
Defines functions qnvmix quantile_

Documented in qnvmix

### qnvmix() ###################################################################

##' @param title Estimate Quantiles for Univariate Normal Mixtures or for
##'        Gamma Mixtures
##' @param u see ?qnvmix()
##' @param qmix see ?qnvmix()
##' @param which character string; either 'nvmix1' in which case the quantile
##'        of a 1dim nvmix distribution is returned or 'maha2' in which
##'        case the quantile of the distribution 'W * chi^2_d' is returned
##' @param control see ?qnvmix()
##' @param verbose see ?qnvmix()
##' @param q.only see ?qnvmix()
##' @param stored.values see ?qnvmix()
##' @param ... see ?qnvmix()
##' @return see ?qnvmix()
##' @author Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux
quantile_ <- function(u, qmix, which = c('nvmix1', 'maha2'), d = 1, 
                      control = list(), verbose = TRUE, q.only = FALSE, 
                      stored.values = NULL, ...)
   ## Basic input checking ('stored.values' is checked below)
   stopifnot(!any(u>=1), !any(u<=0), is.logical(verbose), is.logical(q.only))
   if(!is.vector(u)) u <- as.vector(u)
   ## Deal with algorithm parameters, see also ?get_set_param()
   control <- get_set_param(control)
   ## Grab various quantities from 'control'
   method    <- control$method
   B         <- control$B
   n0        <- control$fun.eval[1]
   ## Define the quantile function of the mixing variable
   mix_list      <- get_mix_(qmix = qmix, callingfun = "qnvmix", ... ) 
   qW            <- mix_list[[1]] # function(u)
   special.mix   <- mix_list[[2]]
   ## Build result vectors
   n               <- length(u)
   quantiles       <- rep(NA, n)
   log.density     <- rep(NA, n)
   num.iter.newton <- rep(0,  n)
   ## Deal with special distributions
   if(!is.na(special.mix)) {
      if(!(special.mix == "pareto")) {
         ## Only for "inverse.gamma" and "constant" do we have analytical forms:
         quantiles <- switch(special.mix,
                             "inverse.gamma" = {
                                df <- mix_list$param
                                if(which == "maha2") {
                                   ## D^2 ~ d* F(d, df)
                                   q <- qf(u, df1 = d, df2 = df) * d
                                      log.density <- df(q/d, df1 = d, df2 = df, 
                                                        log = TRUE)-log(d)
                                } else {
                                   ## X ~ t_df
                                   q <- qt(u, df = df)
                                      log.density <- dt(q, df = df, log = TRUE)
                             "constant" = {
                                if(which == "maha2") {
                                   ## D^2 ~ chi^2_d = Gamma(shape = d/2, scale = 2)
                                   q <- qgamma(u, shape = d/2, scale = 2)
                                      log.density <- dgamma(q, shape = d/2, scale = 2, log = TRUE)
                                } else {
                                   ## X ~ N(0,1)
                                   q <- qnorm(u)
                                      log.density <- dnorm(q, log = TRUE)
         ## Return in those cases
         if(q.only) {
         } else {
            return(list(q = quantiles,
                        log.density = log.density,
                        computed.values = cbind(quantiles, u, log.density,
                                                deparse.level = 0),
                        newton.iterations = rep(0, length(u))))
   ## 2 Set up helper function 'est.cdf.dens()' ###############################
   ## Initialize first pointset needed for RQMC approach
   if(method == "sobol") seeds_ <- sample(1:(1e5*B), B)  # B seeds for 'sobol()'
   ## Get realizations of W and sqrt(W)
   ## Initial point-set with B columns (each column = one shift)
   U0 <- switch(method,
                "sobol"   = {
                   sapply(1:B, function(i)
                      sobol(n0, d = 1, randomize = "digital.shift", 
                            seed = seeds_[i]))
                "gHalton" = {
                   sapply(1:B, function(i)
                      ghalton(n0, d = 1, method = "generalized"))
                "prng"    = {
                   matrix(runif(B*n0), ncol = B)
