
Defines functions ohsome_query

Documented in ohsome_query

#' Create an `ohsome_query` object
#' Creates an `ohsome_query` object specifying the ohsome API endpoint and
#' the request parameters.
#' @inheritParams ohsome_boundary
#' @inheritParams ohsome_post
#' @param endpoint The path to the 
#'   [ohsome API endpoint](https://docs.ohsome.org/ohsome-api/v1/endpoints.html). 
#'   Either a single string (e.g. `"elements/count"`) or a vector of character 
#'   in the right order (e.g. `c("elements", "count")`).
#' @param grouping character; group type(s) for grouped aggregations (only 
#'   available for queries to aggregation endpoints). The following group types 
#'   are available:
#'   * `"boundary"` groups the result by the given boundaries that are defined 
#'   through any of the `boundary` query parameters.
#'   * `"key"` groups the result by the given keys that are defined through the 
#'   `groupByKeys` query parameter.
#'   * `"tag"` groups the result by the given tags that are defined through the 
#'   `groupByKey` and `groupByValues` query parameters.
#'   * `"type"` groups the result by OSM element type.
#'   * `c("boundary", "tag")` groups the result by the given boundaries and 
#'   tags.
#'   Not all of these group types are accepted by all of the aggregation 
#'   endpoints. Check 
#'   [Grouping](https://docs.ohsome.org/ohsome-api/v1/group-by.html) 
#'   for available group types.
#' @param ... Parameters of the request to the ohsome API endpoint.
#' @return An `ohsome_query` object. The object can be sent to the ohsome API 
#'   with [ohsome_post()]. It consists of the following elements:
#'   * `url`: The URL of the endpoint.
#'   * `encode`: The way the information is encoded and then posted to the
#'   ohsome API. Set as `"form"`.
#'   * `body`: The parameters of the query such as `format`, `filter` or 
#'   `bpolys`.
#' @seealso [ohsome API documentation](https://docs.ohsome.org/ohsome-api/v1/)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Extract building geometries with manually set bboxes parameter
#' ohsome_query(
#'     "elements/geometry", 
#'     bboxes = "8.6,49.36,8.75,49.44", 
#'     time = "2022-01-01",
#'     filter = "building=*"
#' )
#' # Extract building geometries using a boundary object:
#' ohsome_query(
#'     "elements/geometry", 
#'     boundary = "8.6,49.36,8.75,49.44", 
#'     time = "2022-01-01",
#'     filter = "building=*"
#' )
ohsome_query <- function(
	boundary = NULL,
	grouping = NULL,
	validate = FALSE) {

	body <- lapply(list(...), paste, collapse=",")
	explicit_format <- !is.null(body[["format"]])

		!explicit_format &&
		!any(grepl("(centroid|bbox|geometry)", endpoint))
	) {
		if(any(grepl("boundary", endpoint))) {
			body[["format"]] = "geojson"
		} else {
			body[["format"]] = "csv"

	query <- structure(
			url = build_endpoint_url(endpoint),
			encode = "form",
			body = body
		class = "ohsome_query"

	if(!is.null(grouping)) {
		query <- set_grouping(query, grouping, reset_format = !explicit_format)

	if(!is.null(boundary)) {
		btypes <- c("bpolys", "bboxes", "bcircles")
		check <- btypes %in% names(query$body)
		if(any(check)) warning(
				"Boundary overwrites", 
				paste(btypes[check], collapse = ", "), 
			call. = FALSE
		query <- set_boundary(query, boundary)

	if(validate) validate_query(query)


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ohsome documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:18 p.m.