sizes >= 2)
   if(fit.method == "groupewise-MLE"){
      for(k in 1:numgroups){
         ind.sub <- which(groupings == k)
         d.sub <- length(ind.sub) # dimension of the group
         if(d.sub == 1) stop("Fitting method 'groupewise-MLE' only applicable if all group-sizes >= 2")
   ## 1 Estimation of 'scale' ##################################################
   do.scale <- is.null(scale) # logical if 'scale' is to be estimated
   if(do.scale){ # 'scale' not provided => estimate it
      scale <- sin(pcaPP::cor.fk(u) * pi/2)
      ## Ensure positive-definitness
      scale <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(scale)$mat)
   } else stopifnot(all.equal(dim(scale), c(d, d)))
   factor.inv <- solve(t(chol(scale))) # for repeated calls of 'dgStudentcopula()' => faster
   ## 2 Estimation of 'df' #####################################################
   ## 2.1 Find starting values #################################################
      stopifnot(length(df.init) == numgroups)
      initNA <- which(is.na(df.init))
      if(length(initNA) < numgroups)
         stopifnot(all(df.init[!initNA] >= df.bounds[1]), all(df.init[!initNA] <= df.bounds[2]))
   } else {
      df.init <- rep(NA, numgroups)
      initNA <- 1:numgroups
   if(length(initNA) > 0){
      ## -log-likelihood (for faster evaluation)
      nLLt <- function(nu, P, u) {
         x <- qt(u, df = nu)
         -sum(dStudent(x, scale = P, df = nu, log = TRUE) - rowSums(dt(x, df = nu, log = TRUE)))
      ## Estimate dof in each group where 'df.init' was not provided
      for(k in initNA){
         ind.sub <- which(groupings == k)
         d.sub <- length(ind.sub) # dimension of the group
         if(d.sub > 1){
            ## Group at least bivariate => Estimate 'df' of t-copula
            df.init[k] <- optimize(nLLt, interval = df.bounds, u = u[, ind.sub],
                                   P = scale[ind.sub, ind.sub])$minimum
         } else {
            ## Group 'univariate', so margin is merely uniform
               ## If 'x' provided, assume x[, ind.sub] ~ t_{nu} => estimate 'nu' as MLE
               df.init[k] <- fitStudent(cbind(x[, ind.sub]))$df
            } else {
               df.init[k] <- 5
   ## 2.2 Joint estimation of 'df' #############################################
   if(numgroups == 1 || fit.method == "groupewise-MLE"){
      ## One group => classical t copula => 'df.init' is MLE
      ## OR: joint estimation omitted => 'df.init' is MLE
      df <- df.init
      ll.mle <- sum(dgStudentcopula(u, groupings = groupings, df = df.init, 
                                    scale = scale, log = TRUE))
      opt.conv <- NULL
   } else {
      ## -loglikelihood as a function of 'df'
      seed <- sample(1:1e3, 1) 
      nLLgt <- function(df){
         set.seed(seed) # => monotonicity
         if(any(df < df.bounds[1]) | any(df > df.bounds[2])) return(Inf)
         -sum(dgStudentcopula(u, groupings = groupings, df = df, control = control,
                              factor.inv = factor.inv, log = TRUE))
      ll.init <- -nLLgt(df.init) # likelihood of initial parameter 'df.init'
      ## Call 'optim' and grab 'df' along with likelihood
      opt.obj <- optim(df.init, nLLgt, control = control$control.optim)
      df <- opt.obj$par
      ## Check 'convergence' returned by optim()
      opt.conv <- opt.obj$convergence
         if(opt.conv == 1)
            warning("Maximum number of iterations exhausted in optim(); consider increasing 'optim.maxit' in the control argument.")
         if(opt.conv == 10)
            warning("optim() detected degeneracy of the Nelder-Mead simplex.")
      ll.mle <- -opt.obj$value
      ## Check if likelihood increased
      if(verbose & (ll.mle < ll.init) )
         warning("'df.init' yields larger likelihood than 'df' returned from 'optim()'.")
   ## 3. Return ################################################################
   class_fitgStudentcopula(df = df, scale = scale, max.ll = ll.mle,
                           df.init = df.init, do.scale = do.scale, n = n, d = d,
                           groupings = groupings, call = call, opt.conv = opt.conv,
                           fit.method = fit.method)