                }) # (n0, B) matrix
   mixings      <- apply(U0, 2, qW) # qW() may be not 'matricized'
   sqrt.mixings <- sqrt(mixings) # (n0, B) matrix
   ## Set up various quantities for 'est.cdf.dens()':
   CI.factor <- control$CI.factor/sqrt(B) # instead of dividing by 'sqrt(B)' all the time
   current.n <- n0 # will give ncol(mixings)
   ldensity.constant <- switch(which,
                               "nvmix1" = {
                                  -1/2 * log(2* pi)
                               "maha2" = {
                                  -d/2*log(2) - lgamma(d/2)
                               }) # to avoid recomputation
   ## Function that estimates F(x) and logf(x) for *scalar* input x. Similar to
   ## pnvmix() and dnvmix() with 'increment = "num.init"', tailored to the
   ## one - dimensional case. Previous realizations of the mixing variable are
   ## reused (=> arguments 'mixings' and 'sqrt.mixings')
   est.cdf.dens <- function(x, mixings, sqrt.mixings) {
      ## Define various quantities:
      xx2 <- x*x/2
      rqmc.estimates.log.density <- rep(NA, B)
      rqmc.estimates.cdf         <- rep(NA, B)
      current.n <- dim(mixings)[1]
      ## First use 'mixings' and 'sqrt.mixings' that are already available
      for(l in 1:B) {
         ## Grab realizations corresponding to l'th shift and use exp-log trick
         log.dens <- switch(which,
                            "nvmix1" = {
                               ldensity.constant - log(mixings[,l])/2 -
                                  xx2 / mixings[,l] # length 'current.n'
                            "maha2" = {
                               ldensity.constant - d/2*log(mixings[,l]) +
                                  (d/2-1)*log(x) - x/(2*mixings[,l])
         log.dens.max <- max(log.dens)
         rqmc.estimates.log.density[l] <- -log(current.n) + log.dens.max +
            log(sum(exp(log.dens - log.dens.max)))
         rqmc.estimates.cdf[l] <- switch(which,
                                         "nvmix1" = {
                                            mean( pnorm(x/sqrt.mixings[,l]) )
                                         "maha2" = {
                                            mean( pgamma(x/mixings[,l],
                                                         shape = d/2, scale = 2))
      ## Check if precisions are reached
      error <- c(sd(rqmc.estimates.cdf)/mean(rqmc.estimates.cdf),
                 sd(rqmc.estimates.log.density) ) *CI.factor
      precision.reached <- (error[1] <= control$newton.df.reltol &
                               error[2] <= control$newton.logdens.abstol)
         stop("Problem in est.cdf.dens(): error NA or NaN for x = ", paste(x))
      if(!precision.reached) {
         ## Set up while loop
         iter.rqmc <- 1
         while(!precision.reached && 
               iter.rqmc < control$newton.df.max.iter.rqmc) {
            ## Get another n0 realizations
            U.next <- switch(method,
                             "sobol"   = {
                                sapply(1:B, function(i)
                                   sobol(n0, d = 1, randomize = "digital.shift",
                                         seed = seeds_[i], 
                                         skip = current.n))
                             "gHalton" = {
                                sapply(1:B, function(i)
                                   ghalton(n0, d = 1, method = "generalized"))
                             "prng"    = {
                                matrix(runif(B*n0), ncol = B)
            mixings.next      <- apply(U.next, 2, qW) # (n0, B) matrix
            sqrt.mixings.next <- sqrt(mixings.next ) # (n0, B) matrix
            ## Update RQMC estimators
            for (l in 1:B) {
               ## Grab realizations corresponding to l'th shift and use exp-log trick
               log.dens <- switch(which,
                                  "nvmix1" = {
                                     ldensity.constant - log(mixings.next[, l])/2 -
                                        xx2 / mixings.next[, l] # length n0
                                  "maha2" = {
                                     ldensity.constant - d/2*log(mixings.next[, l]) +
                                        (d/2-1)*log(x) - x/(2*mixings.next[, l])
               log.dens.max <- max(log.dens)
