
Defines functions getSoundFragments

Documented in getSoundFragments

#' Gets sound fragments from 'LaBB-CAT'.
#' @param labbcat.url URL to the LaBB-CAT instance
#' @param ids The transcript ID (transcript name) of the sound recording, or
#'     a vector of transcript IDs. 
#' @param start.offsets The start time in seconds, or a vector of start times.
#' @param end.offsets The end time in seconds, or a vector of end times.
#' @param sample.rate Optional sample rate in Hz - if a positive
#'     integer, then the result is a mono file with the given sample rate.
#' @param path Optional path to directory where the files should be saved.
#' @param no.progress TRUE to supress visual progress bar. Otherwise, progress bar will be
#'     shown when interactive().
#' @return The name of the file, which is saved in the current
#'     directory, or a list of names of files, if multiple
#'     id's/start's/end's were specified 
#' If a list of files is returned, they are in the order that they
#'     were returned by the server, which *should* be the order that
#'     they were specified in the id/start/end lists.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## define the LaBB-CAT URL
#' labbcat.url <- "https://labbcat.canterbury.ac.nz/demo/"
#' ## Get the 5 seconds starting from 10s after the beginning of a recording
#' wav.file <- getSoundFragments(labbcat.url, "AP2505_Nelson.eaf", 10.0, 15.0, path="samples")
#' ## Get the 5 seconds starting from 10s as a mono 22kHz file
#' wav.file <- getSoundFragments(labbcat.url, "AP2505_Nelson.eaf", 10.0, 15.0, 22050)
#' ## Load some search results previously exported from LaBB-CAT
#' results <- read.csv("results.csv", header=T)
#' ## Get a list of fragments
#' wav.files <- getSoundFragments(labbcat.url, results$Transcript, results$Line, results$LineEnd)
#' ## Get a list of fragments
#' wav.file <- getSoundFragments(
#'               labbcat.url, results$Transcript, results$Line, results$LineEnd)
#' }
#' @keywords sample sound fragment wav
getSoundFragments <- function(labbcat.url, ids, start.offsets, end.offsets, sample.rate = NULL, path="", no.progress=FALSE) {
    dir = path
    if (length(ids) > 1) { ## multiple fragments
        ## save fragments into their own directory
        if (stringr::str_length(dir) == 0) dir <- "fragments"
    if (stringr::str_length(dir) > 0) { ## directory is specified
        ## if it wasn't explicitly specified...
        if (file.exists(dir) && stringr::str_length(path) == 0) { 
            ## ensure it's a new directory by adding a number
            n <- 1
            new.dir = paste(dir,"(",n,")", sep="")
            while (file.exists(new.dir)) {
                n <- n + 1
                new.dir = paste(dir,"(",n,")", sep="")
            } # next try
            dir <- new.dir
        if (!file.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir)
        ## add trailing slash if there isn't one
        if (!grepl(paste("\\", .Platform$file.sep, "$", sep=""), dir)) {
            dir <- paste(dir, .Platform$file.sep, sep="")

    pb <- NULL
    if (interactive() && !no.progress && length(ids) > 1) {
        pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(ids), style = 3)        

    ## loop through each triple, getting fragments individually
    ## (we could actually pass the lot to LaBB-CAT in one go and get a ZIP file back
    ##  but then we can't be sure the results contain a row for every fragment specified
    ##  and we can't display a progress bar)
    file.names = c()
    r <- 1
    for (graph.id in ids) {
        parameters <- list(id=graph.id, start=start.offsets[r], end=end.offsets[r])
        if (!is.null(sample.rate)) parameters <- list(id=graph.id, start=start.offsets[r], end=end.offsets[r], sampleRate=sample.rate)
        file.name <- paste(dir, stringr::str_replace(graph.id, "\\.[^.]+$",""), "__", start.offsets[r], "-", end.offsets[r], ".wav", sep="")

            resp <- http.post(labbcat.url, "soundfragment", parameters, file.name)
            if (httr::status_code(resp) != 200) { # 200 = OK
                print(paste("ERROR: ", httr::http_status(resp)$message))
                if (httr::status_code(resp) != 404) { # 404 means the audio wasn't on the server
                    ## some other error occurred so print what we got from the server
                file.name <<- NULL
            } else {
                content.disposition <- as.character(httr::headers(resp)["content-disposition"])
                content.disposition.parts <- strsplit(content.disposition, "=")
                if (length(content.disposition.parts[[1]]) > 1
                    && file.name != content.disposition.parts[[1]][2]) {
                    ## file name is specified, so use it
                    final.file.name <- paste(dir, content.disposition.parts[[1]][2], sep="")
                    file.rename(file.name, final.file.name)
                    file.name <- final.file.name
        }, error = function(e) {
            print(paste("ERROR:", e))
            file.name <<- NULL
        file.names <- append(file.names, file.name)
        if (!is.null(pb)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, r)
        r <- r+1
    } ## next row
    if (!is.null(pb)) close(pb)

Try the nzilbb.labbcat package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

nzilbb.labbcat documentation built on July 26, 2023, 6:08 p.m.