#' Fitting  t-copulas
#' @param u (n, d) matrix of copula observations in (0,1)
#' @param fit.method string indicating the fitting method to be used 
#' @param df.init NULL or vector with initial estimates for 'df'; can contain NAs
#' @param df.bounds 2-vector giving bounds on the dof parameter
#' @param control see ?get_set_param()
#' @param verbose logical if warnings shall be returned
#' @return S3 object of class 'fitgStudentcopula'
#' @author Erik Hintz
fitStudentcopula <- function(u, fit.method = c("Moment-MLE", "EM-MLE", "Full-MLE"),
                             df.init = NULL, df.bounds = c(0.1, 30),
                             control = list(), verbose = TRUE){
   call <- match.call() # for return
   fit.method <- match.arg(fit.method) 
   ## Checks
   if(!is.matrix(u)) u <- cbind(u)
   d <- ncol(u)
   n <- nrow(u)
   out <- if(fit.method == "Moment-MLE") {
      tmp <- fitgStudentcopula(u = u, df.init = df.init, df.bounds = df.bounds,
                        groupings = rep(1, d), control = control,
                        verbose = verbose)
      list(df = tmp$df, scale = tmp$scale, ll = tmp$max.ll) # deal with class below
   } else {
      ## Initial parameters
      df_current <- if(!is.null(df.init)) df.init else 5 
      P_current <- sin(pcaPP::cor.fk(u) * pi/2)
      P_current <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(P_current, corr = TRUE)$mat)
      if(fit.method == "EM-MLE"){
         ECME.tol = list(ll = 1e-5, par = 1e-4,
                         P = 1e-4)
         ## Specify target-function passed to optim():
         ## @param 'nu': dof parameter
         ## @return neg.max.ll numeric (>0) which is 
         ## - argmax_{\nu>0} log l(nu, \hat{P}(nu))
         ## where \hat{P}(nu) is the MLE for P for fixed 'df' and l is the
         ## copula likelihood function 
         P_myfun <- P_current 
         calls <- 0
         negloglik <- function(df){
            temp <- fitscaleskewtEM(u, pseudoskewt = NULL, df = df, 
                                    gamma = rep(0, d), 
                                    P = P_myfun, P_inv = NULL, ldet = NULL, 
                                    report.ll = TRUE, 
                                    P_maxiter = 100, P_tol = ECME.tol$par)
            ## Return - max ll achieved 
            P_myfun <<- temp$P_next
         opt.obj <- optimize(negloglik, lower = df.bounds[1], upper = df.bounds[2])
         df_next <- opt.obj$minimum
         ll_next <- -opt.obj$objective 
         P_next <- fitscaleskewtEM(u, pseudoskewt = NULL, df = df_next, 
                                   gamma = rep(0, d), 
                                   P = P_current, P_inv = NULL, ldet = NULL, 
                                   report.ll = TRUE, 
                                   P_maxiter = 100, P_tol = ECME.tol$P)$P_next
         list(df = df_next, scale = P_next, ll = ll_next)
      } else { # full MLE
         ## Set up log-likelihood as a function of *internal* parameters 
         negloglik_ <- function(intpars){
            orgpars <- int_to_org_pars_t(intpars) 
            scale <- rhoToOmega(orgpars$rho)
            factor <- tryCatch(t(chol(scale)), error = function(e) NULL)
            if(is.null(factor)) return(1e8) # scale does not have full rank
            -sum(dStudentcopula(u, df = orgpars$df, factor = factor, log = TRUE))
         ## Compute *internal* starting values
         initial.int.pars <- org_to_int_pars_t(rho = P_current[lower.tri(P_current)], 
                                                df = df_current)
         lth <- length(initial.int.pars) - 1 # last element is 'df'
         ## Get bounds
         upbounds <- matrix(pi, ncol = d-1, nrow = d-1)
         diag(upbounds) <- 2 * pi
         upbounds <- as.vector(upbounds[lower.tri(upbounds, diag = TRUE)])
         ## Call the optimizer 
         opt.obj <- optim(initial.int.pars, negloglik_, method = "L-BFGS-B",
                          lower = c(rep(0, lth), df.bounds[1]), 
                          upper = c(upbounds, df.bounds[2]))
         newpars <- int_to_org_pars_t(opt.obj$par) 
         list(df = newpars$df, scale = rhoToOmega(newpars$rho), 
              ll = -opt.obj$value, opt.obj = opt.obj)
   class_fitgStudentcopula(df = out$df, scale = out$scale, max.ll = out$ll,
                           do.scale = TRUE, df.init = df.init, n = n, d = d, 
                           groupings = rep(1, d), call = call, opt.conv = NULL, 
                           fit.method = fit.method)