               ## Previous estimate based on 'current.n', new one based on 'n0' samples
               rqmc.estimates.log.density[l] <-
                  (current.n*rqmc.estimates.log.density[l] +
                      n0*(-log(n0) + log.dens.max + 
                             log(sum(exp(log.dens - log.dens.max)))))/
                  (current.n + n0)
               rqmc.estimates.cdf[l] <-
                         "nvmix1" = {
                            (current.n * rqmc.estimates.cdf[l] +
                               (current.n + n0)
                         "maha2" = {
                            (current.n * rqmc.estimates.cdf[l] +
                                           shape = d/2, scale = 2)))/
                               (current.n + n0)
            ## Update' mixings' and 'sqrt.mixings' so that they can be reused
            mixings <- rbind(mixings, mixings.next)
            sqrt.mixings <- rbind(sqrt.mixings, sqrt.mixings.next)
            current.n <- current.n + n0
            ## Update iteration number and error(s)
            iter.rqmc <- iter.rqmc + 1
            est.cdf   <- mean(rqmc.estimates.cdf)
            error <- c(sd(rqmc.estimates.cdf)/est.cdf,
                       sd(rqmc.estimates.log.density) ) * CI.factor
            precision.reached <- (error[1] <= control$newton.df.reltol
                                  && error[2] <= control$newton.logdens.abstol)
      warn.df.reltol <- error[1] > control$newton.df.reltol
      ## Return
      return(list(estimates = c(mean(rqmc.estimates.cdf), mean(rqmc.estimates.log.density)),
                  mixings = mixings, # return 'new' mxinings (= old mixings and new mixings)
                  sqrt.mixings = sqrt.mixings,
                  warn.df.reltol = warn.df.reltol))
   ## 3 Actual computation of quantiles (Newton's method) #####################
   warn.df.reltol <- FALSE  # logical if warnings produced in 'est.cdf.dens()'
   warn.conv.abstol <- FALSE # logical if absolute convergence tolerance not rchd
   if(which == "nvmix1") {
      ## Only compute quantiles for u>=0.5 (use symmetry in the other case)
      lower <- (u < 0.5)
      u[lower] <- 1 - u[lower]
   ## Sort u. Ordering needed to return the quantiles in the correct order later
   ordering <- order(u)
   u.sorted <- u[ordering]
   ZERO     <- .Machine$double.neg.eps
   if(is.null(stored.values)) {
      ## Matrix of the form [x, F(x), logf(x)] to store df and density evaluations
      ## Sample some mixings, transform them to realizations
      mixings. <- sample(mixings, n. <- min(n0, max(n, 5)))
      x <- if(which == "nvmix1") {
         c(0, mixings. * abs(rnorm(n.)))
      } else {
         mixings. * rgamma(n., shape = d/2, scale = 2)
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      ## Evaluate df and density of the sample and store
      stored.values <-
                "nvmix1" = {
                         pnvmix(x, qmix = qW, scale = as.matrix(1), 
                                control = control),
                         dnvmix(x, qmix = qW, scale = as.matrix(1), 
                                control = control, log = TRUE))
                "maha2" = {
                         pgammamix(x, qmix = qW, d = d, control = control),
                         dgammamix(x, qmix = qW, d = d, control = control, 
                                   log = TRUE))
   } else {
      ## Some very basic checking if stored.values was provided
      stopifnot(is.matrix(stored.values), dim(stored.values)[2] == 3,
                !any(stored.values[,2] > 1 | stored.values[,2] < 0))
   ## Main loop for Newton's method
   for (i in 1:n) {
      ## Initialize error and counter for Newton
      error <- control$newton.conv.abstol+ 42
      iter.newton <- 0
      ## Grab current u
      current.u <- u.sorted[i]
      ## Did we already have that u? (could happen if, e.g., u = c(0.4,0.6))
      if(i > 1 && current.u == u.sorted[i-1]) {
         quantiles[i]   <- quantiles[i-1]
         log.density[i] <- log.density[i-1]
      ## Get starting value: x in stored.values sth F(x) is close to u
      closest.ind     <- which.min(abs(stored.values[, 2] - current.u))
      current.qu      <- stored.values[closest.ind, 1]
      current.funvals <- stored.values[closest.ind, 2:3] # (F(x), log f(x))
      ## Main loop for Newton procedure
      while (error > control$newton.conv.abstol && iter.newton < control$max.iter.newton)
         ## Update quantile
         next.qu <- current.qu - sign(current.funvals[1]-current.u)*
            exp(log( abs(current.funvals[1]-current.u)) - current.funvals[2])
         ## Quantiles > 0 here (since u>=0.5 for 'nvmix1')
         if(next.qu < ZERO) next.qu <- current.qu/2
         diff.qu <- (current.qu - (current.qu <- next.qu))
         ## Call 'est.cdf.dens()'
         cdf.dens.mixings <- est.cdf.dens(current.qu, mixings, sqrt.mixings)
         warn.df.reltol <- warn.df.reltol | cdf.dens.mixings$warn.df.reltol
         current.funvals  <- cdf.dens.mixings$estimates
         ## Store these values in 'stored.values'
         stored.values    <- rbind( stored.values, c(current.qu, current.funvals),
                                    deparse.level = 0)
         ## Update 'mixings' and 'sqrt.mixings'
         mixings      <- cdf.dens.mixings$mixings
         sqrt.mixings <- cdf.dens.mixings$sqrt.mixings
         ## Update error and increase counter
         error <- abs(diff.qu)
         iter.newton <- iter.newton + 1
      ## Store result
      quantiles[i]       <- current.qu
      log.density[i]     <- current.funvals[2]
      num.iter.newton[i] <- iter.newton
      warn.conv.abstol <- warn.conv.abstol | (error > control$newton.conv.abstol)
   ## 4 Clean-up and return ###################################################
   ## Print warnings
         warning("'newton.conv.abstol' not reached; consider increasing 'max.iter.newton' in the 'control' argument.")
         warning("'newton.df.reltol' not reached; consider increasing 'newton.df.max.iter.rqmc' in the 'control' argument.")
   ## Order results according to original ordering of input u
   quantiles <- quantiles[order(ordering)]
   if(which == "nvmix1") {
      ## Use symmetry for those u which were < 0.5
      quantiles[lower] <- -quantiles[lower]
   ## Return
   if(q.only) {
   } else{
      num.iter.newton <- num.iter.newton[order(ordering)]
      log.density     <- log.density[order(ordering)]
      list(q = quantiles,
           log.density = log.density,
           computed.values = stored.values,
           newton.iterations = num.iter.newton)

##' @title Quantiles of Normal Variance Mixtures
##' @param u vector of probabilities
##' @param qmix specification of the (mixture) distribution of W. This can be:
##'        1) a character string specifying a supported distribution (additional
##'           arguments of this distribution are passed via '...').
##'        2) a list of length at least one; the first argument specifies
##'           the base name of an existing distribution which can be sampled
##'           with prefix "q", the other elements denote additional parameters
##'           passed to this "rmix" random number generator.
##'        3) a function being interpreted as the quantile function F_W^-.
##' @param control see ?get_set_param()
##' @param verbose logical if warnings should be thrown
##' @param q.only if TRUE, only quantiles will be returned, ow additional quantites (see return )
##' @param stored.values matrix with 3 columns of the form [x, F(x), logf(x)] where
##'           F and logf are the df and log-density of the distribution specified
##'           in 'qmix'.
##'           If provided it will be used to determine starting values for
##'           the internal newton proceudure. Only very basic checking is done.
##' @param ... see ?pnvmix()
##' @return if q.only is TRUE, vector of same length as u with entries F^{-1}(u)
##'         if q.only is FALSE, a list of
##'         - $q: Vector of quantiles
##'         - $log.density: Vector log-density values at q
##'         - $computed.values: matrix with 3 columns [x, F(x), logf(x)]
##'         - $newton.iterations: Vector, element i gives nb of
##'            Newton iterations needed for u[i]
##' @author Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux
##' @note - If only the quantiles are needed, abstol.logdensity does not need to be as small.
qnvmix <- function(u, qmix, control = list(), verbose = TRUE, q.only = TRUE,
                   stored.values = NULL, ...)
   quantile_(u, qmix = qmix, which = "nvmix1", d = 1, control = control,
             verbose = verbose, q.only = q.only,
             stored.values = stored.values, ...)

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