### S3 class functions and methods #############################################

#' Function to define S3 class 'fitgStudentcopula'
#' @param df MLE for 'df'
#' @param scale MLE for 'scale'
#' @param loc MLE for 'loc'
#' @param max.ll maximum log-likelihood at MLEs
#' @param df.init initial estimate for 'df'
#' @param do.scale logical if 'scale' is being estimated
#' @param n number of data points
#' @param d dimension of input data
#' @param groupings vector specifying the group structure
#' @param call language object; function call to 'fitgStudentcopula()'
#' @param opt.conv either NULL or 'convergence' reported by 'optim()'
#' @return S3 object of class 'fitgStudentcopula'
#' @author Erik Hintz
class_fitgStudentcopula <- function(df, scale, max.ll, df.init, do.scale,
                                    n, d, groupings, call, opt.conv, fit.method){
   res <- list(df = df, scale = scale, max.ll = max.ll, df.init = df.init,
               do.scale = do.scale, n = n, d = d, groupings = groupings,
               call = call, opt.conv = opt.conv, fit.method = fit.method)
   ## Return object of class 'fitgStudentcopula'
   structure(res, class = "fitgStudentcopula")

## Method 'print' for S3 class 'fitgStudentcopula'
print.fitgStudentcopula <- function(x, ...,
                                    digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)){
   ## Check if grouped or not
   numgroups <- length(unique(x$groupings))
   is.grouped <- (numgroups > 1) # logical 
   ## Print function call to fitnvmix()
   cat("Call: ", deparse(x$call), "\n", sep = "")
   ## Print information about input data
      "Input data: %d %d-dimensional observations.\n", x$n, x$d))
   ## Print information about the distribution (and wether 'loc'/'scale' provided)
   scale.string <- if(x$do.scale) "unknown scale matrix and" else "known scale matrix and"
      cat("Fitting a grouped t copula with", scale.string, numgroups, "group(s) and group sizes given by \n")
      print(table(x$groupings, dnn = "Group"))
      cat(sprintf("Approximated log-likelihood at reported parameter estimates: %f \n",
                  round(x$max.ll, digits)), sep = "")
      cat("Fitting method used: ", x$fit.method, "\n")
   } else {
      cat("Fitting a t copula with", scale.string, "and method ", x$fit.method, "\n")
      cat(sprintf("Log-likelihood at reported parameter estimates: %f \n",
                  round(x$max.ll, digits)), sep = "")
   ## Print dof parameters
   tmpstring <- if(is.grouped) "for each group" else ""
   cat("Estimated degrees-of-freedom", tmpstring, "\n")
   ## Print 'scale'
   estim.prov.scale <- if(x$do.scale) "Estimated" else "Provided"
   cat(estim.prov.scale, "'scale' matrix: ", '\n')
   print(x$scale, digits = digits)
   invisible(x) # return

## Method 'summary' for S3 class 'fitgStudentcopula'
summary.fitgStudentcopula <- function(object, ...,
                                      digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)){
   ## Check if grouped or not
   numgroups <- length(unique(object$groupings))
   is.grouped <- (numgroups > 1) # logical 
   ## Print function call to fitnvmix()
   cat("Call: ", deparse(object$call), "\n", sep = "")
   ## Print information about input data
      "Input data: %d %d-dimensional observations.\n", object$n, object$d))
   ## Print information about the distribution (and wether 'loc'/'scale' provided)
   scale.string <- if(object$do.scale) "unknown scale matrix and" else "known scale matrix and"
      cat("Fitting a grouped t copula with", scale.string, numgroups, "group(s) and group sizes given by \n")
      print(table(object$groupings, dnn = "Group"))
      cat(sprintf("Approximated log-likelihood at reported parameter estimates: %f \n",
                  round(object$max.ll, digits)), sep = "")
   } else {
      cat("Fitting a t copula with", scale.string, "\n")
      cat(sprintf("Log-likelihood at reported parameter estimates: %f \n",
                  round(object$max.ll, digits)), sep = "")
   cat("Fitting method used: ", object$fit.method, "\n")
   ## Print dof parameters
   tmpstring <- if(is.grouped) "for each group" else ""
   cat("Estimated degrees-of-freedom", tmpstring, "\n")
   ## Print 'scale'
   estim.prov.scale <- if(object$do.scale) "Estimated" else "Provided"
   cat(estim.prov.scale, "'scale' matrix: ", '\n')
   print(object$scale, digits = digits)
   ## -- up to here same as print.fitgStudentcopula() --
      ## Optim was used
      if(object$opt.conv == 1)
         cat("Maximum number of iterations exhausted in optim(); consider increasing 'optim.maxit' in the control argument.")
      if(object$opt.conv == 10)
         cat("optim() detected degeneracy of the Nelder-Mead simplex.")
   invisible(object) # return

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